Diamond Life and Style Podcast show

Diamond Life and Style Podcast

Summary: Dream BIG! This Inspirational Podcast educates and inspires you about the real deal how to create an extraordinary life of your own design. Oh, YEAH! This podcast is for YOU whether you are an entrepreneur, creator, artist, musician, businessperson, mom, dad, student or alien who has just landed on earth looking for wisdom - These animated stories and conversations will expand your consciousness & give you very practical, actionable tips that will make your life more incredible than you have ever imagined. Diamond Life And Style's Host Ko-Shin will have Visionaries from all over the world share their brilliant wisdom with you. This show will change your life for the better!

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  • Artist: Ko-Shin - Musician, Storyteller, Entrepreneur & Blogger
  • Copyright: Copyright 2013 Diamond Life and Style - all rights reserved


 diamond life and style podcast #1 -how to get sh*t done with my world-changing secret | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:34

(http://www.diamondlifeandstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/DLS-PODCAST-ARTWORK-e1372036745504.jpg)                       So excited to share with you my FIRST Diamond Life and Style Podcast. Here is the transcription of the podcast - you can read along as you listen to my animated storytelling: Last year my music coach let me in on a juicy life-changing secret I (shockingly) hadn't heard of before.  For someone who has an avid passion that has led to a wall of self-help & entrepreneurial business books, this little nugget o' wisdom somehow never crossed my wildflower jewel encrusted path. I only wish I had known about it sooner... OK! It's hard to admit it, but I have perfectionistic tendencies - and they have a habit of getting in my way. I'm not a complete perfectionist or obsessive compulsive or anything like that - I just have really powerful multi-dimensional technicolor visions for what I want to create. I am also a Virgo - can I blame it on that?! When I find myself in circumstances that I 'm not yet able to pull-off something I vividly dream of, I have often felt overwhelmed and start to look like a deer in headlights. That feeling gets me trapped - like a dog chasing its tail, spinning in circles instead of finding solutions. And I know they are out there, or more profundly, in here (inside of me). I just might not have found them yet. (http://www.diamondlifeandstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Iam-the-creator.jpg)                               Many years ago while living in a Zen Buddhist Temple (a colorful story for another time!) I learned about Right Action. It's the fourth aspect of the Buddha's Eight-Fold Path To Enlightenment.  Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says "The basis of Right Action is to do everything in mindfulness." So, at numerous times I mindfully have found myself unaware of how to get from where I am to where I want to be. I  also have mindfully found myself to feel extremely emotional, anxious, afraid, and overwhelmed to the point of tears. My full-blown awareness might have actually made the whole jamboree a lot more painful, because as people often say "ignorance is bliss." At those times in an effort to soothe myself - I try to remember this line from a zen sutra - "How can you know the way as you walk, progress is not a matter of far or near, but if you are confused - mountains and rivers will block the way." Well I've been confused and yep, the wise one's were right - because I have felt like a huge mountain was standing before me, and how the $%#!! was I gonna climb my own personal Mount Everest?! Being a true artist, an entrepreneur and an original of any kind is a wild, exciting, winding, ever expanding and completely uncertain life. Sign me up! Oh wait, I really didn't have a choice - because you are who you are - and honestly, one secret about being human is that (like my morbidly honest 7th grade science teacher used to say) the only thing you can count on in life is- death and taxes. That was a jagged little pill for me to swallow at 12 years old. So back to my perfectionist tendencies (and maybe yours too) - they have stopped me from getting a LOT of things done in my life. There are books of songs sitting in my studio, and piles of unfinished recordings that I swear - you will never hear. Sorry - because honestly they just weren't good enough. Maybe for someone else, but not for me. There are art projects and short stories and videos and a lot of other things most people would think were brilliant - that I will never ever ever show the world. EVER! Now of course one has to have their standards!  Not everything Lennon & McCartney wrote was perfect (or was it!). Not everything Kandinsky, Klee, Picasso and Rauschenberg painted or sculpted was pure genius. We have to wonder: what treasures have they kept from their adoring fans?!


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