Wellness Wednesdays Videocast show

Wellness Wednesdays Videocast

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 Science of Re-programming Your DNA and Language of Genes | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:27

Russian scientists have played it smarter than their Western contemporaries when it comes to DNA, or so is the claim of Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf in their article on wakeup-world.com. The two reported that Western folk made a sad assumption claiming only 10% of human genes are functional and important, but named the remaining 90% “junk DNA.” That assumption is historically credited to Susumu Ohno, a geneticist of Japanese descent, born in Korea, who received a Ph.D. in veterinary science at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, followed by a Ph.D. and D.Sc. from Hokkaido University. In 1951 he became an American citizen and in 1972 Ohno wrote the article, So Much ‘Junk DNA' in our Genome. In fact, the seemingly useless DNA that scientists can scarcely explain make up not 90% but 95-98% of the genome, leaving us with at least 2% purposeful DNA. Most scientists no longer consider this labeling to be valid, but have recognized that nature has not proven to be so wasteful. The human DNA isn’t filled with junk. We just haven’t been able to comprehend it. On/Off Switches In August of this year a study conducted through the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney's Centenary Institute reported that at least part of the function of non-coding DNA (previously known as “junk”) is regulatory. Referred to as introns, these genetic materials don’t contain code to build proteins but control the expression of genes that do. Researchers observed that when introns were retained instead of spliced out from the mRNA transcription, protein construction sometimes stopped altogether. Intron retention, then, appears to be a biological means to control the activity of genes. They act as switches to turn genes on or off, or, as Ian Sample of the Encode project adds, “they may act like volume controls, turning a gene up and turning a gene down a little bit.” ScienceDaily reported: "This discovery, involving what was previously referred to as "junk," opens up a new level of gene expression control that could also play a role in the development of many other tissue types," Rasko [researcher] says. "Our observations were quite surprising and they open entirely new avenues for potential treatments in diverse diseases including cancers and leukemias." Encode Project Encode is an international project launched by The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in 2003. The name is code for ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements. The purpose of the project is to identify all of the functional elements within the human genome. The project has affirmed that the 20,000 protein-coding genes originally mapped out in the year-2000 are really just following orders. Yet, inside the previously named junk DNA 10,000 new “genes” have been identified. These bits of genetic material contain code for components that control the 3% of the DNA we know and love. Researchers believe that as much as 18% of our DNA sequence is modulating less than 2% of our DNA. Finally disproving the junk DNA theory, Encode has identified a biochemical function in 80% of the DNA sequence. The Encode experts are enthusiastic that this greater understanding of genetic processes will lead to treatments for diseases including heart disease, diabetes and Crohn’s disease, which are partly caused by genetic “glitches.” In recent history researchers have only looked at the bad handwriting, so to speak, noting the mutations or faulty instructions on the genes. Now their sights are set on the hidden “writers” higher up on the DNA chain causing those glitches. If they can get a hold of those, some believe they’ll be able to nip disease processes before they start. Omnipresence While the many hundreds of researchers from around the world joined forces to study the human genome through the Encode project, researchers in Russia began their own adventures back in 1990. A team led by Dr. Pjotr Garjajev has been thinking down a different path.

 Nuclear Waste, The Threat of Disaster and Japan’s Need for Help | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 5:52

After ousting the flawed and untrustworthy leadership of Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) the Japanese government is moving forward with plans to relocate 400 tons of highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel this November 2013. The press and commentators e...

 Warning Against Antibiotics | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:47

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) just made an astounding case against antibiotics. Their report serves mostly to confirm what many of us have either suspected or expected. Isolated chemicals sent into our bodies to fight dirty little microbes ultimately strengthen the microbes and weaken our defenses. The alternative happy ending: alternative medicine. The Threat Report The “Threat Report 2013” (TR) details chilling discoveries warranting the CDC’s urgent alert. Each year more than 2 million Americans get sick with a “super bug,” a pathogen that has evolved to defend itself against our manmade drugs. More than 23,000 die yearly and that doesn’t include patients whose diseases such as diabetes II or cancer were complicated because of super bugs and no drugs to beat ‘em. Antibiotic-resistance costs the USA upwards of $20 billion with an additional estimated $35 billion in lost productivity due to illness and hospitalization. Here’s one factor that probably contributes to the expense: “Antibiotics are responsible for almost 1 out of 5 emergency department visits for adverse drug events.” According to the experts, a staggering 50% of antibiotic prescriptions are not needed or are the wrong fit. That means that if you get two prescriptions this year, most likely one of them is off. Animal Restrictions Now the FDA is tightening the lasso on ranchers. They recently issued new guidelines about the use of drugs in food animals. Livestock can receive treatment specific to illness but using drugs to enhance weight gain or “feeding efficiency” will no longer fly. As the TR noted, “The use of antibiotics for promoting growth is not necessary, and the practice should be phased out.” Amen and let it be. How it Works In short, antibiotics kill more than the unwanted bacteria. They also destroy healthy ones. Even if the drug is effective against most of the invaders, if it can’t take out the superbug then it’ll leave you depleted of your own natural defenses and vulnerable to the attacker. The microorganism is basically playing good chess. Your antibiotic may take out his knight and a few pawns, but in the end he gets the checkmate because his superbugs outnumber your anti-bugs. On the upside, this is a reminder that in the aftermath of harmful drugs or in the case of illness, our first resort may still be as simple as probiotics. Eat yogurt, drink kefir, include fermented veggies such as kim chi or “real” sauerkraut with your meals, and/or buy a quality supplement. Scientists say that 60-70% of our immune system is in the gut, where friendly microbes beat disease-causing pathogens regularly. The more armed you are with healthy flora the healthier your GI tract, and the stronger your immunity. C. diff You might hear more about Clostridium difficile (C. diff) in the coming days. The illness is deadly and its primary cause is antibiotics. C. diff is characterized by continuous and uncontrollable diarrhea, inflamed intestines and bleeding ulcers. TR says: “…almost 250,000 people each year require hospital care for Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infections. In most of these infections, the use of antibiotics was a major contributing factor leading to the illness. At least 14,000 people die each year in the United States from C. difficile infections. Many of these infections could have been prevented.” (CDC) Another set of unexpected bandits are the modern antacids known as PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) including Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec. One researcher was shocked to discover that fully 76% of C. diff patients at the Stockton Hospital had this one treatment in common. If you have acid reflux, consider a natural alternative. Risk Factors The good news is that if you stay out of hospitals you’re less likely to catch an antibiotic resistant infection. Hospitals are the #1 breeding ground for these pathogens. People who are at highest risk include those: receiving chemotherapy

 Bees Can Detect Cancer In 10 Minutes | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 4:15

Scientists have discovered that honey bees and wasps have an excellent sense of smell which is better than a sniffer dog and can be trained to perform a variety of tasks. Bees in particular can detect airborne molecules in the parts-per-trillion range. Trained bees and wasps can detect substances such as explosive materials, illegal drugs, as well as some human and plant diseases. Bees have been shown to not only detect and respond to more than 60 different odors including methamphetamine, uranium, and tuberculosis but also detect the early signs of fungal disease, lung and skin cancers, diabetes, and to confirm pregnancy. Portuguese designer Susana Soares has developed a device for detecting cancer and other serious diseases using trained bees. Soares explained that the bees can be trained within 10 minutes, using Pavlov’s reflex to target a wide range of natural and man-made chemicals and odors, including the biomarkers associated with certain diseases. The training simply consists of exposing the bees to a specific odor and then feeding them with a solution of water and sugar, therefore they associate that odor with a food reward. The aim of Susana’s project is to develop upon current technological research by using design to translate the outcome into systems and objects that people can understand and use. So how does this device work.The glass objects have two enclosures: a smaller chamber that serves as the diagnosis space and a bigger chamber where previously trained bees are kept for the short period of time necessary for them to detect general health. People exhale into the smaller chamber and the bees rush into it if they detect on the breath the odor that they were trained to target. By utilizing these innovative devices many lives can be saved by using bees to detect cancer and other life-threatening diseases early. Make sure to share this important information with family and friends by liking and sharing this video on Facebook. Remember to subscribe to our youtube channel so I can let you know when our new videos are released. Be a part of a solution, so together we can make the world a better place.

 What (and Who) is Killing The Honey Bees? | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 7:11

We seem to be in an age of discovery... of a different sort. More and more we’re finding that much of our human ingenuity employed to control and “enhance” nature during recent generations has lacked foresight and is reaping unforeseeable, unimaginable consequences. Who would have thought that spraying pesticides, herbicides and fungicides in order to secure a greater harvest would actually become a threat to life itself? We’ve been talking lots lately about the ill effects of these chemicals in the human digestive system, but now scientists are tracing the poison to perhaps the most underappreciated workers in the world: honey bees. If you do even the lightest research about Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), you’ll find out about staggering losses to the honey bee population worldwide. The buzz about “bee-mageddon” is growing louder as the problem worsens. These days the average consensus among beekeepers points to about an 80% die-off of honey bees across the globe. I don’t know whether he actually said it, but Albert Einstein is oft credited with the statement, “If honey bees become extinct, human society will follow in four years.” Whoever did say it had good reason. Honey bees pollinate over 130, or about ¾ of the world’s food crops. Some sources say the work of bees contributes approx. $14.6 billion to the US economy yearly; another recent source said it’s more like $30 billion.,  Either way, our little buzzing friends are worth billions of dollars, not to mention the billions of people (you and me) that depend on them for our daily bread. To the unsuspecting, the culprit behind CCD has been largely a mystery. But while the results of a study released this week from the University of Maryland and the US Dept of Agriculture may be shocking to some, for others, it’s confirmation of long held suspicions. We can’t yet explain why an entire colony sometimes falls dead all at once, but scientists are seeing at least one reason why many are gradually falling ill and disappearing. Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides have contaminated pollen, aka bee food. Researchers taking a close look at the pollen found various mixtures of chemical cocktails, even in wildflowers and weeds that have not been directly sprayed. I don’t know about you, but lately if a product contains more than a handful of ingredients, especially with chemical (unrecognizable) names on the nutrition label, I put it down. But bees have had no such luxury. This study reports, “Our pollen samples contained an average of nine different pesticides, ranging as high as 21 pesticides in one cranberry field.” When they collected pollen of some east coast hives and fed it to healthy bees, the bees’ immune systems tanked, making them more susceptible to a parasite called nosema ceranae. The presence of one fungicide in particular made our honey-makers three times more susceptible to the parasite, which is implicated as at least one of the key bee killers. So should we ban that fungicide and move on? Experts say that simply won’t cut it. In the 1980s a class of insecticide chemicals called “neonicotinoids” was released over the food supply. And in January of this year the European Food Safety Authority put a 2-year ban on its use because of the dangers posed to bees. A few months later neonicotinoids were further implicated by the American Bird Conservancy as being hazardous to birds and other wildlife. The EPA has even been sued by a coalition of beekeepers for their “inadequate” toxicity evaluations., But rather than simply outlawing a single pesticide and calling it quits, scientists are asserting that it’s the whole lot of chemicals that are killing bees. Perhaps the 21+ toxic substances found in the sample pollen are many fruits of one mindset: greed. In the interest of profit, we’re trying to out-do nature. Like so many discoveries we’ve made about the factors causing health declines among the nations, there is no one single ingredient to blame,

 Dangers of Fluoride and How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 8:39

Sometimes great things come in small packages. The pineal gland, so-named because of its likeness to a pine cone (Latin pinea), is about the size of a grain of rice. Yet, science has barely discovered the fullness of its uses in the body or its connection to the mind/soul. Physiological Functions The Nervous-Endocrine System Connection The parasympathetic nervous system incites our “rest and digest, feed and breed” activities; the endocrine system produces hormones, communicating signals such as hunger, satiation, sexual desire, wakefulness or sleepiness. The pineal gland is vital for converting signals from the parasympathetic to the endocrine system. Melatonin The pineal gland is also responsible for the production of melatonin from tryptophan. Melatonin helps to regulate circadian rhythm and plays a role in the timing of puberty. Deficiency in melatonin is linked with premature sexual development, insomnia, cancer, Alzheimer’s and mental disorders such as bipolar. Light Receptor The pineal gland has been tagged the “third eye” because of its resemblance to the human retina and its function as a light receptor. Light enters the body through the retina of the eyes and is sent to the brain, which then sends it to the gland. The Mind’s Eye Some have also linked the function of the pineal gland to extrasensory abilities naming among them intuition, discernment, psychic awareness and expanded mind capacity. The gland’s semblance to the human eye and its location in the brain make it appear to be, quite literally, the mind’s eye. Practically speaking, the desires of our heart direct our eyes to and from that which we do and don’t want. The eyes then receive light into the body, send it to the brain, which transports it to the pineal gland. The light stimulus activates the gland. It happens that our mind’s eye receives constant and massive blood supply, ever taking in nourishment from the blood life force. As a result, any “death” in the blood, aka toxicity, easily accumulates in the pineal gland. For this crucial piece of the brain, one of the most prevalent dangers today is the accumulation of fluoride and other toxins in the blood, causing a protective measure over the pineal gland known as calcification. Calcification of the Pineal Gland Artificial foods and ingredients; toxic levels of hormones from treated animal foods; poor nutrition; weak immunity; and sodium fluoride are largely blamed for the rampant calcification of the pineal gland worldwide. Some experts suggest that exposure to radiation via cell phones is another contributor. Mal Effects of Calcification A blocked pineal gland is associated with several disorders as well as inhibited enzyme function. Resulting effects include: weight gain or obesity slow thyroid digestive disorders kidney trouble poor circulation confusion loss of sense of direction mood or mental disorders lack of vision lowered IQ Decalcify! A healthy gland is said to enhance: overall health healthy nervous system function hormonal balance sleep focus cognition dreaming imagination Here are 7 tips to decalcify and reignite the health of your pineal gland. 1. Clean Water Municipal water in the USA has been treated with a toxic form of fluoride for more than half a century. Many people have accumulated sodium fluoride in the pineal gland. To reverse this, start with your drinking water. Purchase a reverse osmosis or other fluoride water filter or get well or spring water if you can. 2. Ditch the Crest If you haven’t already, eliminate sodium fluoride by getting rid of conventional toothpastes. You can easily make a homemade teeth cleaning and whitening, mouth cleansing paste out of coconut oil, baking soda and a dab of peppermint or cinnamon oil. You can also buy fluoride free herbal toothpaste. 3. Eat Organic

 New Research Reveals – Flaxseed Lignans May Lower Risk of Breast Cancer | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:42

(BeWellBuzz) Studies over the past five years have accelerated knowledge concerning possible dietary strategies for overcoming the onslaught of breast cancer. While it may be that drug companies have their own vested interests in synthetic treatments, ...


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