The Misanthrope Show show

The Misanthrope Show

Summary: We’re just some people that wanted to write some stuff, record some stuff, and generally break down the world around us. Every generation feels like there’s no voice of their own. By doing this hopefully we’re contributing just a little bit to what that voice might be. Check out our podcast that we record every weekend and also our written stuff that we’ll put out as often as we can. If any of it makes you laugh, cry, raise an eyebrow or helps break the monotony of the day just a little then we’re happy. We’d love to hear what you think, from things to talk about in the podcast, reactions to our written posts, or maybe if you just need to get something off of your chest and need a friendly stranger, hit us up at or @misanthropeshow.

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  • Artist: The Misanthrope Show
  • Copyright: This material is copywritten under The Misanthrope Show name.


 Episode #14 - Every baby needs a daddy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:49

Happy fuckin holidays everybody! From all of us here at the show (just us two and our dog) we hope you were so full of holiday cheer that you had to get your stomach pumped of all that eggnog and non-edible mistletoe. We give a brief rundown of our holidays and the return to work We might launch a line of adult greeting cards to deal with adult problems Props to who can guess all the most successful movie franchises

 Episode #13 - Monday after Thanksgiving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:38

It's the Monday after Thanksgiving and we're thankful for nudist neighbors, but not at all thankful for fake-ass pomp and circumstance. A baby is born 4 months pre-mature and filmmaker Dad records his first year, but we're too busy to watch because its Cyber Monday!!!

 Episode #12 - Only the lonely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:23

Its been a long time, we shouldn't have left you without a strong podcast to step to. Matthew Cordle admits to DUI on youtube Julian Assange's open letter about Fifth Estate Man suc-cum-bs to loneliness and totally deals with it rationally China is becoming quite the sausage fest

 Episode #11 - Precious Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:43

Jamie was in town and dropped by for the episode this week. It's split into two segments because Jamie had to leave a little early so Nora and I carried on to discuss great topics such as Ariel Castro's inevitable feature film... Jamie also informed us two minutes in that he needed to relieve himself Who doesn't want to talk like Tim Gunn? Teens in Morocco to face juvenile court for posting kiss online, in related news every American under 30 should avoid Morocco Sinead O'Connor writes an open letter to Miley Cyrus ...apparently Sinead also enjoys the back road Russian space troops and the inevitable battle with aliens! Any semblance of self-respect Ariel Castro had left was beaten and left limp

 Episode #10 - Life on Mars? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:00

If only we could decide to take two months off whenever we wanted from our real jobs, we recorded nine episodes then took a little hiatus, hey, we all have things to do... But we're back and we're looking to really put out (ha) a lot of content. This week we really run the gamut and discuss our trip to Portland, the 90's paradise where stereotypes go to live, if we would ever want to live on Mars, North Korea's surprising yet unsurprising meth addiction, the demise of the Diceman and more.

 Episode #9 - Pig Island | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:56

A brand new guest to the show, Nora's dad Selwyn. He was almost an anonymous guest but his identity was leaked and he decided to stay. We talked about how to keep your own thoughts at bay, addiction to music,the danger of pumping livestock with too many drugs and an island that's basically a club med for pigs. We talk a lot about pigs... We also spoke a little bit about being a cab driver in San Francisco for so long Selwyn has seen first hand how the people are doing. Finally we spoke about Selwyn's music and his band, Honey Cooler, and ended the show with their track, Another Situation.

 Episode #8 - The Long Play | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:53:03

In this episode, Steven & Roxanne indulge on the beautiful mind that is Kanye West. We listen in on Irish MP, Clare Daly, calling out fellow citizens for pimpin’ themselves out to Obama during his visit to Ireland. More about NSA controversies and Edward Snowden. And Roxanne gets turned on as Steven lays down the mighty hand of Christian Domestic Discipline.

 Episode #7 - I'll just buy Tasmania... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:21:29

I guess when you start recording stuff you realize that you can just stop whenever and record something! Jamie was in town for the weekend so we decided to just record the probably silly and inane conversation we were already having. We discussed such illustrious topics as makeup on dead people, statutory limits, your plan with a billion dollars, idiots of the week and probably more...

 Episode #6 - I immediately regret this decision... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:55

So with a little liquid courage we decide to tackle a second episode in one week. We start off with a strange story of self-help and its dangerous consequences. From then on its a blind run through the NSA scandal, Nora's Idiot of the Week, an anniversary of suffering PTSD from a family trip, who would secretly watch your homemade porn, sex with clones and plenty more in that same throbbing vein.

 Episode #5 - Pink Panties | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:02

Episode number five! A milestone, a whole hands worth. I can’t remember celebrating anything else the fifth time it happens so lets not get presumptuous. Nora and I did however have fun talking to my brother Jamie. We talked a little about life in a town run by college kids, our renewed respect for Michael Douglas, hot Israeli soldiers, an Ark theme park that we are totally unbiased against and what white guys in New Jersey seem to be up to.

 Episode #4 - Legalize It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:19:04

I thought four was lucky in Chinese but it turns out its actually synonymous with the word death... Luckily we don't do the show in Chinese. Our fourth episode! We talk with Nora's cousin Nick from across the country in New York. We critiqued James Franco's mural painting ability, whether Kanye West is going off the rails, one pseudo-beauty-pageant's attempt to bring honor to the not so well endowed, the universal love of fried chicken and why oh why is it still illegal.

 Episode #3 - Fuck Mother's Day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:20

This week we discuss the unbelievable hard-ons America has for Mother’s Day, and what Mother’s Day means to the disenchanted child. We gauge how rude is too rude when it comes to addressing someone that appears to have Downs Syndrome. We stumble upon a solution to aging and address the benefits it has to those pre-disposed to Dementia. Why Angelina Jolie deserves the biggest, fakest titties in the world as to long as our favorite Teen Mom sports them for her daughter’s college fund. And finally, why Snoop Lion should stick to Reggae.

 Episode #2 - 5 divinyl years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:18

The second episode! That first one took it out of us, we needed another three weeks to record another one. We started off actually introducing ourselves, we broke down how we feel about hitting five years together, the tragic comedy that is a 'Teen Mom' sextape/mixtape, the impact of Jason Collins coming out, sexy black man voices and an adorable spirit animal.

 Episode #1 - The First One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:38

Here it is, the very first one. You can spend forever thinking about it, sometimes you just have to jump right in. Hopefully we sound excited, eager to talk about such great topics as our families, what bothers us and how the current political and social landscape is far from perfect and sometimes downright unfortunate.


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