C3 Church San Diego // AUDIO show

C3 Church San Diego // AUDIO

Summary: Our vision and purpose is to be a church that is fresh, real, and powerful! Below is compilation of messages from Jurgen & Leanne Matthesius, our C3 team, and other world-class guest speakers!

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  • Artist: C3 Church San Diego
  • Copyright: Copyright C3 Church San Diego . All rights reserved.


 Secrets Of The Energizer Bunny - Ps. Andy Bennett | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:00

Don't miss out on this encouraging message by Ps. Andy about how to finish our race strong with endurance!

 The Tipping Point - Ps. Stacy Capaldi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:05

We all have moments in our lives where we are pushed to an edge, life seems like a storm around us and even in us; we are at a tipping point. What happens to us, what becomes of us? Ps. Stacy unpackages what a Spirit of religion, fear or control can produce in our life but more importantly how we can break free from these spirits. We were not meant to survive, we were meant to thrive!

 Adversary In The Mirror Pt. 2 - Ps. Jurgen Matthesius | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:04

Don't miss out on part two of this powerful message as Ps. Jurgen unpacks the final three spiritual laws that we often don't know we are breaking that but in knowing about helps us to fulfill our destiny.

 Impaired Vision - Ps. Ashley Robbins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:41

In this eye-opening message, Ps. Ashley explains how fear and a lack of vision can hinder us from the plans and purposes that God has for our lives, and how to walk in freedom from the "monsters" that get in our way.

 I've Been Thinking Lately - Ps. Mark Burchell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:33

Don't miss out on this eye-opening message by guest speaker Ps. Mark Burchell as he challenges how we think.

 Monster Mash - Ps. Charles Fuller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:40

In this compelling message, Ps. Charles discusses the two "monsters" of unforgiveness and unworthiness that will keep us in bondage if we don't deal with them as well as how to get set free from them.

 Crying Out For Daddy - Ps. Jeff Forbes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:14

Using his testimony of coming from a fatherless home, Ps. Jeff unpacks four qualities of our Heavenly Father that are essential for kids to receive from their parents as well.

 The Art of Divine Forgetfulness - Ps. Vicki Simpson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:52

Don't miss out on this powerful message by guest speaker Ps. Vicki Simpson!

 Stop The Replay - Ps. Becky Heinrichs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:51

We cannot control what happens to us, only our reaction to the situation. This vulnerable message by Ps. Becky addresses the importance of allowing God to heal our pain because if it is not dealt with properly, it will become part of who we are and start to "replay" in our minds.

 Adversary In The Mirror - Ps. Jurgen Matthesius | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:38

Unfortunately, wherever we go, we bring ourselves with us, and sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. In this eye-opening message, Ps. Jurgen illustrates three spiritual laws that we often don't know we are breaking that but in knowing about helps us to live the life that God has called us to.

 God The Gardener - Ps. Drew Davies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:07

"God’s plan is for you to live an abundant and fruitful life!" Don't miss out on this powerful message by Ps. Drew as he describes how God cuts off what isn’t fruitful to remove it and He prunes what is fruitful to improve it. Your pruning moments are there to mold you and make you, not hurt you and break you.

 Script Changers Pt. 2 - Ps. Jurgen Matthesius | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:33

Don't miss out PART TWO of "Script Changers" as Ps. Jurgen describes the power in God's Word as it changes our identity, our circumstances, and sets us over!

 3x10 - Tessa Fuller, Leanndra Foster & Bre Robinson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:56

We believe wholeheartedly that the future pastors and leaders are sitting in our very seats each and every Sunday. These 3x10s allow for three of our up-and-coming leaders to speak from their own experience and passion for ten minutes each. Don't miss out on hearing from three different Cherish ladies!

 3x10 - Megan Unsworth, Kelsey Holmes & Katie Lanning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:26

We believe wholeheartedly that the future pastors and leaders are sitting in our very seats each and every Sunday. These 3x10s allow for three of our up-and-coming leaders to speak from their own experience and passion for ten minutes each. Don't miss out on hearing from three different Cherish ladies!

 Dress To Impress - Ps. Jon Heinrichs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:54

"God wants us to wake up every day clothed with power through the Holy Spirit!" Don't miss out on this powerful message by Ps. Jon about being Christ's witness by receiving the Holy Spirit and operating in power.


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