The Non Prophets show

The Non Prophets

Summary: Hosted by Jeff Dee, Denis Loubet, and Russell Glasser. Blasphemously entertaining current events commentary from Austin's loudest, funniest atheists, on the front lines against the fundie onslaught! The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop and support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing and friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of state-church separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists and to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

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  • Artist: Atheist Community of Austin
  • Copyright: (c) 2018 Atheist Community of Austin


 The Non Prophets 17.06 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Jeff-less show, Denis has a new tablet computer, Jamie was in OKC at the American Atheists National Convention this weekend, Street epistemology, rnHugh Laurie at AA Natl Convention, So many mass shootings in spite of so many people praying (because Satan), Christian fundamentalist dialect, Bill banning abortion with no exceptions, [Email] Anesthesia & lethal injection, [Shit Internet Apologists Say], Daniel King (King Ministries) wrote article about attending the AA Natl Convention:* Sam Harris book convinced the son of a congregation member to leave the church * If only there were pro-christian books in the world * Atheist convention is a lot like church * Atheists are all "I just want to have sex!" * Atheists are responsible for mass shootings because god. * Hung out with Aron Rarn* Russell: "All Christians want to do is sin and be forgiven." [Email] James: Easter water?, Pope said hell does not exist. Or maybe he didn't. Easter was on April Fool's Day

 The Non Prophets 17.05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Guest Ciera Ramirez. Stephen Hawking dies at 76. The hosts reflect on his life. The Kelly twins have different gene expressions. Ciera was asked to be a Nun, when she is actually a none. Austin bomber done blew himself up. He was home-schooled. Fuck al Queda! Chick Tracks memory lane. 89 year old nun dies in court while fighting Katy Perry's purchase of nunnery. Katy Perry kiss on American Idol assault? Moving toward a post-religion Europe. Czech Republic 91% unaffiliated. If mass shootings are being cause by God's absence from school than why does godless Europe have so few? Shit Mike Pence Sssaaaaaaaays! Amazon reviews of Charlotte Pence's Marlon Bundo book. Bunny marriage equality!

 The Non Prophets 202302 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00
 The Non Prophets 17.04 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Voicemail?rn* FFRF - "Johnson amendment under attack from religious right" (Prevents 501(c)(3) non-profits endorsing/opposing political candidates)rn* Atheist Experience and Talk Heathen at American Atheists convention (Oklahoma City, OK on Easter weekend)rn* Bayview, MI - Only practicing Christians can buy houses or inherit them. Require letter from their minister verifying their active participation in the church. Christian-only clause was introduced together with a white-only clause.rn* [Listener Mail] School shootings because "god taken out of schools"rn* Florida - "In god we trust" on display in all schoolrn* National holiday in honor of Billy Graham. (Note: Billy Graham still dead.)rn* [Listener Mail] Hypocrisy re-revisited: Pointing out when religious people do not follow the edicts of their holy book counters the argument that they get their morals from their religionrn* Florida state senator: "Thoughts and prayers are the only thing that will stop mass shootings"rn* [Listener Mail] Flat-Earth correction: The sun can be seen after it is below the horizon because of refraction, not gravity.rn* Male escort exposes dozens "actively gay" priestsrn* Claiming to have credible evidence for the existence of god means you have no faithrn* [Shit Internet Apologists Say]rn + "god knows each of us as well as anyone can know us"rn + "... burning forever in a lake of fire! What an awful thought! :)"rn + "the human condition is the same for everyone" (?)rn* [Listener Mail] god/source is the superposition of all things/cosmos is a virtuality produced by nature's supercomputer

 The Non Prophets 17.03 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

* Jamie sitting in for Russell * [News]- Billy Graham died - Florida "In God We Trust" in every school * [Listener mail] On religious hypocrisy: - "People accused of hypocrisy are being accused of not being christian enough" - "If religion did not claim moral superiority over humanism, then religious hypocrisy would not matter" - Pleading hypocrisy in self defense - "Your examples [of hypocrisy] had too many confounding variables" - Not all hypocrisy! ( bad) * [News] Mike Huckabee: Billy Graham's death is "fake news" because he's "more alive than ever in heaven" * [Listener mail] On religious hypocrisy (contd.) - "Some hypocrisy may be beneficial... but still dishonest" - "Beastie Boys hypocrisy" vs. "Ted Haggard hypocrisy" - The troubling part of hypocrisy is the lie * [Shit Internet Apologists Say] New Shit Button!- "No false gods in hinduism" (Source: Op Ed in Bangalore Mirror) (repeat) - "It is not a woman's consent that matters. It is god's." (Source: Biblical Gender Roles . com (don't go there! blech!) - "Civil war in feminist circles around the #MeToo movement" (Source: ? some asshole) * [News]- Flat earthers

 The Non Prophets 17.02 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

* Atheism statistics - atheism is going up, esp. among teens (double the increase of adults), Christianity waningrn* Christians are the biggest hypocrites/jerksrn* Ignoring/forgetting the history of arguments about religion, esp. refutationsrn* Pope story - when is Pope Francis going to take a strong stance against sexual abuse of minors within church and the perpetratorsrn* Believer arguments that atheists are atheists because they "hate god"rn* Motherfuckers running the religion are the guys making money off of it!rn* SIAS:rn - Christianity Today: "Teens are twice as likely to identify as atheists OR LGBT!"rn - Christian Post: "More fun and less biblical study in church is making "frail Christians" who cannot "lead atheists to Jesus"rn - Research project: "The most successful youth outreach programs are the ones that focus on intercessory prayer"rn* If someone wins the James Randi challenge and other evidence of paranormal powers, should we treat that person as a god? Does that person "deserve" worship?rn* Tesla Roadster in space!

 The Non Prophets 17.01 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Movies: "Downsizing", "Coco", & "Jumanji" * Hemant Mehta on a 10 Commandments statue at a Texas mall.* Daniel Staats, spokesman for Georgia Secretary of State accused of sexual assault and practicing counseling without a license * Star Trek transporter, what is the "self"? * You should play the game "Soma" SHIT Internet Apologists Say! * Bangalore Mirror (Indian newspaper): "There are no false gods in Hinduism" * Ganesh statue brought into a Christian church and pastor forced to resign * Monotheist v monotheist v polytheism conflicts * Satanist provocateurs (esp. of Christians) * Nehruvian secularism (the idea of India above all religions) * "Things beginning to exist. Is that a thing that things actually do?"

 The Non Prophets 16.22 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

* Cow vigilantes in India, Hindus murdering Muslims for eating cow meat * War on Christmas? Shut up and do what you want. * Okay for Atheists to participate in religious pageants/plays? * Spotlight (movie). Cardinal Bernard Law died this week. * Flat-Earthers: Show us your map! * Banned words at the CDC? Actually just a suggested list of words to avoid when communicating with republicans on climate change * "[Jeff's] arguments are dumb!" * Uploading consciousness to a computer. The perils and philosophical implications of the Star Trek transporter * Shit Internet Apologist Say - (Roy Moore apologist) Something about liberal Christians? - Rationalizations by religious people to support immoral political candidates(according to the morality of their own religion). - "What-ifs" are not proof * Revisit "praying to win" as cheating.

 The Non Prophets 16.21 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Listener mail: Does hating faith healers make me a bad person? Roy Moore: Project Veritas (James O'Keefe) failed attempt to dupe Washington Post with fake Roy Moore accusation, Church sign "They falsely accused Jesus! Vote Roy Moore". Listener mail: Fine tuning argument, Sexual harassment: Al Franken, Louis CK, Mozart, Abusive & "Ablist" terminology: Changes to ACA rules of conduct in online fan forums, Patton Oswalt, YouTube comments Ravi Zacharias (christian apologist radio host): Sexting allegations Republican tax bill: religious clauses -"unborn child can be claimed on taxes"(?) clause, churches in politics Listener mail: Surviving child abuse(?), Chance(Hugh Laurie) Punching Nazis: pros & cons, Vietnam War, disco! Being a moderate atheist does not make you a bad person? Is praying for your team to win a form of cheating? Gambling? War? Stock market?

 The Non Prophets 16.20 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

More Roy Moore, Australian vote on Marriage Equality, back to Roy Moore, Cow Vigilantes, double-back to more Moore arguments, flat earth convention in North Carolina, does gawd change the past in reaction to prayers?, detour back to Marriage Equality in Australia - democracy or mob rule?, trans humanism, the transporter conundrum, flat earther web site FAQ nuclear face palmage, Denis question about fear- Do Christians fear gawd? Do they fear jebus? Why?, readers respond to massless ghosts, playing hide the bible.

 The Non Prophets 16.19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Welcome to our rootin' tootin' after Halloween show. Rudy gives bad advice on Stranger Things and unrealistic aspects of the show. Kim Davis court fees. Who should pay? News: Scott Pruit quotes the Bible and asks scientists to advise the EPA for free. How do ghosts stay in place. Consequences of granting person hood to fetuses. Babies in prison. Challenging Church's tax privileges. Shit Internet Apologists Say... Wolfenstein has Crocoduck!

 The Non Prophets 16.18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

We are not having a show. Or are we? Twitter to go to 80 characters. Should we do a war on Christmas episode? Viewer mail The game "Populous". Balance the science on Star Trek with religion and balance the star ships with monster trucks! The Atheist Experience is celebrating 20 years with a special episode directly after the regularly scheduled live broadcast on the 22nd of October. Your Reiki, Reiki Heart. Something going on in the Australian Parliament. Devil story elements that don't appear in the Bible. Dystheism! Is the Devil God's enemy or under his employ. The dangers of ending a sermon. The preacher is vulnerable to a Satanic airstrike. Denis has a question: If Satan exists does it cast every decision into doubt?

 The Non Prophets 16.17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Denis reading your rights intro, Binky Strikes again, Listener Mail, the Reserve Chaplin, In the news, students must stand during the National Anthem, call from Pat Roberson, Russian Bible, Roy Moore, Saturn is Roman version of Jupiter, UN resolution on death penalty for gays, infinities, Denis Question - Does the Devil work for God? - Shit Internet Apologists Say, Greek website Proving the insanity of Atheism, more D&D atheist Character discussion, Volunteer work - listener recommends Kiva non profit, gives microloans to people in need, shows with video- up to THE AMAZING AND TALENTED MARK VANDEBRAKE?, Donate Blood, Mormon polygamist children at risk of genetic disorders, Non Prophets are NOT retiring their uStream feed.

 The Non Prophets 16.16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Enjoy a show.Theism in role playing.How does magic work in DnD? The gods have stats??? Fox News posts Christian Numerology nonsense. Jeff sleeps during reading of Bible verse. What if the planet hits our flat earth? 5 college football players and hazing at a Christian school. Binary nature of Christian morality.Shit internet apologists say... Barb article: "Christian Service Members Avoid Accommodating Evil" Email taking Jeff to task for using "tard" in previous episode. Cake news. "Let them not eat cake!"

 The Non Prophets 16.15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Rained kinda hard. We are fine in Austin, but Houston could use your help. Contribute to Hurricane Harvey relief through Foundation Beyond Belief. Joel Olstean tells others to not have a "poor me" attitude. Low religious interest in England. Viewer mail. Jeff reviews the Stephen Fry film "Hypopotomas" patreon/denisloubet and patreon/artofjeffdee Which role playing game do you enjoy? Shit Internet Apologists Saaaaaaaaay! Religions claiming credit for helping storm victims.


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