Summary: Welcome to the "Are We Home Yet?" podcast, where I talk to expats who have moved abroad, moved to a another country, and are finding success in business, love, living the life of their dreams, and making a home! What's in it for me (the listener): You get access to the details about moving abroad, the visa process, countries where your money will go farther, how to create a business, find an employer, how to make friends, and make a home in another country. You know you want to live abroad, make a home abroad, but you just don't know how, well here is the information that you need to succeed!

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 Where can I buy the best tea party hats ? VIDEO Interview with Milliner Elisabeth about her fashionable hats and adventures in fashion, which began in Beijing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:27

Find out what it's like to be a milliner who makes hats for a living and how she started her company! If you're looking for fashionable hats or tea party hats to wear to your next soiree or just look amazing whenever you want to, look no further than Milliner Elisabeth's online shop. Elisabeth has been making hats for over 10 years, and her experience shows in her beautiful creations. In this interview, Elisabeth tells us about her adventures in fashion, which began all the way back in Beijing. Since Beijing , Elisabeth, her husband, and children have moved to the Hague in the Netherlands and they're enjoying their family home, new friends, and experiences. ****** ENJOY THE FULL INTERVIEW VIA YOUTUBE AS WELL ****** If you want more inside knowledge about life in Beijing or the Netherlands , and want to listen to Elisabeth talk about learning how to make hats, and the many countries she's lived in , tune into episode 48. Follow the podcast via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via twitter https://twitter.com/ConsultantExpat (here) Via pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Youtube https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A/editing/details (here) Download the FREE teaching online PDF, https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/freebie-deals/ (here), and make money anywhere! In need of health insurance when traveling or living abroad? Check out SafetyWing , which I personally use and am an ambassador of . Click https://safetywing.com/nomad-insurance/?referenceID=24902923andutm_source=24902923andutm_medium=Ambassador (here). (Disclosure: I may earn a small fee is you purchase a SafetyWing product)

 If I want to move abroad where do I start? Expat Teacher and contented traveller, Janeen, talks about how she did it. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:21

Janeen has lived in Kuwait, Turkey, and now Ecuador. She has been away from America for 7 years, and finds that the definition of home is a bit skewed now. Janeen wondered what else was out there and found that the teaching profession in America did not provide enough of a teaching salary for her to enjoy traveling abroad regularly. Therefore, living in a more centralized place for travel, afforded her more travel. As a teacher from America she easily found work teaching at an international school abroad and was able, in 2 years, to get out of debt, accrued from student loans. Janeen found that the best financial packages were from schools in the Middle East and Asia, and she chose Kuwait. Janeen found the teaching opportunities through the following websites: teachaway.com and TIEonline.com. Janeen eventually wanted to take a break from working and had saved enough money to do so. She then relocated to a Latin American country, Ecudaor, which was very affordable. Janeen is teaching English , 20 hours a week online and also discovering what other options, skill sets, abilities, she has that can translate outside classroom. She has the flexibility to choose her schedule now and travel more and enjoy her free time more. If you want more inside knowledge about life in Kuwait , life in Istanbul / Turkey , life in Ecuador , and want to listen to Janeen talk about teaching, that she chose teaching because she wanted to help children to learn , work with children, and help them to learn to read, tune into episode 47. Follow the podcast via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via twitter https://twitter.com/ConsultantExpat (here) Via pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Youtube https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A/editing/details (here) Download the FREE teaching online PDF, https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/freebie-deals/ (here), and make money anywhere! In need of health insurance when traveling or living abroad? Check out SafetyWing , which I personally use and am an ambassador of . Click https://safetywing.com/nomad-insurance/?referenceID=24902923andutm_source=24902923andutm_medium=Ambassador (here). (Disclosure: I may earn a small fee is you purchase a SafetyWing product)

 A sweet friendship refreshes the soul: How to navigate to home when home is more than one place. Conversation with Shetribe Founder, Rosemary. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:25

If there's one thing Rosemary knows for sure, it's that a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. As a Black woman whose heritage is Ghanaian, but who was born in Germany, and grew up in Belgium, then repatriated to Ghana, and eventually moved back to Belgium, she understands the importance of finding a community you can connect with. When you are from more than one place, home can be a difficult concept to define. For Shetribe Founder Rosemary, home is a feeling of comfort and ease that transcends any specific location. In this conversation, she discusses the importance of community, repatriation, and representation in creating a sense of home. She also shares her tips for navigating to home when it feels like more than one place. Whether you're repatriating to your homeland after years away or just finding a place where you feel comfortable and accepted, Shetribe provides a space for Black women to come together and share your stories. So come on in, make yourself at home and listen to my conversation with episode 46 guest, Rosemary! If you want to know more insider knowledge about living in Belgium or Ghana, the Shetribe community, and the very interesting experiences had by Rosemary, tune in to episode 46 of the Are We Home Yet podcast and listen to Rosemary! Follow the podcast via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via twitter https://twitter.com/ConsultantExpat (here) Via pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Youtube https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A/editing/details (here) Download the FREE teaching online PDF, https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/freebie-deals/ (here), and make money anywhere! In need of health insurance when traveling or living abroad? Check out SafetyWing , which I personally use and am an ambassador of . Click https://safetywing.com/nomad-insurance/?referenceID=24902923andutm_source=24902923andutm_medium=Ambassador (here). (Disclosure: I may earn a small fee is you purchase a SafetyWing product)

 From San Diego to South Korea: Interview with American expat Mitchell about the Perfect Marriage and Seoul Food | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:54

In this interview, Mitchell tells us all about his experience teaching in South Korea and how the perfect marriage was waiting for him there. Teaching English abroad can be a great way to see the world, meet new people, learn about other cultures, and make some money while you're at it. But is it really worth it? In this interview, Mitchell tells us all about his experience teaching in South Korea and how the perfect marriage was waiting for him there. He also dishes on the best Seoul food experiences he had and provides some tips for those looking to follow in his footsteps. So if you're wondering whether or not teaching English abroad is right for you, listen to my interview with episode 45 guest Mitchell! During the interview and the talk of good food and of course love, I wondered what are the requirements for a US citizen to live in South Korea.Fun facts about South Korea Did you know that https://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/index.kto (South Korea) is about the size of Portugal, or that the word "Korea" comes from the Kingdom of Goryeo, which was founded in the year 918? Also, 60% of the country is mountainous, but only 24% of the land is arable. South Korea, in addition, has the world's fastest internet speed, and a life expectancy of almost 84 years. These are just a few fun facts about this fascinating country. During the interview and the talk of good food and of course love, I wondered what are the requirements for a US citizen to live in South Korea. U.S. citizens interested in living in South Korea must meet a few requirements in order to obtain a long-term visa. First, they must have a valid passport with at least six months of remaining validity. Second, they must have a Korean visa, which can be obtained from a Korean embassy or consulate. Third, they must have proof of sufficient financial resources to support themselves while in South Korea. Fourth, they must have health insurance that covers their stay in South Korea. Additionally , all US citizens must complete a comprehensive medical exam before they're allowed to enter South Korea. Finally, they must have a criminal background check from their home country. Once all of these requirements are met, U.S. citizens can apply for a long-term visa and begin the process of moving to South Korea. Though the requirements may seem daunting at first, following them will ensure that you have a smooth and enjoyable experience living in South Korea. All in all, South Korea is a fascinating country with a lot to offer in terms of culture, food, and natural beauty. So why not explore South Korea for yourself? If you want to know more insider knowledge about living in Seoul, teaching English in South Korea, and the very interesting experiences had by Mitchell in South Korea, tune in to episode 45 of the Are We Home Yet podcast and listen to Mitchell! Follow the podcast via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via twitter https://twitter.com/ConsultantExpat (here) Via pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/consultantexpat/ (here) Via Youtube https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCiQvzo9mIkhCqXTg0wfa27A/editing/details (here) Download the FREE teaching online PDF, https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/freebie-deals/ (here), and make money anywhere! In need of health insurance when traveling or living abroad? Check out SafetyWing , which I personally use and am an ambassador of . Click https://safetywing.com/nomad-insurance/?referenceID=24902923andutm_source=24902923andutm_medium=Ambassador (here). (Disclosure: I may earn a small fee is you purchase a SafetyWing product)

 Can you spell entrepreneur? In France, an amazing woman, Canadian expat mom Lisa, spells it with her wine women and wellbeing business. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:10

Lisa is an amazing woman who has created a unique business that combines wine, women friends, and wellbeing through networking and community. Learn more about her story! In France, there is a beautiful city near the Spanish border named Pau, where the amazing woman whom I interviewed decided to spell out entrepreneur in a way that would help women find friendship, laughter, empowerment, and inspiration. Canadian expat mom Lisa has enjoyed connecting with different people throughout the four continents she has lived and knew that there was a space she could create for entrepreneurial-minded women to connect, so she started her own business, Wine Women and Wellbeing. Wine Women and Wellbeing is a unique business that combines Lisa's love of good wine, good women friends, and wellbeing through networking and community. Through her hard work and dedication Lisa's business has been a huge success in her homeland of Canada and now her new home of France! Listen to my interview with episode 44 guest, Lisa, on living in various countries with her husband and children, creating a business abroad, how she and her family have made a home abroad, and what home means to her. Canadian expat mom Lisa, a Canadian expat mom, has found it to be such a lovely experience relocating with her husband, and kids from Canada to Indonesia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and currently France, and detailed her experiences living abroad on her blog https://www.canadianexpatmom.com/ (Canadian expat mom). Being a Canadian expat mom has its challenges, but it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. On the one hand, you have to deal with the feeling of being homesick, missing the place you are originally from, being away from extended family and friends. No matter how great your life is in your new country, there will always be a part of you that longs for the familiar comforts of Canada. But on the other hand, https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/moving-to-a-new-country-the-first-things/ (living abroad) gives you a unique opportunity to raise your children in a different culture. They'll learn about new customs and traditions, and they'll have a chance to develop skills that they wouldn't have otherwise had. Plus, you'll get to create precious memories with your kids that will last a lifetime. Ultimately, being a Canadian expat mom is both challenging and rewarding. Wine Women and Wellbeing Lisa certainly knows how to spell entrepreneur, and that's with her business Wine Women and Wellbeing. Wine, women, and wellbeing – it’s a winning combination! Wine has been shown to have countless health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, boosting cognitive function, and even prolonging life. And what could be better for your wellbeing than spending time with good friends? Women have always been powerful social connectors, forming bonds that last a lifetime. So when you combine the health benefits of wine with the social benefits of spending time with women friends, you’re on the path to optimum wellbeing. So pop open a bottle of your favorite red or white, gather your girlfriends, and toast to your good health! Lisa describes herself as an extrovert and she enjoys making friends wherever she goes, so it came easily and naturally for how to end up building a business abroad, one involved in making friends. Lisa has put in sweat equity, building her business over 3 years, and has seen the tremendous difference that it's made in the lives of the members. Woman can network and are part of a community As indicated on the Wine Women and Wellbeing website: Most recently, Lisa brought together thousands of women across three provinces for the Manifest Tour featuring Kaitlyn Bristowe, Dr. Jody Carrington, Jess Tetu, and The Sister Brand. WWWB’s inaugural WILD Conference held in Calgary featured keynote speaker Elizabeth Gilbert, and was curated toward bringing together...

 More than 10 benefits of the travel bug: a traveling professional teacher discusses how wonderful it is to teach and travel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:18

Kandis, a traveling professional teacher, caught the travel bug, and maybe you're reading this article because you have too. Do you love to travel but don't want to spend all your money doing it? Or maybe you're looking for a way to get paid to teach while seeing the world. If so, then teach and travel! That might be the perfect solution for you. Keep reading to find out the more than 10 benefits of having caught the travel bug, or click below to listen to episode 43 guest of the Are We Home Yet podcast, Kandis, a traveling professional teacher. The Travel Bug The travel bug is a common saying that refers to the desire to travel. The travel bug is a popular term used to describe the desire to explore new countries and cultures. The travel bug is a strong and often irresistible urge to travel. For some people, the travel bug manifests itself as a desire to see new places and experience different cultures. For others, the travel bug is more about adventure and less about destination. No matter what form it takes, the travel bug can be a powerful force. And once you've been bitten by the travel bug, there's no turning back. The best way to satisfy the travel bug is to get out there and start exploring. There are so many amazing places to see and things to do in the world, and the only way to experience them is to hit the road. So if you're feeling the itch to travel, don't fight it. Embrace your inner wanderlust and let the adventure begin. For many people, this means taking a gap year or semester abroad to teach English or work in another country. However, the travel bug can strike at any age. There are plenty of opportunities for older adults to travel, whether it's through volunteering, working temporarily in another country, or simply taking a long vacation. Travel can be an extremely rewarding experience, providing a chance to learn about other cultures and see the world from a new perspective. So if you're feeling the itch to travel, don't let anything hold you back. There's no better time than now to start exploring. For some people, the feeling to travel is triggered by a specific event, such as hearing about a new destination or seeing an interesting place on TV. For others, the travel bug may be more general, leading them to feel restless and wanting to explore different parts of the world. Regardless of its cause, the travel bug can be a strong motivator, leading people to plan trips, save money, and even quit their jobs in order to pursue their wanderlust. While the travel bug may seem like a simple case of wanderlust, it can have a profound impact on someone's life, leading them to experience new cultures, meet new people, and see the world in a whole new light. The travel bug can help people learn a lot about different cultures and customs. It can also be a great way to meet new friends from all over the world. Traveling can be a great way to learn more about other countries and their customs. It can also be a great way to teach people about your own culture and customs. Traveling can also be a great way to meet new friends from all over the world. You can learn about their cultures and customs, and you can also teach them about your own culture and customs. Traveling can be a great way to learn about different cultures and customs, and it can also be a great way to meet new friends from all over the world. Traveling is very doable when you work abroad. Kandis affords travel by being a traveling professional teacher. Kandis began teaching in America and is currently a teacher in Mexico. These are the 13 compelling reasons to be a traveling professional teacher. The many places around the world where Kandis has been able to travel to: Indonesia, Thailand, France, Italy, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, St Martins, Bahamas. A Traveling Professional Teacher A traveling professional teacher is...

 How to get to Caye Caulker? American expat Bree talks about being abundantly blessed with good simple living on an island paradise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:07

If you're looking for an island paradise, look no further than Caye Caulker, with good simple living to be had by all. This small island off the coast of Belize is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and a relaxed, Caribbean way of life. American expat Bree is enjoying good simple living, and talked about how to get to Caye Caulker and why she and her family decided to relocate there from North America. Keep reading for her insights on being a black expat, Caye Caulker restaurants , what's involved in traveling from Belize city to Caye Caulker, Caye Caulker beaches, and more! How to get to Caye Caulkerhttps://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g291963-d2385006-Reviews-Caye_Caulker-Caye_Caulker_Belize_Caye (Caye Caulker )is an island off the coast of Belize that is famous for its laid-back atmosphere and beautiful Caribbean views. Caye Caulker is a small limestone island off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea. The island is about 5 miles long and less than a mile wide. It is part of the District of Belize and has a population of approximately 2,000 people. Although Caye Caulker is technically part of Belize City, it feels like a world away. The island is known for its laid-back atmosphere and is a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling. There are a few ways to get to Caye Caulker from the mainland Belize. The island can be reached by boat or plane from Belize City. The most popular method is by water. To get to Caye Caulker by boat, you can take a water taxi or a ferry from the Marine Terminal in Belize City. The journey takes about 45 minutes and boats depart every 30 minutes. You can also take a catamaran from the Water Taxi Terminal, which takes about an hour. There are two main ways to get to Caye Caulker by plane. You can take a Tropic Air flight from the municipal airport in Belize City, which takes about 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can take a Maya Island Air flight from the international airport in Belize city to Caye Caulker airstrip, which takes around 30 minutes. The Caye Caulker airstrip is located just a few minutes' walk from the main village.Listen to this interview , which is inspirational, motivational. Listen to what it's like experiencing motherhood abroad, when there are no concerns about the safety of your children, enjoying such a wonderful time growing up on an Island. Black expats In recent years, an increasing number of black expats have been moving to Caye Caulker, attracted by the island's laid-back vibe and friendly locals. While the black expat community is still relatively small, it's growing rapidly, with new arrivals coming from all over the world. One of the main attractions of Caye Caulker for black expats is the island's strong sense of community. locals are quick to welcome new arrivals, and there's a strong sense of camaraderie among black expats. This is in contrast to many other places in the world where black expats can feel isolated and uncomfortable. Another big draw for black expats is the island's natural beauty. Caye Caulker is surrounded by turquoise waters and white sand beaches, making it a perfect place to relax and enjoy the outdoors. For black expats who are used to living in big cities, this can be a refreshing change of pace. While the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/cooking-chat-with-expat-who-can-cook-up-a-storm/ (black experience in America is unique), there are also many black expats who have found a home in countries around the world. For these individuals, leaving the United States can be a way to escape racism and discrimination, while also discovering new cultures and perspectives. Others may simply be looking for a https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/spell-retired-a-place-at-the-beach/ (change of pace), and see living abroad as an opportunity to broaden their horizons. On Caye Caulker many black expats, like Bree and her husband, are self-employed, running their own

 Mexican word of the day: Guanajuato. Founder of Digital Nomad Kit Hannah, is living in happy Mexico and coaching people on how to get clients as a virtual assistant | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:11

If you're looking for an amazing place to live and travel, look no further than the Mexican word of the day, Guanajuato! UK expat Hannah lives in Guanajuato Mexico with her wife Kim and has found her new home to be a vibrant city, home to friendly people, great food, and diversity of the landscape. You'll never get bored here - the city offers plenty of activities for everyone, from skiing in the mountains to swimming in the ocean. If you're looking for a digital nomad mecca, this is it! Listen to episode 41 guest Hannah, on being a UK expat, enjoying living life abroad, from France to Belgium as a teenager, and later on as an adult from Thailand, to Germany, to Austria, to Sumatra, and Italy, meeting the love of her life, her wife Hannah, and building a thriving helping others to become a digital nomad like herself. Listen to UK expat Hannah, now! Mexican word of the dayGuanajuato is a beautiful central Mexican state which is known for its rich colonial history. Mexico is a country rich in culture and history, and its language is no exception. What does Guanajuato mean ? Guanajuato is a Mexican word that can trace its origins back to the Aztec civilization. Guanajuato is a word of Mexican origin. What does Guanajuato mean ? The name Guanajuato comes from the Nahuatl word "cuauhnāhuatl", meaning "hill of frogs" or "place of frogs". According to legend, the city was founded by a group of Aztec hunters who were chasing a frog through the hills. The frog led them to a spring of freshwater, and they decided to settle there. According to another legend, the city was founded after an indigenous woman had a dream in which she was told to settle at the junction of two rivers. When she awoke, she found herself surrounded by frogs, and so she took this as a sign that she should indeed build her home there. Today, the image of a frog is often used as a symbol of the city. The name Guanajuato eventually came to be used for the entire state of Guanajuato, which is located in central Mexico. Today, the word Guanajuato is still used to refer to both the state and its capital city. This charming name is fitting for the state, as it is home to many picturesque towns and villages set amidst rolling hills and lush green fields. Founded in the 16th century, by Spanish conquistadors, Guanajuato was once an important silver-mining region, and its colonial architecture reflects the wealth that was generated during this period. Today, Guanajuato is a UNESCO World Heritage site and the state is a popular tourist destination, with its charming towns, winding streets, bustling marketplaces, and beautiful scenery attracting visitors from all over the world. Whether you're interested in exploring Mexican history or culture or simply enjoying soaking up the atmosphere of a picturesque small town, continue to read on and learn about Guanajuato and why you should visit or maybe relocate to. If you're looking for a taste of traditional Mexico, remember , the Mexican word of the day, Guanajuato. Guanajuato is worth a visit or relocation to. And, of course, no trip to Guanajuato would be complete without trying some of the local cuisines. Happy Mexico With so much to do and see and eat in Guanajuato, no wonder Hannah and Kim are https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/mexico-vs-estados-unidos-covid-endemic-love-so-pure/ (happy in their new home of Mexico). Mexico is a place where people are generally very happy. In fact, Mexico is one of the happiest countries in the world, according to the World Happiness Report, in the top 50. There are many factors that contribute to this happiness, including the strong sense of family and community, the love of music and food, and the climate. Of course, there are challenges in Mexico as well, but overall it is a country that brings joy to its people. Hannah has been looking for a place like Guanajuato Mexico for a long...

 Innovation consultant Kenny, expat from Nigeria, on his time in Uganda and the importance of social networking offline | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:55

Kenny is an innovation consultant originally from Nigeria and living in Uganda. During episode 40 of the Are we home yet podcast listen to my interview with Kenny, an expat from Nigeria, who talks about his time in Uganda. Kenny also speaks about the best decision he ever made, which was joining the AIESEC network. “I’ve met so many friends outside of work through AIESEC,” Kenny says. Listen to the interview now!Kenny has gotten to know so many people from joining the AIESEC network and can't stress enough how important it is to network and of course spend time with friends, and get to know one another. The importance of social networking offline Social networking offline is extremely important. In the physical world, face-to-face interactions are the norm, and the benefits of social networking are evident. For example, research has shown that people who have strong social ties are more likely to live longer and be happier than those who don't. In addition, face-to-face interactions allow for the exchange of nonverbal cues that can help build trust and rapport. However, in the online world, social networking often takes the form of text-based interactions. While this can be helpful in some ways, it also has its limitations. For instance, it's difficult to build trust with someone you've never met in person. In addition, the lack of nonverbal cues can make it easy to misread someone's tone or intentions. As a result, social networking offline is still the best way to build strong relationships. During his time in Uganda, Kenny, has made good friends with his local coworkers and it's made all the difference in finding joy in his new home of Uganda. The time in Uganda Time in Uganda is a bit different than time in most other places. For one thing, the sun rises and sets much earlier here. As a result, people tend to wake up early and go to bed early. This can be a bit of an adjustment for visitors from more temperate climates. In addition, Uganda is located on the equator, so there is very little variation in the length of days throughout the year. The country does experiences two wet seasons, which can impact travel plans. Overall, Uganda is a great place to visit, and its unique time zone is just one of the many things that make it special. The local time in Uganda is GMT+3. Uganda is located in the Eastern Africa Time Zone. Eastern Africa Time (EAT) is 3 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Uganda spans two time zones, but the country currently only observes one time zone (EAT) due to its proximity to the equator. The westernmost part of Uganda near the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) observes Central Africa Time (CAT), which is 2 hours behind EAT. However, this part of Uganda does not currently observe daylight saving time. For most of Uganda, the current time in Uganda is EAT (GMT+3). Despite its relatively small size, Uganda offers a wide range of experiences for visitors. From wildlife-watching safaris to trekking through stunning mountains and forests, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this beautiful country. Beautiful Uganda Beautiful Uganda is a country located in East Africa. It is bordered by Kenya to the east, Sudan to the north, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, and Rwanda and Tanzania to the south. The country is beautiful, with lush green mountains, sweeping plains, and rivers flowing through its valleys. The climate in Uganda is very pleasant. Uganda is a relatively small country, but there is a significant amount of variation in climate across different regions. In general, the north and east of the country tend to be hotter and more humid than the south and west. The capital city of Kampala has a tropical savanna climate, with average temperatures ranging from 21 to 28 degrees Celsius. The highest temperatures are typically seen during February and March. On the other hand, Mount Elgon...

 Riffeth, from Sri Lanka, is on a journey to the heart of self-realization as an expat, while also enjoying Malaysian restaurants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Riffeth is from Sri Lanka and is on a journey to the heart of self-realization as an expat. While he enjoys the many different Malaysian restaurants in Kuala Lumpur, his real journey is within himself. He is exploring what it means to be living in a foreign country and learning more about himself. Riffeth is grateful for the opportunity to live abroad and learn (thanks to the travel and technology company that he works for), and Riffeth looks forward to continuing his journey in the years to come! Listen to my interview with episode 39 guest Riffeth on the Are we home yet? podcast! Journey to the Heart of Self-Realization The journey to the heart of self-realization can be a long and difficult one. It requires us to confront our fears and insecurities and to let go of the untrue beliefs that we have about ourselves. But it is also a journey that is full of rewards. As we discover our true identity, we also find a deep sense of peace and happiness. We come to know ourselves as infinitely worthy and deserving of love. We come to see that we are perfect just as we are. And we come to feel a profound sense of connectedness with all beings. Those who can reach the heart of self-realization often find that they can lead richer, more satisfying lives. They are better able to connect with others and find deeper meaning in their relationships. They are also more likely to experience a sense of inner peace and well-being. In short, the journey to the heart of self-realization is a journey that can change your life for the better. There is no one answer to the question of what self-realization is. For some people, it may simply mean coming to a greater understanding of their own thoughts and feelings. For others, it may involve reaching a higher level of consciousness or understanding the true nature of reality. Regardless of what it means for individual people, self-realization is a process that often requires deep introspection and reflection. In many cases, it is only through coming to know ourselves that we can hope to achieve anything else in life. That being said, the journey of self-realization is unique to everyone, and there is no single path that leads to it. For some, it may happen spontaneously; for others, it may be the result of years of dedicated effort. Ultimately, though, self-realization is something that we all have the potential to experience. The term "self-realization" is often used in psychology to describe the process of coming to a fuller understanding of one's own identity. However, it can also be applied to the expatriate experience. For many expats, the process of self-realization begins when they first leave their home country. This can be a time of great excitement and opportunity, but it can also be a period of uncertainty and self-doubt. As expats settle into their new lives, they often find themselves questioning their previous assumptions about who they are and what they want out of life. Through trial and error, they gradually develop a new sense of self that is more in line with their new circumstances. In some cases, this process leads to major life changes, such as a new career or a move to a different country. For expats, self-realization is an ongoing journey that can provide valuable insights into both their own identities and the world around them. For many people, living abroad is about more than just seeing new places. It can also be about finding oneself. This was certainly the case for Riffeth when he decided to move abroad. Leaving his home country behind, Sri Lanka, he felt like he was embarking on a journey of self-discovery. And in many ways, he was. Living in a new culture and learning to navigate a new way of life has forced him to step outside of his comfort zone and understand better who he is and what he wants out of life. It has at times been a challenging and sometimes difficult experience, but ultimately it was also one of the most...

 The Berlin flag is a welcome banner to those who want to build something , interview with American website developer Laurel in Germany | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:08

The Berlin flag is a welcome banner to those want to build something , interview with American website developer Laurel in Germany The Berlin flag is a welcome banner for those who want to put their skills and creativity to work. If you're looking for a place that is open-minded and welcomes those who want to build something, then Berlin is the city for you. In this interview, American website developer Laurel tells me why she decided to move to Berlin in September 2017. With an influx of tech companies coming to Berlin, it's quickly becoming a liberal powerhouse in Europe. Laurel also notes that art is thriving in Berlin, making it a liberal place where anyone can feel at home. Listen to my guest Laurel in https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/berlin-flag-welcome-banner-to-those-who-want-to-build-something/ (episode 38) of the https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/welcome-to-the-are-we-home-yet-podcast/ (Are we home yet? podcast). Berlin Flag Berlin is a beautiful city, with a rich history and diverse culture. It's also home to the Berlin Flag, one of the most iconic symbols of the city. Berlin has been a center of culture and politics for centuries, and the flag represents that history. The Berlin flag is named after the city of Berlin, which is located in the German state of Berlin. Berlin Flag is one of the most popular flags in the world, and it is flown by many organizations and countries. The Berlin Flag is an important symbol of the German people. The Berlin Flag is a red-white-red horizontal tricolor that was first flown in 1848 and later became the flag of West Berlin. The Berlin flag It is based on the colors of the German flag but with a horizontal instead of a vertical layout. The flag is now rarely seen as the city has been reunified, but it remains an important symbol of Berlin's history. The Berlin Flag first appeared during the Revolutions of 1848, when it was flown by progressive activists who were fighting for a unified Germany. These revolutionaries were inspired by the French Revolution and used the red-white-red tricolor as their symbol of liberty and equality. The flag remained a symbol of German unity until the country was divided after World War II. At that time, it became the flag of West Berlin, serving as a visual reminder that the city remained part of Germany despite being surrounded by communist East Germany. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the flag continued to be flown as a sign of solidarity with the city's residents. Today, it can occasionally be seen flying alongside the German flag in Berlin. While it is no longer an official flag, the Berlin Flag remains an important part of the city's history and identity. The flag was adopted as the official flag of Berlin in 1948, following the city's merger with East Berlin. The colors of the flag are drawn from the coat of arms of Berlin, which features a bear standing on a green background. The bear is Berlin's mascot, and it is also a symbol of strength and courage. The bear is shown standing on its hind legs, which shows that Berlin is a city that is always moving forward. The thirteen stars on the flag represent the thirteen districts of Berlin. The Berlin Flag is a reminder of the city's complex past, and its flag remains a symbol of Berlin's resilience and strength. The Berlin Flag is a powerful symbol of resilience and hope. Berliners also see the flag as a symbol of their city's history and diversity. The Berlin flag is a symbol of unity and diversity, and it welcomes all who come to the inclusive city. Laurel has felt welcome in Berlin since she relocated there in September 2017 and quickly https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/how-to-feel-at-home-in-a-new-country/ (felt at home) in Berlin. Berlin has always been a city of diversity and tolerance. Throughout its history, Berlin has welcomed people from all walks of life, irrespective of their race, religion or sexual orientation....

 Are we home yet podcast VIDEO interview in Medellín: UK girl Dionne , on being a relationship coach in Mexico, and joy in Spanish | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56

If you're looking for an inspiring story of someone who has taken the plunge and moved to a foreign country, then look no further than Dionne. This UK girl has been https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/mexico-vs-estados-unidos-covid-endemic-love-so-pure/ (living in Mexico), but before that, she left the UK for Thailand when she was 18 years old, and in that time has worked in the field wellness coach, become a relationship and intimacy coach, worked on boats, had ups and downs, and been an all-around amazing person. In the first video interview of the Are we home yet? podcast from Medellín, Dionne discusses her journey of self-discovery and how moving to Mexico has made her happier than ever. Tune in to hear her thoughts on love, joy, and the best decision she's ever made by moving to Mexico! Youtube link for the video episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YYa5WdsDHw Subscribe to the Youtube channel as well! Joy in Spanish Joy is not only a value but also a feeling. The joy of life comes in different shades and sizes and sounds. In Spanish, the word for joy is "alegría." This word encapsulates the idea of joy as being something light, happy, and full of life. And that's exactly what joy is: light, happy, and full of life. It's what makes us feel alive. It's what fills us up when we're empty. Whenever we experience joy, we should cherish it and hold it close to our hearts. Because joy is what makes life worth living. Joy is a universal emotion, but it can be expressed in many different ways. How to say joy in Spanish? Well, in Spanish, there are multiple words for joy, each with its own nuances. For example, the word alegría generally refers to a more general feeling of happiness, while the word gozo is often used to describe joy that is spiritually uplifting. Similarly, the word contentamiento can be used to describe a sense of contentment or satisfaction, while the word júbilo is typically used to describe a more intense feeling of joy or elation. By understanding these different words, speakers of Spanish can more accurately express their innermost emotions. As a result, joy can be experienced more fully and deeply. Joy in Spanish language is an important part of the language. It is one of the first things you learn when you start to study the language. joy in Spanish can be used in many different ways. It can be used to express happiness, love, or even excitement. When you are learning joy in Spanish, it is important to pay attention to the context in which it is used. This will help you to understand when and how to use it properly. joy in Spanish is a beautiful way to express yourself and your emotions. With a little practice, you will be able to use it effortlessly in your everyday conversations. Dionne has learned and continues to learn about joy in Spanish, from all of her experiences while https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/cooking-chat-with-expat-who-can-cook-up-a-storm/ (living in Mexico), Dionne has developed a profound appreciation for joy in the place she calls home for now, and it's a beautiful thing to hear her talk about it. If you want to know more insider knowledge about life in Mexico, being a relationship coach, and fascinating life of Dionne, tune in to episode 37 of the Are We Home Yet podcast and hear and watch my first-ever video episode! Connect with Dionne via Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dionneeleanor_/ (here ) Via her website https://intimacyhacks.com/ (here ) via email here Connect with the Are we home yet ? podcast social media : IG @https://www.instagram.com/arewehomeyetpodcast/ (arewehomeyetpodcast) FB : @https://www.facebook.com/Arewehomeyetpodcast (arewehomeyetpodcast ) Tiktok: @https://www.tiktok.com/@arewehomeyetpodcast (arewehomeyetpocast) Twitter: @https://twitter.com/arewehomeyetpod (arewehomeyetpod)

 Fleace’, who fell in love with Bella Italia, encourages black women dating abroad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:43

Fleace' has always loved Bella Italia (Italy). The food, the wine, the culture - it all feels like home to her. So when she had to the opportunity to spend some time, longer than a vacation, in Italy, there was no question that she would move to Italy for a while. Fleace' has encouraged other black women to go abroad, if only just to travel, and follow their bliss, either by experiencing new foods and surroundings, or maybe dating abroad. Fleace' has observed that black women around the world are increasingly choosing to date and marry men from other cultures. And what could be a better place to do this than in beautiful Italy? During episode 36 of the Are we home yet? podcast, Fleace' shares her insights on black women dating abroad, living in Italy, the differences between northern and southern Italy, and differences between Italian culture vs American culture. She also offers advice for those who are thinking of doing business abroad. https://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/in-bella-italia-black-women-dating-abroad/ (Listen to episode 36!)Bella Italia, or "Beautiful Italy" is truly a sight to behold. From the snow-capped mountains of the north to the rolling hills of the south, the country is filled with stunning natural beauty. And of course, Italy is also home to some of the world's most renowned art and architecture, including the Duomo in Florence and the Colosseum in Rome. Bella Italia is a land of contrasts, where centuries-old traditions coexist with modern innovation. But it is not just the historical sites and natural beauty that make Italy so special. The food is also a big draw, with delicious pizzas, pasta, and gelatos to be found around every corner. And of course, let's not forget the wine! With all this and more, it's no wonder that Bella Italia is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Black women dating abroadBlack women are no strangers to travel. Whether for work, pleasure, or family obligations, we often find ourselves crossing borders in pursuit of our dreams, like I've done. And while the experience of being a black woman in a foreign country can be both exhilarating and exhausting, it can also be empowering. In a world that often tells us that we don't belong, traveling as a black woman can help us to reclaim our rightful place in the world. It can also be a way to connect with other black women who understand the unique challenges that we face. Whether you're looking for love or just looking to expand your horizons, dating abroad as a black woman can be an exciting and rewarding experience. More and more black women are choosing to date abroad. And why not? With so many countries to choose from, there's sure to be one that's perfect for you. Whether you're looking for a sunny beach vacation or an urban adventure, there's a place for you. And best of all, dating abroad provides an opportunity to meet someone from a different culture and background, which can be both exciting and refreshing. Of course, dating abroad isn't without its challenges. Language barriers can be difficult to overcome, and cultural differences can sometimes cause misunderstandings. But ultimately, black women who date abroad often find that the experience is well worth the effort. So if you're thinking about giving it a try, don't hesitate - go for it! Black women dating white menWhile black women have long been subjected to discrimination, racism, and stereotypes, it is in recent years that black women have begun to receive the mainstream attention and recognition that they deserve. In particular, black women dating has become a hot topic, as more and more people are opening up to the idea of interracial relationships. While there are still some who cling to outdated nonsensical notions of racial purity, the reality is that black women are simply people who want to find love and companionship like anyone else. And fortunately, there are now plenty of places where they can do so without facing...

 Where is Amsterdam? It’s where Maria provides photography services and showcases pictures of women in her cannabis art | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:43

Where is Amsterdam? A beautiful city with lots of history and culture where Maria provides photography services and showcases pictures of women in her cannabis art. Maria, originally from Lithuania, first moved to Amsterdam 10 years ago, and she still lives there today. She loves the city and its people, and she enjoys doing what she loves most: pictures of women! Where is Amsterdam? It's where Maria's photography studio is. She showcases some of the most beautiful pictures of women that you'll ever see. And what's even more amazing is that she captures all of these shots right in the heart of Amsterdam! If you're looking for a talented photographer who will help capture your unique story, then be sure to get in touch with Maria, my episode 35 guest on the Are we home yet podcast. Photography services When Maria talks about Amsterdam, you can hear the smile in her words. Maria relocated to Amsterdam 10 years ago and has built up quite a photography business. Maria provides amazing photography services to her clients, not only in Amsterdam, but also internationally through a photography app. It's a unique endeavor which Maria began because of Covid, but it's made her photography services more desired by international clients. Photography services are a great way to capture memories and moments that you will cherish for a lifetime. With the help of a professional photographer like Maria, you can immortalize important milestones, special occasions, or simply the everyday details that make your life unique. Photography services can be customized to fit your needs and budget, ensuring that you get the exact results that you want. In addition, working with a professional photographer gives you access to their expertise and knowledge, ensuring that your photos turn out exactly as you envisioned them. Whether you are looking for traditional posed shots or candid captures of everyday life, photography services can help you create lasting memories that you will treasure forever. Photography is an art form that captures the world around us in a unique way. A skilled photographer can not only take beautiful pictures but also tell a story with their images. As such, photography services are in high demand for a variety of occasions. Whether it’s a wedding, graduation, or family reunion, maternity shoot, people want to capture precious memories in a way that will last a lifetime. Today, more and more people are turning to cannabis for its medicinal properties. However, there is still a lot of misinformation about the plant. For example, many people believe that cannabis is only used by men. This couldn't be further from the truth! Women have been using cannabis for centuries to treat a variety of conditions. Cannabis has been used for centuries to relieve pain, stress, and anxiety. In ancient Greece, Queen Cleopatra was said to have used cannabis to relieve the pain of childbirth. In ancient China, it was used to treat episiotomies and other female health problems. And in India, it was used in a special ceremony to worship the Hindu goddess Kali. Here are just a few of the conditions that cannabis can help with: - Anxiety: Cannabis can help to reduce anxiety levels and promote relaxation. - Stress: Cannabis can help to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. - Pain: Cannabis can help to relieve pain and inflammation. - Sleep: Cannabis can help to improve sleep quality and duration. In addition, it can be used to enhance relaxation and creativity. As more women turn to cannabis for its various benefits, society's perception of the plant is slowly beginning to change. And as the stigma around cannabis begins to dissipate, more women are feeling comfortable discussing their use of the plant openly. As our understanding of cannabis continues to evolve, it's clear that this centuries-old medication is here to stay. Pictures of Women As a result, an increasing number of pictures of women using cannabis are being...

 Mexico vs Estados Unidos: How the covid endemic caused Steven to settle in a new country, and find a love so pure in Mexico | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:03

When Steven, a podcasting executive, chose Mexico vs Estados Unidos (United States) because of the covid endemic, he never imagined he would find a love so pure in Mexico. The small town at the southern tip of Baja, California, called San Jose del Cabo, is nothing short of paradise, and he has found a new home there. It's where the sea of Cortez meets the Pacific. The restaurants are fabulous, the scuba diving is some of the best in the world, he met the love of his life, and the atmosphere is just perfect for him. He never thought he would find a place like this, but now he can't imagine living anywhere else. Listen my interview with Steven, episode 34 guest of the Are we home yet podcast. Things to do in San Jose del CaboSan Jose del Cabo is a popular tourist destination for many reasons. Situated on the tip of the Baja California Peninsula, it offers stunning ocean views, beautiful beaches, and a wide variety of things to do. Visitors can spend their days exploring the quaint shops and art galleries of the historic downtown area, or sunbathing on one of the many sandy beaches. There are also several popular golf courses in the area, as well as several nearby natural attractions such as the Cabo Pulmo National Park. Visitors can enjoy numerous activities and attractions, including exploring the downtown area, swimming and sunbathing on one of the many beaches, golfing, fishing, snorkeling, and scuba diving, which Steven loves to do. There are also several great restaurants and bars to enjoy, as well as shops selling arts and crafts made by local artisans. If you're looking for things to do in San Jose del Cabo, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Although it is often overshadowed by its more famous neighbor, Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo has its own unique charm and plenty of things to see and do. One of the best things about San Jose del Cabo is its beautiful beaches. Playa el Médano is a great place to spend the day swimming, sunbathing, and people-watching, while nearby Playa Costa Azul is perfect for surfing and paddleboarding. For those looking for something a little more cultural, the town center features numerous art galleries, shops, and restaurants. Mexico vs Estados Unidos (United States)Mexico vs Estados Unidos: The United States and Mexico are two neighboring countries with a long history between them. Both countries are located in North America and share a border of nearly 2,000 miles. The United States is by far the larger of the two countries, with a population of more than 327 million people. Mexico, on the other hand, has a population of just over 126 million. Mexico vs Estados Unidos: The two countries also have different climates, with the United States having a more temperate climate and Mexico having a warmer climate. Despite these differences, the two countries have many similarities. Both countries have rich cultures and histories, and both have been influenced by the Spanish language and culture. In recent years, the two countries have also become increasingly connected economically, with trade between the two countries totaling nearly $600 billion in 2016. Mexico vs Estados Unidos: While there are many differences between the United States and Mexico, the two countries remain close neighbors and important partners. Mexico vs Estados Unidos: Mexico does have some advantages over its northern neighbor. For instance, it has a much richer cultural heritage, withhttps://arewehomeyetpodcast.com/how-to-make-friends-in-a-new-city/ ( a long history and a more diverse range of influences). It also has a warmer climate, which attracts tourists from all over the world. In recent years, the two countries have been working hard to improve relations, but there are still many areas of disagreement. Mexico vs Estados Unidos: Despite challenges, there are also many reasons for optimism about the future of U.S.-Mexico relations. The two countries have a long history of cooperation on issues...


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