Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting   show

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting

Summary: When the clutter, motherhood, relationships, and life seem too overwhelming. When you have resentment and frustration every day – this is a sign you have been living on auto-pilot- letting life happen to you instead of living it ON PURPOSE. I’ve been there. Three kids under 4 and I decided to declutter my home and realized I was living my whole life on autopilot. I wanted more. I wanted to take action, be more present, have more fun! Enjoy my kids! I’m Shawna, You might know me as your Nerdy Girlfriend. I am a Certified Coach Practitioner, a Transformational Life Coach, and Registered Professional Counsellor-Candidate (RPC-C). I use the Enneagram, Faith and CBT as tools in my life coaching approach. I teach moms around the world the tools they need to set values and vision for the 9 areas of their lives so they can take the right steps towards living life ON PURPOSE. Find my books, course and blog at

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  • Artist: Shawna Scafe, Professional Counsellor
  • Copyright: Shawna Scafe


 111. Decluttering decisions and guilt [Q+A] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:43

Making decisions on what to declutter can be exhausting and often bring up emotions like guilt. I am offering my life coaching and decluttering advice on these topics as well as organizing and cleaning kid's toys.    Listen to the previous Q+A here Questions I am answering on decluttering: * How to know what to get rid of? With each thing I'm asking why I am I keeping this? what should I consider getting rid of and will I regret getting rid of it (mementoes from kids school days, some of their special clothing items, my dressy clothes from over the years, kids trophies, certificates, extra furniture in the basement ...) * Recognizing decision fatigue * How to create a decluttering decision framework * How to handle the potential of regretting what you get rid of * Listen to Episode 90 on 'What If I Need it One Day?'  * What are good ways to handle kid stuff so that it's easy to get into when we need it but keeps things neat when we don't? * Organization is the second part of decluttering  * Episode 36 on the mistakes we can make when it comes to home organization * Get the cheatsheet on the Top 10 Organization Mistakes we Make * Bring your storage/organization questions to the Facebook group * How to handle the cleaning routine and storage of kid's toys? My kids don’t have *much* stuff in total but they love little toys that spread far and wide * Toy tidy up strategies we use in our home * The emotions around decluttering— my constant struggle! Feeling overwhelmed, feeling wasteful by trashing stuff that’s still “good”, feeling guilty about getting rid of a gift, an inherited item, and so on… * How to handle decluttering and not wanting to be wasteful * The guilt of getting rid of something  * Honouring the relationship vs keeping the items * The guilt of decluttering gifts If you are interested in life coaching contact Shawna at   Full Transcript (unedited) Hey friends I'm Shawna, your nerdy girlfriend and life coach from simple on Welcome to the simple on purpose podcast. This is part two of the decluttering q&a, but you don't have to listen to the other one. First. It's fine. If you are showing up here. I'm glad you're here. I hope that this q&a answers some questions that you might have in your own life around what to get rid of, and how to deal with the emotions that come up. In the previous q&a, we talked more about really just liking stuff like liking stuff and wanting to create a home that feels like us, while still clearing out our home on just getting started knowing where to get started, and we wrapped it up with the age old question of no one else is putting things away like they should. And that is such a relatable question. So I hope you also go check that out. Let's continue on with the questions. And the first one that I'll be sharing today is how to know what to get ...

 110. Our relationship with stuff, and other decluttering questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:05

A popular topic I life coach moms on is their relationship to their stuff and decluttering their home.  I wanted to share a Q+A time for more questions about decluttering.  I asked for your decluttering questions in the Simple on Purpose FB group and on Instagram. Here is my life coaching advice on these topics.   Here are the decluttering questions I am answering today: * How do we begin when it all just feels so overwhelming? For instance: if I start decluttering A, I first have to do B, but to do B and I have to do C, but to do C...and the spiral continues until I give up and sit on the couch. * Related: Episode 105 Do you trust yourself * I like things. But I love how I feel in more empty spaces. However, my stuff also brings me joy and represents me. How do I keep myself in my space but not the clutter? * Exploring your relationship with stuff * Related: Read the post on Identity Clutter * What do I do about the little spaces of clutter - like drawers small countertops and anywhere I can cram crap for a moment to do other things? * The hot spots in our spaces and the gift of done * Keeping most members of the household interested in maintaining a decluttering space... I try to have homes for everything and things still get put away in the wrong home or left somewhere completely random. * Removing the first layer of frustration * We have different standards....AND THAT IS OK * How to meet your standards while meeting others where they are at * Related: Episode 69 Will a simpler home bring me peace?     FULL TRANSCRIPT (unedited) Hey friends, it's Shawna, your nerdy girlfriend and life coach from simple on Welcome to the simple on purpose podcast. The quick and easy and I hope fun podcast for you busy moms on the go. You want to just take a hot minute, slow it down, get re centered on the things that matter to you. So you can make space and time and energy for the life that you want instead of the life that's just happening on autopilot. Welcome to spring friends, I just went for a walk with my bestie we walked her along the river, it was blue skies and sunshine. And it was just so nice to see her face. And I think we're all experiencing this past year has really put our relationships into a whole new spin. And we see each other so much less, and I just miss her so much. I'm texting, it just cannot beat talking to your friends faces. So I hope that you find a way to see your friends faces this week, lined it up, go for a walk, meet somewhere outside, just go see your friends faces it makes such a big difference. Alright, let's get into today's q&a on decluttering. I asked in the Facebook group, the simple on purpose community group, which if you aren't part of you should totally join by the way. And I also asked on Instagram, what your questions were for me around decluttering. So I'm going to jump into those. The first one is how do we begin when it all just feels overwhelming. For instance, if I start decluttering a,

 109. Decluttering and Motherhood with Elyse of Wholesome Mumma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:41

Elyse is a mom of three in Australia and she has a heart for helping moms make things simpler in their lives.  I asked her to come and share with us what her decluttering experience was like.  In this conversation, you will hear Elyse unpack what prompted her to declutter her home, what she has learned from it and the encouragement and practical tips she has for you to get started.        Finding peace in motherhood Myth: If you were struggling then you are doing motherhood well On a journey to find peace and purpose away from this mindset   Getting started with decluttering  Decided to declutter her home at a time when she felt really unhappy in her space. “I didn’t like my home, I didn’t like being home”    Staying motivated with decluttering  Paying attention to how it feels to have less stuff to take care of and manage and clean Asking, is this really adding value to my life Appreciating how good it feels to have the space feel clear and more manageable    The impact of decluttering on motherhood Having a vision for home and life  The physical clutter impacting the mental clutter Recognizing how our home contributes to stress   Myths we believe about decluttering  It is a one and done thing  One size fits all   Other points we cover How to decide what minimalism looks like for you Advice for the women struggling get started with minimalism  Does she regret getting rid of anything?   You can hear her advice, stories and sweet mumma encouragement on her podcast the Wholesome Mumma and on Instagram at Wholesome Mumma    Related posts: Declutter the 'what if I need it one day?' items How I started decluttering     Full transcript (unedited)   Welcome to the Simple on Purpose podcast. I'm so glad you're here. These episodes are often all under 20 minutes, I aim to keep them jam packed with just enough insight tips, advice, encouragement, stories that will help you get re centered and refocused on the things that really matter to you in your life, simplifying, and getting rid of the distractions so that you can show up for the things that matter the most on purpose. Today, I'm talking with my friend Elise, who is a mom of three, she's got a new baby named Lola, Isn't that adorable? So I've gotten to know at least the group that we're in, and I just really admire her I'm really drawn to her. She has this warmth about her. She's so encouraging. And she really has a heart for moms to feel peace in motherhood real piece, and actually talks about a bit in our chat. It's something that she craved because she shared she was living with this mindset that if I'm struggling with motherhood, then I'm doing motherhood well, and who wants freedom from that? I know I do. And we look at social media and the culture and there seems to be th...

 108. [Coaching Session] Seeking joy in motherhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:17

This is the final part of the coaching session with Laura, the mom of a 4-year-old and 1.5 year old . In this part of the coaching call, we wrap up with how to take ACTION that moves her in the direction she wants to go as a mom. She is getting anchored in what she wants out of motherhood (joy), and making a plan on how she wants to get it.      If you haven't yet, make sure you listen to part 1 here, and part 2 here    Enjoying the early days of motherhood When you are at home with small kids it can feel monotonous and boring. There is a lot of pressure to 'enjoy these days'.  A crucial part here is not aiming for 100% enjoyment - but rather allowing for the full range of experience that comes with motherhood.    Loneliness in motherhood When we start to think about how lonely we are, we can snowball into all the ways we feel it and keep our mind spinning about how it might always be this way and wonder what is wrong with our friendships, etc.  Part of stopping this cycle is to take an ACTION that pulls us out of it.    Gratitude practice Laura mentioned that gratitude is something that naturally leads to joy for her. She wants SEEK JOY in motherhood and will use a gratitude practice as an intentional way of doing this.    You will find what you are looking for Our brain has a confirmation bias to prove what it believes is true. It is constantly seeking evidence to line up with what we are believing. This is important to pay attention to the narrative we are spinning in (this is hard, I'm rejected, I am lonely, whatever it may be) because our brain will make it ITS JOB to find evidence. Often we are in a narrative that was set on auto-pilot - so if we want to be intentional about showing up from a new narrative, then we need to also tell our brain something NEW and HELPFUL to be searching for.    Thank you so much to LAURA for volunteering and being vulnerable!  This is the real honest truth of motherhood - sometimes it is messy and hard and lonely and the best thing we can do is share that with other moms. So we can live in a culture of motherhood that is supportive, truthful and encouraging.    Also mentioned: The Life on Purpose Workbook The Life on Purpose Roadmap Course Email for any questions Book a coaching consult here, if you want to learn more about Life on Purpose coaching with Shawna   

 107. [Coaching Session] Being and loving the mom you ARE (self-recognition and values) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:40

This is part 2 of my life coaching call with Laura. We are continuing the conversation with an exploration of what values she wants to bring into her parenting.  This portion of the coaching session was getting clarity on WHERE Laura wants to go as a mom, what it looks like for her to be a mom on purpose.    Head on over and catch part 1 right here.    Values-based parenting  When we are living in line with our values we feel more fulfilled, purposeful and at peace with how we are acting and behaving.  This is why it is so important to know your values - they inform you of what is important to you and where you want to direct your energies.   What you are in control of as a mom  So many of us moms want to control the outcome of our children. We want to control how they feel about things, what they do/don't do, how they think about us or others. But all of this is NOT in our control.  What is in our control is how we decide to show up (think, feel, act) - and our values are our compass on that.    Loving the mom you are Part of loving WHO you are as a mom is recognizing what makes you unique. I love to do this with a list of all the things I think my kids will remember about me as their mom.  Self-recognition of ourselves helps us step out of comparison with others.    We wrap up with part 3 of this session.   

 106. [Coaching Session] Mom life, negative emotion, uncomfortable feelings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:38

This is a Coaching Session I had with Laura, who is looking for coaching support on dealing with jealousy of when her kids prefer her husband to her - and with setting up a motherhood mantra for herself to anchor herself in motherhood.    I have divided this coaching session into three episodes.  In this first one, we cover awareness. We work on identifying the problem, seeing how it impacts her life and how we can shift away from judgement and fear of it.  In part two we will talk about being a Mom on Purpose and in part three we will talk about ways to bring joy into motherhood.    Life coaching session on intentional parenting and uncomfortable emotions: * Starting with awareness. Paying attention to how you are feeling, what you are thinking and how you are showing up.  * Laura mentions she is a Type 4 on the Enneagram to learn more about that check out this episode on the Type 4 Mom  * Understanding how we are perpetuating negative experiences in our life * Self-judgement layers on the problem  * Dealing with uncomfortable or negative emotions * Experiencing emotions rather than identifying with emotions.  Head on over to part 2 of this call.  Join the Simple on Purpose Community Facebook group  

 105. Do you TRUST yourself to show up for YOU? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:29

There have been a lot of changes I wanted to make in my life, but I didn't trust myself to follow through and do them. So I stopped setting goals and making promises to myself.  This is something I have bee through and coach many women on - the issue of not trusting yourself creates a situation where you don't believe you CAN do it, you stop looking for ways to learn, you look to others for the solution and validation and you spin where you are - in indecisiveness, anxiety and maybe apathy.      Showing up for others but not ourselves Often this situation shows up in women who still 'get things done' - but they are doing things FOR other people, whether held by accountability or expectation or role. But they don't 'get things done' for THEMSELVES, they don't show up for themselves and do what they said they would do.  Can you relate to the situation of not trusting yourself? * We might have an idea of what we want, but we waver on it, we doubt it.  * We might try something new,  but we are insecure about it the whole time, we half show up. * We might want to address an issue but we shrink away from it * We might want to make a big change, but don’t believe it is possible * We aren’t sure we are capable, that we know enough, that we are strong enough * We don’t trust ourselves to do the thing we set out to do   What do you use as evidence that you can't trust yourself? * how you have failed * you did it wrong * you didn't feel confident or motivated enough * you've never done it before * other people do it better/easier/faster   I used to not trust myself, and I'm sharing that in this episode: * How I went through most of my adult life, not trusting muself. In fact, angry at who I was and what I wasn't doing with my life.  * The promises I made to myself that I would break * How I am learning to become someone I can trust with my life   What happens when you trust yourself? What happens when you FOLLOW THROUGH on what you say you want to do? I feel like I have been experiencing this over the past few years. I have taken back my power. I feel in control of my life. It feels possible to me that I can really do whatever I WANT to do in my life.  ACTION:  I'm giving you a couple of simple questions to get yourself started with building back the trust in yourself.    More resources mentioned in this episode: My C-Section and the Feelings I was Ashamed to Admit Mom No Matter What The Annual Simple on Purpose Survey The Life on Purpose ROADMAP COURSE Book a consult call to learn about 1:1 coaching with Shawna Let's be Instagram friends Bring your questions to the closed Facebook Group     FULL TRANSCRIPT Hey,

 104. Dress like you are 30 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:34

How should a 30 something-year-old dress? I have asked this question for some years as I decluttered my closet and focussed on creating a closet of clothes I love to wear. I don’t want it to be the latest trends, but the clothes I enjoy and feel like ‘me’. I’m not a fashion blogger but when the memes went around this month making fun of millennial moms who wear skinny jeans and side parts I felt like I wanted to encourage other millennial moms to focus on building up a closet of clothes they LOVE to wear and not what Gen Z tells us is ‘in’ right now.    Millennial Mom vs Trendy Youth What being a ‘trendy’ youth is all about.  Playing with clothes to see what you like and learn more about yourself What being a millennial mom is all about. Knowing more of who you are and making choices in line with that   How to declutter and create a closet of clothes you love Declutter the items you don’t love to wear, torn, unused, etc.  Then start a pinboard of looks you love Look for a theme in what you are pinning Name your style (bring it to the Simple on Purpose Group if you want help with that) Use this style as your guide for what you buy/bring into your closet Don’t focus on trends, focus on what your style is and what you feel great in   Mentioned in this episode The Instagram of me being a totally unfun anxious mom on a family walk Bring your ideas and conversation to the Facebook group     FULL TRANSCRIPT OF THIS EPISODE   This is the podcast for anyone who wants to simplify their homes, feel overwhelmed by clutter? - their heart. Do you feel like you're just kind of angry and resentful all the time? And their life - Do you feel like you're busy, you're on the go, you're just reacting to things. This is a place where I want to help you simplify those things so that you can have the time and space and energy to show up well for the things that matter the most to you in your life. So this past weekend, we've had a four day weekend as a family, it was a pro D day Valentine's Day family day here in BC, British Columbia. So I take I took four days off work It was so it was weird. But it also felt really good. And we just took our time playing games and puzzles, and going skating and going for walks. And maybe you caught my recent Instagram post about the walk that broke my brain, you can go check that out there. If you want to see just a lovely ball of anxiety that I can sometimes be with my family. And it was a great time. It was great overall, I mean, there's good parts and there's hard parts every single day. So we just keep going, we keep rolling with it. Alright, so one thing I want to remind you guys of is to leave a review, leave a review in your podcast player, because the podcast player loves them gives us authority in the podcast player. And I really love to read them. I love it when I come across one and especially if I recognize the name, but I didn't recognize this name from Australia. HealwithmeAIP. I loved your thoughtful review. So thank you so much. I read it over breakfast and I told my husband this morning, someone called me quirky. And he's like, What? That's not weird. Like, hasn't that happened before? Like you are quirky and I was like, Oh, okay. And I kind of laughed as I reflected on it because I used to want to define my personal style as quirky French girl. So you totally call me out on this secret byline I'm tryin...

 103. Habits of a debt-crushing family (with Bethany + Corey Adkins) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:23

We all can think of some financial goals we want to meet (debt-repayment, emergency savings) and maybe we know what habits could get us there - but DOING it is the hard work. And I find it so helpful to hear what other people are doing and what it looks like in action in real life.  Today I'm sharing the rest of my conversation with Bethany and Corey from the Millenial Mission Podcast about what their debt-free journey has been and in this part, they are sharing a lot about the habits they have formed and mindsets that have supported them in persisting and making an impact.  Developing habits to pay off debt as a family Three changes that have made a big impact on lowering the debt Knowing what money is coming in and what is going out The debt snowball (coined by Dave Ramsey) The financial freedom a budget can bring you Weekly budget check-ins and monthly budget reviews Addressing the problem before it becomes a problem Spouses supporting one another in budget accountability What to do when you have a spouse who is not on the same page as you with the finances How debt repayment has impacted their marriage and parenting Not doing it perfectly  Trusting God with finances, especially during the pandemic Making sacrifices as a family When you aren’t able to pay off debt and not giving up Surrendering your life and money to God Being intentional and faithful with finances and how that shows up in the other areas of your life Encouragement to just get started and get a system in place to know what you are doing with your money More resources Listen to the first part one: Starting the Debt-Free Journey How to Own Your Finances So They Don't Own You Download the free budget worksheet Find Bethany and Corey on Instagram        Full transcript 0:08 Hey friends, it's Shawna, your nerdy girl and life coach from simple on So welcome for those of you who are new to simple on purpose. This is a place that I just want to share tips and stories and encouragement for you to simplify your home, your heart and your life. And part of life is finances right, we would all like our finances to be simpler. And in the life on purpose workbook and the life on purpose roadmap, there's a section on finances, where you can set the goals and habits you want to have there. And I think all of us probably can think of the goals we want when it comes to our finances. We want debt repayment, we want emergency savings, we want retirement savings, and so on. And maybe some of us even have an idea on what habits will get us there. We know logically, we need to make a budget we need to cut expenses. But doing it putting it into action is a whole other situation. And I don't know about you, but when I am trying to create a new habit or make a change in my life, I find it so helpful to hear the experiences of other people. And that's why I wanted to interview Bethany and Corey from the millennial mission podcast. This is the second part of my conversation with Bethany and Corey. In the first episode, the first part of this interview,

 102. Starting the Debt-Free Journey (With Bethany + Corey Adkins) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:43

Wonder what it would be like to make a BIG CHANGE that starts your debt-free journey?  Today we are hearing from Bethany and Corey on their story of what that looked like in their life. When they decide to give up the 'good life' for the 'better life' and by better I mean hard and uncomfortable but moving towards financial freedom.    I love hearing real-life stories from real people who are making the hard decisions that allow them to TAKE CONTROL and start steering their life in a new direction - one that is in line with their values and the call they feel on their life.  Bethany and Corey share a lot about what it looked like to bring God into the decision to make a move and get serious about changing their lifestyle. This episode is part one of two.  Bethany and Corey's story about staring their debt-free journey How they were raised to view finances and debt “Even though you know all the right things you can be very easily deceived” “It was little things that added up” How they handled the debt conversation between them Decreasing the budget to account for leaving a job to become a stay at home mom Using credits cards for regular spending versus paying in cash Wanting to give your kids everything and buying them things Making a big location move to support the debt-free journey Feeling a calling on their lives to make the big move When life seems to be good but you aren’t living fully inline with your faith When life is uncomfortable but also very uncomfortable Giving up your ‘good’ life as you know it for something ‘better’ Starting a new job in a new town and taking time to build it up Acting like you don’t have any extra money and putting extra dollars towards debt Myths we believe about finances that can get us into trouble Playing the ‘credit card game’ The comparison game  “You have to find happiness in the pits. You have to find happiness in the crappy two-bedroom apartment and the junky car you have to try and start four times, if you can be happy there - you can be happy anywhere. But so often we get it backwards” Keeping up with the Joneses  The cultural assumption ‘you deserve nice things’ Find the Adkins at the Millenial Mission Podcast and on Instagram @bethanyandcorey.  In the next episode, we talk about more practical budgeting tips, how debt repayment as impacted their family and that season of life where they weren’t making progress. So go check that out too.    FULL TRANSCRIPT 0:08 Welcome to Episode 102. There's kind of this line you cross as a podcaster. Once you've done 100 episodes you like I, I powered to do, I held out, I did the thing. So it feels so great to be in the triple digits. And it feels even better. When I hear from you guys hear the episodes you're liking you bring it into the Facebook community, and ask for more topics. So I just love this podcast. And I love the community and the conversation that it is creating. And like I said in the other episodes, we are doing bathroom rentals. So there is some drilling and hammering going on. Just bear with us. All right, I'm also sharing something today that I don't do often. And that is interviews. Today I'm sharing two episodes, I've broken them up into two from my talk with the Atkins, Bethany and Corey Atkins, the having podcast called the millennial mission.

 101. Finding the time, planning the day and stress responses (Life Coaching Q+A for moms who want to live on purpose) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:12

Today I'm sharing some of a LIVE Q+A I did in FB community last month A few times each month I ask for questions and sometimes on a certain topic, then I come on and answer them live In this Q+A I am answering questions about putting your head in the sand, planning your day, finding the time when you feel like it is hard to find the time, and how much work it is to change your thoughts and behaviours.  I also mention the Life on Purpose Roadmap - which is the condensed and simple course that takes you from reactive and feeling stressed about your life, to setting a direction for the nine areas of your life and taking control of your time, energy and space.  Topics covered in this Q+A episode: * Putting your head in the sand * Knowing your stress responses * What are you doing when you fight, flight or freeze * Recognizing when you are in a stress response * Planning your day, finding freedom in a plan * Things that have helped me to plan over the years * Setting plans with your spouse through a calendar meeting * When you feel like there isn't enough time * Making hard things even harder * Choosing thoughts that empower you rather than demotivate you * Our thoughts create our feelings and we are motivated by how we feel * It takes a lot of energy to change behaviours and thoughts, here is why Listen to the episode on decluttering What if I Need This One Day? items Learn more about the Life on Purpose Roadmap course Bring your own questions to the Simple on Purpose Community group       FULL TRANSCRIPT Welcome to the simple on purpose podcast. This is your place and your time mama to just slow down - let's just slow down. Let's simplify things. I want to help you simplify your home, your heart and your life. So that you can have more time, less distractions, more energy and space to show up for what's really important to you, what really matters to you, what is in line with who you want to be your personal values, and how you want to show up. So before we jump in today, I want to remind you that I have this self-paced course you have been asking for over the years, the Life on Purpose Roadmap, this is the course you need if you want to get started with intentional living, and I mean, intentional living, like feeling like you have a purpose in your big whole life, but also acting that out on a daily level. So this course guides you through knowing what you want in the nine areas of your life, setting out your personal values, planning your day, and relying on more than just willpower because willpower is a myth, guys. And I bust that myth in this course, and putting it all into action. As with these podcasts and everything I do, I'm on the go like you guys - so I make it small and condensed, jam-packed. All of the lessons are about 20 minutes. And you can just stream the audio like a podcast. One of my students just emailed me the other day to let me know she listens in her car with her kids or at skating lessons, she brings in a workbook and she does a bit in there. And I just love it. Because finding these pockets of time to do the work can be possible. It can even be easy, I dare say. So if you want more direction,

 100. Type 9 Mom (the Peacemaker), Enneagram + Motherhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:28

 We did it friends! I am proud of us! We finished the Enneagram and Motherhood series featuring moms from all over the continent sharing what it is like to parent through the lens of their Enneagram type.  Today we wrap up with the Type 9, which we all know they don't mind being left to the last ("it's fine, whatever works for you!") I say that because I am a Type 9 too.  But this is also my 100th podcast episode so it feels like a nice way to wrap up this endeavour I have been on to grow this podcast into a place that serves and empowers women to strip away the distractions and show up well for their lives.   And I think the Enneagram gives us tools to do this because it gives us awareness and language around how we show up in stress and growth - this is great information to help us redirect ourselves in times of stress - and to really pour into our strengths with mindfulness, truth and love.   In this episode, we hear from two moms sharing their Type 9 Mom experience. Thank you to Lindsey and Angelica for sharing! The Type 9, we discuss: * What motivates the type 9 * How they act when in a place of growth (integration) * How they respond when stressed (disintegration) * Their approach to dealing with things that don't go their way (harmonic group) I also share about my own experience as a Type 9 mom. Ways I look for a connection with my kids, struggling to say YES when it means I'll be getting uncomfortable, reconciling with the anger I feel in motherhood and my desire to deny or rationalize away the negative emotions, and so on.  I mention an episode and post on When Did I Stop Enjoying My Kids? you can read that post here and you can listen to the podcast version of it Episode 16 When Did I Stop Enjoying My Kids   You can bring any of your questions to the Simple on Purpose Community Group Drop me a line on Instagram to let me know you are listening! And if you are interested in life coaching with me, book a free consult call here to learn about it and see if it is a fit for you.      FULL TRANSCRIPT I'm so excited to round out our episodes on the enneagram with the type nine and I know the tight nines hate waiting to be last. But also we're okay with it. Because we're a type nine, it's fine, it's okay. Being a type nine and always coming at the end of the list is like when your last name starts with a Zed, and you're always called on last in school. But here's my special little treat for you type nines. You're Episode 100, you're the 100th episode of the simple on purpose podcast. I know this is usually a celebratory episode for lots of podcasters. And maybe I'll do something for 101. But I'm just glad to make this one about my type the type nine and just make a space for us type nines. This is such a type nine thing to say. So the type nine is also called the peacemaker, or the mediator, the type nine is motivated by the need to avoid conflict. So that's why they're called peacemakers because they want to avoid the opposite of what they feel as peace which wou...

 99. Type 8 Mom (the Challenger), Enneagram + Motherhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:01

The Type 8 is also known as the Maverick - they are confident, assertive and make natural leaders.  Today I have three Type 8 moms sharing how their Enneagram type empowers them in their motherhood and how it shows up in stress.   To open up I share some details on the Type 8: * What motivates them * How they move towards The Helper in times of growth * How they move towards The Observer in times of stress * The two other sides to the type 8 (the wings) * What the Gut Triad is, how the Type 8 shows up in line with their intuition/gut Thank you to the moms who shared what their experience is as Type 8 moms - Stacie, Ellen and Melissa.  You can find Melissa at Live with Audacity Join the Simple on Purpose Community to ask your questions around the enneagram and livng simple, on purpose.  If you can't click links in these show notes then head to and click LISTEN, you can find all the show notes and episode transcripts there.  FULL TRANSCRIPT For those who are new welcome, I am Shawna, mom of three in small town Canada. I am a trained life coach, a certified transformational life coach, a certified bird nerd. And I wear that with a badge of honour even though my kids make fun of me. But I am proud to be the Lady Nerd that I am. So simple on purpose is a place where I want to help you simplify your home, your heart, your life, to slow down and show up for the things that really matter the most to you the things that you want to place the highest value on in your life. We've been covering a series on the enneagram, which is a self-discovery tool that looks at our inner motives. So lots of personality profiling will look at your outer behaviours and other qualities and other actions. But the enneagram takes us deeper, and it's looking at the things that are driving us. So we've been covering all of the types of the enneagram and hearing from mums, who are sharing a couple minutes on their experience of what it's like to be that type how their type empowers them, and how their type shows up under stress. Today we're hearing from three type eight mums. The type eight is also called the challenger or the maverick I really like that name, the maverick, the type eight is motivated by the need to feel strong and in control. And they want to avoid the feeling of being weak or powerless. You've heard me mentioned over these episodes about the wings, and we can take on qualities of the type right beside us. So the type A, it can take on the wing of the seven right beside at the adventure and be more spontaneous. It can also take on the wing of the peacemaker, the number nine right beside it and be more warm. When the type eight is in a place of growth and health. They move towards the qualities of a type to the helper. So they shift their energy towards caring, they become more tender-hearted, which can really feel vulnerable and scary to a type eight. But it allows them to show up to support to connect with others from a place of generosity and respect. When they are in a place of stress. They move towards the type five, the observer, things get overwhelming. They retreat, they strategize. They're collecting information and just trying to sort things out on how they can come back into the situation. If they stay in this place, they can probably become high strung and stop taking good care of themselves and their needs. I've also been sharing harmonic groups, and this is categorizing each of the enneagram typ...

 98. Type 7 Mom (the Adventurer), Enneagram + Motherhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:54

The Type 7 on the Enneagram is also called the Enthusiast, or Fun Ninjas (as my friend Julia coined them) They are spontaneous and open to new experiences. In this episode, two Type 7 moms share how their Enneagram type empowers them in motherhood and how it shows up in times of stress.  I also discuss: * What motivates the Type 7 * What growth looks like as the move towards Type 5 * What stress looks like as the move towards Type 1 * How they handle it when things don't go their way through a positive reframing * How noticing other Enneagram Types and learning about them helps us have more appreciation for the inner experience of other moms in our lives   Ask Shawna questions about living simple, on purpose in the Simple on Purpose Facebook community  Find Shawna on Instagram   FULL TRANSCRIPT Hey friends, it's Shawna, your nerdy Welcome to simplify this podcast. This is a place for you to come if you want to simplify your home, your heart, your life, slow down, pay attention to what matters to you, what's important to you, what's in line with your personal values, and show up well for that. Today, we are covering the enneagram type seven, and I have some fun mom's sharing about being a type seven mum. The type seven is also called the adventure or the enthusiast, or fun ninjas, as my friend Julia has coined them, and I just love that name, hey, Julia, they are motivated by the need to be happy, have great experiences. And underneath that is a need to avoid pain or suffering. This is why they're always on the go to the next best thing. They're spontaneous. And for me as a type nine, who is very comfort bound, I have found so much freedom in learning about the type seven and seeing that there are people in the world who are comfortable with risk and excitement, even people like my own sister, it has made me love them more. And I just look to them to kind of be my fun Ninjas in my life. In stress, the type seven will move towards the qualities of a type one, they'll become critical, impatient, imposing limits on their own behaviors. When they are in a place of growth, they move towards the type five, the observer, they get more quiet and introspective, they can ride that anxiety that they often push away and start to make clear choices about what they want. For their harmonic groups, how they deal with things when things don't go their way. They take a positive outlook like the type two and the type nine, they are going to reframe the situation. And the type seven specifically wants to avoid seeing the problems around them in within them and instead focus on staying positive and happy and meeting their own needs. They're overwhelmed by the idea of meeting the needs of others. So they reframe things, and can have the stance to issues like there may be a problem, but I'm fine. So months ago, when I put out the call asking mums of different enneagram types to share their experience, you know who sent me one that night, a type seven, they are just ready to go. So let's hear from these two wonderful type sevens. Jacqueline and Sarah. Hi, I'm Jacqueline and I am a type seven on the enneagram. I am a mom to four daughters who range in age from seven to almost 13. Knowing my type on the enneagram has been really helpful for understanding myself. And I see being a seven having lots of positives and negatives. As a parent. For the positive, I'm very good at coming up with creative solutions and being flexib...

 97. Type 6 Mom (the Loyalist), Enneagram + Motherhood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:10

Welcome to the Simple on Purpose Podcast! For moms on the go who want nuggets of information and encouragement that helps them live with more peace, purpose and presence in their daily lives.  We are continuing with our series on the Enneagram and Motherhood where we hear from moms on what their motherhood experience is like through the lens of the Enneagram This episode is about the Type 6 Mom, also called the Loyalist or the Skeptic.    In this episode, I explain: * The common traits of the Type 6 * Their need for support and guidance * Their need for independence  * Being a skeptic and slow to trust * Being a loyalist and putting your faith in the others who have the answers * Type 6 living in their own head, with the worst-case scenario and projected fears * How the Type 6 reacts when things don't go their way * Their stress response (fight, flight and freeze) when faced with FEAR * Growth for the Type 6, and stress for the Type 6 We hear from two wonderful moms sharing their experience, thank you to Tiffany and Kristin!   Links: Listen to the Intro Episode, rundown of the 9 types of the Enneagram Ask any Enneagram questions in the Simple on Purpose Community Group Book a consult call to learn about life coaching with the Enneagram See all the episodes in this Enneagram and Motherhood Series See all the Show Notes for the podcast episodes    FULL TRANSCRIPT Hey friends it's Shawna, your nerdy girlfriend and life coach from simple and Welcome to this simple on purpose podcast. For those of you who are new here, welcome. I am Shawna, I am a mom of three in small-town Canada. And I am a trained life coach who is passionate about helping moms show up for their lives show up Well. It is always my mission on every coaching call I have on every episode on everything I share, to help you look at your life in a little bit of a different way that brings you more peace, more purpose and more presence into your daily life. That is what I'm passionate about you showing up for your life and enjoying it because this is your life, you should enjoy it. So we are continuing on with the enneagram series. And if you're not sure what the enneagram is head back a few episodes to the run through of the nine basic types. It's called What are your motives or something like that? what's motivating you I forget. So I have shared each type in their own episode. And on each episode, we have moms sharing what their motherhood experiences like through the lens of the enneagram. So today, we are talking about the type six, the type six is known to be fearful. They're always thinking of the worst case scenario, they really live in their head with a lot of their fears and planning how to avoid them. And I think it can really be exhausting. When they're in their head like that some sixes also failed to see their real dangers of life, the real worst case scenarios, versus these mentally manufactured fears that kind of a runaway train that their brain can take them on.


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