104. Dress like you are 30

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting   show

Summary: How should a 30 something-year-old dress?<br> I have asked this question for some years as I decluttered my closet and focussed on creating a closet of clothes I love to wear. I don’t want it to be the latest trends, but the clothes I enjoy and feel like ‘me’.<br> <br> I’m not a fashion blogger but when the memes went around this month making fun of millennial moms who wear skinny jeans and side parts I felt like I wanted to encourage other millennial moms to focus on building up a closet of clothes they LOVE to wear and not what Gen Z tells us is ‘in’ right now. <br> <br> <br>  <br> Millennial Mom vs Trendy Youth<br> <br> What being a ‘trendy’ youth is all about.  Playing with clothes to see what you like and learn more about yourself<br> What being a millennial mom is all about. Knowing more of who you are and making choices in line with that<br> <br>  <br> How to declutter and create a closet of clothes you love<br> <br> Declutter the items you don’t love to wear, torn, unused, etc. <br> Then start a pinboard of looks you love<br> Look for a theme in what you are pinning<br> Name your style (bring it to the Simple on Purpose Group if you want help with that)<br> Use this style as your guide for what you buy/bring into your closet<br> Don’t focus on trends, focus on what your style is and what you feel great in<br> <br>  <br> <br> Mentioned in this episode<br> <br> The Instagram of <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/CLZqCxCBMvx/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">me being a totally unfun anxious mom</a> on a family walk<br> <br> Bring your ideas and <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/simpleonpurposecommunity" target="_blank" rel="noopener">conversation to the Facebook group</a><br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> FULL TRANSCRIPT OF THIS EPISODE<br> <br>  <br> <br> This is the podcast for anyone who wants to simplify their homes, feel overwhelmed by clutter? - their heart. Do you feel like you're just kind of angry and resentful all the time? And their life - Do you feel like you're busy, you're on the go, you're just reacting to things. This is a place where I want to help you simplify those things so that you can have the time and space and energy to show up well for the things that matter the most to you in your life.<br> <br> So this past weekend, we've had a four day weekend as a family, it was a pro D day Valentine's Day family day here in BC, British Columbia. So I take I took four days off work It was so it was weird. But it also felt really good. And we just took our time playing games and puzzles, and going skating and going for walks. And maybe you caught my recent Instagram post about the walk that broke my brain, you can go check that out there. If you want to see just a lovely ball of anxiety that I can sometimes be with my family. And it was a great time. It was great overall, I mean, there's good parts and there's hard parts every single day. So we just keep going, we keep rolling with it.<br> <br> Alright, so one thing I want to remind you guys of is to leave a review, leave a review in your podcast player, because the podcast player loves them gives us authority in the podcast player. And I really love to read them. I love it when I come across one and especially if I recognize the name, but I didn't recognize this name from Australia. HealwithmeAIP. I loved your thoughtful review. So thank you so much. I read it over breakfast and I told my husband this morning, someone called me quirky. And he's like, What? That's not weird. Like, hasn't that happened before? Like you are quirky and I was like, Oh, okay. And I kind of laughed as I reflected on it because I used to want to define my personal style as quirky French girl. So you totally call me out on this secret byline I'm tryin...