99. Type 8 Mom (the Challenger), Enneagram + Motherhood

Simple on Purpose | Intentional Living and Parenting   show

Summary: The Type 8 is also known as the Maverick - they are confident, assertive and make natural leaders. <br> Today I have three Type 8 moms sharing how their Enneagram type empowers them in their motherhood and how it shows up in stress.<br> <br>  <br> <br> To open up I share some details on the Type 8:<br> <br> * What motivates them<br> * How they move towards The Helper in times of growth<br> * How they move towards The Observer in times of stress<br> * The two other sides to the type 8 (the wings)<br> * What the Gut Triad is, how the Type 8 shows up in line with their intuition/gut<br> <br> Thank you to the moms who shared what their experience is as Type 8 moms - Stacie, Ellen and Melissa. <br> <br> You can find Melissa at <a href="https://www.facebook.com/LivewithAudacitynow" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Live with Audacity</a><br> <br> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/simpleonpurposecommunity" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Join the Simple on Purpose Community to ask your questions</a> around the enneagram and livng simple, on purpose. <br> <br> If you can't click links in these show notes then head to www.simpleonpurpose.ca and click LISTEN, you can find all the show notes and episode transcripts there. <br> <br> <br> <br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> <br> For those who are new welcome, I am Shawna, mom of three in small town Canada. I am a trained life coach, a certified transformational life coach, a certified bird nerd. And I wear that with a badge of honour even though my kids make fun of me. But I am proud to be the Lady Nerd that I am.<br> <br> So simple on purpose is a place where I want to help you simplify your home, your heart, your life, to slow down and show up for the things that really matter the most to you the things that you want to place the highest value on in your life.<br> <br> We've been covering a series on the enneagram, which is a self-discovery tool that looks at our inner motives. So lots of personality profiling will look at your outer behaviours and other qualities and other actions. But the enneagram takes us deeper, and it's looking at the things that are driving us. So we've been covering all of the types of the enneagram and hearing from mums, who are sharing a couple minutes on their experience of what it's like to be that type how their type empowers them, and how their type shows up under stress.<br> <br> Today we're hearing from three type eight mums. The type eight is also called the challenger or the maverick I really like that name, the maverick, the type eight is motivated by the need to feel strong and in control. And they want to avoid the feeling of being weak or powerless.<br> <br> You've heard me mentioned over these episodes about the wings, and we can take on qualities of the type right beside us. So the type A, it can take on the wing of the seven right beside at the adventure and be more spontaneous. It can also take on the wing of the peacemaker, the number nine right beside it and be more warm.<br> <br> When the type eight is in a place of growth and health. They move towards the qualities of a type to the helper. So they shift their energy towards caring, they become more tender-hearted, which can really feel vulnerable and scary to a type eight. But it allows them to show up to support to connect with others from a place of generosity and respect.<br> <br> When they are in a place of stress. They move towards the type five, the observer, things get overwhelming. They retreat, they strategize. They're collecting information and just trying to sort things out on how they can come back into the situation. If they stay in this place, they can probably become high strung and stop taking good care of themselves and their needs.<br> <br> I've also been sharing harmonic groups, and this is categorizing each of the enneagram typ...