Coffee Party USA Radio show

Coffee Party USA Radio

Summary: This is the official radio network for Coffee Party USA. Our shows are listed at: Our shows have audience participation from all over the country. All are hosted, researched, and produced by Coffee Party volunteers.

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 Politics Done Right - Eric Garner case proves American needs a change of heart | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Today I am going to discuss the Eric Garner killing by New York Police Department officer Daniel Pantaleo. Much is made about having cameras solving much of the problem. While it is true that in departments where cameras are used there is empirical evidence that it reduces both police brutality and complaints against police, the reality is that is a different issue. There was clear evidence of a murder that appeared on video. American citizens who saw that video chose not to hold the officer accountable. They saw a murder and refused to indict. The only reason one could watch that video and not indict is to internally deny the humanity of the murdered. What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag#PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. Give me a call. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here. Please help us build our new Politics Done Right page by LIKEing it now

 How do We Heal the Heart of America? Lunch with Louden - 12/04.2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

Breaking news has trumped our pre-planned program again! Let's talk about healing the heart of this republic's democracy with a little different focus: the grand jury decision to not indite an NYPD officer for the death of Eric Garner is on everyone's mind. The Lunch with Louden Facebook page has several perspectives posted. Our challenge today is not to be so right about something that, by definition, those who do not see things the same way are wrong. It is time to set aside our fear, our pain, and our anger so that we can un-conceal the problems that can only be solved together.  Join host Jeanene Louden and guest Christina Arechiga in this important conversation.

 'I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:02:00

Unfortunately I am unable to join you this evening.  So I am broadcasting the show from last week which features Catherine Bernard.  Enjoy and see you next weeek. Long time Activist, Coffee Party Newsroom Editor and Radio Host, Bobby Rodrigo's new show on "I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee" on Coffee Party USA Radio every Tuesday at 8:30PM.   He advocates engagement, coalitions and continues to point out that the Constitution is the Rule of Law in our land and why it should remain so.  His disdain for Money in Politics, the Political Party Machine and partisan blind allegiance is on full display as he advocates against the erosion of our Constitutional Protections in the name of corruption and tyranny. "If we focused on following the Constitution we would solve many of the ills of our society.”  Offering a long list of guests from Political Organizations, Activism, Media and Artists Bobby invites you to join him every Tuesday at 8:30PM on Coffee Party USA Radio.

 Politics Done Right - Media rehabilitates Darren Wilson & demeans Michael Brown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Are you tired of the protests in Furgeson Missouri? Do you think the story is played out. Why do we continue to pound the story ad nauseam? This paragraph from a recent Jon Stewart skit says it all. “Imagine that instead of that on a pretty consistent basis,” Jon Stewart said. “You can’t get a fucking cab even though you are a neurosurgeon because you’re Black. I guarantee you that every person of color in this country has faced an indignity from the ridiculous to the grotesque to the sometimes fatal at some point in there, I am going to say last couple of hours because of their skin color. Quick story. So we live in New York City, a Liberal bastion. Recently we sent a correspondent and a producer to a building in this Liberal bastion where we were going to tape an interview. The producer, White, dressed in only what could be described as homeless elf attire and a pretty strong five o’clock from the previous week shadow, strode confidently into the building preceding our humble correspondent, a gentleman of color dressed resplendidly in a tailored suit. Who do you think was stopped? Let me give you a hint. The Black guy. And that shit happens all the times, all of it. Race is there and it is a constant. You are tired of hearing about it? Imagine how fucking exhausting it is living it.” The media and many in America are going through contortions to rehabilitate the image of Darren Wilson. In the process they needed to make Michael Brown a monster. They needed to make Michael Brown that big, Black, menacing thug. They have already succeeded in many ways. The question is whether America will continue live its past or its future. What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag#PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. Give me a call.

 Where Do We Go From Here: Lunch with Louden 11/27/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:00

Unlike too many big box stores, Lunch with Louden is taking Thanksgiving Day off: instead, we are sharing a sneak peek of the Tim Danahey Show, our latest addition to Coffee Talk Radio. This episode, "Election Analysis with Egberto Willies: Where Do We Go From Here" was originally broadcast November 5th on another internet network. From the Tim Danahey Show post: Egberto Willies is a highly-respected national radio show host and political blogger with a constructive analysis of election results. One-sixth of all American eligible voters chose Republican candidates and the nation's political landscape has changed. What can we now expect from Republicans? What do the Democrats need to do? Has the effect of money in politics completely changed governance in America? Most important: What must we the citizens do? The Tim Danahey Show started in July, 2010 at internet station Castle Rock Radio. It started as a one-day-per week endeavor and quickly grew to five days per week. The show discusses economics, government, social issues, history, and nonfiction books in a magazine format featuring in-depth conversations with guests. Politics and inflammatory conversations are discouraged as they are divisive and counter-productive. Instead, the show seeks under-reported topics and delves into facts, different perspectives, and ramifications of each perspective. This internet radio show posts five days a week at Tim Danahey was recently seated as the Director for Public and Member Outreach for Coffee Party USA. LUNCH with LOUDEN Jeanene Louden and co-host Debilyn Molineaux talk about current events and look for opportunities to bridge political divides, expose corruption and share information not covered in mainstream media.    

 "Let's Have A Real Discussion About Ferguson" on "I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:00

"Ferguson".  That word carries many new meanings for me as it surely will for our society going forward.  It conjures up many subjects considering what has gone on there right before our eyes.  I read an open letter today that my media brother Nick Bernabe made me aware of found here:  There were other letters and calls to various groups and organization as we all have seen.  Tonight we will discuss Fergosun. The Grand Jury, the protests, the Missouri State Constitution, recent police shootings, the growing concerns of the Militarization of our Police Force, the way Mainstream Media covers protests, as well as the recent history of protests in our country.  Joining me tonight will be Attorney Catherine Bernard.  Catherine is an activist, former political candidate and  an advocate of Constitutional Government, Long time Activist, Coffee Party Newsroom Editor and Radio Host, Bobby Rodrigo's new show on "I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee" on Coffee Party USA Radio every Tuesday at 8:30PM.   He advocates engagement, coalitions and continues to point out that the Constitution is the Rule of Law in our land and why it should remain so.  His disdain for Money in Politics, the Political Party Machine and partisan blind allegiance is on full display as he advocates against the erosion of our Constitutional Protections in the name of corruption and tyranny. "If we focused on following the Constitution we would solve many of the ills of our society.”  Offering a long list of guests from Political Organizations, Activism, Media and Artists Bobby invites you to join him every Tuesday at 8:30PM on Coffee Party USA Radio.

 About Ferguson... Lunch with Louden 11/20/2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

BREAKING  Just before airtime, Lunch with Louden connected with Dan Johnson, PANDAA Founder and citizen journalist with time on the ground in Fergusen. He, Bobby Rodrigo, and host Jeanene Louden discussed the drama (information and misinformation) as well as the social/cultural issues surrounding the pending grand jury decision regarding the legal fate of Darren Wilson, the officer that shot Michael Brown. Mr. Johnson's comments were insightful and informative. Articles referenced in our conversation are now posted on the Lunch With Louden Facebook page. If you tuned in to hear the advertised topic, "Where Do We Go From Here" fear not! The episode will be available to stream Thursday, November 27th (yes, Thanksgiving). LUNCH with LOUDEN Jeanene Louden and co-host Debilyn Molineaux talk about current events and look for opportunities to bridge political divides, expose corruption and share information not covered in mainstream media.  

 "I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an international trade pact crafted by multinational corporations and currently being negotiated in secret by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative along with eleven other foreign governments. Over 600 corporate advisors also have access to the text, but the public and civil society are excluded. Little was known about the TPP until a series of leaked documents was published in 2011 by the Citizens Trade Campaign, revealing what many had suspected—that the TPP is not about trade at all, but is rather a corporate power grab that circumvents domestic judicial systems and undermines national sovereignty. If ratified, the TPP would establish a system of international tribunals allowing corporations to challenge the laws, regulations and even court decisions of any member nation if they are deemed to adversely impact the corporation’s expected future profits. Under the TPP’s “investor-state” provision, corporations would even be allowed to file preemptive lawsuits against proposed government actions before they are undertaken. Long time Activist and Radio Host, Bobby Rodrigo advocates engagement, coalitions and continues to point out that the Constitution is the Rule of Law in our land and why it should remain so.  His disdain for Money in Politics, the Political Party Machine and partisan blind allegiance is on full display as he advocates against the erosion of our Constitutional Protections in the name of corruption and tyranny. "If we focused on following the Constitution we would solve many of the ills of our society.”  Bobby invites you to join him Tuesday at 8:30PM on Coffee Party USA Radio.

 Politics Done Right - Did the midterm election liberate President Obama? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

This week’??s show Did the midterm election liberate President Obama? November 15th, 2014 Democrats took a shellacking in the 2014 midterm elections. They did so even as they ran away from President Obama. It seems like it was a poor move. Why would you buy into a false narrative instead on running on quantifiable accomplishments? Democrats deserved to lose. The President acquiesced to their requests for timid action, Republican lite action and t failed. Americans want a choice, Americans want options, real options. It seems that the President will use his last two years to do just that. What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.

 GMOs, Voters, Money and Facts: Lunch w Louden 11/13/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:00

Kate Wildrick and Manju Bassell will join host Jeanene Louden as we discuss GMOs, Voters, Money and Facts: Lunch with Louden 11/13/14. (Bios for our guests and many related articles can be found at the Lunch with Louden Facebook page.) The Oregon Mandatory Labeling of GMOs Initiative, Measure 92, was on the November 4th ballot as an initiated state statute, where it was narrowly defeated (at least "called"). The measure would have mandated the labeling of certain foodstuffs that were produced with or contained genetically modified organisms.  This ballot measure became the poster child for everything that has become a challenge for the informed voter. Voter Participation - With just under 4M residents in the state, 2.2M are registered voters. Even with the healthy voting rate of 69.5%, over 630K ballots were not cast, or at least not counted. Wednesday morning The results of this too-close-to-call race were NO 696,293 (50.5%), and YES 683,276 (49.5%). The 13K+ spread was down to just over 6K by mid morning. That means if 1% of the non-voters had voted, they could have changed the outcome. Money - The financial investment on this issue alone was record breaking. NO supporters spent just over $20M and YES supporters spent just under $9M. This pencils out to over $20 per vote. Most of the money for both sides came from out of state. Big money was well represented.  Information - "Information" flew fast and furious. Oregon felt like a battleground state (not normal for us) with ads that answered ads that answered ads and too many non-recyclable "post cards": the nature of GMOs, the costs of labeling, the need for "more law" had a ping pong tournament quality.  What was an informed voter to do? What shall we do in the future?  

 Democracy for the Next Generation: Lunch with Louden 10/30/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:00

Earlier this month Jeanene Louden and Debilyn Molineaux attended a three day conference in Washington DC entitled “Democracy for the Next Generation” sponsored by NCDD (the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation). The National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD) is a network of more than 2,100 innovators who bring people together across divides to discuss, decide, and take action together effectively on today’s toughest issues.  NCDD serves as a gathering place, a resource center, a news source, and a facilitative leader for this vital community of practice. We saw how ripe the country was and continues to be for the mission of Coffee Party USA.  As we progress on our mission to “Building, nurturing and connecting communities to reclaim our government for the people,” participating in events like NCDD conference and others helps in two ways.  First, we gathered with the larger body of people working toward similar goals and, second, represented Coffee Party in the community of connectors. On today’s show, guest Sandy Heierbacher, Director at National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation, Jeanene and Debilyn will share their experience and how it will play out in the day to day “life” of Coffee Party USA and maybe you! LUNCH with LOUDEN Jeanene Louden and co-host Debilyn Molineaux talk about current events and look for opportunities to bridge political divides, expose corruption and share information not covered in mainstream media.  

 ENCORE: Movie Night Interview with Paul Blackthorne & Mister Basquali | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:00

Press [1] for Democracy (P1FD) is a Coffee Party Radio show that discusses the political issues of the day in a civil, fact-based, and transpartisan manner.  Transpartisan is quite different from bi- or non-partisan in the we encourage callers to be passionate about their positions, but also that they listen and respond to those with differing points of view repsectfully and with a true desire to find common ground on which solutions can be built.   Tonight on P1FD . . . We present an encore show from Coffee Party Movie Night!  On Saturday, October 25th, people around the country joined us in watching "This American Journey" which we followed with a live interview. Enjoy this 35 minute show and then watch the movie!  It will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired to know our fellow Americans a little better. Guest host:  Debilyn Molineaux

 Coffee Party Movie Night w Paul Blackthorne and Mister Basquali | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:00

It's Coffee Party Movie Night!  Watch the film, then join us for a conversation with the filmmakers Paul Blackthorne and Mister Basquali. Their movie, "This American Journey" goes from New York City to Los Angeles.  Paul and Basquali talk with people all along the way and offer their perspectives on the state of their adopted country.   7 p.m. ET we'll take 30 minutes to ask questions, share stories and have a generally good time!

 Politics Done Right - Ebola, healthcare, and privilege | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

This week’??s show Ebola, Healthcare, and Privilege October 10th, 2014 Thomas Eric Duncan died this week from Ebola. He is the first person treated in for Ebola in the US that died. He is also characteristically and otherwise different from all those that survived their own bout with Ebola. Sadly both Thomas Eric Duncan's healthcare and death revealed much about our privileged healthcare system. Worst, it shows that American citizenship while not explicitly tiered is definitely implicitly tiered. Let's discuss Ebola, healthcare, and privilege. What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.

 Let's Talk about Voting: Lunch with Louden 10/23/14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:00

Americans all across the country are now or are about to have the opportunity to vote. But will they? Today we will be discussing voter participation in America with two experts in the field: Tomas Lopez, Brennan Center for Justice, and Rob Richie, Executive Director of Center for Voting and Democracy. According to The Brennan Center for Justice: ince the 2010 election, new voting restrictions are slated to be in place in 22 states; in 15 states, 2014 will be the first major federal election with these new restrictions in place; the courts will play a crucial role in 2014, with ongoing suits challenging laws in seven states. Voting restrictions for the most part have to do with voter identification. Laws to improve the election system and increase voting access passed in 16 states since 2012, and these laws will be in effect in 11 states this November. The most common improvements were online registration and other measures to modernize voter registration, and increased early voting. According to FairVote: voter turnout in the US fluctuates in national elections, but has never risen to levels of most other well-established democracies. In countries with compulsory voting, turnout hovered near 90% in the 2000s. Other countries, experienced turnout rates near 80%. Overall, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries experience turnout rates of about 70%, while in the US, about 60% of the voting eligible population votes during presidential election years, and about 40% votes during midterm elections.    


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