About Ferguson... Lunch with Louden 11/20/2014

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: BREAKING  Just before airtime, Lunch with Louden connected with Dan Johnson, PANDAA Founder and citizen journalist with time on the ground in Fergusen. He, Bobby Rodrigo, and host Jeanene Louden discussed the drama (information and misinformation) as well as the social/cultural issues surrounding the pending grand jury decision regarding the legal fate of Darren Wilson, the officer that shot Michael Brown. Mr. Johnson's comments were insightful and informative. Articles referenced in our conversation are now posted on the Lunch With Louden Facebook page. If you tuned in to hear the advertised topic, "Where Do We Go From Here" fear not! The episode will be available to stream Thursday, November 27th (yes, Thanksgiving). LUNCH with LOUDEN Jeanene Louden and co-host Debilyn Molineaux talk about current events and look for opportunities to bridge political divides, expose corruption and share information not covered in mainstream media.