"I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee"

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an international trade pact crafted by multinational corporations and currently being negotiated in secret by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative along with eleven other foreign governments. Over 600 corporate advisors also have access to the text, but the public and civil society are excluded. Little was known about the TPP until a series of leaked documents was published in 2011 by the Citizens Trade Campaign, revealing what many had suspected—that the TPP is not about trade at all, but is rather a corporate power grab that circumvents domestic judicial systems and undermines national sovereignty. If ratified, the TPP would establish a system of international tribunals allowing corporations to challenge the laws, regulations and even court decisions of any member nation if they are deemed to adversely impact the corporation’s expected future profits. Under the TPP’s “investor-state” provision, corporations would even be allowed to file preemptive lawsuits against proposed government actions before they are undertaken. Long time Activist and Radio Host, Bobby Rodrigo advocates engagement, coalitions and continues to point out that the Constitution is the Rule of Law in our land and why it should remain so.  His disdain for Money in Politics, the Political Party Machine and partisan blind allegiance is on full display as he advocates against the erosion of our Constitutional Protections in the name of corruption and tyranny. "If we focused on following the Constitution we would solve many of the ills of our society.”  Bobby invites you to join him Tuesday at 8:30PM on Coffee Party USA Radio.