"Let's Have A Real Discussion About Ferguson" on "I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee"

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: "Ferguson".  That word carries many new meanings for me as it surely will for our society going forward.  It conjures up many subjects considering what has gone on there right before our eyes.  I read an open letter today that my media brother Nick Bernabe made me aware of found here: http://www.marchforward.org/veterans_appeal_to_national.  There were other letters and calls to various groups and organization as we all have seen.  Tonight we will discuss Fergosun. The Grand Jury, the protests, the Missouri State Constitution, recent police shootings, the growing concerns of the Militarization of our Police Force, the way Mainstream Media covers protests, as well as the recent history of protests in our country.  Joining me tonight will be Attorney Catherine Bernard.  Catherine is an activist, former political candidate and  an advocate of Constitutional Government, Long time Activist, Coffee Party Newsroom Editor and Radio Host, Bobby Rodrigo's new show on "I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee" on Coffee Party USA Radio every Tuesday at 8:30PM.   He advocates engagement, coalitions and continues to point out that the Constitution is the Rule of Law in our land and why it should remain so.  His disdain for Money in Politics, the Political Party Machine and partisan blind allegiance is on full display as he advocates against the erosion of our Constitutional Protections in the name of corruption and tyranny. "If we focused on following the Constitution we would solve many of the ills of our society.”  Offering a long list of guests from Political Organizations, Activism, Media and Artists Bobby invites you to join him every Tuesday at 8:30PM on Coffee Party USA Radio.