Politics Done Right - Media rehabilitates Darren Wilson & demeans Michael Brown

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: Are you tired of the protests in Furgeson Missouri? Do you think the story is played out. Why do we continue to pound the story ad nauseam? This paragraph from a recent Jon Stewart skit says it all. “Imagine that instead of that on a pretty consistent basis,” Jon Stewart said. “You can’t get a fucking cab even though you are a neurosurgeon because you’re Black. I guarantee you that every person of color in this country has faced an indignity from the ridiculous to the grotesque to the sometimes fatal at some point in there, I am going to say last couple of hours because of their skin color. Quick story. So we live in New York City, a Liberal bastion. Recently we sent a correspondent and a producer to a building in this Liberal bastion where we were going to tape an interview. The producer, White, dressed in only what could be described as homeless elf attire and a pretty strong five o’clock from the previous week shadow, strode confidently into the building preceding our humble correspondent, a gentleman of color dressed resplendidly in a tailored suit. Who do you think was stopped? Let me give you a hint. The Black guy. And that shit happens all the times, all of it. Race is there and it is a constant. You are tired of hearing about it? Imagine how fucking exhausting it is living it.” The media and many in America are going through contortions to rehabilitate the image of Darren Wilson. In the process they needed to make Michael Brown a monster. They needed to make Michael Brown that big, Black, menacing thug. They have already succeeded in many ways. The question is whether America will continue live its past or its future. What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag#PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. Give me a call.