Winning with Wellness show

Winning with Wellness

Summary: Winning with Wellness is a podcast about inspiring the Wellness Warrior in you! If you are feeling lost or alone in your wellness journey or are looking for new ideas and inspiration you are in the right place. A place you can learn about all things wellness in business, life and living. This is a podcast that connects and unites people from all walks of life to learn from shared experiences through storytelling and conversation. Your host Jenny Ryce will be bringing you inspiring stories and practical tools to improve your overall wellness personally and professionally. Ignite the Wellness Warrior in you!

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 EP19: 3 Common Myths About Anxiety and How to Break the Cycle With Nick Kidawski | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:06

We are more than muscles and bones. Nick discusses how there are many aspects for ourselves and the importance of acknowledging and working on areas so we are healing as a whole being, not in parts. How we feeling ripples outwards towards how we interact with others for example our families and coworkers.

 EP18: Tapping Into Your Power With Sandra Griff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:17

Sandra shares how our bodies are designed to do great things, and with the right support, they can even heal themselves. We are blessed to have all types of health support in this day and age. What we want to remember is the importance of choice. In our conversation we dig into the topic of helping our body heal and how it starts with our mind, when we are in a state of calm we are no longer in a state of protection and the amygdule brain is no longer in a heightened state. This calmness creates a space for healing and responsive thinking.

 EP17: Habits = Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:02

Why positive habits matter! Good habits bring you closer to your goals. Good habits reduce wasted time. Good habits replace motivation. Good habits build your foundation for life. Now that you know why forming good habits is good for you, here are some simple tips on how to get started. Forming good habits does not only do you good in the here and now, but also into the future. It’s not impossible and if you are willing to put in the work and follow these tips it is possible.

 EP16: Meditation and Intuition is Your Super Power With Candace McKim | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:09

Wellness means living it every day and encompassing it in areas of your life. Candace shares with us the reality of slipping when it comes to health goals and encourages us to always come back to what we know is best for our bodies. For her here non-negotiable wellness practice is her plant-based diet and meditation. In this episode we dig into the why, the how and the steps to get started with meditation. Candace believes meditation is a non-negotiable when it comes to getting in touch with our/your needs, sleeping better, and making proactive decisions. Wellness has some fundamental pillars; breath, rest, nutrition and mindset. Mediation is a champion of these pillars.

 EP15: Reconnecting to Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:30

“it’s our choices Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” ~Albus Dumbledore I shared with you some of the cornerstone concepts when it comes to connecting with choice. I talk about how this thought process can change the course of our direction. It will lead us to a place of power where we become the designer of our life and our actions. I share about the importance of personal choice and how it comes from within and is not external. When used it will be a guiding light to support us on our life’s journey. To always know we have the power to decide and learn from all situations. To consider the habits we have formed in our lives and to determine if they are supporting us or working against us in fulfilling our purpose. “A ship in harbour is safe – but that is not what a ships built for.” ~ John A. Shedd Wellness Nuggets; · Awaken your right to choose · Set your compass it is unique to you · Connect and celebrate your wins along the journey. · Our behaviour is our own and we can choose how we respond to any situation. We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU! About the Host: Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration. Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration. Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion. It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU. Learn More about Holistic Earth Website: ( Free Wellness Membership for Your Holistic Earth: ( Find Us on Social Media Facebook Page: @yourholisticearth or ( Facebook Group: ( Instagram: @yourholistciearth or ( Linked In: ( Eventbrite: ( Our YouTube and Twitter accounts are in development and coming soon! YouTube: ( Twitter: @urholisticearth or ( Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a comment in the section below! Follow the podcast If you would like to receive new podcast episodes automatically, you can follow us on Apple Podcasts or in your favourite podcast app. Leave us an Apple Podcasts review Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on Apple Podcasts, which exposes...

 EP14: A Holistic Approach to Business and Life Through Conversational Sales With Connie Whitman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:23

Wellness is directly related to effective communication. Sales are about communication, we are always communicating with others. What the common trend is for humans to talk at each other versus having conversations with each other. Connie shares with us a lesson she learned and it is the importance of listening more than we speak. We should be listening about 70% of the time and sharing or asking questions the other 30%. During that 70%, we are learning so much about the other person's perspective making it easier for us to provide a better recommendation or idea. Because we are communicating from a place of understanding the sale becomes easier. Sales can be anything from selling an idea like, renovating the kitchen, getting your children to eat vegetables or pitching your next project to your boss. This theory also goes deep than sales, it is the cornerstone to share our needs and wants with others so we too can feel seen, heard and understood.

 EP13: Life Unlimited: The Key to your Maximum Potential With Dolphin Casper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:01

Dolphin and I talk about living in a world with so many choices and how it hasn’t translated into health and more well-being for us. Through distraction, we have been moved away from the very center of health. Dolphin shares how it is hard for many of us to realize we already have what we need inside us. Due to our self-belief of not feeling enough or worthy we forget that we have the ability. When we have that negative belief, it becomes embedded into the core of everything we do. For example, even if we start a fitness routine and change our diet the underlining belief structure is still there. We then tend to structure our lives from that underlying place. Dolphin reminds us to remember that “You are enough, that you have what you need to move forward and you are already whole in the way that matters most.”

 EP12: No Rules In The Dream World With Pearl Gregor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:26

Pearl and I explore the concept of interpreting dreams and how they can help in your wellness journey. It is truly fascinating what we can learn from dreams if we take the time to decipherer them. Pearl shares her personal story of healing from the support of her dreams. She also discusses how there are no rules in the dream world. Our dreams share messages in symbolic form. For example, people in our dreams are usually parts of ourselves. In dreams weird translates into wise, she invites us to “Listen to your wisdom, there are no rules in the dream world.” ~ Pearl Gregor

 EP11: Unwrapping The Gift Of Intuition with Marcie Mazurenko | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:08

Our body has its own energy system. In this episode, Marcie and I dive into the conversation of bio-energy healing and how it is often overlooked, unlike the skeletal or nervous system. Energy flow is a vital part of our natural healing capabilities. When we have blocks in our energy centers it can inhibit our healing. Marcie shares with us her own healing journey and reveals how her grief was impacting her health. She also guides us through her journey focusing on releasing energy blocks. When you change your personal frequency, everything changes. In this episode, Marcie and I dive into the conversation of bio-energy healing and how it is often overlooked, unlike the skeletal or nervous system. Energy flow is a vital part of our natural healing capabilities. When we have blocks in our energy centers it can inhibit our healing. Marcie shares with us her own healing journey and reveals how her grief was impacting her health. She also guides us through her journey focusing on releasing energy blocks. When you change your personal frequency, everything changes. “I had stored all my grief in my heart” ~ Marcie Mazurenko Marcie and I also talked about the spiritual side of healing and how tapping into our intuition can be an incredible tool. Marcie talks about her experience with mediumship and the support is has provided. How spirit work and messages can provide a level of aid that is unique to you. We are the only ones who can discern who is the right person to support us. Marcie shares how our thoughts are self-fulfilling prophecies. “Your Spiritteam is like your board of directors” ~Marcie Mazerenko

 EP10: What is a Toxic Load? with Melissa Deally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:12

“Wellness means having the energy to do whatever it is you want to do in your life.” ~ Melissa Deally In this episode, we dig into the grey area of wellness, how we get energy from food and sleep but there are so many things draining our energy like stress and poor sleep. We discuss how we haven’t been taught to make our health a priority. We have been raised in a sick care system, when you are sick you go to the doctor. We haven’t been taught the grey area of prevention, of proactive health. Ever wondered what toxic load means in regards to your health? You might be surprised to hear what Melissa has to share. We dig deep into this powerful topic of wellness and some simple steps you can take to make a big impact in your life. Melissa was dropping truth bombs everywhere. Did you know that our microbiomes go back 4 generations on our Mom’s side! I am so excited for you to grab all the nuggets in this episode.

 EP09: The Interesting Thing About Self-Worth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:27

The interesting thing about self-worth! I am excited to dig into this topic because it's coming straight from my heart. I'm sharing this with you because I hoping it will resonate, I am talking about the grey area where we aren’t sick, but we sure aren’t healthy. The reality is there are so many different things out there we could be doing to support our bodies, minds and our spirit. During this episode, I share how winning Your Holistic Earth has impacted my self-worth and the steps I am put into practice to overcome this old habit. Tyson Sharpe who was on episode 8 shared with us about this experience of sitting in silence and during that episode I was very honest about being called to sit in silence. However, I hadn’t had the courage to actually do it. With Tyson’s encouragement and support, I have taken the plunge. As I pondered this decision of sitting in silence I realized that sitting in silence for 20 minutes was going to be a stretch, never mind 3 hours. I committed to an hour and I have to tell you it was a struggle! I moved a lot, my mind wandered I was all over the place. During the silence, I remembered Tyson reminding me to give myself grace as I moved through this process. I share this vulnerability with you is so that you can see that it's okay to fall off your own awesome wagon. I am considered an expert in the field of mindset but it can take just one thing to knock us back into our old habits. I hope this episode provides you with insight, ideas and support. Never be afraid to show your truth.

 EP08: Don’t Build Your Life From A Place Of Fear with Tyson Sharpe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:31

Meditation connects you with who you are. Tyson shares how unconscious patterns drive our emotions, and behaviours in our personal and professional life. For many of us, this surfaces as fears, doubts, confusion and triggers. It is common for us to avoid, resist, or react to these patterns, allowing them to grow unconsciously. Tyson shares practical tools and solutions to help us transition from a place of fear to a place of strength. He provides the space for us to feel and discusses the importance of healing our ego. If you have ever been curious about incorporating meditation into your life this episode will light the way.

 EP07: Fear is the Illusion that Keeps You Stuck with Lynn Vollmer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:00

“Your soul has your back!” ~ Lynn Vollmer Lynn shares with us that at her deepest point of depression she knew if she didn’t change she wasn’t going to get to observe her children grow. She knew that something radically had to shift and for her, it started with her mindset. She used the Theta Healing process and got rid of all the “guck”, limiting belief systems and started shifting her mindset. This healing put her on a pathway to clarify her purpose. For many of us purpose seems like an elusive mystical creature that everyone talks about but nobody has ever seen it. In this episode, Lynn digs into some of the steps she used to clarify her purpose. Starting with how fear is the illusion that keeps you stuck. If you are curious join us for this conversation. “When your soul rings you need to answer the call” ~ Lynn

 EP06: Shifting from "Surviving" to Thriving After Breast Cancer with Anne Crook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:02

Self-care is health care! We talk about true wellness from the inside out, it’s about thriving not just surviving. This episode is for people that have dealt with a major diagnosis or who haven't but want to prevent one. We can all upgrade our wellness in some way and so on this podcast we're going to talk about what it means to create a healing mindset and to use a health scare as an opportunity. We want to address our wellness blind spots so we can thrive. We talk about nutritional and lifestyle foods and the importance of taking care of our health because self-care is healthcare.

 EP05: Extending Your Health Span is Easier Than You Think! with Mandy Gefle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:09

Giving your body a place to come home! Tons of truth bombs in this episode as we dig into the timeless saying, “you are what you eat”. We discuss how we can take our experiences with us to create change in our lives. Whether it’s a big shift like a career or changing up what’s on our dinner plate. “Slowly switch out the food choices they will never notice” ~ Mandy We all come to a moment in time where we hit our brick wall whatever that is, a moment of awakening to the need for change “I was a giver to the truest definition, it is what I now call the Groot experience” ~ Mandy We dig into how asking for help demonstrates strength versus weakness and shifting wellness into your life style. Wellness Nuggets: Listen to your body and fuel it with good food; Make one change at a time; Get support, it doesn’t need to be hard; and Shift your mindset We invite you to Ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!


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