The Paleo View show

The Paleo View

Summary: The Paleo View: Parenting, Science, and Gossip for a Healthy & Happy Family. Join Stacy of Paleo Parents and Sarah of The Paleo Mom as they answer your questions about health, paleo, and parenting!

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  • Artist: Stacy Toth and Sarah Ballantyne
  • Copyright: Copyright 2012 Matthew McCarry, Stacy Toth and Sarah Ballantyne. All rights reserved.


 Episode 82: Autistic Spectrum Disorder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:22:32

Our eighty-second show! Ep. 82, Autistic Spectrum Disorder In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by Kelly, The Spunky Coconut, to hear about her experience with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Kelly reflects on how diet and lifestyle impacted her daughter Ashely's ASD, and helps Stacy and Sarah address related reader questions. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 82, Autistic Spectrum Disorder 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome everyone! And welcome to this week's guest Kelly from The Spunky Coconut - Stacy learned about Kelly at the very beginning of her paleo journey and her site was one of the main two sites that Matt and Stacy used as they were evolving into the paleo lifestyle Kelly has written multiple cookbooks, Stacy's favorite is her Dairy Free Ice Cream cookbook and that is one of the first cookbooks that featured recipes with gelatin (this book is out of print until later this year when an expanded version will be released through Victory Belt) In 2013 Kelly released The Chocolate Lover's Cookbook - read The Paleo Parents review of that cookbook here More on Kelly The Spunky Coconut began in 2008 and was created so she could show how her family was eating gluten-free and dairy-free The site evolved as they took away grains from their diet, not knowing about the paleo movement As Kelly found out about paleo they removed the few items that weren't paleo Her recipes are known for very low amounts of sugar The Spunky Coconut site just got a facelift to be a little more user friendly From Sarah & Stacy's weekend of book signing fun Sarah flipped a 350 pound tire three times while training with Stacy, she also did a 300 pound farmer's carry The book signings were a lot of fun - Russ, The Domestic Man, hosted Stacy and Sarah on Saturday night and they had a wonderful evening, he even made recipes from The Ancestral Table On Sunday they all went up to Philadelphia for another book signing and fell in love with the restaurant Pure Fare The fans who showed up for the two book signings were awesome - thank you to all who came out! Kelly recently did some book signings, road-tripping from Southern California to Seattle and her entire family had an amazing experience - meeting the readers and seeing their well-loved books was very rewarding On this week's show Kelly will be chatting with Stacy and Sarah about her experience with autistic spectrum disorder and how diet and lifestyle have impacted her daughter's specific case 26:45 - Science with Sarah One of the most common questions that Sarah gets is whether or not autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is an autoimmune disease - and the answer is that there is some intriguing research that there may be a link, but we don't really know right now for certain if it is an autoimmune disease There is a strong association between kids with ASD and a mother who has celiac disease or rheumatoid arthritis, and there is a very strong link between ASD and any family history of type 1 diabetes - these associations are why people think ASD may be an autoimmune condition When Kelly's daughter Ashley was a young toddler she had severe autism symptoms and severe sensory processing disorders - the situation was bad, and the minute they put Ashley on a gluten and casein free diet most of the symptoms vanished over night They took Ashley to a doctor in Pennsylvania to get additional help, and when they did a blood test she was tested for MTHFR and they found an enzyme mutation that showed that Ashley wasn't properly detoxifying Since then they have struggled to help her detoxify and to understand how best to assemble her diet to support her body and her development Through additional testing they found out that Ashley's lead and mercury levels were so toxic that it was a surprise that she could communicate at all - they then did their first round of DMSA and handled the process as gently as they could and the results after three months of treatment were impressively shocking After that point they began supplementing Ashely's diet with glutathione, but at first didn't get a response and returned to DMSA, but experienced a regression so went back to the supplements, doubled up on those, and within a week she returned to her previous progress point At that point they switched to OSR (no longer available) and that worked well Since Ashely has gone completely grain-free she has responded to glutathione in such a significant way and they are seeing her body detoxify Sarah shared her thoughts on why the removal of grains from Ashely's diet impacted her body's response to the glutathione Sarah also shared information on why ASD is labeled as a spectrum disorder, and why there have been varied results on how autistic children are impacted by a gluten-free and casein-free diet 52:29 - Questions & Answers Edson - do you think any of the really restrictive diets would help our son's autistic disorder? He is very resistant to trying them. Kelly notes that from personal experience, Ashley's symptoms were reduced when gluten, casein and grains were removed Test an elimination dieting process to see if your son reacts negatively to any individual items, like nuts, seeds, etc. Sarah recommends adopting a paleo diet and focusing on nutrient dense foods (1:00:57) Julie - tried putting her twin daughters on a gluten-free diet, but things got stressful and they stopped. However, they want to go gluten and ceasin-free. What should they do, specifically how to remove dairy? Kelly suggests getting Three Phase Paleo Kelly also recommends that you check out her many dairy replacement recipes (yogurt, yogurt drink, frozen yogurt, cheese) on her site Stacy shared her feedback on concerns regarding nutrient needs not being met when dairy is removed - the reality is that you can get way more nutrients from super foods like liver Stacy also recommends checking out the many dairy-free recipes available on the Paleo Parents site Instead of thinking about how to replace foods with items that look and taste like what it is you are removing, look at how to replace the nutrient profile of the food you are removing (1:09:10) Jennifer - does paleo address the yeast overgrowth that so many autistic kids deal with? Yes, Kelly did see positive results from a paleo diet Sarah confirms that yes it is very good because paleo naturally supports a healthy balance of gut bacteria - some may have to dabble in additional dietary modifications to drive results and propel gut healing Kelly's daughter Ashley has been able to stay yeast free through a paleo diet Sarah explained additional information on what feeds overgrowth Thank you so much Kelly for coming on and for sharing your story and recommendations that will greatly help others! Don't forget to check out Kelly's site and her amazing recipes and books Thank you to all who have left iTunes reviews - they are amazing! If you haven't left one do so here! 1:21:09 - Outro

 Episode 82: Autistic Spectrum Disorder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our eighty-second show! Ep. 82, Autistic Spectrum Disorder In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by Kelly, The Spunky Coconut, to hear about her experience with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). Kelly reflects on how diet and lifestyle impacted her daughter Ashely's ASD, and helps Stacy and Sarah address related reader questions. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 82, Autistic Spectrum Disorder 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News Views Welcome everyone! And welcome to this week's guest Kelly from The Spunky Coconut - Stacy learned about Kelly at the very beginning of her paleo journey and her site was one of the main two sites that Matt and Stacy used as they were evolving into the paleo lifestyle Kelly has written multiple cookbooks, Stacy's favorite is her Dairy Free Ice Cream cookbook and that is one of the first cookbooks that featured recipes with gelatin (this book is out of print until later this year when an expanded version will be released through Victory Belt) In 2013 Kelly released The Chocolate Lover's Cookbook - read The Paleo Parents review of that cookbook here More on Kelly The Spunky Coconut began in 2008 and was created so she could show how her family was eating gluten-free and dairy-free The site evolved as they took away grains from their diet, not knowing about the paleo movement As Kelly found out about paleo they removed the few items that weren't paleo Her recipes are known for very low amounts of sugar The Spunky Coconut site just got a facelift to be a little more user friendly From Sarah Stacy's weekend of book signing fun Sarah flipped a 350 pound tire three times while training with Stacy, she also did a 300 pound farmer's carry The book signings were a lot of fun - Russ, The Domestic Man, hosted Stacy and Sarah on Saturday night and they had a wonderful evening, he even made recipes from The Ancestral Table On Sunday they all went up to Philadelphia for another book signing and fell in love with the restaurant Pure Fare The fans who showed up for the two book signings were awesome - thank you to all who came out! Kelly recently did some book signings, road-tripping from Southern California to Seattle and her entire family had an amazing experience - meeting the readers and seeing their well-loved books was very rewarding On this week's show Kelly will be chatting with Stacy and Sarah about her experience with autistic spectrum disorder and how diet and lifestyle have impacted her daughter's specific case 26:45 - Science with Sarah One of the most common questions that Sarah gets is whether or not autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is an autoimmune disease - and the answer is that there is some intriguing research that there may be a link, but we don't really know right now for certain if it is an autoimmune disease There is a strong association between kids with ASD and a mother who has celiac disease or rheumatoid arthritis, and there is a very strong link between ASD and any family history of type 1 diabetes - these associations are why people think ASD may be an autoimmune condition When Kelly's daughter Ashley was a young toddler she had severe autism symptoms and severe sensory processing disorders - the situation was bad, and the minute they put Ashley on a gluten and casein free diet most of the symptoms vanished over night They took Ashley to a doctor in Pennsylvania to get additional help, and when they did a blood test she was tested for MTHFR and they found an enzyme mutation that showed that Ashley wasn't properly detoxifying Since then they have struggled to help her detoxify and to understand how best to assemble her diet to support her body and her development Through additional testing they found out that Ashley's lead and mercury levels were so toxic that it was a surprise that she could communicate at all - they then did their first round of DMSA and handled the process as gently as they could and the results after three months of treatment w

 Episode 81: The Assistants Behind Paleo Parents and Paleo Mom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:43

Our eighty-first show! Ep. 81, The Assistants Behind Paleo Parents and Paleo Mom In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by their assistants, Katy and Tamar, to chat about their experiences supporting the work of the Paleo Parents and The Paleo Mom. Katy and Tamar answer reader questions and share some behind the scenes details about their roles. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 81, The Assistants Behind Paleo Parents and Paleo Mom 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome everyone! Stacy is in preparation for another ice and snow storm, while Sarah has been enjoying a stretch of warm weather and gardening In this week's show Katy, the Lead Assistant for the Paleo Parents, and Tamar, an Assistant for The Paleo Mom are on the show to share some behind the scenes insight Stacy and Sarah both shared a bit on their relationships with Katy and Tamar Katy Landed her role with the Paleo Parents through Instagram and shared her love for pork during the launch of Beyond Bacon Stacy and Katy got to meet at an event this past summer and at that time Katy gained a bit more exposure into the paleo community She had been working in a restaurant, and had been for awhile, but wasn't finding joy from her career Working for the Paleo Parents has allowed her to combine her culinary degree and passion for food and writing Tamar Sarah and Tamar had belonged to the same gym and were e-introduced through a mutual friend When Tamar had a Chron's flair she reached out to Sarah for dietary advice while in the hospital A little bit later they finally met in person and got their kids together and became good friends She originally supported Sarah through some projects with The Paleo Approach, and that eventually evolved into an Assistant position Stacy talked about The Arnold event and what the women competed in Sarah did her first ever kettlebell class and loved it - made her feel strong and fit Sarah is flying into DC this next weekend and will be joining Stacy for a Stongman class - join them both for two book signing events in DC and Philadelphia! 21:00 - On to the Assistants The thing that surprised Katy most when she started working for the Paleo Parents was the size of the inbox - she learned how to manage the stress of the email volume Katy strives to say yes to everything that Stacy and Matt ask of her and she has found that she is learning a lot and growing personally from the position Tamar has been surprised by the growth she has witnessed and experienced with Sarah as The Paleo Mom has expanded and it has been very rewarding Tamar also emphasized the amount of work that goes into running sites of this size Video Tamar and Sarah posted over the weekend - shows a lot about the dynamic between Tamar and Sarah (29:20) Kasi - how does Tamar's breakfast compare to Sarah's? Tamar's breakfast is very tame compared to Sarah's It typically is a smoothie with some kind of protein Whereas Sarah is likely having organ meat, kraut and vegetables (30:33) @PaleointheMiddle - where did Katy attend cooking school and did that make a difference with her transition into paleo? Katy went to cooking school in Atlanta at Le Cordon Bleu It made a difference for her transition to paleo because she learned many cooking basics that helped her learn to cook paleo and to work with real food (33:23) Lindsay - do you (Tamar) get to sample all the stuff that Sarah makes? No, if she happens to be at Sarah's house when she is making something she gets to test the recipes, but that is not a norm occurrence (34:43) Courtney - what are the three cooking tools that Katy couldn't live without? A big cast iron pan A good set of tongs A wonderful set of knives Tamar and Katy shared about the perks of the jobs and their love for Steve's Paleo Goods (39:49) Megan - What does a typical workday look like? Tamar's older two kids are in school and her youngest is in preschool, so the drop-off and pick-up schedule impact a lot Tamar works wherever she needs to based on her schedule and she squeezes it in when she can, but finds herself working late at night many days Katy works primarily during the day and receives the bulk of her assignments from Stacy at night - she will help with posts, manage Facebook, oversee the Gmail account, and respond to folk's questions, and she really enjoys the opportunity to help people The cyber bullies get old for Katy (47:27) Courtney - what are Katy's braising tips? Katy shared her tips for her braising process and what flavorings she adds depending on what she is going for Check her guest post on the Paleo Parents for her Mediterranean Braised Pot Roast (50:00) Erin - if you were invited to an autoimmune potluck, what would you bring? Since Tamar doesn't cook, she would bring cut fruit Katy would bring a braised meat dish (52:15) Sybal - are ya'll related? No, Sarah and Tamar are not related Tamar thanked everyone for the comments on the video and for being nice and loving through the Paleo Mom site Katy shared her appreciation for her work and her thoughts on Stacy's cryptic messages and how to read them Thank you all for listening and for sharing your questions and support! 1:00:58 - Outro

 Episode 81: The Assistants Behind Paleo Parents and Paleo Mom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our eighty-first show! Ep. 81, The Assistants Behind Paleo Parents and Paleo Mom In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by their assistants, Katy and Tamar, to chat about their experiences supporting the work of the Paleo Parents and The Paleo Mom. Katy and Tamar answer reader questions and share some behind the scenes details about their roles. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 81, The Assistants Behind Paleo Parents and Paleo Mom 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News Views Welcome everyone! Stacy is in preparation for another ice and snow storm, while Sarah has been enjoying a stretch of warm weather and gardening In this week's show Katy, the Lead Assistant for the Paleo Parents, and Tamar, an Assistant for The Paleo Mom are on the show to share some behind the scenes insight Stacy and Sarah both shared a bit on their relationships with Katy and Tamar Katy Landed her role with the Paleo Parents through Instagram and shared her love for pork during the launch of Beyond Bacon Stacy and Katy got to meet at an event this past summer and at that time Katy gained a bit more exposure into the paleo community She had been working in a restaurant, and had been for awhile, but wasn't finding joy from her career Working for the Paleo Parents has allowed her to combine her culinary degree and passion for food and writing Tamar Sarah and Tamar had belonged to the same gym and were e-introduced through a mutual friend When Tamar had a Chron's flair she reached out to Sarah for dietary advice while in the hospital A little bit later they finally met in person and got their kids together and became good friends She originally supported Sarah through some projects with The Paleo Approach, and that eventually evolved into an Assistant position Stacy talked about The Arnold event and what the women competed in Sarah did her first ever kettlebell class and loved it - made her feel strong and fit Sarah is flying into DC this next weekend and will be joining Stacy for a Stongman class - join them both for two book signing events in DC and Philadelphia! 21:00 - On to the Assistants The thing that surprised Katy most when she started working for the Paleo Parents was the size of the inbox - she learned how to manage the stress of the email volume Katy strives to say yes to everything that Stacy and Matt ask of her and she has found that she is learning a lot and growing personally from the position Tamar has been surprised by the growth she has witnessed and experienced with Sarah as The Paleo Mom has expanded and it has been very rewarding Tamar also emphasized the amount of work that goes into running sites of this size Video Tamar and Sarah posted over the weekend - shows a lot about the dynamic between Tamar and Sarah (29:20) Kasi - how does Tamar's breakfast compare to Sarah's? Tamar's breakfast is very tame compared to Sarah's It typically is a smoothie with some kind of protein Whereas Sarah is likely having organ meat, kraut and vegetables (30:33) @PaleointheMiddle - where did Katy attend cooking school and did that make a difference with her transition into paleo? Katy went to cooking school in Atlanta at Le Cordon Bleu It made a difference for her transition to paleo because she learned many cooking basics that helped her learn to cook paleo and to work with real food (33:23) Lindsay - do you (Tamar) get to sample all the stuff that Sarah makes? No, if she happens to be at Sarah's house when she is making something she gets to test the recipes, but that is not a norm occurrence (34:43) Courtney - what are the three cooking tools that Katy couldn't live without? A big cast iron pan A good set of tongs A wonderful set of knives Tamar and Katy shared about the perks of the jobs and their love for Steve's Paleo Goods (39:49) Megan - What does a typical workday look like? Tamar's older two kids are in school and her youngest is in preschool, so the drop-off and pick-up schedule impact a lot Tamar wor

 Episode 80: Stefani Ruper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:44

Our eightieth show! Ep. 80, Stefani Ruper In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by Stefani Ruper of Paleo for Women, author of PCOS Unlocked and her soon to be released Sexy By Nature. Stacy, Sarah and Stefani chat about hormone management, discuss her new book, and answer listeners questions. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 80, Stefani Ruper 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome back Stefani Ruper! Sarah had her first book signing recently and is on cloud nine from all of the excitement - a great huge thank you to all who were able to attend Stacy and Sarah will be at two book signings together very soon - details here Check out Stefani's previous appearances on The Paleo View here, here and here Stefani is releasing another book in March called Sexy By Nature - in this book women's specific health needs are addressed, and how to fully love and take care of yourself is a major theme You can also find her at Paleo for Women She was originally known in the community for debunking the myth that everyone could benefit from intermittent fasting and a low-carb lifestyles 16:25 - Science with Sarah & Stefani, Sex Hormone Imbalances What are the signs that a woman should look for to determine if her estrogen or progesterone are out of balance? Stefani notes that you should also look at a couple of other factors to identify possible imbalances The biggest red flag to look for is reproductive health, do you menstruate? Are your periods regular? Heavy? Light? Having a low libido is a sign Not sleeping through the night or falling asleep poorly is often a sign of low estrogen High anxiety is often a sign of high progesterone Being depressed is often related to hormone imbalance, and also has to do with the health of your hormone receptors If you have trouble gaining or losing weight that is a warning sign Acne is a huge sign Sarah discussed how hormone imbalances impact autoimmune conditions Does the estrogen and progesterone in birth control influence hormone dominance later after a women has stopped taking the pill? Yes - Stefani discusses the why behind this and how long it can take to gain balance again If a woman is suspecting that they have an imbalance how can they test for it? Blood work - but you need to base it on your cycle, so loop your doctor in on that aspect You will want to test estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEAS, cortisol, prolactin, vitamin D What are the most important things to do to regulate sex hormones? First, be sure to check out Sexy By Nature Think about what your body wants and naturally craves and do your best to meet those needs You will want to cut the gut irritants and work on healing that You will also need to work on your stress levels and get those under control Eat from a paleo template, get enough fat, get enough vitamin D, DHA, EPA, and chill out Learn about your body, educate yourself on what the problem is so that you can develop strategies to heal it For Stacy, she personally worked on learning to find the joy in everything, which helped her balance out her stress factors Stacy, Sarah and Stefani chatted further about stress management 48:25 - Questions & Answers Corey - can the autoimmune protocol help with endometriosis? Often when women are experiencing troubles with a paleo diet, Stefani wonders if a women is over-eating protein The research that Sarah has done shows that endometriosis has a very strong link to autoimmune and a nutrient dense diet, high-quality sleep, stress management, getting natural sunlight, and moderate exercise will all help Stefani feels that something fishy may be going on with her estrogen and she may want to focus on liver health Magnesium and omega 3 fats go a long way with reducing cramps One of the best things you can eat for liver health is liver (1:01:21) Jennifer - can a paleo diet help with cycle regulation and fertility? Yes, avoiding gut irritating foods will help your gut, reduce inflammation, and heal your liver Stefani feels that Jennifer is experiencing post birth control issues Moving beyond an 80/20 diet template will absolutely help - do not cut carbohydrates Getting a full hormone panel done would be very helpful so that you can pinpoint the problem more specifically It wouldn't hurt to get the opinion of an MD (1:09:45) Nina - how do I manage bleeding in between periods? Try to not do paleo too hard, stay on your weight-loss regimen, but don't force it so that your body reads it as a stressor Don't cut fat or carbohydrates too much Get some tests done so you can fully explore what the problems may be Stefani's final thoughts to listeners - give yourself all that love and nourishment, have patience and pick up a copy of Sexy By Nature, there will be lots of giveaways on her site as well Don't forget to leave reviews in iTunes If you found the Paleo View through RadioIO let us know Subscribe to Stacy's, Sarah's and Stefani's newsletters Thank you again to Stefani for coming on the show! 1:20:03 - Outro

 Episode 80: Stefani Ruper | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our eightieth show! Ep. 80, Stefani Ruper In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by Stefani Ruper of Paleo for Women, author of PCOS Unlocked and her soon to be released Sexy By Nature. Stacy, Sarah and Stefani chat about hormone management, discuss her new book, and answer listeners questions. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 80, Stefani Ruper 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome back Stefani Ruper! Sarah had her first book signing recently and is on cloud nine from all of the excitement - a great huge thank you to all who were able to attend Stacy and Sarah will be at two book signings together very soon - details here Check out Stefani's previous appearances on The Paleo View here, here and here Stefani is releasing another book in March called Sexy By Nature - in this book women's specific health needs are addressed, and how to fully love and take care of yourself is a major theme You can also find her at Paleo for Women She was originally known in the community for debunking the myth that everyone could benefit from intermittent fasting and a low-carb lifestyles 16:25 - Science with Sarah & Stefani, Sex Hormone Imbalances What are the signs that a woman should look for to determine if her estrogen or progesterone are out of balance? Stefani notes that you should also look at a couple of other factors to identify possible imbalances The biggest red flag to look for is reproductive health, do you menstruate? Are your periods regular? Heavy? Light? Having a low libido is a sign Not sleeping through the night or falling asleep poorly is often a sign of low estrogen High anxiety is often a sign of high progesterone Being depressed is often related to hormone imbalance, and also has to do with the health of your hormone receptors If you have trouble gaining or losing weight that is a warning sign Acne is a huge sign Sarah discussed how hormone imbalances impact autoimmune conditions Does the estrogen and progesterone in birth control influence hormone dominance later after a women has stopped taking the pill? Yes - Stefani discusses the why behind this and how long it can take to gain balance again If a woman is suspecting that they have an imbalance how can they test for it? Blood work - but you need to base it on your cycle, so loop your doctor in on that aspect You will want to test estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEAS, cortisol, prolactin, vitamin D What are the most important things to do to regulate sex hormones? First, be sure to check out Sexy By Nature Think about what your body wants and naturally craves and do your best to meet those needs You will want to cut the gut irritants and work on healing that You will also need to work on your stress levels and get those under control Eat from a paleo template, get enough fat, get enough vitamin D, DHA, EPA, and chill out Learn about your body, educate yourself on what the problem is so that you can develop strategies to heal it For Stacy, she personally worked on learning to find the joy in everything, which helped her balance out her stress factors Stacy, Sarah and Stefani chatted further about stress management 48:25 - Questions & Answers Corey - can the autoimmune protocol help with endometriosis? Often when women are experiencing troubles with a paleo diet, Stefani wonders if a women is over-eating protein The research that Sarah has done shows that endometriosis has a very strong link to autoimmune and a nutrient dense diet, high-quality sleep, stress management, getting natural sunlight, and moderate exercise will all help Stefani feels that something fishy may be going on with her estrogen and she may want to focus on liver health Magnesium and omega 3 fats go a long way with reducing cramps One of the best things you can eat for liver health is liver (1:01:21) Jennifer - can a paleo diet help with cycle regulat

 Episode 79: Dr. Wahls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:04

Our seventy-ninth show! Ep. 79, Dr. Wahls In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by Dr. Wahls to learn more about the Wahls Protocol, and tap into Dr. her expertise to address a number of questions.If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 79 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Stacy is fighting some kind of bug - she plans to work the broth and kombucha Welcome Dr. Wahls to the show! Sarah first discovered Dr. Wahls through her TEDxIowaCity, and that talk had so much impact on Sarah's personal life and served as her launching point into the autoimmune protocol In March Dr. Wahls is releasing a book called The Wahls Protocol Sarah greatly appreciates the way that Dr. Wahls personal story is weaved throughout the book to provide practical situations to the recommendations being made - it makes the book very personable and approachable Dr. Wahls has secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and took it upon herself to understand the medical research available to help inform her treatment decisions - at that time she adopted a nutrient density approach to supplements/eating and learned about functional medicine She eventually redesigned her diet to minimize the supplements that she relied on for nutrients, and instead turned to food sources - this is when she experienced a drastic change in her health and she regained her physical abilities in time She eventually went on to test her Wahls Protocol on other individuals to see how nutrition could impact various chronic diseases, and she now lectures around the world sharing her findings Dr. Wahls shared on her first study and how it came to fruition - she also shared on subsequent studies and how they built off of the first test's results Dr. Wahls is currently recruiting for a clinical trial - find more information on the eligibility requirements here Questions & Answers All of Dr. Wahls comments are educational nature and are not intended to cure, heal, diagnose, or treat any disease - only a patient's personal physician can treat them (21:14) Melissa - beyond going gluten and dairy free and following a paleo diet, how do I heal and stop the progression of MS? The research doesn't provide clear answers to this questions, but there are indicators regarding the length of time in which you have dealt with lesions to provide a few clues You may want to refer to Grain Brain for some additional information (25:04) Jennifer - does Dr. Wahls experience flairs and if so, how does she treat them? She takes a prednisone and limits sensory stimulation until it passes She has learned to avoid soups and sauces when eating out, and if she is accidentally exposed to something it will likely hit within forty-eight hours Some of her patients experience more immediate reactions (29:24) Jennifer - do you see any similarities between MS and autism? Would the Wahls protocol be helpful for an autistic kid? At the cellular level all these diaereses are tied together because of the oxidative stress, excessive inflammation, and high toxic load and cortisol levels Putting people on the Wahls protocol addresses all of these issues, and symptoms steadily improve When you fix all of these issues at the ground level brain and psychological issues improve, your general medical issues are addressed, and it has tremendous impact on all the autoimmune disorders Sarah notes that there are many similarities between The Paleo Approach and The Wahls Protocol - Dr. Wahls approaches it from cellular health and Sarah approaches it from immune function and health (34:11) Jolane - what should a patient tell his or her doctor to pay attention to the autoimmune protocol or The Wahls protocol so that diet is not disregarded during treatment? Primary care doctors are going to be far more supportive of the connection between diet and treatment Don't focus on what you are removing, but instead let them know what your diet will be comprised of and ask if anything needs to be monitored while you implement this diet Check with them if there is any testing that should be utilized throughout the process When you want to broach the subject of reducing your medications you need to first feel a million bucks better, and approach the conversation by discussing how you are feeling and asking if you can begin the discussion of tapering (37:00) Nutrition for folks with MTHFR was addressed (40:05) Jon - are you concerned about oxalates? People with kidney stones, liver disease, kidney disease and diabetes will need to work closely with their physician and make modifications For the heathy average individual you do not need to be concerned (41:50) Michelle - a special thank you from an individual who has MS and was incredibly inspired by Dr. Wahls TED talk How to maximize the nutrients from you food was discussed Sarah held a party this past weekend to commemorate the release of The Paleo Approach and she shared about a surprise video that her assistant pulled together that was filled with messages from family, friends and colleagues Don't forget to check our Dr. Wahls site and her book Check for information on Sarah's book signing dates and locations here Join Sarah, Stacy and Russ for a book signing in VA and PA - information here Special thank you again to Dr. Wahs for joining this week's show! 1:02:41 - Outro

 Episode 79: Dr. Wahls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-ninth show! Ep. 79, Dr. Wahls In this episode Stacy and Sarah are joined by Dr. Wahls to learn more about the Wahls Protocol, and tap into Dr. her expertise to address a number of questions.If you enjoy the show, please review it in iTunes! The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 79 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Stacy is fighting some kind of bug - she plans to work the broth and kombucha Welcome Dr. Wahls to the show! Sarah first discovered Dr. Wahls through her TEDxIowaCity, and that talk had so much impact on Sarah's personal life and served as her launching point into the autoimmune protocol In March Dr. Wahls is releasing a book called The Wahls Protocol Sarah greatly appreciates the way that Dr. Wahls personal story is weaved throughout the book to provide practical situations to the recommendations being made - it makes the book very personable and approachable Dr. Wahls has secondary progressive multiple sclerosis and took it upon herself to understand the medical research available to help inform her treatment decisions - at that time she adopted a nutrient density approach to supplements/eating and learned about functional medicine She eventually redesigned her diet to minimize the supplements that she relied on for nutrients, and instead turned to food sources - this is when she experienced a drastic change in her health and she regained her physical abilities in time She eventually went on to test her Wahls Protocol on other individuals to see how nutrition could impact various chronic diseases, and she now lectures around the world sharing her findings Dr. Wahls shared on her first study and how it came to fruition - she also shared on subsequent studies and how they built off of the first test's results Dr. Wahls is currently recruiting for a clinical trial - find more information on the eligibility requirements here Questions & Answers All of Dr. Wahls comments are educational nature and are not intended to cure, heal, diagnose, or treat any disease - only a patient's personal physician can treat them (21:14) Melissa - beyond going gluten and dairy free and following a paleo diet, how do I heal and stop the progression of MS? The research doesn't provide clear answers to this questions, but there are indicators regarding the length of time in which you have dealt with lesions to provide a few clues You may want to refer to Grain Brain for some additional information (25:04) Jennifer - does Dr. Wahls experience flairs and if so, how does she treat them? She takes a prednisone and limits sensory stimulation until it passes She has learned to avoid soups and sauces when eating out, and if she is accidentally exposed to something it will likely hit within forty-eight hours Some of her patients experience more immediate reactions (29:24) Jennifer - do you see any similarities between MS and autism? Would the Wahls protocol be helpful for an autistic kid? At the cellular level all these diaereses are tied together because of the oxidative stress, excessive inflammation, and high toxic load and cortisol levels Putting people on the Wahls protocol addresses all of these issues, and symptoms steadily improve When you fix all of these issues at the ground level brain and psychological issues improve, your general medical issues are addressed, and it has tremendous impact on all the autoimmune disorders Sarah notes that there are many similarities between The Paleo Approach and The Wahls Protocol - Dr. Wahls approaches it from cellular health and Sarah approaches it from immune function and health (34:11) Jolane - what should a patient tell his or her doctor to pay attention to the autoimmune protocol or The Wahls protocol so that diet is not disregarded during treatment? Primary care doctors are going to be far more supportive of the connection between diet and treatment Don't focus on what you are removing, but instead let

 Episode 78: The Domestic Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:48

Our seventy-eighth show! Ep. 78, The Domestic Man In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Russ, The Domestic Man, to chat about his recent release of The Ancestral Table. Russ also shares a bit on his experience that brought him to paleo, and what he discovered about a healthy balance of carbs through self experimentation.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 78 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome back to The Paleo View, Russ Crandall! Russ is also known as The Domestic Man and just released his first cookbook, The Ancestral Table Stacy notes that Russ has a flair for recreating traditional recipes, with special emphasis on international flavors A bit more on Russ At the age of 24 Russ had a stroke and lost all motor function on his left side - he had to redevelop the ability to use those muscles again A year later he was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of the arteries He did five years of heavy immune suppressant therapy, and also had open heart surgery to try to address some of the issues from his autoimmune condition Within a week of reading The Paleo Solution and adopting a paleo diet, Russ felt wonderful, almost back to normal, and since then he has been able to drop all but one of his medications He has done a lot of self experimentation over the years to identify what works best for him, which is a traditional paleo diet with rice, potatoes, and the occasional serving of dairy He tends to have carbs once a day, about 1/2 a pound, which keeps his energy levels balanced Sarah shared a bit on how carb intake impacted her autoimmune condition and what she found through her research regarding the inclusion of starchy carbohydrates Stacy has also had great success with increasing her carbohydrate intake; specifically in the evenings starch helps her cortisol levels Stacy regulated her blood sugar through activity and found a way to eat carbohydrates to support her system properly The Ancestral Table is a paleo plus rice cookbook, very similar to a perfect health template, and in the back a substitution guide is included to help you navigate how to substitute rice, white potatoes, dairy, etc. Sarah was surprised by how easy it was to adapt the recipes in the cookbook to an autoimmune protocol Stacy notes that if you liked Beyond Bacon you will love The Ancestral Table since both focus on traditions surrounding whole foods Sarah feels that Russ's cooking is the international Julia Child, beyond the specialization in french cooking Stacy has also been surprised to find how carbohydrates have helped her manage her sugar cravings For Russ a healthy diet isn't one centered on healthy food alone, it is about sustainability - he hits all those reward centers with the foods that he eats so that he doesn't feel deprived Sarah notes how stabilizing blood sugar throughout the day minimizes sugar cravings, and the role that carbs play on hormone regulation and thyroid function It makes sense to Sarah that having a good balance of starchy carbs is helpful to hormone regulation since they are a slower burning fuel source than fruit or a paleo treat Russ's favorite dish from the book to serve to guests is the Salt-Crusted Fish, which is so dead simple and fun to eat in a group Stacy's boys love the write up that comes with each recipe that shares information on the source and influence Russ's degree was in history, so his interest in history was added to the cookbook to make it more personal about why a recipe struck a cord with him You can find sweet potato noodles on Amazon, you may also find them at Korean markets Sarah, Stacy and Russ will be hitting the road together for some book signings - stay tuned for more details! Russ also has a book signing tour schedule - check his site for details! Special thanks to Russ for joining this week's show! Join Russ in DC this weekend for his book release party, Stacy will also be there! Join Sarah for a book signing in Marietta, GA from The Paleo Approach - find information here 1:00:16 - Outro Support us by shopping through links on our sidebars, please!

 Episode 78: The Domestic Man | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-eighth show! Ep. 78, The Domestic Man In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Russ, The Domestic Man, to chat about his recent release of The Ancestral Table. Russ also shares a bit on his experience that brought him to paleo, and what he discovered about a healthy balance of carbs through self experimentation.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 78 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome back to The Paleo View, Russ Crandall! Russ is also known as The Domestic Man and just released his first cookbook, The Ancestral Table Stacy notes that Russ has a flair for recreating traditional recipes, with special emphasis on international flavors A bit more on Russ At the age of 24 Russ had a stroke and lost all motor function on his left side - he had to redevelop the ability to use those muscles again A year later he was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of the arteries He did five years of heavy immune suppressant therapy, and also had open heart surgery to try to address some of the issues from his autoimmune condition Within a week of reading The Paleo Solution and adopting a paleo diet, Russ felt wonderful, almost back to normal, and since then he has been able to drop all but one of his medications He has done a lot of self experimentation over the years to identify what works best for him, which is a traditional paleo diet with rice, potatoes, and the occasional serving of dairy He tends to have carbs once a day, about 1/2 a pound, which keeps his energy levels balanced Sarah shared a bit on how carb intake impacted her autoimmune condition and what she found through her research regarding the inclusion of starchy carbohydrates Stacy has also had great success with increasing her carbohydrate intake; specifically in the evenings starch helps her cortisol levels Stacy regulated her blood sugar through activity and found a way to eat carbohydrates to support her system properly The Ancestral Table is a paleo plus rice cookbook, very similar to a perfect health template, and in the back a substitution guide is included to help you navigate how to substitute rice, white potatoes, dairy, etc. Sarah was surprised by how easy it was to adapt the recipes in the cookbook to an autoimmune protocol Stacy notes that if you liked Beyond Bacon you will love The Ancestral Table since both focus on traditions surrounding whole foods Sarah feels that Russ's cooking is the international Julia Child, beyond the specialization in french cooking Stacy has also been surprised to find how carbohydrates have helped her manage her sugar cravings For Russ a healthy diet isn't one centered on healthy food alone, it is about sustainability - he hits all those reward centers with the foods that he eats so that he doesn't feel deprived Sarah notes how stabilizing blood sugar throughout the day minimizes sugar cravings, and the role that carbs play on hormone regulation and thyroid function It makes sense to Sarah that having a good balance of starchy carbs is helpful to hormone regulation since they are a slower burning fuel source than fruit or a paleo treat Russ's favorite dish from the book to serve to guests is the Salt-Crusted Fish, which is so dead simple and fun to eat in a group Stacy's boys love the write up that comes with each recipe that shares information on the source and influence Russ's degree was in history, so his interest in history was added to the cookbook to make it more personal about why a recipe struck a cord with him You can find sweet potato noodles on Amazon, you may also find them at Korean markets Sarah, Stacy and Russ will be hitting the road together for some book signings - stay tuned for more details! Russ also has a book signing tour schedule - check his site for details! Special thanks to Russ for joining this week's show! Join Russ in DC this weekend for his book release party, Stacy will also be

 Episode 77: The Paleo Approach Book Launch Celebration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-seventh show! Ep. 77, The Paleo Approach Book Launch Celebration In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Whitney Ross from Nutrisclerosis, Eileen Laird from Phoenix Helix, Angie Alt from Alt-ternative Autoimmune, and Christina Feindel from A Clean Plate, to celebrate the release of The Paleo Approach. The group chatted about how this incredible resource will support various individuals, and provide the information necessary to support a healthy immune system. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 77 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views This week's show is dedicated to the celebration of The Paleo Approach book release week! Joining us on the show this week to celebrate Sarah's milestone are some bloggers who are familiar with the subject - Whitney Ross from Nutrisclerosis, Eileen Laird from Phoenix Helix, Angie Alt from Alt-ternative Autoimmune, and Christina Feindel from A Clean Plate About Whitney Use to suffer from MS, but through diet and lifestyle she has been able to minimize her symptoms and feels fantastic because of it She runs her blog to share her experiences, and research and resources that are impacting her along the way About Eileen Struggled with rheumatoid arthritis for a long time, but improved her life through paleo at first and then discovered an autoimmune protocol Her blog symbolizes a rising from the ashes that her life has undergone through her lifestyle choices About Angie Has three autoimmune conditions Found Sarah's blog shortly after being diagnosed with celiac and dove right into the AIP She experienced a drastic turnaround in her health, and changed her blog voice to reflect her new area of passion About Christina Has celiac and hashimoto disease She shares AIP friendly recipes on her site Discovering the AIP saved her life in many significant ways Stacy shared on her experience with an AIP, and what Sarah's resources in particular did for her - find Stacy's book review here The autoimmune protocol has been a fairly undefined concept within the paleo community, but the arrival of The Paleo Approach provides an explanation and an overview on what this template means on an applicable level Sarah pulled the information together for The Paleo Approach to understand what was happening in her body, but looked for the topics that would generalize and appeal to a larger population - that is how the book came about Whitney notes that the lifestyle section of the book is an amazing resource - people often underestimate how impactful lifestyle decisions can be when dealing with a chronic disease Angie shared on how her mental health improved from adopting the autoimmune protocol and how profound that transformation was Stacy shared on her experience with panic attacks and how the discovery of health management impacted her ability to better handle life's stressors Angie feels that The Paleo Approach will be an amazing resource for people to share with their doctors who may not fully understand how to support patients with autoimmune conditions Eileen feels that The Paleo Approach is both for those who are not familiar with an autoimmune protocol, and those who are well versed with the protocol but need to fine-tune their tactics to address individual symptoms Sarah shared a bit on the troubleshooting checklist that is available in the book Eileen has a great post on The Paleo Approach and how to best use it as a tool Christina agrees with Eileen that the troubleshooting page is a favorite resource within the book - while she fully took on the diet style of the AIP, she had ignored the lifestyle recommendations until reviewing that guide Sarah has been more surprised by the number of people who are hungry for this information, especially the reactions that have come in through Amazon Sarah has also been surprised by the emotions that people have shown towards the book, that it has actually brought many

 Episode 77: The Paleo Approach Book Launch Celebration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:53

Our seventy-seventh show! Ep. 77, The Paleo Approach Book Launch Celebration In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Whitney Ross from Nutrisclerosis, Eileen Laird from Phoenix Helix, Angie Alt from Alt-ternative Autoimmune, and Christina Feindel from A Clean Plate, to celebrate the release of The Paleo Approach. The group chatted about how this incredible resource will support various individuals, and provide the information necessary to support a healthy immune system. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 77 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views This week's show is dedicated to the celebration of The Paleo Approach book release week! Joining us on the show this week to celebrate Sarah's milestone are some bloggers who are familiar with the subject - Whitney Ross from Nutrisclerosis, Eileen Laird from Phoenix Helix, Angie Alt from Alt-ternative Autoimmune, and Christina Feindel from A Clean Plate About Whitney Use to suffer from MS, but through diet and lifestyle she has been able to minimize her symptoms and feels fantastic because of it She runs her blog to share her experiences, and research and resources that are impacting her along the way About Eileen Struggled with rheumatoid arthritis for a long time, but improved her life through paleo at first and then discovered an autoimmune protocol Her blog symbolizes a rising from the ashes that her life has undergone through her lifestyle choices About Angie Has three autoimmune conditions Found Sarah's blog shortly after being diagnosed with celiac and dove right into the AIP She experienced a drastic turnaround in her health, and changed her blog voice to reflect her new area of passion About Christina Has celiac and hashimoto disease She shares AIP friendly recipes on her site Discovering the AIP saved her life in many significant ways Stacy shared on her experience with an AIP, and what Sarah's resources in particular did for her - find Stacy's book review here The autoimmune protocol has been a fairly undefined concept within the paleo community, but the arrival of The Paleo Approach provides an explanation and an overview on what this template means on an applicable level Sarah pulled the information together for The Paleo Approach to understand what was happening in her body, but looked for the topics that would generalize and appeal to a larger population - that is how the book came about Whitney notes that the lifestyle section of the book is an amazing resource - people often underestimate how impactful lifestyle decisions can be when dealing with a chronic disease Angie shared on how her mental health improved from adopting the autoimmune protocol and how profound that transformation was Stacy shared on her experience with panic attacks and how the discovery of health management impacted her ability to better handle life's stressors Angie feels that The Paleo Approach will be an amazing resource for people to share with their doctors who may not fully understand how to support patients with autoimmune conditions Eileen feels that The Paleo Approach is both for those who are not familiar with an autoimmune protocol, and those who are well versed with the protocol but need to fine-tune their tactics to address individual symptoms Sarah shared a bit on the troubleshooting checklist that is available in the book Eileen has a great post on The Paleo Approach and how to best use it as a tool Christina agrees with Eileen that the troubleshooting page is a favorite resource within the book - while she fully took on the diet style of the AIP, she had ignored the lifestyle recommendations until reviewing that guide Sarah has been more surprised by the number of people who are hungry for this information, especially the reactions that have come in through Amazon Sarah has also been surprised by the emotions that people have shown towards the book, that it has actually brought many to tears The beginning of the book and knowing the skepticism surrounding the early development of the project made Angie give the final product a major fist pump The group discussed how the book approaches immune system health as opposed to each individual autoimmune disease, and how diet and lifestyle can help us regulate our health systems Angie notes how lucky she feels to be part of a community that is supported and empowered through the work that Sarah is doing Whitney echoes Angie's feelings and thanks Sarah for respecting the autoimmune community and believing that we could handle a book of this level - and for pulling together such an incredible index! Christina feels so grateful to know Sarah and to be a part of the autoimmune community Eileen notes to not let the science overwhelm you, the book has a casual voice and explains the things you need to know Special thanks again to our guests Whitney Ross from Nutrisclerosis, Eileen Laird from Phoenix Helix, Angie Alt from Alt-ternative Autoimmune, and Christina Feindel from A Clean Plate Please be sure to leave your reviews for The Paleo Approach on Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes and Noble Don't forget to leave those reviews on iTunes! 1:12:13 Outro

 Episode 76: The Calorie Myth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-sixth show! Ep. 76, The Calorie Myth In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Jonathan Bailor to chat about the calorie myth and the impact of a nutrient dense approach to eating. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 76 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Sarah was seriously burned by some bacon grease and has been treating it as a second degree burn, but it got infected and she is now on antibiotics and will be seeing a burn specialist for further help The silver lining of all of this - Sarah now knows that her adrenals work! People are loving The Paleo Approach, and the initial reactions has been overwhelmingly positive - the book also hit number 91 out of all the books on Amazon Check out Stacy's review of The Paleo Approach here Next week's show will be dedicated to the launch of The Paleo Approach Stacy quit Crossfit to focus all her energies on Strongman training and she is incredibly excited about this process - she has dedicated all her efforts towards training, both inside and outside of the gym and she is reaching so many new accomplishments, including the acknowledgement that she is an athlete 21:58 - Welcome Jonathan Bailor! You can find him at, through his book The Calorie Myth, and on his podcast here Jonathan grew up in an academic household and was geeky, nerdy and skinny - he wanted to be like his big brother who was athletic in both his abilities and build He got into training and eventually began training other people, most of his clients were females who were all trying to lose weight - and he instructed them to eat less and workout more Despite his intentions, none of his clients were reaching their goals and this inspired him to delve into his work from an academic mind and to research the cause for the results...or lack of Jonathan shared a bit on set-point and what his definition is for this concept - it essentially acknowledges that the body is an adaptive dynamic system and to gain sustainable health you need to heal your system not starve it The calorie math argument was discussed There is a huge disconnect for many people on how to properly nourish and fuel your body You heal your body through food quality, not food quantity Sarah greatly appreciates how Jonathan's book brings the concept of nutrient density and practical choices to a new community Sarah, Stacy and Jonathan chatted about bone broth consumption and the benefits #soupwithstacy, tips from the Bone Broth lady herself broth is done when the bones are soft put a little bit of acid and anything you want to flavor the broth with in the pot for timing, cook 12-24 hours in a pressure cooker, 24-48 in a slow cooker, and for the stovetop the timing will be somewhere in between the pressure cooker and slow cooker timing Sarah does 48 hours on the stovetop Don't forget to check out Jonathan's work at The Calorie Myth site and book 1:07:30 Outro

 Episode 76: The Calorie Myth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:26

Our seventy-sixth show! Ep. 76, The Calorie Myth In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Jonathan Bailor to chat about the calorie myth and the impact of a nutrient dense approach to eating. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 76 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Sarah was seriously burned by some bacon grease and has been treating it as a second degree burn, but it got infected and she is now on antibiotics and will be seeing a burn specialist for further help The silver lining of all of this - Sarah now knows that her adrenals work! People are loving The Paleo Approach, and the initial reactions has been overwhelmingly positive - the book also hit number 91 out of all the books on Amazon Check out Stacy's review of The Paleo Approach here Next week's show will be dedicated to the launch of The Paleo Approach Stacy quit Crossfit to focus all her energies on Strongman training and she is incredibly excited about this process - she has dedicated all her efforts towards training, both inside and outside of the gym and she is reaching so many new accomplishments, including the acknowledgement that she is an athlete 21:58 - Welcome Jonathan Bailor! You can find him at, through his book The Calorie Myth, and on his podcast here Jonathan grew up in an academic household and was geeky, nerdy and skinny - he wanted to be like his big brother who was athletic in both his abilities and build He got into training and eventually began training other people, most of his clients were females who were all trying to lose weight - and he instructed them to eat less and workout more Despite his intentions, none of his clients were reaching their goals and this inspired him to delve into his work from an academic mind and to research the cause for the results...or lack of Jonathan shared a bit on set-point and what his definition is for this concept - it essentially acknowledges that the body is an adaptive dynamic system and to gain sustainable health you need to heal your system not starve it The calorie math argument was discussed There is a huge disconnect for many people on how to properly nourish and fuel your body You heal your body through food quality, not food quantity Sarah greatly appreciates how Jonathan's book brings the concept of nutrient density and practical choices to a new community Sarah, Stacy and Jonathan chatted about bone broth consumption and the benefits #soupwithstacy, tips from the Bone Broth lady herself broth is done when the bones are soft put a little bit of acid and anything you want to flavor the broth with in the pot for timing, cook 12-24 hours in a pressure cooker, 24-48 in a slow cooker, and for the stovetop the timing will be somewhere in between the pressure cooker and slow cooker timing Sarah does 48 hours on the stovetop Don't forget to check out Jonathan's work at The Calorie Myth site and book 1:07:30 Outro

 Episode 75: Denise Minger on Death by Food Pyramid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our seventy-fifth show! Ep. 75, Denise Minger on Death by Food Pyramid In this episode, Stacy and Sarah are joined by Denise Minger to discuss her involvement with the real food movement and her book Death by Food Pyramid.The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 75: Denise Minger on Death by Food Pyramid 0:00 - Introduction 0:47 - News & Views Welcome to the show Denise Minger Stacy and Denise met almost two years ago on the Low Carb Cruise You can find Denise on her site Raw Food SOS and through her book Death by Food Pyramid Sarah finds this to be one of the best books she has ever read - it is not only full of wonderful information, but was a pleasure to read More about Denise At the age of 7 Denise went vegetarian by personal choice and that continued for 10 years before she became an omnivore again At the age of 11 she was diagnosed with a wheat allergy and learned to read food labels Shortly after that she was also diagnosed with a soy and dairy allergy, so she became interested in raw veganism and adopted a lifestyle where she ate nothing but fruits and grains, with fat taking up no more than 10% of her diet After a year of eating that way she had cavity issues, hair loss, extreme weight-loss, and brain fog Denise realized that the information she found on the internet was not actually helping her, so she abandoned raw veganism and created her site - the change in her diet made her realize that her body was really missing something Her site was created to help other raw vegans who were struggling with health issues as a result of the vegan diet The China Study book kept coming up in arguments within the vegan community - so Denise read it again and dug into the results from the studies to see if the statistics were true or not, and she found that the data was cherry picked and the information in the book didn't represent the full study accurately The post on her blog critiquing the book went viral and a whole new audience came to her site looking for more background on these findings She expanded the focus of her site and now works on exploring health studies to show the true scope of data and what results the data points to Death by Food Pyramid offers another critical analysis, but on the government's dietary guidelines and the history on where those come from and who/what influenced them (24:41) The Development of the First Food Pyramid The USDA was put into place around the Civil War and the mission was to support agriculture and to distribute information to the general public about agriculture Around World War 2 our disease issues began to shift and chronic diseases began to rise, it was also at this time that the USDA developed the food guide system called the basic four that focused on meat, grains, dairy and fruits and vegetables - there were no specifics given on servings This recommendation was in place for a long time and didn't support our health issues as they evolved When a new nutritionist was brought in to help design a new recommendation for eating, she developed a food pyramid that suggested five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables, liberal amounts of cold-pressed fat, and to limit whole grains to two to three servings a day based on activity levels When the food pyramid was submitted to the Secretary of Agriculture it was sent back to her completely revised with heavy emphasis on high grains, low fat, and low servings of produce The nutritionist warned her superiors that this structure would cause an obesity epidemic, but without the power the message was lost, and she abandoned the project and the USDA took it over and removed the science and data from the recommendations they were making Check out more on Luise Light, the nutritionist mentioned above, through her book What to Eat (40:34) The Cause of the Increase in Heart Disease Ancel Keys is the father of the low fat movement, and is known for the research he did on heart disea


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