The Rifleman show

The Rifleman

Summary: "A Rifleman never stops learning, a Rifleman never stops teaching. A Rifleman continues to seek ways to to protect the freedom the Founding Fathers left us, to improve himself, his home and family, his community, his state and his country, everyday of his life. A Rifleman adapts, a Rifleman overcomes and a Rifleman persists. This is not just some fancy gilded rhetoric we throw around like popcorn and pennies. This is the code we live by here. There is nothing wrong, no matter how often the mass of talking heads tells you it is wrong, or outdated, or corny, stupid and cavemanish, with having a code to live by in your life. Modern Americans have forgotten their code. They have forgotten how to be Americans. We are here to help them remember." Scout The Revolutionary War Veterans Association's Appleseed Project is dedicated to teaching an intense rifle marksmanship and safety course. But the RWVA Appleseed Project is much more than a marksmanship organization and much more than a social organization. It is a direct link back to America's Founding Fathers and instruction about what the duties of a "Rifleman" are today in America. A Rifleman adapts, a Rifleman overcomes and a Rifleman persists. Find out what it means to be called a "Rifleman" and what it takes to live a "Rifleman's Life".

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 Fundementals of The Shot-Target Analysis-Med Prep - Aug 23,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Tonight we will discuss the first set of fundamentals for firing the shot. Executing the shot by The Six Steps. How to do this in your dry fire game, at the range and how to use Target Analysis to help diagnose and correct common shooting problems.I also want to discuss the importance of folks beginning their medical preps now. This can be something that can take a while and have some cost to it, so the time to start is now and integrate it into your weekly prep schedule.Insuring that if you have to take prescription medication you are acquiring a stockpile of it now and rotating through your stock during your consumption of the medicine. Starting to stockpile bandages and all of the other first aid gear you may need to keep you well now, so that you have it on hand in the event of a natural or man made disaster or cessation of services.Hope to see you there!-Scout

 Choosing a Firearm for Home/Personal Defense - Aug 16,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

If you have made the decision to integrate a firearm into your home/personal defense plan, that is great. But what type of firearm are you going to need?What are the specific questions you need to ask yourself before deciding on a firearm? And what impact does bringing a firearm into your home and keeping it available to you have on your home, family, guests? We touched on this a couple of weeks ago but I want to talk more about it tonight, as well as talk to folks about making sure you are staying on top of your "Dry Fire Game". Your dry fire game is not just aligning your sights and then holding them on the target while you squeeze the trigger. It covers every single thing you would do with the firearm except loading live rounds and firing it. My definition of a good dry fire game includes every thing you will do with the firearm in your hands. From retrieving it from its station or drawing it-to putting it back in the holster or returning it to station. Including sights, sighting and trigger squeeze, failures and stoppages, practicing magazine changes, reloading cylinders or single loading rifles, using your firearm and working the mechanical operations of it one handed, off handed, laying down, kneeling, on your back etc., movement techniques with the firearm in your home. Every single thing you can possibly imagine yourself doing with your personal defense firearm. Running through these tasks in your mind and then performing them physically on a regular basis. Imagining scenarios or acting them out and making decisions about what you will do and how you will respond to as many situations as you can, before you have to make those decisions. Be sure and call in with your suggestions and ideas for a home/personal defense firearm and why you would use it or suggest it, and what you would suggest for others to use. Hope to see you here! -Scout

 The Battle of Brooklyn-August 1776 - Aug 09,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Join us tonight as we take a break from The Prepared Rifleman Series to bring you a discussion of The American Revolutionary War Battles of August, with special focus on The Battle of Long Island, also known as The Battle of Brooklyn.This was the first battle fought after America declared itself independent in July of 1776. It was the first major battle for the newly formed Continental Army, and was a stunning dose of harsh reality when American forces were severely defeated on the fields of Brooklyn by a larger and more experienced British Army.Until this point the battles had been fought largely by the states militias and were for the most part successful battles for the Americans.However, The Battle of Brooklyn signaled the first in a long line of crushing defeats, forcing Washington and the Continental Army farther and farther west in retreat until they were pushed across the Hudson River during the winter of 1776.It is also a story that shows the beginning of Washington's resilience and his ability to pull off a stunning escape in the middle of a British victory,(which he would do several times during the war) saving what was left of the new Continental Army so that it could continue to fight during the coming year.Join us as we retell a fast paced and very important battle in America's history. We will also cover as many other American Revolutionary War "Battles of August" as time permits during the show.Hope to see you there!-Scout

 The Rifleman and Personal Safety - Aug 02,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

As part of our series on The Rifleman being prepared, we discuss issues of personal safety tonight. When folks talk about personal safety in relation to self reliance, prepping and security, they think about buying guns and ammunition, or how they would guard their homes and supplies, or set up perimeter watches and guard duties. But you do not need any kind of natural or man made disaster to put you in peril. People's everyday lives are already dangerous enough and we are under threat of criminal activities and other personal safety concerns we might face without any kind of disaster situation required to facilitate it. Every day we run the gauntlet of robbery, burglary, assault, car theft and car jacking, murder and a myriad of of other personal safety issues. You need to make sure you are doing all you can on an everyday basis to insure your personal safety and the safety of your loved ones. This is really not that hard to do if you will take a look at your life to assess your risks and decide what practices you can put in place in your every day life to increase your odds of day to day survival. From small simple things like locking your doors the minute you enter your home, car, hotel room or office, to filtering the water you drink at home or on the road through simple home/portable filtration devices to remove heavy metals like lead and mercury and other toxins such as arsenic and other toxins to limiting or eliminating dangerous behaviors, you can start stacking the odds for survival in your favor immediately. You can call in to the show at 347-308-8790 and answer the call screeners questions off the air. Join us tonight 7:00PM CST Hope to see you there! -Scout

 The Importance of Not Going it Alone in Survival Situations - Jul 26,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:46:00

When someone says the word "Survivalist" it conjures images of a rugged individual, going it alone against all odds and struggling towards a difficult victory. Merriam's says it is- a person who advocates or practices survival-ism, especially : one who has prepared to survive in the anarchy of an anticipated breakdown of society. All of these definitions and visions of survivalists are very misleading though because they leave out the most important part of surviving any type of man made or natural disaster. And that is, the rest of their group. The other members of the group of folks who through their combined efforts, will successfully survive and event, because no one makes it through these things alone. We will also be speaking with Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers about the upcoming event they are sponsoring in Bayview Idaho this coming weekend where folks will most certainly be talking abuot working together to insure their survival. Oath Keepers Summer Gathering at Annual North West Patriots and Preparedness Rally, July 26-28 Join us tonight as we discuss the importance of working with other members of your family and community to get through rough times. -Scout

 Firearms for Emergency and Survival Situations - Jul 19,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

The Prepared Rifleman and firearms for emergency and survival situations. Well here it is guys, the part of prepping and survival everyone usually starts with first and that everyone thinks is the sexy part of survival. What firearms might benefit you best in certain situations and why. What you should think about having on hand in the way of ammunition, fixed and folding blades, hatchets and axes and many other items that might help increase your odds for survival and why. The philosophy behind firearms(and other survival tools that have defensive capabilities) and emergency/survival situations. How every situation is not an end of the world scenario and the choices you make might could get you into hot water. I would like folks to call in and tell me what their opinions are for the survival firearms they have chosen or would choose and share their ideas with the rest of the listeners. You can call in at 347-308-8790 and follow the recorded instructions and then answer the call screener off the air. Hope to see you guys here! -Scout

 The Prepared Rifleman-Food in Emergency Situations - Jul 12,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:00

Join me tonight 7:00PM CST as we discus the Prepared Riflemen making sure that they have food in emergency situations. We will also discuss the way this can be expanded to your every day life and make you a more free and prepared individual by carrying this over into non emergencies and making it part of your every day living plan for yourself, your family and your community. We will have a rough overview of food and food storage tonight and I will follow it up with several more detailed and specific shows in the coming weeks. Be sure and go to the blog page at for more information after the show airs. Hope to see everyone here! -Scout

 "Bugging In"-Hunkering Down in Place During a Disaster - Jul 05,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

"Bugging in", which is the opposite of "Bugging Out", or running away, is a term used to describe the act of remaining in place during a man made or natural disaster. This is the reccomended procedure for all but a few of the situations individuals might face during natural or man made disasters. Remaining in your home is a pretty logical decision right? You have all your stuff at your home, you are familiar with the location and maybe have friends or neighbors nearbby who might be able to help in a difficult situation. But even though bugging in might be a lot safer and a better choice for caring for yourself and your family if you are caught in a disaster or cessation of services situation, there is still a great deal you can do to tip the odds in your favor for surviving in place. Hope to see you there! -Scout

 "Bugging Out" During Man made or Natural Disasters - Jun 29,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17:00

Hey guys, tonight's show will cover the general aspects of "bugging out", the terminology for getting out of the area where you happen to be, either living or visiting, when an event occurs. The show will start a bit later tonight, 8:00PM CST as I have prior committment which has me getting home later than usual. I hope to see you all there! -Scout

 Richard Duarte, Author of Surviving Doomsday our Guest - Jun 21,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

Richard Duarte is a Miami attorney with over twenty years of experience in the legal arena. In 1992, he and his family were living in South Florida when Hurricane Andrew, a category five, and one of the most powerful hurricanes to ever come ashore in America made landfall. Richard hunkered down in his bathroom with his young family weathering the terrifying storm as it destroyed his home and his neighborhood, as well as a great deal of southern Florida. He came out of his destroyed home the next day to find all utilities gone, looters running rampant and no responders, aide or supplies to care for himself and his family. This was a life changing event for Richard. He had never given much if any, thought to being prepared or to self reliance/survival, but after the storm he decided to he would never be unprepared for an event such as this, or any other disaster, natural or man made, that might threaten him or his family again. He would teach himself how to survive. When Richard first started learning about survival, there was really not much information available to folks. You had to really dig to find information or learn it yourself. Over the last twenty years Richard has become thoroughly educated on surviving disasters, natural or man made, in urban environments. He has been sharing this information with others in the form of a book he authored, "Surviving Doomsday, a Guide for Surviving Urban Disasters" and in speaking engagements where he is a highly sought after speaker on this topic. Join us tonight, with pencil and notebook on your table and listen to Richard as he gives you the benefit of his twenty years of study of this subject. As I told you in last weeks broadcast. You do not have to wait until you can afford to do everything at once. Start preparing right now, and listening to this episode with Richard Duarte is going to give you a fast leg up . Scout

 Being a Rifleman Means More Than Shooting a 210 on The AQT - Jun 14,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Shooting a Rifleman's score on the AQT is something an individual does on their own, no one can shoot your target for you. It is just you, your rifle and the target. Shooting a 210 or above will get you a patch, but it is not the end of your journey by any means. Being a Rifleman is more than shooting a 210 or above on the Appleseed Projects Army Qualification Test. Being a Rifleman means doing everything you can to improve your situation and your abilities to provide for your family, your community, your state and your nation. It starts with a man alone, but it ends with a man standing with his family, his community and his nation. A lot of folks believe that they can hunker down alone, or bug out on their own ahead of an event and save themselves, in a kind of lone wolf or Rambo style. But even if they could, it is not enough that you make it safe through these events by yourself as an individual, you need to be in a good enough position that once you yourself have made it through safely, you can then guide your family and your community by providing leadership and support to those around you in your community. But first, it starts with you. Can you provide for your self and then your family in the event of an emergency? If the roads get iced over this fall for three days, if a tornado visits your community, have you done all you can to insure your own and your family's safety? And what about your community? I will be running a series of programs in the next few months, bringing on guests and covering topics that will help you improve your ability to survive natural and man made disasters and cessation of services situations. Tonight we will begin with an introduction to these skills and ideas. From finding and making water safe, to doing what you can now to start storing food for you and your family. Hope to see you there! -Scout

 Texas and The Border Crisis-Wayne Thompson our Guest Tonight - Jun 07,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:03:00

Tonight we discuss the problems plaguing the Texas and Mexico Border. Texas shares the longest border, of any of America's states, with another country.Wayne Thompson has been a Law Enforcement Officer for over ten years in a small Texas town. Before that he worked providing security for South Texas oil field. He has been studying and speaking about the problems with the Texas Mexico border for many years and he will share his thoughts and experiences with us tonight. We will also have callers from our Texas Mexico border area.There are over 1,200 miles of border that Texas shares with Mexico. There are 20 legal crossings from Mexico into Texas, but there are thousands of illegal crossings of the Texas Mexico border every day.These illegal crossing have caused tremendous damage to our nation economically, politically, socially and financially. The problems are especially relevant to our border states. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.The illegal trafficking of humans, drugs and almost anything else you can imagine causes billions of dollars in damage to America and our citizens.The Mexican Drug Cartels are so wealthy they hand out bribes to all of Mexico's officials and corruption is a way of life there. And if corruption and bribes do not work, the cartel's thousands of well armed street soldiers publicly kill and terrorize anyone who stands in their way.Americans were outraged when the journalist Nick Berg was beheaded on video and there were calls for war. In Mexico, people's heads are cut off all of the time. One of the cartels had a truckload of heads dumped in the middle of the freeway during rush hour to make a point.You can call in at 347-308-8790 and follow the call screeners directions to get on the air with your questions or comments.I hope to see everyone there!-Scout

 The Battle of Oriskany and Tarleton's Quarter - May 31,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

Tonight we discuss The Battle of Oriskany again, and also The Battle of Waxhaws, where the phrase Tarleton's Quarter originated. I know we have discussed The Battle of Oriskany a couple of times before, but it is an important battle in our history, ad one of my favorites.

 Veteran AP Journalist and American Patriot Jan Morgan - May 24,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:07:00

For the last 27 years, Jan Morgan has been an investigative journalist and TV news anchor and reporter, working with The Associated Press and winning a great many awards for her work along the way. Along with her journalism and investigative skills skills, she is now a successful documentary maker, she hosts a television show and she is a tireless blogger and author, using her considerable skills in journalism and investigative reporting to shine the spotlight on the current attack on conservative values, and on our nations rights and freedoms. Ms. Morgan has done a great deal of work lately on 2nd Amendment issues and I have asked her to come on the show tonight to discuss the reasons why she believes the current attack on American gun rights is underway. With the gun homicide rate in America at almost 100 year lows, why now? What is the target the anti gunners are aiming at for the end of their anti gun push,( it can't just be a disarmed America) and the things we can all do to help defend the rights and freedoms that we enjoy by virtue of living in this nation. I hope to see you all there! Michael Adam Rifleman Radio

 Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy on Rifleman Radio - May 17,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy are two of my favorite people in the self reliance/prepping media. They have been doing high quality shows on medicine, first aid, essential herbs and gardening, as well as slipping a thousand other parcels of important information on becoming self reliant, into the excellent string of shows they have done over the last three years. This coming week on Rifleman Radio they will be discussing methods of "Collapse Medicine", which is how you can start thinking about first aid and treating injuries and illnesses to yourself and your loved ones in the event of any kind of cessation of services situation. Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy have a weekly radio show that I would like you guys to start listening to. It is one of the best ways I know to spend a couple of hours every week makiing sure you are doing all you can to educate yourself and become more prepared to care for yourselves and your loved ones. -Scout


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