The Rifleman show

The Rifleman

Summary: "A Rifleman never stops learning, a Rifleman never stops teaching. A Rifleman continues to seek ways to to protect the freedom the Founding Fathers left us, to improve himself, his home and family, his community, his state and his country, everyday of his life. A Rifleman adapts, a Rifleman overcomes and a Rifleman persists. This is not just some fancy gilded rhetoric we throw around like popcorn and pennies. This is the code we live by here. There is nothing wrong, no matter how often the mass of talking heads tells you it is wrong, or outdated, or corny, stupid and cavemanish, with having a code to live by in your life. Modern Americans have forgotten their code. They have forgotten how to be Americans. We are here to help them remember." Scout The Revolutionary War Veterans Association's Appleseed Project is dedicated to teaching an intense rifle marksmanship and safety course. But the RWVA Appleseed Project is much more than a marksmanship organization and much more than a social organization. It is a direct link back to America's Founding Fathers and instruction about what the duties of a "Rifleman" are today in America. A Rifleman adapts, a Rifleman overcomes and a Rifleman persists. Find out what it means to be called a "Rifleman" and what it takes to live a "Rifleman's Life".

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  • Artist: Rifleman
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Living The Life of a Rifleman - Jun 17,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

What does it take to live the life of a "Rifleman"? What does it take to be an American? What does it take to be an American? Are you an American just because you were born here? Are you a Rifleman just because ou own a rifle? Join us tonight as we talk about what it means to live the life of a Rifleman, and what it means to be an American.

 For want of a nail.......... - Jun 10,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

For want of a nail, a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe a horse was lost, for want of a horse, a man was lost... Little things can have big consequences. The time to put a stop to something is when it is a tiny thing, not when it is a world wide path of destruction. But how to stop it? How to even inform people of the missing nail? Every time something major has happeneid in this world, it began as somethig tiny, and it could have ended very easily right then. How do we let people know a nail is missing? Let us get started trying to tell them tonight.

 Will America Still be Here When You Wake Up Tomorrow? - Jun 03,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Will it? If it is who's fault is that? Are you doing what you can to insure it is? Are you being responsible to your Sneators and Representatives by providing them with your ideas on issues? If not, how are they to know what you need, what you wish for your country, what stirs your heart. Being an Ameican is not something you get from being born here. It is something you get by being vigilant and by insuring you are participating in the mechanics of keeping this country on track. Other wise, you are doing no more than a person in faraway Timbuktu. Comenting on events in this nation as if you were a visitor. Join us Tuesday night at 7:00PM central time for another broadcast of "The Rifleman Show". We will let you know whhat events are taking place where. What we could use help with, and hear stories from folks on the sharp end of the stick at Appleseeds and Rifleman's Boot Camps.

 The Dark Days Ahead - May 27,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

With all that is being stacked against Americans in the way of weekly, almost daily assaults against our freedoms and rights, what are we doing to meet these threats?

 How to Destroy America in One Easy Step - May 20,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

With the wolves at the door you would think that freedom minded people would gather together, stand together, to defend their rights, but you would be wrong.

 These Are The Times That Try Mens Souls - May 13,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Each day Americans are informed of more regulations covering every aspect of their lives. Each day the U.S. government grows at an exponential rate. It is not as if this can continue indefinitely, something will eventually have to give. What can you do to help change the course of history? How can you as one person make a difference? Let us start with the assumption that you want to do something about what is happening, because the majority of Americans do not want to be disturbed by having to think about these things. We will discuss upcoming events, directions the program is going and how you can help, not just with Appleseed, but with your family, your community, your county, your state and your country.

 The New American Revolution - May 06,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Where are we in the current Revolution and what does it mean for you. We are in the dark days of the winter of 1776 and what happens in the next few weeks will determine how the story ends this time. Why you should never let your ego get between you and the m,ission, and what exactly IS the mission. I am trying to get Rifle Woan to come on and give us an admin update and I am going to appeal to the audience to use all the current forms of electronic news spreading software to push the Appleseed Project.

 Summer Solders and Sunshine Patriots - Apr 29,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

In the American Revolution never was the outcome assured. In the early days many ere ready to stand up for their rightss and liberty...for a little while...or until things got rough, or cold, or they ran out of money...or food....or warm clothes...or when it looked like it might not go so well for the Colonials, then they picked up their gear and went home. We can not afford to repeat the mistakes made

 Rifleman Radio Show - Apr 22,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Continuation of the show

 April 19th, 2009, Patriots and Tea Parties - Apr 22,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Join us to discuss the events of April 19th n2009 when The Appleseed Project hosted 54 events across the Nation, border to border and coast to coast. Help us to plan on making it even bigger and beter next year.

 Patriot's Day April 19th, 1775 - Apr 15,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

This coming weekend will be a first for America and for the Appleseed Program. Over fifty simultaneous shooting events will be held across the nation with simultaneous volleys being fired as the names of the men klled on Lexington Green on April 19th, 1775 are read.

 April 19th, 1775-What Does This Date Mean To You? - Apr 08,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

This April 19th weekend the Appleseed Project will attempt its' most ambitious project to date. A natinwide celebration of Patriots Day with events scheduled from coast to coast and border to border. Tune in to see how you can help us pull this off and take back this date for Americans.

 Are YOU a Rebel??? - Apr 01,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Are you? Are you doing anything to protect your rights and freedoms? Because if you are, you are quite probably a Rebel. A Rebel is someone who goes against the norm, who does things that no one else would consider doing. 99.9999% of Americans today are doing NOTHING to protect their rights and freedoms and are oblivious to any threats to them. So if you are doing something to protect and defend your rights, liberties and freedoms, then you are definetly going against the norm and you must be a Rebel. Congratulations, you are carrying the load for millions of your fellow Ameericans who are floating about lazily in their pools that are filled with apathy and laziness.

 The Rifleman Radio SHow - Mar 25,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The Appleseed Project has it's own radio show now and we invite everyone to join us Tuesday Nights at 7:00PM Central time. God bless America and watch over us and guide our hands in this as our cause is just. Scout

 They Are Coming to Consficate Your Firearms!!! - Mar 18,2009 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Every day we hear about more legislation eating away at our second amendment rights. Are they coming to take your guns? Some would if they could, but the Appleseed Project is doing it's best to educate and bring new shooters into the shooting community. Join us tonight as we discuss the program and what vwe are doing to insure that hey never come to "Take the Colonial powder stores". Scout


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