Being a Rifleman Means More Than Shooting a 210 on The AQT - Jun 14,2013

The Rifleman show

Summary: Shooting a Rifleman's score on the AQT is something an individual does on their own, no one can shoot your target for you. It is just you, your rifle and the target. Shooting a 210 or above will get you a patch, but it is not the end of your journey by any means. Being a Rifleman is more than shooting a 210 or above on the Appleseed Projects Army Qualification Test. Being a Rifleman means doing everything you can to improve your situation and your abilities to provide for your family, your community, your state and your nation. It starts with a man alone, but it ends with a man standing with his family, his community and his nation. A lot of folks believe that they can hunker down alone, or bug out on their own ahead of an event and save themselves, in a kind of lone wolf or Rambo style. But even if they could, it is not enough that you make it safe through these events by yourself as an individual, you need to be in a good enough position that once you yourself have made it through safely, you can then guide your family and your community by providing leadership and support to those around you in your community. But first, it starts with you. Can you provide for your self and then your family in the event of an emergency? If the roads get iced over this fall for three days, if a tornado visits your community, have you done all you can to insure your own and your family's safety? And what about your community? I will be running a series of programs in the next few months, bringing on guests and covering topics that will help you improve your ability to survive natural and man made disasters and cessation of services situations. Tonight we will begin with an introduction to these skills and ideas. From finding and making water safe, to doing what you can now to start storing food for you and your family. Hope to see you there! -Scout