The Rifleman show

The Rifleman

Summary: "A Rifleman never stops learning, a Rifleman never stops teaching. A Rifleman continues to seek ways to to protect the freedom the Founding Fathers left us, to improve himself, his home and family, his community, his state and his country, everyday of his life. A Rifleman adapts, a Rifleman overcomes and a Rifleman persists. This is not just some fancy gilded rhetoric we throw around like popcorn and pennies. This is the code we live by here. There is nothing wrong, no matter how often the mass of talking heads tells you it is wrong, or outdated, or corny, stupid and cavemanish, with having a code to live by in your life. Modern Americans have forgotten their code. They have forgotten how to be Americans. We are here to help them remember." Scout The Revolutionary War Veterans Association's Appleseed Project is dedicated to teaching an intense rifle marksmanship and safety course. But the RWVA Appleseed Project is much more than a marksmanship organization and much more than a social organization. It is a direct link back to America's Founding Fathers and instruction about what the duties of a "Rifleman" are today in America. A Rifleman adapts, a Rifleman overcomes and a Rifleman persists. Find out what it means to be called a "Rifleman" and what it takes to live a "Rifleman's Life".

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 Texas Foraging Expert Dr. Mark "Merriwether" Vorderbruggen - Jan 11,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Dr. Mark "Merriwether" Vorderbruggen, author, forager and edible wild, (and some not so wild) plant expert joins us tonight to discuss foraging for edible wild plants that grow all across the nation. I have been telling folks that they have a duty to be prepared for any kind of aa rough spot in life including dealing with disasters, food shortages etc. And being able to identify edible plants that are growing wild in the woods, vacant fields, in your own backyard, is a skill we should all have. When not running scieintific experiments for his paying job at his lab, Dr. Merriwether can be found in the woods and fields across the nation identifying and studying edible wild plants. Dr. Merriwether devotes a great amount of what spare time he has teaching foraging courses to the public at different locations around the state, and he has a website and a blog page dedicated to bringing this information to to the public. Food prices will soon be at a level Americans have never seen before. If you can help stretch your grocery dollar by foraging for a bt of your food, you might be able to shift those saved dollars over to ammunition. Dr. Merriwether will be talking about what you can do to help put some food on your table, in all seasons, by foraging, on the plains, in the woods, the mountains and swamps, even if you live in a city, there are still ways to supplement your diet by foraging. Be sure to listen and find out how. -Scout

 Nelson Abbac, author of "Freedom's Forge" Our Guest 1/3/2013 - Jan 04,2013 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Nelson Abbac joins us tonight to discuss his new book "Freedom's Forge, Striking The Sparks of Liberty". Nelson is a family man, an author, an Appleseed Project Instructor and an American Patriot. His latest work is a terrific example of what good historical fiction should be. If you have listened to the show, you have probably heard me mention that there is a terrible shortage of written works, both fiction, and, non fiction, that detail the events leading up to April 19, 1775. Thanks to Nelson, we now have another good bit of historical fiction that allows us to visit that time and help us to understand the people and the times they were living in. Nelson takes us on this journey through the eyes of a Scottish fugitive, marooned in the New World and thrust into the midddle of the events which would spin up into the beginning of a new nation. Nelson intertwines fictional characters with actual players in the intrigues swirling through the city of Boston. I have always said that you need to look no further than our own Revolutionary War history to find the most dashing heroes, the most beautiful and romantic women and the most exciting intrigues and exploits, and Nelson has proves this with a rip roaring tale of the men and women who were central in the formation of our nation during the days of the Boston Tea Party and immediatly after. This book belongs on your shelf right beside David Hackett Fischer's "Paul Revere's Ride", Thomas B Allen's,"Tories" and Esther Forbes book, "Johnny Tremain". All great books which allow us to peer inside the times and lives of the people who lived during the beginning of our nation. Be sure to call in with your questions. The reason this is a live show is to allow you to have a say in what the show talks about and to add your voice to the conversation. I hope to see you all there. -Scout

 End of The Year and We are still Here! But for How Long? - Dec 28,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

So 2012 is done. We were told we would be gone now by those who had deciphered the Mayan Calander. Just like we were told the world would crash in 2000 by the Tech Lords. We were told by Major Pitcairn that The British could march from one end of the colonies to the other with a single Battalion of Troop and a drawn sword, gelding the opponents of General Gage, and we are still here. For how long, who can say? But we are here right now. What will you be doing differently in 2013 in order to assure the continuation of this nation?Sure, there are a lot of folks who say they would do something, but how many do you think would actually take action in a situation such as faced the colonists in 1775? We have folks today who spout out "They can have my gun when they pry it from my cold dead hands". But do you think they really mean it? Would they actually be willing to put everything they have on the line and to dispute the government with force of arms? Would you barracade your door and then engage in a gun battle with troops sent to disarm you like Jason Russell did along the road to Menotomy? Do you think he thought he might die that day? I can tell you I believe he thought he may very die, and that he was willing to do so in order to live in a land where an "Englishman's Home is his Castle". This nation needs some work. We need to get out the hammers and saws, the mops and brooms and the oil cans and new window panes and roof tin. We need to be working as hard as we can to insure this nation does not go to its death from neglect. We are at some pretty powerful crossroads and there is not a lot of time for idling about. What do you have planned for your part in this effort? Better think about it. -Scout

 One Great Evil, and Then Another, Rifleman Radio Tonight - Dec 21,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

The evil it took to walk into a school and purposely target small children for murder is incomprehensible The fact that someone could form such an idea as this in their head, and then a actually carry it out is beyond my understanding. And now that it has been done, and before the dust from this horrible tragedy has settled, there are people who will use this terrible tragedy to construct evil of their own making. As Terrible as it sounds, this event was a blessing to certain people. And they saw it as such, a blessing. I have no doubt that certain people jumped for joy when they saw that this evil had been committed. These are people who would use this event to further their political goals and ambitions and use this event to craft legislation that will further enable them to control another facet of Americans lives. This sounds like it is some kind of an evil fiction story, certainly there can not be folks who would find joy in this, but there are. These people put on a sad face and use their best theatrics to fool the general public and to further inflame the story of the event . How did we get to this point? A horrible tragedy has been turned into an issue of control. No amount of law making will make this right or prevent another such tragedy, so why is it being done? To exercise control. America has become a country polarized and drawn In two separate directions. There is no longer debate between the two factions. The art of debate seems to have died in this nation. God bless and keep those who died in this horrible tragedy, and their families and loved ones as well. And God bless and save our nation and all of the people's in it, and prevent us from spiralling out of control.

 American Revolutionary War, The Battles of December - Dec 14,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

Tonight we will talk about the battles that occurred during the month of December during the years of the American Revolutionary War. Starting with a quick discussion of the Boston Tea Party, not an in depth one, since I want to talk about the Tea Party on the radio show, by itself in depth, during the week it actually happened. But there were a dozen battles that occurred during the years of the American Revolutionary War in the month of December and we will talk about them tonight. I like to talk about the battles in the month they occurred as it is easier to understand the cold of winter if it is cold outside, and the battles of summer if it is hot outside. Makes sense right? Be sure and take the time to call in and thank your local Appleseed crew on air, they really appreciate it folks, the same way you would.

 "We The People-Fight Tyranny!" The Board Game - Dec 07,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Join us tonight-live!- 7:00PM CST For The Rifleman Radio ShowAnd feel free to call in with questions comments or just to listen by dialing 347-308-8790 and following the recorded instructions and then answering the call screener off the air.Tonight's guest will be discussing a board game he designed to teach the people who play it the secrets of The Constitution of These United States. It seems as we go along, we get farther and farther away from what the Founders had in their minds when they created this nation.We have an absolutely brilliant road map of how our government should run. The things it should do, and the things it can not do.If everyone in this nation were familiar with the constitution, and I do not mean that they know how to parrot incorrect translations of the Constitution, like "The separation of Church and State", or 'The rights of The Militia, not the people to bear arms" or any number of the Constitutional rights and freedoms you hear misquoted. I mean knowing what the document says and being able to look at it from the stand point of the men who wrote it in the time they were writing it, then we would be in much better shape today.Things like this board game are a great way to sneak in a learning opportunity for the folks playing it. And I am not just talking about the teenagers that might play it.Use it to illustrate the rights and freedoms to your neighbor who thinks that the government should be our nanny and our sheriff all in one. Play the game with them and let them see what the document really means.Hope to see you there!Scout

 Down RangeTV and Appleseed-Rifleman Radio Tonight 7:00PM CST - Nov 30,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

We will be talking to Jim and Kim Heath, from Colorado aboiut their recent Appleseed event that Michael Bane, from Down Range TV, filmed for his televiision show. Mr. Banes TV show is a very popular one and I really think this will be a great chance for a lot of folks to hear about The Appleseed Project. We also discuss the Appleseed "Winter War" and why it is so important to schedule events in the winter months, in order to keep Appleseed a 12 month a year program. Join us tonight to lend an ear and a voice to the discussion, and be sure to have a local crew member in mind to call in and thank on the air tonight. Hope to see everyone there! Scout

 "Hic Esse Monstras"- Rifleman Radio-Tonight 7:00PM CST - Nov 16,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:06:00

"Hic Esse Monstras"- "Here there be Monsters..." A beautiful bit of wording covering the unknown areas on the maps of early sailors, warning them of venturing to far into these unknown waters. "Here there be Monsters.." or just the unknown that is a very fearfull thing. What can we, as leaders in our communities do to provide for the unknown? We continue or discussion of being prepared to weather any and all events that might require you to be on your own for any length of time. Also tonight, we discuss the "Battles of November". American Revolutionary War battles that were fought in the month of November during the Revolution. I look forward to seeing everyone there! Scout

 Ecce alius quattuor annis....Tonight 7:00PM CST - Nov 09,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

"Ecce alius quattuor annis",--"Behold, another Four Years", Join us tonight as we discuss what people think will be the results of having President Obama as our president for another four years. This is not a political discussion, no talk about parties or how to win any races or get control of any part of the government, just a discussion of what people think might be the result of having the same man at the controls for the next four years that we have had for the last four years. What might happen, what people should be doing to make sure our nation remains the absolute best nation we can make it. Hope to see everyone there!! Scout

 It's The End of The World as We Know it.... - Nov 02,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:02:00

At least it should be, right? Every day should be the end of the world as we know it because we should be reinventing the world every day we wake up and find ourselves still alive. We should never be accepting the world around us as the only way it can ever be.It should always be in our minds to make sure we are creating the world we want to live in. How can we do this? Well, the best way, unless we wake up to an EMP, or a comet striking the earth, is always one small step at a time, a little bit every day. That is the same way we can change the rest of the world we live in, the groups we are part of. Making them our own and investing ourselves in their success.America is entering into one of the most dangerous periods in it's history. More dangerous than even in the first days of The American Revolution. If we had failed then, I can say with almost complete certainty we would have tried again and again until we succeeded. If we fail now, we do not lose just a battle, or even a war, we lose a nation and the ideas that created it. We lose our heritage and we lose the nation we want to leave to our progeny. Instead of leaving them a home we make them orphans.We do not have a defined enemy like our ancestors did in many cases. We can not put our sights on a British Regular and make it right with a squeeze of our triggers. Our enemy is much more subtle and heinous. Our enemy knows we will not recognize it in time to save ourselves. Our enemy is one of our own making, it is our own disregard for saving ourselves and taking the huge step of recognizing our enemy in our own faces, and closing with our enemy to do battle.What are you doing to make sure we do not lose the most important battle in our history?I hope to see you all there!Scout

 Smokey Briggs, The Monahans Press and "Pecos Run and Gun" - Oct 19,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:07:00

Join us tonight for discussion with Smokey Briggs, Editor of The Monahans Press in Monahans Texas, and Founder of "The Pecos Texas Run and Gun in The Sun". Smokey talks about the state of the written word, as far as newspapers go, and about the "Pecos Texas Run and Gun in The Sun". Smokey Briggs was one of the first Appleseed Project supporters in Texas and he also runs the annual "Pecos Texas Run and Gun in The Sun". The Run and Gun in The Sun is an annual shooting event in Pecos Texas where attendees run a six to seven mile loop and shoot at six stations along the way. The folks who attend this event are some of the best folks in the nation. I think that driving out to Pecos Texas, and then driving another hour even farther into the desert on four wheel drive roads, on the way to a six mile run through the desert, kind of winnows out the chaff of the folks who attend. The kernals left in the basket after the trip are the exact ones you want to spend time with. I look forward to seeing everyone there! Scout

 Live!, From Pecos Texas, The Rifleman Radio Show - Oct 12,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Greetings! Tonight we are broadcasting from the thriving Metropolis of Pecos Texas where we will be the guests of Smokey Briggs, a fellow Appleseed member and the owner of two of the newspapers serving the Pecos/Monohans are, where we will be runing the "Pecos Run and Gun in the Sun" tomorrow. A seven mile course with seven shooting stations along the way, including a Redcoat station run by Appleseed Range Officers. So join us to talk about the event and about much more. I hope to see you all there!

 Zombies Invade California!!! The Rifleman Radio Show Tonight - Oct 05,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

That's right!! Zombies in California!! Well, actually Zombie targets at an Appleseed Experimental Event. Bob210 out in California is trying out an experimental shoot in ZCalifornia to see how it might work within Appleseed and what kind of a reception it gets in California. We have a lot to talk about with a lot of news in the Appleseed World. Join us tonight at 7:00PM CST for The Rifleman Radio Show!!! Scout

 Co Jim and PYN Kim and The Hickory NC Seof Reliance Expo - Sep 28,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:04:00

Colorado Jim.and Prone to Knit Kim, our Colorado and Self Reliance EXPO Reps will be our guests tonight to talk about the marriage of Appleseed and the self reliance/prepping folks at the Hickory NC Self Reliance Expo. I hope to see you there! Scout

 Are You A Rebel, and Part of The Insurgency? - Sep 21,2012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:05:00

A Rebel? From the Farflex/Google dictionary- Rebel, noun 1. One who rebels or is in rebellion: 2 verb-2. to dissent from an accepted moral code or convention of behaviour. A rebel is one who goes against the flow, swims upstream and does not allow themselves to be swept away, to be overcome by current thought and forced downstream with the flow. Maybe we should be rebelling against the current "accepted" moral code and our current behaviour in this country. Is that you? If that describes you, if it is you, we need you, we need a thousand of you, a million of you, and we need you all now! Maybe you are an "Insurgent"-adj. designating or of a faction in revolt against the leadership of a political party. noun-a person engaged in insurgent activity. Maybe we are all "innsurgents" too...and if we are not, maybe we should be. Maybe it is time to join the insurgency.


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