Ingles Total: Cursos y clases gratis de Ingles show

Ingles Total: Cursos y clases gratis de Ingles

Summary: En este curso de inglés tendrán la oportunidad de aprender inglés con su profesor virtual Carlos. tenemos diversos cursos como de gramática, vocabulario, conversación, redacción y mucho material gratis. Todas las clases escritas la pueden encontrar en Esta es una propuesta distinta ya que las clases son amenas y divertidas con un profesor distinto.

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 Used to – Curso de ingles: Como expresar rutinas en el pasado | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Curso de INGLES en linea gratuito – Aprender Ingles en INTERNET- LECCION 34 curso PRE INTERMEDIO LECCION EN AUDIO (hacer click en el ICONO de PLAY) We talked about how to use the past simple past continuous (LESSON 32) Today we are going to learn how to use the structure or form “USED TO” Hoy aprenderemos como hablar de rutinas en el pasado. Veremos como usar la estructura USED TO y de que forma nos puede servir para comunicarnos mejor en inglés Structure and form (Table 1) USED TO Positive Negative Question I used to playfootball I didn’t use to play football Did you use to play football? She used to smoke She didn’t use to smoke Did she use to smoke? They used to go dancing They didn’t use to go dancing Did they use to go dancing ? As we can see, it is used with the PAST SIMPLE structure. Positive Form Subject + [USED TO + Infinitive] + Complement –          My wife USED TOPLAY volleyball. Negative Form Subject + [didn’t USE TO + Infinitive] + Complement –          Peter didn’t use to drink whiskey. Question Form Question Word + [did + Subject + USE TO + Infinitive] + Complement –          What sport did Maria use to practice? –          How much money did you use to spend at the casino? –          Did Juan use to play the violin? USE: We use the structure USED TO to talk about PAST HABITS and ROUTINES. Please remember that when we talk about present habits and routines we use the PRESENT SIMPLE. There is no present form of the structure USED TO. Look at the following table Table 2 Present habits and routines Past habits and routines I get up at 6:00 am I used to get up at 6:00 am Santiago smokes Santiago used to smoke My mother cooks My mother used to cook They don’t play tennis They didn’t use to play tennis Juan doesn’t teach Juan didn’t use to teach Does Tina work for IBM? Did Tina use to work for IBM? Where do they live? Where did they use to live? If we have the following sentence Brian used to work at the bank. The present form of the sentence is: Brian works at the bank CORRECT Brian use to work at the bank INCORRECT THERE IS NO PRESENT FORM OF THE STRUCTURE USED TO. REMEMBER THAT TO EXPRESS PRESENT HABITS AND ROUTINES WE USE THE PRESENT SIMPLE. Online Exercises and Extra resources – – – – –

 PRONUNCIACION de ED – Past simple regular verb PRONUNCIATION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:33

Pronunciacion de ed – palabras que terminan en ED” – Past simple regular verbs LECCION 33 GRAMATICA / PRONUNCIACION ACTIVIDAD #3 para escuchar el audio ...

 PRONUNCIACION de ED – Past simple regular verb PRONUNCIATION | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Pronunciacion de ed – palabras que terminan en ED” – Past simple regular verbs LECCION 33 GRAMATICA / PRONUNCIACION ACTIVIDAD #3 para escuchar el audio hacer click en el ícono de play Bienvenidos a InglesTotal Thank you for your visit. Today we have an important lesson. We are going to talk about the pronunciation of words ending in “ed”. We will also give you a list of regular verbs in the past so that you can practice. Gracias por volver a visitarnos. Hoy tenemos una clase realmente importante. Hoy tocamos un tema de pronunciación que es vital para poder comunicarnos mejor. Se trata de la pronunciación de las palabras que acaban en “ed”. también daremos una lista de verbos regulares en pasado con para que practiquen. Recuerden de seguirnos a través de nuestras redes sociales tanto en Facebook como en Twitter buscandonos como “inglestotal” y así no se perderán de ninguna de nuestras lecciones gratis. The “ed” pronunciation is one of the most important ones. If you do not pronounce correctly the “ed” when you talk about the past then listeners may understand a different message. Also, it is very noticeable when people pronounce incorrectly any word that ends in “ed” La pronunciación de ed es muy importante ya que si no lo pronuncian bien, pueden mandar el mensaje erroneo. Addicionalmente, es uno de los errores mas comunes y mas notorias cuando se habla inglés. Antes de seguir recuerden de repasar la clase del pasado LECCION 16a Reglas de la pronunciación de la terminacion ED de las palabras en inglés Hay tres sonidos de la terminación “ed” 1)      /t/ 2)      /d/ 3)      /Id/  Tabla de reglas de la pronunciación de ed(TABLA #1)   Unvoiced /p/ clap clapped / t/ /f/ laugh laughed /s/ fax faxed /S/ (sonido SH) crash Crashed /tS/ (sonido CH) watch watched /k/ talk talked Voiced all other sounds, for example… play played / d/ follow followed rain rained *Con sonidos en t y d /t/ o /d/ Inventdemand inventeddemanded / Id/   ** Unvoiced son los sonidos sin vibración. Es decir con solo la expulsión de aire. Los voiced son los sonidos con vibración en donde utilizamos la voz. (Escuchar el audio que esta al comienzo para entender mejor  Mas Ejemplos de los 3 sonidos (PRACTICAR Y APRENDER) – TABLA #2 Ed as “/t/”  Ed as “/d/” Ed as “Id” Asked (Pedir/preguntar) Pulled (jalar) Accepted (Aceptar) Baked (hornear) Agreed (estar de acuerdo) Realized (darse cuenta) Afforded (poder pagar) Brushed (cepillar) Allowed (permitir) Remembered (acordarse) Atended (atender) Cooked (cocinar) Answered (responder) Rained (llover) Arrested (arrestar) Cracked (rajar) Appeared (aparecer) Repaired (reparar) Collected (coleccionar) Crashed (chocar) Arrived (llegar) Saved (guardar) Contacted (contratar) danced (bailar) Believed (creer) Shared (compartir) Counted (contar) Dressed (vestirse) Belonged (pertenecer) Shaved (afeitarse) Decided (decidir) Dropped (dejar caer)

 Past Continuous tense – Past Progressive GRAMMAR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:34

Curso gratuito en línea para aprender inglés GRATIS – PAST CONTINUOUS / PAST CONTINUOUS – USOS y ESTRUCTURA – LECCION 32 GRAMATICA (PreIntermedio) Hello Song: ...

 Past Continuous tense – Past Progressive GRAMMAR | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Curso gratuito en línea para aprender inglés GRATIS – PAST CONTINUOUS / PAST CONTINUOUS – USOS y ESTRUCTURA – LECCION 32 GRAMATICA (PreIntermedio) Hello Song: La grange (zztop) In this post we are going to talk about the past continuous. We will look at the syntax and the use of this tense. We are also going to compare it to the past simple and see the differences. Past Continuous / Past Progressive Structure Positive form Subject + was/were + (-ing) + Complement Examples: –          Michael was watching the World Cup  match. –          They were working all night long. –          Josh and Silvia were talking about getting married. Negative form Subject + wasn’t/weren’t + (-ing) + Complement Examples: –          John wasn’t eating because he was feeling sick. –          Jeff wasn’t watching TV. –          My parents weren’t having a good time because it was very cold in Canada Question Form (Question Word) + was/were + Subject + (-ing) + Complement –          What were you doing last night at around 8:00pm? –          Was Jim doing his homework? –          Were they sleeping all morning? Conclusions: -The complete structure: (TABLE #1) – Past continuous is very similar IN STRUCTURE to the Present Continuous tense. The only difference is that in the present continuous we use the verb to be in the present (am/is/are) but with the past continuous we use the verb to be in the past (was/were) Compare (TABLE #2) Present Continuous Past Continuous They are  writing They were writing Pedro isn’t eating Pedro wasn’t eating Where is he staying? Where was he staying? –          We do not use the auxiliary DID with the past continuous. USE We use the past continuous to talk about an action that was in progress at a certain time in the past, an action at some point in the past between its beginning and end Example: He was working in the garden at 7 o’clock this morning. The past continuous is used to describe an action that we were “in the middle of” at a time in the past. –          I was watching TV at 8:00pm. (I was “in the middle of watching TV” at 8:00) –          Miguel was cooking at noon. (At that time, Miguel was “in the middle of cooking”) It is important to remember this concept so that in our next lesson we can compare and contrast the past continuous with the past simple. Exercises: PDF files WITH ANSWERS More Exercises: Online quizzes: http://www.ego4u.

 Negative Questions – Preguntas negativas en INGLES | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:14

Curso gratuito en línea para aprender inglés GRATIS – Negative Questions / Preguntas en forma negativa – USOS y ESTRUCTURA – LECCION 31 GRAMATICA Today ...

 Negative Questions – Preguntas negativas en INGLES | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Curso gratuito en línea para aprender inglés GRATIS – Negative Questions / Preguntas en forma negativa – USOS y ESTRUCTURA – LECCION 31 GRAMATICA Today we are going to talk about questions. When do we use negative questions? How do we form them? What are the differences between normal questions and negative questions. We will discuss all these points. Hoy repasaremos las preguntas en negative “negative questions” y veremos juntos cuando lo usamos y como es que se forman estas preguntas. Negative questions Structure: To form negative questions we simply add n’t (not) after the auxiliary Negative Questions Aren’t you married?Don’t you know English? PRESENT SIMPLE Isn’t Juan working? PRESENT CONTINUOUS Wasn’t Felipe sick?Didn’t Mary study for the test? PAST SIMPLE Haven’t you sent the email PRESENT PERFECT Aren’t you going to the doctor tomorrow? FUTURE  USE of negative questions Compare the following questions –          Are you sick? This is a normal information question. I want to know if the person is sick in general. –          Aren’t you sick? In this case you have the idea that the person is sick. For example, let’s suppose that Mario arrived late to work and said he was sick. Later that afternoon you see him drinking a cold beer. You say “Hey Mario, aren’t you sick?” We use the negative questions:   * To show surprise : Didn’t you send the email? Why? That was so important. * To show doubt; to check information –Aren’t you the Carlos? Don’t you teach English on-line? Wow! Nice to meet you. – Doesn’t she work for City Bank. I think I know her * When you expect the listener to agree –Isn’t it a great day. It is so sunny and the sky is blue. – Doesn’t this food tase delicious? Yummy Yummy.  En conclusión vemos que para formas los “negative questions” simplemente añadimos el “not” despues del “auxiliary”. Es es bastante sencillo pero la importancia esta es saber es que situaciones se usan. COmo vimos lo usamos para expresar sorpresa, cuando tenemos una duda y queremos corraborar información y finalmente lo usamos cuando esperamos que la otra persona este de acuerdo  con nosotros. Recuerden de practicar esta forma y de no olvidarse de los usos. Extra Resources and Exercises: * POWERPOINT EXPLANATION: This is a nice presentation by Kristi Reyes about negative questions. Negative Questions (Ejercicio para completar) See more presentations by kreyes | Upload your own PowerPoint presentations

 Vocabulario de Salud y de SINTOMAS en INGLES – English Health vocabulary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Lista de vocabulario y terminos relacionados con la SALUD– Health related vocabulary TERMS – LECCION 16 VOCABULARIO / Vocabulary Today we are going to learn vocabulary related to our health. We are going to learn expressions to describe how we feel. It is important to practice and repeat the phrases. Hoy tenemos vocabulario relacionado a nuestra salud. Despues de esta lección de vocabulario podremos decir como nos sentimos y descrbir los síntomas que tenemos. We have different ways of saying that we don’t feel well or expressing pain. Let’s have a look at some options: Expressing Symptoms * We use the “-ache” with (backache, earache, headache, stomachache, and toothache) – I have a backache / headache / (an) earache / stomachache / toothache [audio:]Imagen de Cambridge University press, New Interchange pg.73 * For other body parts we can use the adjective sore which means painful to the touch or tender. – I have a sore back / My back is sore / I have a sore throat [audio:] * Hurt is a verb. It means to cause physical damage or pain. –  My back hurts / My arm hurts / My elbow hurts >[audio:] Other body parts symptoms Nose – I have allergies. – I’m sneezing a lot. (Sneeze: estornudar)[audio:]Throat (garganta) – I have a sore throat – I have a cough.[audio:] Skin – I have a rash (sarpullido)[audio:] Chest – I have a chest pain (pain: dolor)[audio:] Foot/leg/ankle (pie/pierna/tobillo) – I sprained my ankle. (Sprain: to injure by a sudden twisting ligaments / torcer) [audio:] Other health related vocabulary English Spanish ache Dolor cold Resfriado cough Tos / toser flu La gripe heart attack Ataque al corazón infection Infección pain dolor Health and Healthcare – Minor Injuries bruise Moreton / contusionar (sustantivo/verbo) cut Cortarse wound Herida/herir (sustantivo/verbo) Health and Healthcare – Treatment bandage Bendaje check-up Cheque medico dose (of medicine) Dosis drugs Medicina injection Inyeccíon give some an injection Aplicar inyección medicine Medicina take medicine Tomar medicina operation Operación pain-killer Analgésico pill Pastille tablet Tablet tranquilizer Tranquilizante Health and Healthcare – People dentist Dentist doctor Doctor general practitioner Otro término para los médicos midwife Partera

 Vocabulario de Salud y de SINTOMAS en INGLES – English Health vocabulary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Lista de vocabulario y terminos relacionados con la SALUD– Health related vocabulary TERMS – LECCION 16 VOCABULARIO / Vocabulary Today we are going to ...

 Present simple AND present continuous – Diferencias y ejercicios | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Curso gratuito en línea para aprender inglés desde casa – ¿Cual es la diferencia entre el PRESENT SIMPLE y el PRESENT CONTINUOUS? – LECCION 30 GRAMATICA In this lesson we are going to compare the present simple and  present continuous tense. We are going to study the differences and do exercises together. It is a very common problem to confuse these to tenses. This post includes AUDIO and WRITTEN CLASS. Esta lección incluye AUDIO y CLASE ESCRITA Present Simple amd Present Continuous Many students (especially from Latin America) have problems in choosing the correct form of the verb when we talk about the “present”. Such problems arise because they translate from Spanish to English directly without paying attention to the communicative uses. * Structure differences Present Simple: – Maria plays tennis at the weekends – She doesn’t study French. – How many children do they have? Remember: – In positive we use two conjugations. One is the simple form and the other is the “s” form (play/plays) – In negative sentences we use the auxiliaries don’t and doesn’t and the verb is ALWAYS in the simple form. (She doesn’t work) – In the question form we use auxiliaries do and does and also the verb goes in the simple form. The subject goes in between the auxiliary and the verb. (Do you work here?) Present continuous – Maria is playing tennis. – She isn’t studying. – What are they doing? Remember: – When we construct the present continuous we use the verb to be. Therefore we DO NOT USE auxiliaries do, does, don’t or doesn’t. – Use the “ing” form after the verb to be. * USES COMPARISON Present Simple Present Continuous Routines / Habits : Maria smokes Actions happening NOW: Maria is smoking Permanent Actions: Pedro lives in Sevilla Temporary actions: Juan is staying at the Marriot hotel. Current facts/truths: I have two brothers Exercises: (The answers are in the AUDIO) Fill in the blanks with am/is/are/do/don’t/does/doesn’t 1. Excuse me _____ you speak English? 2. Have a cigarette. No, thank you. I _____ smoke. 3. Why ____ you laughing at me? 4. What ____ she do? She’s a dentist. 5. I ____ want to go out. It ____ raining. 6. Where ____ you come from? From Canada. 7. How much ____ it cost to send a letter to Canada? 8.I can’t talk to you at the moment. I ____ working. 9. George is a good tennis player but he _____ play very often. Put the verb in present continuous or present simple 1. Excuse me, ______________ (you/speak) English? 2. Tom _________________ (have/shower) at the moment. 3. They _____________ (not/watch) television very often. 4. Listen! Somebody _______________ (sing) 5. She’s tired. She ____________ (want) to go home. 6. How often ____________________ (you/read) a newspaper? 7. Excuse me, but you __________________ (sit) in my place. Oh I’m sorry. 8. I’m sorry. I ___________________ (not/understand). Please speak more slowly. 9.Where are you Roy? I am in the office. I ___________________ (read) 10. What time __________________ (she/finish) work every day? 11. You can turn off the radio. I _____________________ (not listen) to it. 12. He ____________________ (not/usually/drive) to work. He usually ________ (walk) EJERCICIOS EN LINES / TAREA –

 Present simple AND present continuous – Diferencias y ejercicios | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:29

Curso gratuito en línea para aprender inglés desde casa – ¿Cual es la diferencia entre el PRESENT SIMPLE y el PRESENT CONTINUOUS? – LECCION ...

 Adjetivos que acaban en “-ed” y en “-ing” – Adjectives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Curso para aprender inglés en línea gratis – LECCION 29 GRAMMAR – PREINTERMEDIATE Hoy vamos a darle un vistazo a los adjetivos que acaban en “ed” y en “ing”. Veremos juntos cuando usarlos y las diferencias entre estos adjetivos. Today we are going to discuss the use of adjectives ending in “ed” and in “ing”. We will look at the differences and on the rules. Adjectives ending in “ED” and ”ING” Some adjectives have the characteristic of ending in “ed” and “ing”. Let’s ltake a look at the rules. * We use adjectives ending in “ING” to describe something or someone. Examples: Maria is watching a very interesting movie. I hate that teacher. He is really boring. * We use adjectives ending in “ED” when we want to describe how people feel. Examples: This movie isn’t interesting. I am bored. Juan is very exited because he is going to travel to Miami for the first time. Conclusions – We can use adjectives ending in “ing” for things or people. Remember that when we use “ing” it is describing the person or thing. – We can use the “ed” ONLY for people (or animals) because THINGS CANNOT FEEL. We can say: Felipe is boring. (describes his personality). Felipe is bored. (he feels bored at the moment) We can’t say: The TV program is bored – INCORRECT (because things can’t feel). ***Queda claro que para cosas, situaciones u objetos usamos la terminación “ing” y no es posible usar “ed”. La razón es porque se usa la terminación “ed” para expresar lo que uno siente y está claro que las cosas sin vida no pueden sentir. Para personas uno puede usar “ed” (cuando uno siente) o  “ing” pero esta última se usa para DESCRIBIR a la persona. Así que si yo digo “Juan is depressed” quiere decir que se encuentra deprimido ya que describo la situación actual porque por algina razón se siente asi. En cambio si decimos “Juan is depressing” entonces describimos a Juan. Es una persona depresiva.   Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing list ADJECTIVES (ING – ED) Spanish translation alarming alarmed  Alarmante / alarmado amusing amused Divertido annoying annoyed Fastidioso / fastidiado boring bored Aburrido concerning concerned Preocupante / preocupado confusing confused Confuso / confundido embarrassing embarrassed Embarazoso / avergonzado encouraging encouraged Alentador / animado entertaining entertained Entretenido exciting excited Emocionante / emocionado exhausting exhausted Agotador / agotado frightening frightened Aterrador / aterrado frustrating frustrated Frustrante / frustrado humiliating humiliated Humillante / humillado interesting interested Interesante / interesado intriguing intrigued Intrigante / intrigado overwhelming overwhelmed Abrumador / abrumado perplexing perplexed Perplejo pleasing pleased Agradable / complacido relaxing relaxed Relajante / relajado satisfying satisfied Gratificante / satisfecho shocking shocked Chocante / estupefacto surprising surprised Sorprendente / sorprendido

 Adjetivos que acaban en “-ed” y en “-ing” – Adjectives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:41

Curso para aprender inglés en línea gratis – LECCION 29 GRAMMAR – PREINTERMEDIATE Hoy vamos a darle un vistazo a los adjetivos que acaban ...

 Descargar lecciones de INGLES – Bajar lecciones de INGLESTOTAL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Curso gratuito de inglés en línea — Lista de lecciones para descargar/bajar “Alumnos / Students” Entrada #3″ John Vargas, alumno virtual de InglesTotal, ha recopilado todos los links para descargar las lecciones de inglés. Contiene el nombre de las lecciones seguidas por links (enlaces) al final. Para descargar a su computadora solo hacer click en BAJAR/DESCARGAR. También hay una opción de bajarlas a través de Mediafire al final de esta entrada.  Gracias por el aporte Jhon.  LECCIONES DE GRAMATICA •Lección1/Lesson 1: Fundamentos de la estructura básica del ingles. —– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #1  •Lección 2/Lesson2 : El present simple con el verbo “to be”—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #2  •Lección 3/Lesson3: “Question verbs with the verb “to be” (present simple)—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #3 •Lección 4/Lesson 4: Demonstrative pronouns- a/an and plural nouns—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #4  •Lección 5/Lesson 5: Possessive nouns and possessive adjectives—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #5  •Lección 6/Lesson 6: There is & There are (verbo haber en presente “hay”)—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #6  •Lección 7/Lesson 7: Dar Ordenes, instrucciones y peticiones. IMPERATIVE FORM—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #7  •Lección 8/Lesson 8: The Present Continuous tense—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #8 •Lección 9/Lesson 9: Prepositions of place (on, in, at)—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #9 •Lección 10a/Lesson 10a: The simple present tense with other verbs (verbos no son ser/estar)—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #10a  •Lección 10b/Lesson 10b: Simple present tense negative and question form (not with verb to be)—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #10b  •Lección 11/Lesson 11: Prepositions of place (preposiciones de lugar)—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #11  •Lección 12/Lesson 12: Object Pronouns (Me, You, Him, Her, Us, You, Them)—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #12 •Lección 13/Lesson 13: Adverbs of frequency – adverbios de frecuencia—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #13 •Lección 14/Lesson 14: Modal verbs Can and Could to express ability—– BAJAR/DESCARGAR  LECCION #14  •Lección 15/Lesson 15: Past Simple (con el verbo to be) WAS/WERE—–

 Present continuous/progressive – usos forma y estructura PRE-INTERMEDIO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Curso y lecciones de inglés gratis: LECCION 28 GRAMMAR (PRE-INTERMEDIATE: Present continuous ) Today we are going to talk about the uses and structure of present continuous. We are going to focus on when to use this tense when we speak. Remember that if you do not know how to form the present continuous please review the BASIC LESSON #8 HERE Structure (Present Continuous / Present Progressive) The present continuous is formed with the verb to be in the present (am/is/are) plus the “-ing” (present participle) form like in the following model SUBJECT + (to be + -ing ) +COMPLEMENT Examples: – Malissa is looking for an apartment. – Claudio isn’t studying. – Maria is staying at the Marriot Hotel. We DO NOT use auxiliaries do/does or don’t/doesn’t because we are using the verb to be. *** Esta lección es la continuación de la lección 27 y es importante porque tenemos que aprender a saber las diferencias gramáticas entre el present continuous y el present simple. Uses: We use the present continuous tense for the following situations: * Actions happening at the moment (NOW) – LESSON: We use the present continuous for an action that is in progress at the time we are speaking. Examples: Listen! Mario is singing. Look outside. It is raining. What are you doing? * Temporary Actions: For a temporary situation or activity not necessarily happening at the moment. The most common verbs that are used for this situation are: live, stay, and work. Examples: – Is it your first time in Buenos Aires? Where are you staying? – I had a problem with my parents. I am living with my best friend. – Juan doesn’t work for IBM anymore. He is working in a restaurant. In contrast, to express permanent facts we use the present simple – I live in Bogota – My wife works for Telefonica. *** el objetivo principal de esta leccíon es entender cuando usar el PRESENT CONTINUOUS y no confundirlo con el PRESENT SIMPLE (Ir a la LECCION AQUI). Tiene que quedar claro que usamos el PRESENT CONTINUOUS para describir y hablar de acciones que pasan en el momento en que uno esta hablando (que estan paando AHORA) y con acciones TEMPORALES – Acciones que no son permanentes como hemos visto en los ejemplos. RECUERDEN QUE EN EL ESPAÑOL HAY OTRAS REGLAS ASI QUE NO TRADUZCAN. También recuerden que estamos en el pre-intermedio asi que hay otros usos que luego tocaremos mas adelante en el curso. Exercises : Fill in the blanks with the present continuous verbs of the verbs in parenthesis A: So what is happening (happen)? Are they having (they/have) a party? B: Yes, they are A: And what _______________________ (they/do)? B: Well, a few of them _______________________ (dance). A: ______________________________ (Mom and Dad/dance)? B: Mom is but Dad _______________________ (talk) to uncle Jack and they _______________________ (laugh) a lot. A: Is Aunty Linda there? B: Yes she ____. She _______________________ with Brian from next door. Oh, and Dad _______________________ (give) everyone a drink now. A: What _______________________ (they/drink)? B: Coffee, I think. And some of them _______________________ (drink) juice. Mom _______________________ (not/drink) anything...


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