Your Kick Ass Life Coaching show

Your Kick Ass Life Coaching

Summary: Join Andrea Owen, life coach and author, as she serves up self help in a easy-to-digest way that is also practical and implementable. Andrea brings you guests as well as solo episodes on topics such as perfectionism, the inner-critic, courage, and more.


 Episode 57: So You Say You Have No Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:06

Wanna listen to the podcast? Click the button above! Or just read on… Earlier this year I was having a conversation with someone about The Daring Way program which is an intense, 5 month 1:1 coaching program. During our conversation she’d said she wanted to go deep. She told me all the dreams she had for […]

 The magic of awkward conversations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:17

This is a topic I talk at length about in my book, How To Stop Feeling Like Shit: 14 Habits That Are Holding You Back From Happiness. Most people struggle with having hard conversations, as well as setting boundaries. These can be some hard lessons! Enjoy… Let’s talk about something that doesn’t always kick ass: […]

 Episode 56: Managing Your Inner Mean Girl in Three Steps, with Amy Ahlers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Hello there ass kicker! Today’s guest on the YKAL podcast is waaaay overdue. Amy Ahlers, author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves is here to talk to us about all things inner mean girl! We all love formulas and processes and Amy has come up with a 3-step process for transforming your inner mean […]

 Episode 55: Find Your Purpose and Your People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:52

Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to another episode of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast. Today I’ve got my first duo: Alison and Michelle of Soul Camp! Alison is a body confidence coach with a background in communication design, nutrition and Reiki. She’s also an expert logo and brand designer for soul-centered businesses; she’s been making all […]

 Episode 54: What it really takes to be a life coach in 2015, with Jo Casey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:23

  Ass kickers! I’m very excited for a SPECIAL episode of the podcast today. I’m taking a *tiny* break from talking about all things personal development and today I’m diving in to something that so many people ask me about: The business of life coaching. My guest today is my friend Jo Casey who has […]

 3 Steps to Take When You Have a “Gremlin Attack” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:37

Let’s get one thing out of the way: I talk about the inner-critic a lot. I do it because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this beast— the voice in your head that keeps you small— has the capacity to be the ONE thing that prevents you from living your most kick-ass […]

 Episode 53: Why self-acceptance before self-improvement, with Liz DiAlto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:18

  Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to today’s episode of Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! We’ve got another amazing woman joining us today: Liz DiAlto of Wild Soul Movement. Liz is an author, speaker and coach; she’s been called the love child of Danielle LaPorte, Mae West and Shakira. Her mission is to get women out of […]

 “What If I See My Inner-Critic As My Motivator?” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:33

As you may know, a foundational piece of the work I do with women is working on managing their inner-critics. Creating a new way of speaking to themselves that is kind and compassionate instead of beating themselves up. And every once in a while, I get this question “What if I see my inner-critic as […]

 Episode 52: How Nice People Set Boundaries, with Randi Buckley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:36

Welcome to another episode of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! My friend Randi joins us to talk about the all-important topic of boundaries and how nice people set ‘em. Randi is THE expert of experts! She’s a life coach, hard truth-talker and creative producer of products that encourage women to step into their truth, and […]

 Episode 51: Stepping into Your Bigness, with Fabeku Fatunmise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:21

Hey Ass kickers! Welcome to another episode of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! You may have noticed we went from episode 49 to 51…you’re not going crazy! It’s a long story which I’ll spare you the boring details, but bottom line: there’s no episode 50! Moving on… Today we’ve got the amazing, super-powered Fabeku Fatunmise. […]

 Episode 49: How to Get Rejected 100 Times and Like It, with Tiffany Han | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:32

Hi ya Ass kickers! Welcome to another episode of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast! I’m so excited for you to meet our guest for today’s show, Tiffany Han. Tiffany is a business coach who helps creative women, like bloggers, graphic designers and cubicle jailbirds, take bold and inspired action. She helps her clients say YES […]

 Episode 48: Leading a French-Kissed Life, with Tonya Leigh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:01

Hi ya Ass kickers! It’s that time again, time for another episode of the Your Kick-Ass Life podcast. Today we’ve got the talented and savvy Tonya Leigh. Tonya is a master-certified life coach who has spoken to global audiences. As the CEO of French Kiss Life, her company, she is on a mission to inspire […]

 How To Handle Your Inner Mean Girl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:27

Why do I talk about the inner-critic so much? This is the thing that gets in the way of us showing up fully, of having those tough conversations that allow us to get what we want and to stand up for ourselves. This is the voice that asks us “What will people think” that drives […]

 Episode 47: The Power of Your Voice, with Christina Dunbar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:05

Hey there Ass kickers! I’m so glad you’re here for another episode of the Your Kick-Ass Life Podcast. Today we’ve got the fabulous Christina Dunbar. Christina is an actress, poet, activist and women’s leader. She offers programs for artists, entrepreneurs and wild women helping them take the stage and share their own soul story. She’s […]

 Episode 46: Every Woman Is a Superhero | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:09

Howdy Asskickers! Today we’ve got another great guest and awesome show for you. She is a self-described “sensitive bad ass” who has made friends with fear and shares that friendship with you on her web site, Who is Ch!ck?. She is the one and only Kai Soremaken. Kai and I have similar stories and experiences: […]


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