Find The Magic  show

Find The Magic

Summary: We read all the personal development and parenting books and distill them down to weekly episodes. We synthesize the information to provide you with tips and strategies to create authenticity, peace and love in your life. Support this podcast:

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 Living with Abundant Enthusiasm / Favorites Collection #1 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3880

Ideas have the power to change us. While creating this podcast, we have had several ideas and philosophies that we have researched, tested and discovered to be truly transformative for us. They have made our lives better in SO many ways.  In this episode, we have put together some of our very favorite podcast pieces that we have found valuable. We talk about cultivating abundance, enthusiasm and joy as well as coming to a still awareness and acceptance of things we cannot change. We also tie this in to parenting unconditionally and with empathy. At the soul of this all is our ability to know ourselves, intuitively and make decisions based on this knowing.  Related Episodes Finding Joy and Enthusiasm in Every Day Tapping Into the Abundance Inside Us Feeling lost?  How to Cultivate Meaning Using Intuition to guide New Year Preparation EPISODE SPONSORS Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Gemmist: Take their easy quiz to get personalized hair products. Use findthemagic at checkout for 20% off the already 20% discount for subscribers at Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND Review of the week! moro2450 2.4.21 Gold, PURE Gold Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For all the time and energy that you put into this podcast. I’m not being dramatic in the slightest when I say this podcast has changed my life… --- Support this podcast:

 Deep Dive Into Independent Play With Emily Lawson | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2523

It is exhausting when we feel like we must entertain our children for every moment of their lives. Not only is it draining, but it allows us no time to actually get things done or care for ourselves. Luckily for us, kids instinctively know now to play independently if we give them the space they need to develop this skill. It allows them to be creative, use their imagination, and problem solve. In this episode, Taralyn interviews Emily Lawson, a certified early education teacher and founder of the Sandbox Academy, about independent play. She has several concrete tips on how to actually free yourself and your kids through independent play. Her formula is: establish a routine that includes daily independent play your kids learn to expect, have special toys that only come out during independent play, start with small chunks of time, and go outside into nature. You can find Emily’s website and program here: Related Episodes Encouraging Independent Play and Letting Go of Guilt The Martyr Effect. HOW TO Stop Offering Ourselves at the Altar of Parenting Finding Your Family Through Digital Minimalism Books we mentioned: The Nature Fix // Florence Williams Last Child in the Woods // Richard Louv EPISODE SPONSORS Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Gemmist: Take their easy quiz to get personalized hair products. Use findthemagic at checkout for 20% off the already 20% discount for subscribers at Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much.  Review of the week: Jess Dustin 6.28.21 Best of the best! I’ve listened to this podcast from day one and obsessively check my podcast feed every Monday to see what the new episode is. Episodes are always exactly what I need to hear. They give concrete tips and ideas for a more wholehearted life and do it without making you feel guilty or like you need to change. Their views on parenting speak right to my heart and I am so grateful for the work they put into their thoughts every week. They’re changing my family one episode at a time. --- Support this podcast:

 Keeping Our Cool When Our Kids Are Driving Us Mad and How to Establish a New Routine | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2912

At some points in parenting it feels like our kids are misbehaving so often that we can’t help but just lose it. In this episode we answer some listener questions addressing what to do when our inner fire keeps flaring up and we end up lashing out at our children’s behavior. Sometimes, we learn better, so we do better, but our children are accustomed to the old way of doing things. We address some realistic ways to incorporate new routines and parenting strategies as our children grow, even when they aren’t used to it. Related Episodes Tantrums, Screen Time, and Breaking Out of a Funk The Martyr Effect. HOW TO Stop Offering Ourselves at the Altar of Parenting Interview with Dr. Mary Wilde: How to Joyfully Ride the Waves of Parenthood Without Drowning in Them Finding Motivation to Claim Your Personal Power Hour Make Your Morning Routine Happen! Feeling Burned Out? How We Use Healthy Treats to Take Care of Ourselves To Raise Strong Children, We Need to Be Strong Parents Patience With Aggressive Behavior, Friendships in Motherhood, and Making Peace With Your Inner Landscape How to: Create Pockets of Peace EPISODE SPONSOR Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app, Scroll to the bottom of the page, Click on write a review, Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:), Hit SEND.  Review from Arlie K. [I am] bowled over by brilliant advice and nourishing conversations. No matter the topic, I gain something from every episode! --- Support this podcast:

 Finding Our Family Through Digital Minimalism | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2089

Technology is a wonderful tool, but it makes a poor master. In this episode, Felica talks with Diane Boden from Minimalist Moms Podcast about implementing digital minimalism in our homes. She offers a realistic view of life with screens and kids, embracing the messy middle of life and coexisting with them.  They touch on many concrete tips to make it achievable from independent play to hard conversations about devices in your home (peer pressure!). We view the screen epidemic as very dangerous. If we band together as parents and question societal norms we can lead our kids to a more connected and aware future.  Related Books and links: Digital Minimalism // Cal Newport Atomic Habits // James Clear Gabb Phone Tick Talk Watch Our Related Episodes: Saving Our Kids and Ourselves from Screens & Social Media with Collin Kartchner  Finding Solitude Through Digital Minimalism Curbing Your Screen Attachment Tantrums, Screen Time, and Breaking Out of a Funk EPISODE SPONSOR Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND Review of the week! Kayla60910 6.1.21 BEST PODCAST! I can’t even begin to describe how this podcast has helped me in my motherhood journey. It has truly helped me crawl out of the survival mode hole I was in with two young kids. It has helped me find myself again, take better care of myself again, live an intentional life, and continues to help me grow to be a better/happier version of myself to be a better mom and wife. This podcast has also introduced me to countless books that have also been transformative. This podcast, along with the journal, has been my life guide and I’m so grateful for it every day. --- Support this podcast:

 Awakening the Creative Process Inside of Us | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3144

For people who consider themselves to be artists, making time for creativity can feel as important as breathing. However, for the rest of us, we might dismiss the concept of cultivating creativity as something “cute” that only other people have time for. We might feel like creativity is simply an unnecessary luxury that doesn’t mesh with the practical responsibilities of life. Creativity is a key component to wholehearted living for ALL of us. In this episode, we discuss ways that everyone, regardless of interests, personality, and responsibilities, can benefit from engaging with the creative spark in all of us. Creation feeds our souls. RELATED EPISODES Growth Mindset is Crucial for Our Kids, but What About Us?  How to WAKE UP to Your Life BOOKS AND LINKS WE MENTIONED Art of War //  Steven Pressfield The Artist’s Way // Julia Cameron Tim Ferris Article // Creative Visualization // Shakti Gawain Bird by Bird // Ann Lamont EPISODE SPONSOR Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND REVIEW OF THE WEEK! TaraMS10 5.20.21 -- BEST PODCAST! My favorite parenting podcast (and I listen to a LOT of them). These women are real, with great advice, and examples for navigating the parenting journey. They read all the books we don’t find the time to read, make our struggles seem normal, and provide tips along the way. --- Support this podcast:

  The Kids are Home for Summer, Now What? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3275

In a few weeks our kids will be home for the summer, and our daily schedules will change drastically. A lot of jokes, angst and dread can surround this time of year. Let’s start as we mean to go on! In this episode, we are sharing some of our favorite tips for designing our summer. We touch on creating and setting boundaries from the start, letting our kids be and resisting screen entertaining.  If we have learned anything this year, it is that being fluid and available for change can help us live in the present and create a calm atmosphere in our homes. As we let them be free to work through the B word (boredom!) we will come out the other side with having enjoyed our summer together! Related Episodes How to: Create Pockets of Peace HOW TO Parent Less and Love it More The Martyr Effect. HOW TO Stop Offering Ourselves at the Altar of Parenting Interview with Dr. Mary Wilde: How to Joyfully Ride the Waves of Parenthood Without Drowning in Them Encouraging Independent Play and Letting Go of Guilt This episode’s sponsors: OnVive is a health and wellness company that is giving away a Mercedes Benz SUV and $10,000 cash to one lucky customer on June 1st! Right now, every dollar spent on gives you 3 entries towards winning. Make sure to use discount code “Magic15” at checkout. Get entered today, follow along on their Instagram @onvivelife for more updates, and good luck! Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 How to Handle Parent Guilt, Reinventing Ourselves, and Bossy Kids | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2960

Do you ever feel parent guilt? We get so many questions from listeners about the torn feeling that comes while trying to balance being a whole person ourselves while still serving our families with love. In this episode, we answer this question as we discuss how we can set boundaries for ourselves, protect our own personal time (shower time, bathroom, etc.) and learn to coexist with more ease without young children. We also address questions about reinventing ourselves as our children grow, how to handle kids being sneaky and hiding things, and how to deal with our children being bossy and having public meltdowns. Related Episodes How to: Create Pockets of Peace Running a Household Without Resentment Books and Links We Mentioned Fairplay // Eve Rodsky Raising Lions // Joe Newman No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame  // Janet Lansbury This episode’s sponsors: OnVive is a health and wellness company that is giving away a Mercedes Benz SUV and $10,000 cash to one lucky customer on June 1st! Right now, every dollar spent on gives you 3 entries towards winning. Make sure to use discount code “Magic15” at checkout. Get entered today, follow along on their Instagram @onvivelife for more updates, and good luck! Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 Craving a Slow Down? Start with Your Mind. | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3959

The search for simplicity and slow can be overwhelming. As we looked for where to start the prompting to go inside was reoccurring. In this we start with clearing and cleaning up our mind first. How can we free up our minds, create more mental minimalism to live in the present moment, while still accomplishing our goals and managing our lives day to day? Do you have too many big rocks in your jar? We explore the concept of balance and where we may be confusing balance with perfectionism and bringing awareness to the time we realistically have. Lastly we touch on time, not getting stuck in our thoughts of the past or pushing for the future but how we can live here in this moment. Related Episodes Essentialism / How to Do Less But Better Finding Solitude Through Digital Minimalism How to Find Slow Simplicity in Your Life Simplifying Our Lives Through the Beauty of Minimalism with Diane Boden Books and Links We Mentioned Essentialism and Effortless // Greg Mcowen The Artist’s Way // Julia Cameron Stillness is Key // Ryan Holiday When the Heart Waits // Sue Monk Kid Think Like a Monk // Jay Shetty This episode’s sponsors: OnVive is a health and wellness company that is giving away a Mercedes Benz SUV and $10,000 cash to one lucky customer on June 1st! Right now, every dollar spent on gives you 3 entries towards winning. Make sure to use discount code “Magic15” at checkout. Get entered today, follow along on their Instagram @onvivelife for more updates, and good luck! Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 An Honest Path to a More Minimal Lifestyle with Diane Boden of Minimalist Moms Podcast | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1846

In an age when materialism is rampant and we are craving simplicity in our lives, the logic of minimalism offers us a beautiful alternative. In this episode, one of our favorite minimalists and authors, helps us move towards minimalism in our lives by giving us some very applicable concrete tips on where to start making shifts in our lives. Related Episodes Essentialism / How to Do Less But Better Finding Solitude Through Digital Minimalism How to Find Slow Simplicity in Your Life Books and Links We Mentioned Minimalist Moms: Living and Parenting with Simplicity // Diane Boden Are you feeling lost, unanchored or listless in your days? We use our daily planner and journal to align our core values with the tasks we do each day! You can learn more about it HERE We use a monthly subscription to audible to read all our favorite audiobooks, you can learn more about it and start a FREE month trial HERE. p.s. Our secret to reading so many books is this this little baby, a magical wireless earbud:) Find us on instagram @findthemagicpodcast This episode’s sponsors:  OnVive is a health and wellness company that is giving away a Mercedes Benz SUV and $10,000 cash to one lucky customer on June 1st! Right now, every dollar spent on gives you 3 entries towards winning. Make sure to use discount code “Magic15” at checkout. Get entered today, follow along on their Instagram @onvivelife for more updates, and good luck!  Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 Is Being Busy Stealing Your Life? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 3529

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. And yet, somehow, it often seems like others somehow are doing more, accomplishing more with their time and we are left feeling like failures. We have people who need us, responsibilities to fulfill, and what can seem like an endless to do list that we are never caught up on. This can lead to us chasing after achieving and we end up in a space of burnout and being constantly busy. In this episode, we hash out how we ourselves struggle with the balance between accomplishment and calm, and the things we have found helpful as we search for the elusive balance. Related Episodes Feeling Burned Out? How We Use Healthy Treats to Take Care of Ourselves Systems and Values for Easier Days and Stronger Family Connections Essentialism / How to Do Less But Better How to: Create Pockets of Peace Why Your Desires Matter and How to Define Them with Heather Dhauvin Anxious Depletion / Magic Moment # 1 Are you feeling lost, unanchored or listless in your days? We use our daily planner and journal to align our core values with the tasks we do each day! You can learn more about it HERE We use a monthly subscription to audible to read all our favorite audiobooks, you can learn more about it and start a FREE month trial HERE. p.s. Our secret to reading so many books is this this little baby, a magical wireless earbud:) Find us on instagram @findthemagicpodcast This episode’s sponsor: Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 Recalculating Happiness with Jess Klasnick | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2295

Most of us say that happiness is something that we want, and society is all too willing to volunteer a recipe for finding it. If only we had the right size house, in the right neighborhood, with the right job, then we would be happy. In this episode, Jess Klaznick helps us recalculate happiness as she shares her family’s journey to joy. She found that after achieving the recipe that society offered to her for happiness, she was surprised that the happiness promised didn’t automatically follow. She and her husband sold much of their belongings to travel the world with their children, and the insights she gained along the way are both inspiring and helpful. You can find more about Jess on her website, Related Episodes Essentialism / How to Do Less But Better How to: Create Pockets of Peace How to Find Slow Simplicity in Your Life Are you feeling lost, unanchored or listless in your days? We use our daily planner and journal to align our core values with the tasks we do each day! You can learn more about it HERE We use a monthly subscription to audible to read all our favorite audiobooks, you can learn more about it and start a FREE month trial HERE. p.s. Our secret to reading so many books is this this little baby, a magical wireless earbud:) Find us on instagram @findthemagicpodcast This episode’s sponsor: Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 HOW TO Find Slow Simplicity in Your Life | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4039

In a time when we feel like we need to do more and more, it is easy to become overwhelmed. In this episode, we discuss many tips that we have used as an antidote the the issue of constantly being busy we addressed in the last week’s episode. We offer you tools that help us stay present and take time daily to align our actions with our vision for our life. Related Episodes Finding Motivation to Claim Your Personal Power Hour Make Your Morning Routine Happen! Feeling Burned Out? How We Use Healthy Treats to Take Care of Ourselves Systems and Values for Easier Days and Stronger Family Connections Essentialism / How to Do Less But Better How to: Create Pockets of Peace Books and links we mentioned: Essentialism // Greg McOwen When the Heart Waits // Sue Monk Kidd Hands Free Mama // Rachel Stafford Child Whisperer // Carol Tuttle Resucceed // James Colburn Clean Mama Instagram Live Free Creative Are you feeling lost, unanchored or listless in your days? We use our daily planner and journal to align our core values with the tasks we do each day! You can learn more about it HERE We use a monthly subscription to audible to read all our favorite audiobooks, you can learn more about it and start a FREE month trial HERE. p.s. Our secret to reading so many books is this this little baby, a magical wireless earbud:) Find us on instagram @findthemagicpodcast This episode’s sponsor: Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find The Magic in the Podcast app, Scroll to the bottom of the page, click on write a review, tap the stars to rate us and write your review, and then hit SEND. --- Support this podcast:

 Raising Lions: The Art of Compassionate Discipline with Joe Newman | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4172

When we have a child who is misbehaving, it is easy to see him or her as a “problem child”. We don't want to crush our child, but also don't want to be so loose that our child becomes a tyrant. The paradox is that as we see our children for their worth and raise them in their own power we can begin to feel feelings of frustration, that we aren't listened to or disrespected. This can cause us to swing wildly from extreme discipline to lax parenting. We can find ourselves at a loss as to how we can maintain some semblance of order and connection in our homes. In this episode, Felica explores this dynamic with Joe Newman, author of the incredible book, Raising Lions.  Joe has decades of experience working with children whose behavior is so difficult that they are medicated, sent to other learning facilities, etc.  His work has helped countless children who have been labeled as a lost cause, and has given relief and hope to many parents who are at their wit’s end. He explains how we can use compassion within structure and firm boundaries as we navigate raising our children by finding the balance between power and connection. Related Episode To Raise Strong Children, We Need to Be Strong Parents Book we mentioned: Raising Lions // Joe Newman Are you feeling lost, unanchored or listless in your days? We use our daily planner and journal to align our core values with the tasks we do each day! You can learn more about it HERE We use a monthly subscription to audible to read all our favorite audiobooks, you can learn more about it and start a FREE month trial HERE. p.s. Our secret to reading so many books is this this little baby, a magical wireless earbud:) Find us on instagram @findthemagicpodcast This episode’s sponsor: Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 Become a Child Whisperer / Parenting Your Kids True to Their Nature (based on the work of Carol Tuttle) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 4642

Even though it can FEEL like there is one right way to parent in any situation; in our hearts we know that isn't true. We can feel the parenting advice that aligns with our personality. We can see the change in our child when we are acknowledging them for who they are. Parenting is not a one size fits all for us or our kids.  This week we are distilling concepts from the book The Child Whisperer by Carol Tuttle. Her unique take on recognizing our child's nature guides us to a more true interpretation of their needs and how we can guide them true to their personality, energy and desires! We loved this book so much and think you will too. If you are feeling at odds with one or more of your children and need a reset; this unique way of interacting with your children may be just the thing you need! Related Episodes Patience With Aggressive Behavior, Friendships in Motherhood, and Making Peace With Your Inner Landscape Using Play to Diffuse Power Struggles and Connect with Your Child Books and links we mentioned: The Child Whisperer // Carol Tuttle Are you feeling lost, unanchored or listless in your days? We use our daily planner and journal to align our core values with the tasks we do each day! You can learn more about it HERE We use a monthly subscription to audible to read all our favorite audiobooks, you can learn more about it and start a FREE month trial HERE. p.s. Our secret to reading so many books is this this little baby, a magical wireless earbud:) Find us on instagram @findthemagicpodcast This episode’s sponsor: Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app   Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:

 The Beauty of Conflict with Clair Canfield | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 6152

When most of us think of our experiences with conflict in communication, we feel emotions ranging from mild discomfort to full fledged panic or dread. In this episode,  we explore our approach to conflict with Clair Canfield, a brilliant professor on the subject of communication. He models what he teaches throughout this conversation and he offers us amazing tools to help us improve our relationships by holding space for others and changing our lens about what it means to connect with others. Clair's pillars of communication are nothing short of groundbreaking and have changed our approach forever.  Here they are: 1. Belief in the capacity to change 2. Belief in self determination (people have the right and ability to choose. Advice giving is counterintuitive) 3. Everyone has dignity 4. Safety- do not cause harm 5. Ethic of care (benevolence) You can watch Clair’s Tedx talk here, and his website is You can also find him on instagram @collaborativeconflict:) Here is a list of ALL our favorite books, we use Audible as our library. They have a thorough collection of books, monthly credits and discounts on books so good it can’t be beat! We use a monthly subscription, you can learn more about it and start a FREE month trial HERE. p.s. Our secret to reading so many books is this this little baby, a magical wireless earbud:) Find us on instagram @findthemagicpodcast This episode’s sponsor: Utah House Doctors: Everyone knows that the market is hot right now and it is the perfect time to sell your home, but what you may not know is using a professional in this type of market will actually make you more money then if you try and sell your home yourself, or sell with a discount brokerage. We have experienced the service of Utah House Doctors, and they make buying and selling homes so easy and painless. You can find them at Instagram at @utahhousedoctors or on their website, Thank you for the kind reviews! We appreciate them so much. Here is how to leave a review for us  on iTunes: Open Find the Magic in the podcast app Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on write a review Tap the stars to rate us and then write us some feedback:) Hit SEND --- Support this podcast:


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