The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast

Summary: Hey Y'all! We are Shane & Jocelyn Sams. We are a real family from Kentucky making our entire living on the Internet! We can help you start an online business too! After years of job losses, bad bosses, and trading time for dollars; we decided to look for something different. On a rare day off work, we discovered online business, membership sites, entrepreneurship, and internet marketing. After months of trial and error, we were able to start an online business that would not only replace our 9-to-5 income, but earn millions of dollars online! Memberships gave our family freedom we couldn't imagine. It gave us total control of our lives. That's living the Flipped Lifestyle! We started The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast to help other families find the freedom we have by working at home, making money online, becoming and staying self-employed. Each week we help real members of our Flip Your Life Community LIVE on air overcome their biggest business fears, mindset issues, and challenges so they can take their business to the next level! That's right: we don't interview self-proclaimed gurus or overhyped guests selling their latest book. We've helped thousands of people start, build, and grow an online business. People just like you who are trying to build a better future for their family! We break down their online business and detail next steps so they can succeed. Then we let you listen in so you can do the same! If you are looking for something different, you've found it! So pour a cup of sweet tea, settle in, and learn how you can start, build and grow your own online business! We are living the Flipped Lifestyle, and we are going to help YOU Flip Your Life™ too!

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 FL 221 – Sales Funnels + Sales Pages + Sales Chain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:56

Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  From Eva: "There are some loose screws with my sales funnel and I’m hoping you could pinpoint what might need improving. * I’m feeling very stuck with my membership and not sure how to move forward and grow it further. * My site has tons of opt-in opportunities offering freebies. * I have an active Facebook and Instagram group with lots of followers. * I have an email list of over 1,700 subscribers. * I have an automated email nurturing sequence for any new subscriber. * I’ve been emailing my list every 2-3 days and often posting the email copy on my social media platforms, each of those emails and posts has a pitch about my membership somewhere. * I started doing keyword research to properly name and describe my YouTube videos and blog articles. * I do a Facebook Live every Friday, answering one mom’s question posted in the FB group- I always promote my membership on the FB live as well. I then upload the video to YouTube, create a blog post out of it with freebie opt-ins and send it to my email list and social media following. * I’ve been doing monthly webinars on Facebook Live, promoting a $1 trial for 5 days of my membership, where I get anywhere from 5-15 people opt-in for the trial, and half of those people usually stick around for at least a month. The vast majority of my members come from the $1 trials. * Almost every time I post in my members-only Facebook community, I remind them about the quarterly and annual membership options. So as you can see, I’m really doing a lot here but can’t seem to figure out where the funnel is breaking down! Please help. From Janet: "Question about sales pages. How long does it need to be? I've seen many that have tons of copy, testimonials, etc. It a super long sales page more effective than a shorter one?" You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel: FL 221 - Sales Funnels + Sales Pages + Sales Chain CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions,

 FL 220 – How to start living a life of purpose with your online business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:19

Have you ever thought, “There’s gotta be more to life than this.” There’s gotta be more to life than just working and getting that next paycheck. There’s gotta be more to life than just grinding your days away for the benefit of someone else. There’s gotta be more to life than just sticking through and doing all of these mundane routines. If you have, then you are correct. There really is more to life than just that. We believe that EVERYONE HAS A CALLING, a purpose, and we want you to believe in your purpose too! YOU can change your fate. YOU decide what to do. Open yourself up to all the amazing possibilities because without knowing and understanding these possibilities, you can’t act on them. When you do not act, you stay stuck where you are, always wondering what “more” feels like. Find the courage to put yourself out there, follow that tug towards your life’s purpose, towards something amazing -- something only YOU can do BECAUSE you are your own person, and no one else can ever be YOU. Whether it be to create, to fix, to teach, to lead, or to listen… We are ALL here to make a difference in the world, and that won’t happen unless you break free from your hesitations, the doubts, and the fears. To help you find the inspiration to take your next step is an amazing woman who has gone through and has overcome so many struggles in order to pursue and act on her possibilities. Joining us today is Flip Your Life community member, Wendy Zanders. [Tweet "“We have got to do something different in order to start living a life of purpose.” - Wendy"] Wendy is the wearer of many, many hats. She is a wife, mother, Ex-Unit Supply Specialist and Unit Armorer in the United States Army, Executive Assistant and Project Manager, who was diagnosed with ADD in her mid-thirties after recognizing some of the symptoms from her son’s ADHD assessment form. From an outsider’s perspective, this highly driven, bubbly and resilient individual, is living what most people would call "a good life". But after an unexpected loss in the family, she fell into a deep depression and all of a sudden everything became a blur. It took a while for her to recognize the symptoms, but she knew something was off. She knew she needed help, so she sought it. The healing process wasn’t easy, the battle felt long and hard, but she did it. Nothing is going to hold her down, nothing will dim her light. Wendy wanted to get her life back on track, she made a choice to do everything to make that happen. Things started to fall into place, she learned so many things, and she eventually found her calling as a Professional Home Organizer, and this was how was born. Her mission is to share her functional organizing strategies with professional women struggling with ADD, depression, and anxiety so they can enjoy being with their family, love their homes and their careers -- helping them collect memories and not things. Her online business journey has just begun, so we’ll be helping her take her online business to the next level by sharing our insight on how to beat imposter syndrome, and how she can confidently embody her brand. We enjoyed recording this interview and we're sure you will too! [Tweet "“Just put yourself out there and stop hesitating.” - Jocelyn"] [Tweet "“Don’t be afraid to be the leader your people need.” - Jocelyn"] You will learn: How to transition your “real world” business online Advertising and marketing concepts How to deal and overcome “Imposter Syndrome”...

 FL 219 – How to find motivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:28

Sometimes people think that they are unmotivated, when in reality they've never really defined a meaningful end goal for what they're doing." Today's episode answers a question from Jonas: How do you motivate yourself to produce content when you are brand new and no money is coming in yet?" In this episode, Jocelyn talks about the secret of motivation, the type of motivation that could get you going, and how to stay motivated so you can Flip You Life. You can also check the video of this episode on YouTube here: FL 219 - How to find motivation Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post. CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!  

 FL 218 – Progress is better than perfection + The day ain’t over | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:05

Progress is better than perfection...  And ANYTHING is better than NOTHING. In today's episode, listen how these words of wisdom was demonstrated and experienced by Shane in a pretty drastic situation (hint: almost getting hit by lightning?) in his quest to improve his stand up paddle boarding. You'll have to hear it for yourself! 2 Facts of Life: * The day ain't over * It's a new day The second part of today's episode talks about an important mindset to have when things don't necessarily follow your set schedule or plan. Real life things can derail us sometimes, but having the right mindset and optimism can get us back on track. Let today's episode motivate and inspire you, to help you Flip Your Life!   You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel: FL 218 - Progress is better than perfection + The day ain't over Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post. CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW!   You can connect with S&J on social media too!  

 FL 217 – Offer + Pricing + Internal & External Marketing (Q&A w/ S+J) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:47

Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  * My product is priced way higher than my competitors' ($39/month, $300/year), but as a result I'm not getting sales. I ran a massive discount for this week only to match my competitors' prices ($9/m, $99/y) and am happy I got a bit more sales (7 monthly, 7 yearly sales at it's almost the end of discount week), but going forward plan to continue selling at my high price, but with the $1 dollar trial for 2 weeks. What can I do to convince people that my membership has value compared to my competitors'? It's terrible not getting sales for weeks at a time because of the high price, and significant number of people have dropped out after the 2 week trial because of financial reasons. And because my niche is on a volunteer basis, people do cancel their memberships because of reasons like "lack of time" when they stop serving in church for the season. - Sandra * I have a question about retaining my monthly members and upgrading them to a quarterly or annual membership. As of now, I've managed to upsell a handful of my members to an annual membership, but for the most part, most members leave after 1-2 months when their baby or toddler is sleeping beautifully thanks to my program! I've been trying to communicate the message that babies are always going through transitions, milestones and regressions- and therefore, you should upgrade your membership so that you know what to do during every single change and keep your little one's sleep in tact. However, for the most part, the message falls on deaf ears. I really tried to increase the amount of times I repeated this message. It just seems to be a really tough message to get across. One idea I had was to send out a monthly newsletter summarizing what they can expect of their baby at that age in the sleep department, and what potential issues they can potentially expect down the road (hint hint- don't cancel!) Any other concrete advice or ideas? - Eva You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel: FL 217 - Offer + Pricing + Internal & External Marketing (Q&A w/ S+J) CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show!

 FL 216 – How to make big sales even if you have a small email list | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:20

Are you lacking the confidence to make sales because your email list is small? Maybe you’re contemplating if people would even pay for your digital product? Put yourself in the shoes of the customer for a second and ask yourself: When you purchase something online, do you know what you’re really paying for? “Well, I bought this because I need to do this… or that…” Is that really the ONLY reason behind the purchase? Sometimes people confuse the real selling point of a digital product as just the product itself. Yes, they need your product to do this and that, but your digital product delivers something more than what that product description is saying… A product allows your customer to gain: The time to do the things they want. Convenience or ease of use. Confidence and support. Peace of mind and leadership. Your product or what you’re creating / what you’re about to create, is a part of a greater purpose, which is why you should step up and share this with others who need it to improve their quality of life. Your email list, no matter how small, have people who believe in you and the results your product will deliver. They look to you for guidance, so be confident with your role as the leader because YOU do have what it takes and YOU can help so many by leading them towards their next step. And this is why you can still make big sales even if you have a small email list! So, join us this week as we help FYL community moderator, Brad May, get his acoustic guitar business to the next level! Flip Your Life. [Tweet "So many times, we get so scared to do something, and when we finally do it we're like, "Oh, well, that wasn't so bad!" - Jocelyn"] [Tweet "You don't sell them what you teach, it's something bigger than that, what you're selling are results! - Shane"] [Tweet "Looking around, trying to do what everyone else is doing can get you in trouble sometimes. - Jocelyn"] You Will Learn: * Why your digital product is more than just a product * How to find the time to consistently work on your business * How to stay on the same page with your spouse * The advantages of focusing on one priority at a time   * Plus so much more! [Tweet "Focus on the 3 places you can make a difference so that you can build your business. - Shane"] [Tweet "You have to decide what's the best approach for YOU. - Jocelyn"] [Tweet "If you don't want to take a big risk, then take a few small ones until they add up to something huge. - Shane"] Links and resources mentioned on today's show: * Brad's website * UseLoom  * Bonjoro * FYL Community: 30-Day Free Trial  Success Story of the Week: Today's Can't Miss Moment is from Brad, and Brad sold his e-book while he was asleep.   His message says, "This morning I woke up to a sale.  I've been pressed for time lately to work on my online business, but I was inspired by Shane on one of the member calls to email my list more.  So I did. I also published a blog post last night. I've been trying to force myself to take action, like putting my first e-book up for sale even though I'm not finished with it yet.

 FL 215 – How to explain your business success to family and friends without alienating them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:22

People don't want you to do something because they're too sacred to do it (themselves) sometimes.” In today’s episode, Jocelyn talks about how to explain your business success to family and friends without alienating them, and how to deal with the ones that are negative towards your success in what you do. Flip Lifestyle Podcast listener asks: How do you explain your business success to family and friends without alienating them?” You can also check the video of this episode on YouTube here: FL 215 - How to explain your business success to family and friends without alienating them Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post. CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!  

 FL 214 – The most important thing an entrepreneur needs to succeed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:51

What do you do when you don't get those miracle mornings? Sometimes life gets in the way and derails us from starting our well-planned day perfectly, and there's nothing we can do about it. What should we do when that happens? Tune in on today's episode where Shane talks about a very important skill entrepreneurs (or anyone else) should have to deal with situations like this. You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel: FL 214 - The most important thing an entrepreneur needs to succeed Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post. CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW!   You can connect with S&J on social media too!  

 FL 213 – Content + YouTube + Holidays! (Q&A w/ S+J) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:59

Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  * I would love your thoughts on the optimal content plan for starting out. - Jennifer * Do you have a course or can guide me to learn how to make a cover template/thumbnail for my YouTube videos (like you have)? And if there is something else I should be doing that can be automated each time I upload my daily videos? I have already been using the free version of Tube Buddy. - Cynthia * I need to make videos -- both lectures & labs -- where? Thinking about putting up a whiteboard in my very cluttered office and just showing me and the whiteboard. Thoughts? - Monte * I am actually encouraging my 13 year old to start a YouTube channel, any tips on how to name a channel and how to title the video? This will help me too. - Maribel * I am reactivating a site that has not been updated in a few years, and am ready to get it up and going... I stopped right before really doing any promotion. What would you recommend using to deliver my content (video courses)? I was using Zippy Courses Plugin, but that no longer is being updated, so I need to change those video's over. And I have a free video course for my lead magnet as well... would you do that as an email course? Or use some kind of course platform? - Stephanie * My plan is to do 2 month-long series over the summer on 2 things specific to my niche. I’m wondering, how do you feel about series of episodes dedicated to one subject? In this case July will be about “how to handle weeknight chaos with little kids“ and August I’m doing a month long Back-to-School Boot Camp. July is typically a pretty slow month in my niche, I thought the weeknight chaos thing would be interesting for them, but I am wondering if 4-5 shows on one subject is too many shows? - Karen You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel: FL 213 - Content + YouTube + Holidays! (Q&A w/ S+J) CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.

 FL 212 – How to turn a critic into a customer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:44

Our guest this week is someone who wants to help new and aspiring composers succeed in the video game industry, the man behind Video Game Music Academy, Daniel Hulsman. Daniel is a 33-year-old father of 2, living in Boston with a huge passion for music. He received his Music Education degree from the University of Delaware, but due to the economic crash, (Hint: Most art-focused people's careers suffered) he had to shift careers and find a job that can support his family. He had worked for several corporations that allowed him to learn more about marketing and management, which he has found useful when he started building his own website: Daniel currently serves a public charter school as a Music Teacher for the past 4 years, all while managing a choir that records professional video game soundtracks twice a year. (Recording professional video game soundtracks? Oh, you mean, THE COOLEST JOB EVER?!) Ultimately, his goal is to create a stable, recurring stream of income online so that he can focus on his family, especially since his children are both still very young. But here's the thing, his website isn't gaining as much traction, and sales are mostly from selling semi-related products -- y'all know how frustrating that can be, right? So what does he do? Daniel sends us some hater-ade, a long email detailing his doubts, frustrations and surprisingly his hope that maybe - just maybe - we could help him become a successful online entrepreneur too! We can tell a troll from a critic, and this man was no troll, he really wanted something better for his family's future. How would you respond to someone with this sentiment? Well, look no further because this week's episode is all about how YOU can turn a critic into a customer, why you are not for everyone and why that's okay, and how to dispel that voice saying you are not expert enough. This podcast interview is PUMPED y'all! So much action, insight and real-life struggles, it's far too good to miss! ;-) [Tweet ""The next step is always the most frustrating." - Shane"] [Tweet ""You are not for everyone, so find the people who fit your mission." - Jocelyn"] [Tweet ""Capitalize on the things you already know versus starting from scratch." - Shane"] [Tweet ""Your struggles are just as valuable as someone who's got it all figured out." - Shane"] You Will Learn: * The difference between a troll and a critic * How to turn a critic into a customer * Are you expert enough to lead? * Understanding your mission online * Plus so much more! [Tweet ""Being part of a community bring out your strengths & helps make up for your weaknesses." - Jocelyn"] [Tweet ""Focus on the things you can solve, instead of getting bogged down by the things you can't." - Shane"] [Tweet ""Do not be selfish with your gifts; your gifts are meant to be shared with others." - Jocelyn"] [Tweet ""Giving people the opportunity to change their lives, gives them a chance to succeed." - Shane"] Links and resources mentioned on today's show: * Daniel's website * FYL community * FL 200 - Goodbye * Grant Baldwin: The Speaker Lab Enjoy the podcast; we hope it inspires you to explore what’s possible for your family!

 FL 211 – How to start a business when you don’t have time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:50

If it is important to you, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse." In today's episode, Jocelyn talks about what you should do if you're having trouble finding time to work on your online business. Flip Your Life Community member Fatima asks: How do you manage your time with everything else going on?" You can also check the video of this episode on YouTube here: How to start a business when you don't have time CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!  

 FL 210 – What Are You Really Worth? + 3 Tips for a Successful Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:33

How much do you charge or ask for the value of what you actually provide? Are you selling yourself short? Your digital products might be undervalued by the price you are charging. YOU might be undervaluing yourself. What are you really worth? A successful life doesn't happen by accident! If you want to make great things happen, you have to do these 3 things. Listen in on today's episode to learn how successful people think, take action and achieve great things! You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel: FL 210 - What Are You Really Worth? + 3 Tips for a Successful Life Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post. CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW!   You can connect with S&J on social media too!    

 FL 209 – Launching + Ebooks + Webinars (Q&A w S&J) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:49

Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  * Should I pre-sell a membership before membership area is ready/setup with "special pricing"? Or just launch and say that things are being added daily? (It is a teacher/education niche) - Janet * I've gotten a bit behind in promotion of my Launch - Online Training Workshop - promotion. It's scheduled for 6/24, I was planning on doing the 2weeks of promo email, Facebook ads and Google ads. I'm concerned about delaying the launch versus giving enough time for promotion. What do you think would be best? - Jennifer * I've written about 75% of my book. I'm going to self-publish. What would a realistic timeline be to complete a book, tweak it and get it ready, and get it out to the public? Is January 2019 a good deadline to get it on Amazon and being sold? - Rebecca * Can you talk about how I should think about YouTube for: YouTube Lives, my Launch Webinar (embedded into a LeadPage), monthly Member Calls. Do I used the same channel profile for all of those? For YouTube Lives, do I use a "reusable stream key" link, so I can use the same one each time? Do you use an encoder? - Jennifer * Shane, you mentioned Dan Kennedy's quote that it's easier to find new audience than to write a new speech when it comes to doing weekly webinars. How does it work if we want to do weekly webinars on the same topic on YouTube Live though? Say you guys do "How to start an Internet Business" webinar every week. It'll be the same content every week! I know the value is in the interaction and Q&A, but why would people still bother to sign up for the next run of the same-titled webinar if they could just watch the replay and learn the contents? Wouldn't this be a case where it might be necessary to "write a new speech"? Also, there's 1 thing I don't get. I do YouTube Lives for my webinar. I'll announce when my webinar will be (say, coming Monday 9am) but anyone could watch the webinar without needing to opt in, since it will be available for anyone's viewing (since they could just click that "Live" video from my YouTube page). I know I want the emails, but I don't get why anyone would want to opt in if they could just join us as a general YouTube subscriber? - Sandra * I paused all my auto-webinars during my spring membership drive. I need to re-start them, but I'm not happy with my current auto (Recorded) webinar software, EverWebinar. I recently left WebinarJam, and I'd like to leave EverWebinar, too. Any suggestions for which software to switch to? Is anybody else using anything that seems to work smoothly for doing automated, recorded webinars? - Rebecca You can also watch this episode on our YouTube channel: FL 209 - Launching + Ebooks + Webinars (Q&A w S&J) Get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! – You can connect with S&J on social media too!  

 FL 208 – We help Ben with online marketing, promotion strategy, and branding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:59

Our guest this week is a man with the passion to design landscapes that are beautiful, eco-friendly AND easy, FYL community member, Ben Hale. Ben and his family live in Ohio, where their house sits on a half-acre lot. He has a degree in microbiology and works full-time at his corporate nine-to-five job. It is his goal to make it online to provide for his family and share his passion for eco-friendly and hassle-free landscaping, he created but could use some help with his promotion strategy and branding. Join us as we help Ben with his online promotion and marketing strategy while diving deep into how to target the right avatar with promotions and optimized branding principles. If you need insight on how to promote and rebrand your business, then you should not miss this episode! [Tweet "Find a way to do it and take action! - Shane"] [Tweet "If you're putting more time into the work side of your life, then something else has to be smaller. - Jocelyn"] You Will Learn: How to work on your online business without disrupting your priorities at home Social Media Promotion: Debunking a major myth How to target the right avatar Fixing promotion strategies and branding issues How to pivot your online business Plus so much more! [Tweet "Your avatar will either search for what they care to know or what they need, so give them what they want. - Shane"] [Tweet "Change what needs to be changed, as long as it serves your customers better, they’re not going to mind. - Jocelyn"] Links and resources mentioned on today’s show: Ben’s Website  FL Time Management Lifehacks  Flip Your Life community  Enjoy the podcast; we hope it inspires you to explore what’s possible for your family! Get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! – Success Story of the Week: Today's success story is from Lynda and Kevin and it says, "Finally, our first video." "We've been talking about video for a while now, but we struggle with equipment and other issues like fear of the camera, etc.  We finally invested in some better equipment and made a video of one of the recipes in our newest cookbook. After overcoming some tech issues, we dove in and made a great video.  I quickly picked up editing skills, and cut it mostly together the same day. We still have a couple of things to add. We're really happy with what we did. The best part though was involving our 16-year-old in the process.  I named him assistant director, and really took some time to explain the equipment and our process.  I put together a quick shot list, was turned out to be super helpful, and our son was able to help us move from one thing to the next.   Overall, it didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would, and we conquered some of our fears in the process.  We loved how our son took to it, and feel we gained miles of progress with just this one video. We can now see how this will work in our business and we're supercharged to make 100 more." Lynda & Kevin’s Website:

 FL 207 – Being an Introvert and an Entrepreneur | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:45

You're not broken because you're an introvert... ...a lot of successful people are introverts, we're just a little bit quieter about it." In today's episode, Jocelyn talks about some of the challenges of being an introvert and an entrepreneur and how to overcome them. Flip Your Life Community member Trista sent in this question: I'm very interested to hear strategies for overcoming my introversion. I'm a teacher, and that trade has been one of my toughest challenges to overcome. At the end of the day, between interacting with hundreds of teens and standing before an audience, I've always felt so exhausted and stressed. This 10th year I opted to teaching virtually, and now I'm even more out of practice from speaking publicly." Jocelyn provides some great insight on this question, as well as debunking some myths about introversion like: * All introverts are shy * Introverts don't like people * Introverts can't be front and center in an online business Jocelyn also talks about the importance of personality tests, and mentions a free online personality test called Personality Max that she took, where she openly shares her test results that you can check out here: Jocelyn's Personality Max Report Join us today to have a better understanding of introversion -- the myths, the truths, the nature of an introvert -- and how introverts can be successful entrepreneurs as well. You can also check the video of this episode on YouTube here: * Being an Introvert and an Entrepreneur   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post. Get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! – You can connect with S&J on social media too!  


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