FL 213 – Content + YouTube + Holidays! (Q&A w/ S+J)

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&amp;A w/ S&amp;J!<br> <br> In the <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flip Your Life Community</a>, we hold a members-only Q&amp;A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air!<br> <br> This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&amp;As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in.<br> <br> <br> <br> Today’s Q&amp;A highlights answer the following questions: <br> <br> * I would love your thoughts on the optimal content plan for starting out.<br> - Jennifer<br> * Do you have a course or can guide me to learn how to make a cover template/thumbnail for my YouTube videos (like you have)? And if there is something else I should be doing that can be automated each time I upload my daily videos? I have already been using the free version of Tube Buddy.<br> - Cynthia<br> * I need to make videos -- both lectures &amp; labs -- where? Thinking about putting up a whiteboard in my very cluttered office and just showing me and the whiteboard. Thoughts?<br> - Monte<br> * I am actually encouraging my 13 year old to start a YouTube channel, any tips on how to name a channel and how to title the video? This will help me too.<br> - Maribel<br> * I am reactivating a site that has not been updated in a few years, and am ready to get it up and going... I stopped right before really doing any promotion. What would you recommend using to deliver my content (video courses)? I was using Zippy Courses Plugin, but that no longer is being updated, so I need to change those video's over. And I have a free video course for my lead magnet as well... would you do that as an email course? Or use some kind of course platform?<br> - Stephanie<br> * My plan is to do 2 month-long series over the summer on 2 things specific to my niche. I’m wondering, how do you feel about series of episodes dedicated to one subject? In this case July will be about “how to handle weeknight chaos with little kids“ and August I’m doing a month long Back-to-School Boot Camp. July is typically a pretty slow month in my niche, I thought the weeknight chaos thing would be interesting for them, but I am wondering if 4-5 shows on one subject is too many shows?<br> - Karen<br> <br> You can also watch this episode on <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/youtube" target="_blank" rel="noopener">our YouTube channel</a>:<br> <a href="https://youtu.be/_8Byq7oq59Y">FL 213 - Content + YouTube + Holidays! (Q&amp;A w/ S+J)</a><br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/free">CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW!</a><br> <br> <br> <br> You can connect with S&amp;J on social media too!<br> <br>  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/FlippedLifestyle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/flippedls/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://twitter.com/FlippedLS" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGZXoIczv1cA8a_KYkU8Kg/featured" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/flipped-lifestyle-podcast/id902645131?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show!<br> <br> If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.