FL 221 – Sales Funnels + Sales Pages + Sales Chain

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&amp;A w/ S&amp;J!<br> <br> In the <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flip Your Life Community</a>, we hold a members-only Q&amp;A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air!<br> <br> This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&amp;As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in.<br> <br> <br> <br> Today’s Q&amp;A highlights answer the following questions: <br> From Eva:<br> <br> "There are some loose screws with my sales funnel and I’m hoping you could pinpoint what might need improving.<br> <br> * I’m feeling very stuck with my membership and not sure how to move forward and grow it further.<br> * My site has tons of opt-in opportunities offering freebies.<br> * I have an active Facebook and Instagram group with lots of followers.<br> * I have an email list of over 1,700 subscribers.<br> * I have an automated email nurturing sequence for any new subscriber.<br> * I’ve been emailing my list every 2-3 days and often posting the email copy on my social media platforms, each of those emails and posts has a pitch about my membership somewhere.<br> * I started doing keyword research to properly name and describe my YouTube videos and blog articles.<br> * I do a Facebook Live every Friday, answering one mom’s question posted in the FB group- I always promote my membership on the FB live as well. I then upload the video to YouTube, create a blog post out of it with freebie opt-ins and send it to my email list and social media following.<br> * I’ve been doing monthly webinars on Facebook Live, promoting a $1 trial for 5 days of my membership, where I get anywhere from 5-15 people opt-in for the trial, and half of those people usually stick around for at least a month. The vast majority of my members come from the $1 trials.<br> * Almost every time I post in my members-only Facebook community, I remind them about the quarterly and annual membership options.<br> <br> So as you can see, I’m really doing a lot here but can’t seem to figure out where the funnel is breaking down! Please help.<br> <br> <br> <br> From Janet:<br> <br> "Question about sales pages. How long does it need to be? I've seen many that have tons of copy, testimonials, etc. It a super long sales page more effective than a shorter one?"<br> <br> <br> <br> You can also watch this episode on <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/youtube" target="_blank" rel="noopener">our YouTube channel</a>:<br> <a href="https://youtu.be/ilggrhPFVzg">FL 221 - Sales Funnels + Sales Pages + Sales Chain</a><br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/free">CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW!</a><br> <br> <br> <br> You can connect with S&amp;J on social media too!<br> <br>  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/FlippedLifestyle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/flippedls/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://twitter.com/FlippedLS" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGZXoIczv1cA8a_KYkU8Kg/featured" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/flipped-lifestyle-podcast/id902645131?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show!<br> <br> If you have comments or questions,