Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth show

Life on Fire TV (Video) – Online Business Coaching With Nick Unsworth

Summary: Get expert discussions and insider tips every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Life on Fire TV is for entrepreneurs, aspiring entrepreneurs, executives, sales professionals, coaches, and marketers who want to make more, work less, give back, and live happier, kick-A$$ lives. Focus on the four pillars of a Life on Fire: marketing, mindset, networking, and purpose with host, Nick Unsworth to get more done in less time, increase marketing conversions, learn highly actionable, innovative strategies from Nick and guests. Make sure you go to to check out all of the free resources we have for you!

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 59: Andy Zitzmann on Friending Your Fear | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 10:54

Our natural reaction as humans is typically to avoid fear to move away from it. Host of the daily Gametime Podcast, Andy Zitzmann, offers a more empowering perspective he calls “friending your fear”. You may have heard the word fear broken down into the four letter phrase, “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Well, Andy has a better acronym: “Face, Embrace, Act, Repeat” Andy’s philosophy is that the emotional response triggered by fear, in the moment, for you, is real. So, rather than treating it as though it’s not real, he encourages you to embrace it and move towards it (without putting yourself in physical danger, of course). The first step in the process is to recognize when fear of something is holding you back. That might be fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown, fear of change. When you catch yourself reacting to fear, you create an opportunity to decide how you want to proceed from there. We often embrace our fears. But, we embrace them negatively. Through Andy’s method, instead of thinking about all the negative possibilities and things that could go wrong, we spend a few minutes thinking about all of the things that could go right and the positive outcomes. And, once you face your fear, and embrace your fear, the next step is to act, and then repeat. Are fears are not likely to go away completely. But, we can certainly diminish them by building our confidence. Great stuff, Andy! For a quick 3-5 minute daily dose of inspiration and motivation, make sure you subscribe to Andy’s Gametime podcast in iTunes or or Stitcher Radio. It is sure to fire you up and give you fantastic energy to fuel your day! And, be sure to go to Andy’s website, for even more great stuff from Mr. A.Z.! Love this episode with Andy Zitzmann? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating, and be sure to do the same for Andy’s Gametime podcast! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! We love you!

 58: Why Fulfillment & Happiness are Worth More Than Money | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:10

58: Why Fulfillment & Happiness are Worth More Than Money

 58: Why Fulfillment & Happiness are Worth More Than Money | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 15:10

Today we are joined by to of our top-level Elite coaching clients, Mark Costes and Andy Zitzmann, to share their quick stories of achieving substantial financial success and finding out that wasn’t the key to their happiness. We often assume that if we could just make more money, that would solve all of our problems, right? The problem with that is, certain paths that lead to making more money don’t also lead to true fulfillment and happiness. Both Mark and Andy found themselves at this point in life. They were making the most money they had ever made, and they were completely miserable because they were having to give up balance in their lives and do work that wasn’t enjoyable to them in the process. Essentially, they weren’t living their Life on Fire. Luckily, they both realized they are fully in control of their lives, their destinies, and they made the conscious choices to change their lives and their business structures to allow them to find balance, become passionate about their work again, and ultimately be happier and more successful than they had ever been. So, if you’re not living your life on fire, what do you need to change to start moving in that direction and when are you committed to starting that change? Why not today? Fired up about Life on Fire? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You can do ANYTHING!

 57: Brian Moran - The Fan Page Funnel is Here! (Part 4) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 40:13

57: Brian Moran - The Fan Page Funnel is Here! (Part 4)

 57: Brian Moran - The Fan Page Funnel is Here! (Part 4) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 40:13

In the 4th and final video in this 4-part training series Brian Moran takes us inside his Facebook marketing solution that he calls, “The Fan Page Funnel” system! This system is designed to do 5 things: #1 - Get you massive amounts of traffic #2 - Deliver thousands of raving fans who get behind you #3 - Help you build a huge email list from scratch #4 - Bring you paying customers day after day #5 - Let you build a business that you love, without spending hours at your computer and without any affiliates, a huge advertising budget, or an existing list To learn and implement this funnel, Brian is offering a 6-week training course to a limited number of people that includes: Week 1: Learn How to Get 10,000 Leads in 30 days Week 2: Getting Your List to Love You (and want to BUY from you!) Week 3: Generating Massive Sales Week 4: Tripling Your Profits Week 5: The Quick Tech Shortcut Week 6: Getting 10,000+ Visitors Per Day And, MANY more bonuses, including… A $250 Best Buy Gift Card and our $1,000 Facebook Advertising A to Z course! If… You follow these 3 simple steps: 1. Clear your cookies in your browser. (If you aren’t sure how to clear your cookies just Google how to clear cookies in whatever browser you’re using.) 2. Go to and sign up for Brian’s course. 3. Forward a copy of the email receipt you receive from Brian to! Doors open Tuesday, July 15th! It’s that simple! You’re just a few clicks away from a $250 Best Buy gift card, some other amazing bonuses, and the game-changing Facebook Fan Page Funnel course! Just follow the 3 steps above to sign up right away! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You ROCK!

 56: Brian Moran on Facebook Traffic & Funnel Optimization (Part 3) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 13:51

56: Brian Moran on Facebook Traffic & Funnel Optimization (Part 3)

 56: Brian Moran on Facebook Traffic & Funnel Optimization (Part 3) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 13:51

One of the most common questions asked up to this point in this fantastic 4-part video series is, “This Facebook marketing funnel process is AMAZING, how do I drive traffic to it?” Brian dives in and covers one tiny tip he uses called a “boosted post”. Boosted posts are not a new or innovative strategy. However, it’s how he places the link in the post that drives the post to be see by 5 times as many people. The trick is to put the link in the comments and not in the actual post itself! Brilliant! From there, Brian addresses another common question, which is, “I’ve been using Facebook for a long time and never really made any money with it.” This often comes down to 2 core problems: 1. You may be using amateur marketing tactics taught by others that simply don’t work. SOLUTION: Stop using those tactics. 2. Your funnel, copy, or offer may be “broken”. SOLUTION: Rather than slowly working through the kinks and trying to figure out how to optimize your process, simply follow Brian’s proven 7-step formula. For more details, and to grab the PDF Brian where Brian lays out his 7-step process, head over to! Digging this Facebook marketing video series? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You are ON FIRE!

 55: Brian Moran on the 7-Step Facebook Income Formula (Part 2) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 40:40

Effective marketing is many times just as much of an art as it is a science. Well, today, Brian Moran is bringing the science side to the table as he breaks down and dissects the exact 7-step process he uses to create monthly 6-figure income on Facebook! The first step is really what sets his process apart from most other approaches that are not as effective on Facebook, which is creating a custom landing page inside Facebook (vs. taking the person out of the Facebook platform). For Brian, this results in a 50% increase in his conversions, AND, on average, he’s seeing 70 out of every 100 visitors “Liking” his page, which is essentially like getting another conversion from the same person! One big piece that sets Brian’s approach apart from the way most other businesses view Facebook is he sees it as an asset. Both the people who take the time to view and like his content, as well as how to speak to and market to those people. Way too many business owners see Facebook as a distracting, unimportant website that they need to post the occasional status update on to keep their people “happy” and they are basically just going through the motions without any sort of strategy or goal. That is a colossal waste of an incredible opportunity. Walk step-by-step through his process and pay close attention. One strategy you absolutely don’t want to miss is his upsell process, and almost more importantly his upsell philosophy. It will forever reshape your opinion of upsetting your clients. And, make sure you catch the case study results from real clients at the end. One guy went from struggle for 5 years to generating over $12,000 in income in 2 weeks! For more details, head over to! Fired up about Brian’s system? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! Make today YOUR day!

 55: Brian Moran on the 7-Step Facebook Income Formula (Part 2) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 40:40

55: Brian Moran on the 7-Step Facebook Income Formula (Part 2)

 54: Brian Moran on the New Facebook Marketing (Part 1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 40:04

We can almost all agree that marketing online is getting harder and harder, more and more expensive. However, here to show you a new way to market using Facebook is Facebook Marketing Expert, Brian Moran! Brian has an interesting concept. He measures his revenue per Facebook fan (or “Like” as they are now called inside Facebook). Very few if any business look that their Facebook fan page this way. Brian’s results are staggering though. We he first started out years ago, he went from struggling to get anything to work online, to finally breaking through and creating his first niche fan page that hit $10,000 fans. At the time, he was generating pretty respectable revenue of over $3 for each fan he had through his marketing efforts. So, for each new fan he added, he knew exactly what they were worth - on average. Fast forward to today. Brian has perfected his system to the point that he’s now able to generate over $15 per Facebook fan. We hope you enjoy hearing about Brian’s journey, as well as his strategy of how he’s build multiple successful online businesses using Facebook marketing! For more details, head over to! Fired up about Brian’s system? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You are amazing!

 54: Brian Moran on the New Facebook Marketing (Part 1) | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 40:04

54: Brian Moran on the New Facebook Marketing (Part 1)

 53: What’s Working in Marketing Right Now - LIVE From Stage! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:00:33

I recently had the opportunity to join my good friend and a major inspiration to start Life on Fire, Shanda Sumpter, live on stage at her event to speak on the topic of what’s working in marketing right now. Today’s episode is that event footage! I begin with my story and one of the first teaching lessons that comes out of that is the concept of modeling. To clarify, modeling is not about “copying” what someone else is doing. It’s about looking at the people in your niche who are doing well and creating your own version of what you like about them and what’s working well. If you aren’t sure how to start or what to do to begin, this a great way to come up with direction in your business. Next, an incredibly helpful process is to get clear on who your ideal customer is. If you already have customers, which one do you like working with the most or would you like to have more of? If not, what characteristics would you like your ideal customer to have. You can even go as far as creating an “avatar” which is your model of what your ideal client looks like down to age, gender, hobbies, family life, employment status, likes, passions, dislikes, and so on. And, where can you apply that information to find more people like your avatar? Facebook. Through Facebook marketing, you can target nearly exactly the person your looking for and make sure your ad budget is going to directly to your ideal prospect. One key to marketing on Facebook is to remember why people are there. They are not there to be sold. They are there to connect with people, be entertained, be informed, and so on. So, ads that are conversational and show personality typically outperform ads that are not. And, the same hold true throughout your marketing funnel. If someone clicks on an ad they should be taken to a page that’s going to ad value for them. Taking someone straight from ad to sale almost never works. (Again, they’re not there to be sold.) Come up with a “lead magnet” or something of value you can give away for free in exchange for your ideal prospects to take the next action in your marketing funnel, which might be entering in their name and email address. All along the way, make sure you’re always giving value at each interaction with your prospects, and don’t be afraid to test new things, new headlines, new images, new lead magnets to continually optimize your process. From there we talk telesummits and podcasts! A telesummit is a series of interviews with experts in a certain niche. Typically somewhere in the range of 15-30 speakers are featured and that interview series can either be packaged and sold as a product or it can be given away for free and other products can be sold in tandem with it. The great thing about the telesummit format is you yourself do not need to be an expert. The summit is about all of the OTHER experts you’re featuring. So, it allows you to get exposure, build a list, and become an expert in the process. To take that concept a step further, why couldn’t those sessions you’re already recording with the experts you’re interview also end up as podcast episodes? Then, a segment of your interview experts will promote their episode, and you create your content delivery system where the only way to get the free replay of the interview is to go subscribe to and download your podcast. Boom! Instant podcast audience! Your action plan for this episode is to simply get in the game at There are tons of great episodes there, free trainings, access to “how-to” products, business coaching, and more. Head over there right now and check it out! Think this episode rocked? If so,

 53: What’s Working in Marketing Right Now - LIVE From Stage! | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 1:00:33

53: What’s Working in Marketing Right Now - LIVE From Stage!

 52: Personal Development Tips You Can Start Using Today | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 14:43

There’s no limit to what’s possible through personal development. Today we’re going to share some of the insights and tips we’ve learned from one of the best personal development coaches there is, Michael Bernoff! One of the core techniques Michael starts with is to be clear on your outcome for whatever it is you’re doing. As an example, our outcome for this episode is to give you some great techniques that you can immediately implement in your life to be more effective, more influential, and more confident. This is incredibly important for entrepreneurs. It’s easy to become unfocused or get distracted from the highest and most important outcome you need to focus on as a business owner. From there, another technique is what we call your “moment on fire”. Think of a moment you felt absolutely incredible. It might be the first time you held your child, or the day you crossed the finish line at an Ironman, or a time you nailed a performance in front of an audience. The key is, it has to be one particular moment in time, a split second. Take a moment and come up with you moment. Think about how you felt when it happened, see what you saw, hear what you heard, real relive the moment. When was the last time you thought about that? How do you feel now that you’re thinking about that? Feels amazing, right? All you have to do to change your state of mind from being in a funk or out of alignment to being sharp, focused, confident and “on” is to think about your moment on fire. And, now that you’re consciously aware of the moment on fire technique, you can start to find more of them in your life as they happen and even categorize them. If you have moment when you felt courageous you tap into that when you need it, or happy, or in love, and so on. Try out these techniques today and stay tuned for more tips like this in future episodes! Like these personal development tips? If so, please write us a review in iTunes telling us what you love about Life on Fire TV and give us a 5-star rating! Thank you for subscribing to our podcast in iTunes! You are a rock star!

 52: Personal Development Tips You Can Start Using Today | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 14:43

52: Personal Development Tips You Can Start Using Today


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