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Summary: RadioMD’s “talking” Health A-Z Interviews with experts in the world of health, including world-renowned physicians, authors and celebrities in every area of health, wellness, fitness and medicine. Learn the best ways to stay fit, stay healthy and stay well.

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 Energy Drinks: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Learn what makes a good energy drink and what makes a not-so-good energy drink – ones you'll probably want to avoid.Does a concoction of processed sugars and caffeine sound healthy? Of course not! But those are the two primary ingredients in most energy drinks. And the energy they provide is quick and fleeting to say the least. Tom Morse, founder of Rushmore Essentials, joins Dr. Mike to discuss the ingredients that you should look for in an energy drink... the ones found in healthy drinks that provide lasting energy.

 How to Read Food Labels | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Learning how to read food labels ensures that you won't be seduced by manufactures' unwarranted claims and marketing jargon.Processed food, fast food, adulterated and chemically-enhanced foods make stocking your pantry with healthy foods a truly mystifying chore. Mira Dessy, author of The Pantry Principle, joins Dr. Mike to discuss how to read food labels and not be misled by manufactures' claims and marketing jargon enticing you to buy their products.

 What’s REALLY in Your Food? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When it comes to grocery shopping, do you really know what you're getting? Learn how to avoid being seduced by the pretty pictures on the box.Many of us don't know where our food comes from, and we don't know what's really in it. Many of the edible-appearing products on grocery store shelves contain ingredients that have the potential to be harmful. While you may be seduced by the pretty pictures on the box, or the marketing claims by the manufacturer, you often don't really know what's in your food. You trust that if they are selling it, you can eat it. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Special guest, Mira Dessy, joins Dr. Mike to help you wade through all the confusion and shares tips for finding truly healthy foods.

 The Trinity of Nutrients for Lowering Blood Sugar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When used in combination, sorghum bran, white mulberry and phloridzin can significantly and safely lower blood sugar.Blood sugar is an essential part of good health. Three plant-derived nutrients, through their rich array of complementary mechanisms, afford an unrivaled level of optimal, broad-spectrum support for lowering dangerously high blood sugar levels. By targeting all of the diverse glucose pathways, sorghum bran, white mulberry and phloridzin deliver the widest possible support to help naturally stabilize blood sugar levels.

 Instilling Gratitude in Children | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How do you teach your children to be grateful for the things they have?Whether it's sneaking a snack before dinner, refusing to finish up a video game or whining all the way to the mall, misbehaving is an inevitable part of childhood. It's no secret that effective parenting involves knowing how to respond when kids act up, and knowing how to steer clear of meltdown situations. It also means setting limits so kids know when they are crossing the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. All of this is great advice when it comes to behavior. But what about gratitude? How do you instill good values in your child so that they develop an appreciation for their health, life and family? With the holidays nearing, it may be time to teach your children the value of all that you have. In this segment of Healthy Children, Dr. Corinn Cross shares important parenting advice on teaching your children the value of gratitude.

 Traveling with Kids: Will You All Survive? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Travel with children in tow may sound like torture; but it doesn't have to be as challenging as you think.Traveling with children can be a delight... and also a huge challenge. If you have to travel any distance with your children this holiday season, you might be dreading it. But it doesn't have to be torture if you follow a few simple tips to make the travel more enjoyable for the whole family. Dr. Corinn Cross offers tips for safe and stress-free family travel.

 Breast Milk from the Internet? It Might Be Unsafe | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Websites selling human milk for infant consumption are gaining in popularity. Is it 100% safe? A recent study says far from it.Websites selling human milk for infant consumption are gaining in popularity. In the study, "Microbial Contamination of Human Milk Purchased via the Internet," published in the November 2013 issue of Pediatrics (published online Oct. 21), researchers purchased 102 cross-sectional samples of human milk through a popular U.S. milk-sharing website. The milk samples were sent to a rented mail box in Ohio and later compared with samples of unpasteurized, donated milk obtained through a milk bank. Seventy-four percent of the Internet milk samples were colonized with high bacterial counts overall, or had at least some Gram-negative bacteria; and 64 percent of the Internet samples tested positive for staphylococcous, compared to 25 percent of the milk bank samples. Three of the Internet samples were contaminated with Salmonella. The high overall bacterial growth and frequent contamination with disease-causing bacteria in the Internet milk reflected poor collection, storage or shipping practices, according to the study authors. The study authors recommend lactation support for mothers who want to provide breast milk to their infants but who have difficulty making enough. Women who have extra milk should consider donating to a milk bank. One of the authors of the study, Sarah A. Keim, gives guidance for women considering buying breast milk on the Internet and offers information on alternatives if you can't breast feed.

 Thanksgiving Eating: You Don't Have to Gain 10 Pounds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Can you have you turkey, stuffing and sweet treats and watch your waistline? YES.Over the last few months have you been doing a great job watching your weight and keeping in control? Perhaps you've been (rightfully) proud of yourself for not caving in to too much temptation and staying active, even as the temperatures begin to drop. And then the holidays arrive. Yes, it's that time when family parties are ramping up and the calories abound. Fortunately, you don't have to miss out on all the parties just because you are watching your weight. You can have your turkey, stuffing and cake too and not let them add to you waistline. Special guest, Dr. Felicia Stoler, PhD, and Melanie Cole, MS, discuss how you can enjoy all those sweet treats and not come out on the other end feeling disappointed in yourself.

  FDA Banning Trans Fats? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Are your favorite fried and junk foods about to change? And for the better?Recent headlines reveal the FDA's latest health tactic: the agency will require the food industry to gradually phase out all trans fats, because they consider them to be a threat to health and wellness. Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks a year and 7,000 deaths. Trans fats have been a big part of the American diet for many years. These dangerous fats exist in baked goods, fried foods and even cookies and snacks targeted to children. A movement to decrease trans fats in foods has been slowly growing. But because of the health risks associated with trans fats, the Food and Drug Administration is finally getting rid of the ones that still hang on. Artificial trans fats are a threat to public health, the FDA announced, and it will require the food industry to phase them out once and for all. Dr. Felicia Stoler, PhD,and Melanie Cole, MS, discuss what this new ban means for you and your family, as well as if it can truly make you healthier in the long run.

 Toxic Coworkers: How to Keep Your Cool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Turning red from frustrations at work? There is an easier way to keep your cool while waiting for the clock to strike five.You know this story too well... you are up all night working on a project for a huge presentation, and your co-worker who doesn't lift a finger takes all the credit. Those aren't the only co-workers you're surrounded by. Don't forget about the gossips, the pushovers, flirts, those simply pretending to do work, and those who like to smother your boss with compliments. If you're turning red from holding in your frustrations, know there is an easier way to keep your cool while waiting for the clock to strike five. A survey conducted by showed that 84 percent of women have a friend who's toxic, and is found at the workplace. Toxic co-workers can distract you from doing your job well and from enjoying your job. Professor in the Department of Psychological Counseling at Monmouth University, Dr. Alan A. Cavaiola, PhD, shares the types of toxic co-workers that exist, as well as ways to deal while on the clock.

 Science of Binge Eating: Why You Can’t Stop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

You have self-control over your impulses but still find yourself coming out of multiple food hangovers. Why does this keep happening?It happens to you more often than you are willing to admit. You're unsatisfied after you've already eaten a personal sized pizza, so you reach for chips, candy, ice cream, or anything that's in your sight. After you come out of your food coma, with a haze of dancing sugarplums, you're confused and are unaware of what just happened. You're not alone; many people overeat. But when does binge eating become an issue? If you're scheduling time to let yourself binge, or you binge eating in private, you should ask yourself why you are doing so. Binge eating is the most common eating disorder in adults, characterized by isolation, anxiety, stress and feelings of powerlessness. There are many factors that play a role in binge eating, such as chemical, psychological, and social settings. For example, when you overeat and before your immediate feelings of regret, your brain releases a chemical, dopamine, which controls the reward and pleasure center in your brain. Associate Research Director for the Center of Excellence in Eating Disorders, Dr. Stephanie Zerwas, explains the science of binge eating and discusses when you should consult a doctor.

 PFD: What to Do When Your Pelvis Hits the Floor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

One out of four women suffer from pelvic floor disorder but feel too embarrassed to do anything about it.One out of four women suffer from pelvic floor disorder, but often feel too embarrassed to do anything about it. Pelvic floor disorder (PFD) occurs when the muscles or connective tissues of the pelvic area weaken or are injured. The pelvic organ drops from its usual position and pushes against the walls of your vagina. Women who have pelvic floor disorder can experience urinary problems, pain or pressure in their pelvis and low back, and muscle spasms. Pelvic floor disorder is more common in women who are obese, pregnant, have given birth or are post-menopausal; but the disorder is not a normal part of getting older. Medical Director of the Chronic Pelvic Pain program, Associate Professor and pelvic pain specialist, Colleen Fitzgerald, MD, MS, discuss what pelvic floor disorder is and what treatments are available to help ease your suffering.

 Millennials: Career Advice for Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Post-graduation you may expect a huge paycheck and the best office in the building. Newsflash: you have to be more realistic.Post-graduation from college, you may expect a huge paycheck and the best office in the building. Newsflash: you have to be more realistic. Sure, you've just secured your first job, but you have no idea how you will exactly fit in with the company. You're power-hungry but don't want to come off too strong, or as an overconfident newbie. How do you set a balance to not fit the stereotype of a "millennial"? Millennials are known as Generation Y, born in the years between 1980-2000, and are characterized as self-obsessed, lazy and demanding everything be given to them... not something you want to prove true at your first job. Having goals are important while building a career, but the choices you make can either help realize those goals or set you back for years of disappointment. Author and Founder of a personal branding blog for Forbes, Dan Schawbel, shares the career advice essentials for success.

 Hour 2: YOU The Owner's Manual Radio 11.09.13 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

News of the week, toxic dangers, and plastic surgery secrets. You don't want to miss this!Straight talk from the docs!  Dr. Mike and co-host Joe Galuski discuss more of the most prevalent health news you need to know from the past week. Plus, find out "What's Toxic & What's Not" from toxicologist and regular contributor, Gary Ginsberg. Plastic surgeon, Dr. Arthur Perry,  joins Dr. Mike in the second half hour, and you won't want to miss what they have to say. More from RealAge A Superfood to Prevent PMS Plus! Dr. Perry's Flap of the Week What's Dr. Perry all fired up about this week? Tune in to find out.

 Coping with Brain Injury | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Learn effective coping mechanisms for all types of brain trauma, from concussion to stroke to brain tumors.In 1990, Dr. Diane Roberts Stoler's life changed in the blink of an eye when her car was hit head-on at 60 mph. While her outward injuries were minor -- just cuts and bruises -- Dr. Stoler, a health psychologist, found herself struggling with the confusing, life-altering symptoms of a concussion and later post-concussion syndrome (PCS). Based on her experience, training and research, Dr. Stoler has co-authored Coping With Concussion and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, the first reference book to help patients cope with all types of brain trauma... from concussion to stroke to brain tumors.  Dr. Stoler talks about her book and offers wisdom on symptoms to expect, rehab, self-care and even financial, insurance and family issues. Bonus! RealAge Tip 8 Natural Energy Boosters


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