ISIS Paranormal Radio show

ISIS Paranormal Radio

Summary: ISIS Paranormal Radio is a show that delves into a variety of paranormal topics. Listen into discussions about ghosts, hauntings, the unexplained, Wicca, the occult,different aspects of the esoteric, and our previous cases! The hosts of the show, Dayna Winters and Patricia Gardner have co-authored Wicca: What's the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions, along with Angela Kaufman.

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 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Kylie Holmes - Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Kylie Holmes is a naturally intuitive person. She has refined her skills over many years through the combined methods of regular meditation, self-development techniques and mind, body, spirit and soul related courses. Kylie is the mother of three “Old Souls,” Jade, Amba & Leo. She is also a writer, an Intuitive Angel Therapist, Reiki Master, and Past Life Regression Therapist. Kylie offers workshops, lectures, and courses through Touched By An Angel and participants that complete the coursework earn diplomas. Courses offered include Working with Angels, You and Your Guide, The Tarot, Meditation, and Energy Healing. Kylie is the author of Intuitive Children: Children Who See beyond the Veil: a book about children who have imaginary friends. This book provides intriguing insight into just who those friends might be. Based on personal experience and hundreds of interviews with children, Intuitive Children investigates and offers answers for a range of questions including the journey of the soul and, more specifically, understanding and raising children who have “been here before.”

 ISIS Paranormal Radio and Annamaria Hemingway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Annamaria Hemingway MA (ABD) is a writer and speaker on the topic of conscious living and dying, and author of Practicing Conscious Living and Dying, published by O Books. She is also a spiritual counselor and member of The International Association for Near-Death Studies. After experiencing a death in her own family, Annamaria was inspired to research near-death experiences and related phenomena. Her research prompted her to author a book that would serve as an uplifting collection of spiritually illuminating texts and thought provoking real life stories: all of which illustrate that death is an integral part of life.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Stephanie South - Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Stephanie South is an author originally from Medford, Oregon. She made her first homemade book, Lost in Time at the age of 10. In 1992 she studied journalism at SUNY Buffalo, and in 1996 she earned her BA in journalism at Southern Oregon Univerity. Her pursuits in journalism left Stephanie spiritually dissatisfied and she sought out guidance from Cassandra Musgrave, a clairvoyant. Stephanie South's connections to Musgrave later led to meeting Paul Levy, a dream worker and the head of the Portland Padmasambhava Center. Six months passed and Stephanie was introduced to Jose Arguelles at the 28th annual Whole Earth Festival. She began studying the works of Arguelles after hearing him lecture on the new revolution of time. Later, she began editing Arguelle’s works and helping him with organizational tasks at the Foundation for Law and Time. In early 2002, she began extensive studies with Arguelles which lead her to co-author the seven volume series . She recently authored: 2012: Biography of a Time Traveler, the Journey of José Arguelles.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio and John L. Turner, M.D. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Dr. John L. Turner, M.D. is the author of Medicine, Miracles and Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences, and Universal Energy; the book is a nonfiction work that explores Dr. Turner’s career as a surgeon and his spiritual quest as he became involved in the field of Integral Medicine. Following his graduation from Ohio State University and earning his degree in Engineering Physics, Dr. Turner continued onto graduate school. About three years into his graduate studies, Dr. Turner received a book on Edgar Cayce called The Sleeping Prophet. The book changed Dr. Turner’s life, and he became excited about the existence of a spiritual world. Dr. Turner then decided to attend Ohio State University College of Medicine where he earned his M.D. During his career as a surgeon, Dr. Turner's curiosity about the spiritual world prompted him to examine several nontraditional healing modalities that broadened the scope of his patients’ recovery; healing modalities that include the use of Johrei (a Japanese healing art), chanting, meditation, soul travel, astral projection, and precognition/remote viewing. Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations is a work that examines how metaphysical events like telepathy, remote viewing, and life after death are verifiable manifestations and are events that occur when the human brain interfaces with the universal consciousness. This evening, Dr. Turner will be joining us for a special 90 minute airing from 6 PM to 7:30 PM ET.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Angela Kaufman - Tarot Readings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Angela Kaufman, a witch, psychic artist and profound tarot card reader, has maintained a lifelong belief in paranormal phenomena. As a child, she was interested in supernatural stories; anything from vampire legends to folktales about witchcraft, and then there was her family’s favorite, Unsolved Mysteries. At thirteen, Angela Kaufman found Doreen Valiente's ABC's of Witchcraft and became increasingly focused on Wiccan spirituality and magick as well as the power of dreams, divination, and energy work. Now, many years later, she is a priestess in the Dragon Warriors of Isis coven, and She has begun to put all her interests to work in learning how to recognize the natural and supernatural in all things. At the suggestion of Pat and Dayna, she is thrilled to be getting the opportunity to utilize my interests in the supernatural combined with a long held hobby of drawing to assist the ISIS Paranormal Investigation team as a psychic artist.

 Dr. Caron B. Goode Ed.D – Author and Psychotherapist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Dr. Caron B. Goode is a nationally certified, licensed professional counselor, psychotherapist, and the author of 10 published books, as well as over 300 parenting and coaching articles published in newspapers and on the Internet. She draws her insights from fifteen years of psychotherapy practice and thirty years in other fields of education, psychology, wellness, and spirituality. Two of her recent books are The Art & Science of Coaching Parents (2007) and Help Kids Cope with Stress and Trauma (2006). In addition, she authored Nurture Your Child’s Gift (2000), published by Beyond Words, now on Simon & Schuster’s backlist. Dr. Goode has also teamed up with Tara Paterson to author Raising Intuitive Children: Guide Your Children to Know and Trust Their Gifts, published by New Page Books this year. The book offers insight into the world of intuitively gifted children, how parents can adapt a parenting style to meet the needs of intuitive children, and how parents can further foster an atmosphere that encourages an intuitive child’s abilities to grow and thrive.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Marla Brooks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Marla is the host of Stirring The Cauldron on Para-X radio every Thursday at 9 PM Eastern Time and on CBS Psychic Radio on Friday night at 9:00 PM. Marla Brooks is also an paranormal investigator and the author of Ghosts of Hollywood: The Show Still Goes on, Ghosts of Hollywood II: Talking to Spirits, Ghosts of Hollywood III, and Workplace Spells - Everyday Magick on the Job! She is also the author of three different cookbooks including The Celebrity Cookbook: Kitchen Secrets of the Rich and Famous, How To Cook Like a Jewish Grandmother, and Eat Like the Stars Cookbook: Celebrities Favorite Recipes. Finally, Marla also wrote a reference book entitled The American Family On Television. Marla has resided in Hollywood for her entire life and has gained a strong connection with the city. She began her career as a writer freelancing in the entertainment industry and writing stories about various Hollywood celebrities for a variety of magazines including Los Angeles Magazine and Inside Hollywood. Marla’s interest in the paranormal has stemmed from her understanding that there is “more to this world than meets the eye,” and she continues to maintain a fascination for the unexplained. She has since gotten involved in paranormal investigation and has had paranormal experiences of her own. Presently, Marla, her partner Ken, their dog Kalli, their cat Pipsqueak, and their bird Bentley reside in a circa 1921 Hollywood home filled with several lively spirits that make their presence evident once in a while to keep the family on their toes.

 Deborah LeBlanc - Best-Selling Author, Paranormal Investigator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Deborah LeBlanc is an award-winning, best-selling author and business owner from Lafayette, Louisiana. She is also a licensed death scene investigator and an active member of two national paranormal investigation teams. Deborah’s books include Water Witch, Morbid Curiosity, A House Divided, Five Strokes To Midnight, Grave Intent, and Family Inheritance. She is the president of the Horror Writers Association, president of the Writers' Guild of Acadiana, president of Mystery Writers of America's Southwest Chapter, and an active member of Sisters in Crime, Novelists Inc, and International Thriller Writers Inc. In 2004, she created the LeBlanc Literacy Challenge, an annual national campaign designed to encourage more people to read, and two years later, she founded Literacy Inc. a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting illiteracy in America's teens. Deborah also takes her passion for literacy and a powerful ability to motivate to high schools around the country.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio with Dr. R. Craig Hogan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Dr. R. Craig Hogan is a writing instructor and the author of The Eternal Self as well as a number of other books on writing and he has had several publications in esteemed journals. Additionally, Dr. R. Craig Hogan has created a number of spirituality-based websites. Dr. Hogan is also the co-author of Induced After Death Communication: A New Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma which he wrote with Allan Botkin, Psy.D. Induced After Death Communication® is a process that is used to assist those that are grieving by helping them reconnect with the deceased; otherwise referred to as IADC®, the method was first discovered by Allan L. Botkin in 1995. IADC® relies on the utilization of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR), but in a different manner than the traditional uses of EMDR involve. Tonight he will discuss with us his work and writing, and will share information about his latest book, The Eternal Self, as well as information on EMDR and its utilization in Induced After Death Communication®.

 Reverend Rita Berkowitz, M.S. – Spirit Artist and Author | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Rita Straus Berkowitz is known throughout the world for her portraits of loved ones from the other side. Rita has also authored Empowering Your Life with Angels, and co-authored The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Communicating with Spirits, now in its second printing. Rita has studied and taught at the Arthur Findley College in Essex England and has lectured at colleges, New Age Centers, and Spiritual Churches in the United States and Canada. She is an accomplished artist that has shown her paintings throughout New York and New England. Rita is also an Ordained Minister in the Spiritualist Church and a pastor of the First Spiritualist Church of Quincy, Massachusetts. A certified medium with a Master of Science in Psychological Counseling, Rita provides private sittings, classes and is responsible for having trained many professional mediums. Rita is featured on,, has been a guest on “It’s Your Call” with Lynn Doyle on CN8TV, “Angels in Waiting” Los Angeles, CA, and many radio and television shows.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio with Guest Dr. John Lerma | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

John Lerma, MD, is the author of the best-seller Into the Light and Learning from the Light: Pre-Death Experiences, Prophecies, and Angelic Messages of Hope. Dr. Lerma is known for his caring and compassionate nature as he tends to those that are terminally-ill. Dr. Lerma serves as a consultant for several hospice and palliative units in Houston and San Antonio, Texas, and he is Board certified in Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Dr. John Lerma is creating a non-profit company called Hearts without Borders that will take the concept of hospice to under-served areas in South America. Lerma is a well-known physician who has spent much of his career documenting the pre-death and near-death experiences of his terminally ill patients. His second book examines real-life stories of angelic encounters, prophecies, miraculous healings, and visions. The book Learning from the Light also examines experiences related to both white and dark angelic beings, electronic voice phenomena, exorcisms, as well as how we can prepare ourselves for a peaceful transition from this world into the next. Lerma’s book was written to share the notion that there is a loving spiritual world that awaits us after death.

 David A. Warner- InvisibleLight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

David A Warner is the owner and creator of the InvisibleLight website: a site created for the extensive research, scientific study, religious analysis, and spiritual exploration of Out of Body Experiences. David A Warner offers access to his personal journals, his documented experimentations, as well as media interviews. Warner’s sharing of his online journal is password accessible. His first OBE occurred in 1987 and his journal shares hundreds of audio and video documented OBE experiences as well as documented text related to Warner’s experimentation.

 John L. Turner, M.D. – Author of Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

John L. Turner, M.D. is the author of Medicine, Miracles and Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences, and Universal Energy; the book is a nonfiction work that explores Dr. Turner’s career as a surgeon and his spiritual quest as he became involved in the field of Integral Medicine. Following his graduation from Ohio State University and earning his degree in Engineering Physics, Dr. Turner continued onto graduate school. About three years into his graduate studies, Dr. Turner received a book on Edgar Cayce called The Sleeping Prophet. The book changed Dr. Turner’s life, and he became excited about the existence of a spiritual world. Dr. Turner then decided to attend Ohio State University College of Medicine where he earned his M.D. During his career as a surgeon, Dr. Turner's curiosity about the spiritual world prompted him to examine several nontraditional healing modalities that broadened the scope of his patients’ recovery; healing modalities that include the use of Johrei (a Japanese healing art), chanting, meditation, soul travel, astral projection, and precognition/remote viewing. Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations is a work that examines how metaphysical events like telepathy, remote viewing, and life after death are verifiable manifestations and are events that occur when the human brain interfaces with the universal consciousness.

 Michael Baker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Co-hosts Dayna Winters and Patricia Gardner will interview Michael Baker, one of the founders of New Gravity Media. Michael Baker and his partner Anthony Z. Monti, formed New Gravity Media, an independent film and media production company that creates and distributes theatrical, documentary, commercial, and independent motion pictures and special interest projects. Their first production 14 Degrees: A Paranormal Documentary has met with astounding success!

 Thomas J. Carey – Author, Roswell Investigator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Thomas J. Carey is a native of Philadelphia, and has a Bachelor’s in Science from Temple University and a Master’s Degree from California State University. He also attended the University of Toronto’s Ph.D Program in Anthropology. Carey is an Air Force veteran who had top secret-crypto clearance; he is now retired and working as a businessman in Philadelphia. Carey was a Mutual UFO Network State Section Director for Southeastern Pennsylvania from 1896 until 2002, a Special Investigator for the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies from 1991 to 2001, and he was also a member of the CUFOS board of directors from 1997 to 2000. Tom began researching the Roswell incident in the early 1990s for the Roswell investigative team of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt and he continues to work exclusively with Don Schmitt on investigations of the Roswell incident. Carey has teamed up with Don Schmitt to author , Witness to Roswell: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-Up, have revealed compelling new eyewitness testimony and new evidence surrounding the notorious Roswell UFO recovery. Tom is the author/co-author of over 30 articles pertaining to Roswell, and he has been on Coast to Coast AM , Fox and Friends, CN8 Friends Saturday, and Larry King Live!, as well as a number of Roswell themed documentaries including the SciFi Channel documentary, The Roswell Crash: Startling New Evidence, the History Channel’s Conspiracy Theory—Roswell, the Travel Channel’s Weird Travels—Roswell, the SciFi Channel’s SciFi Investigates—Roswell and the History Channel’s UFO Hunters – The Real Roswell.


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