John L. Turner, M.D. – Author of Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations

ISIS Paranormal Radio show

Summary: John L. Turner, M.D. is the author of Medicine, Miracles and Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences, and Universal Energy; the book is a nonfiction work that explores Dr. Turner’s career as a surgeon and his spiritual quest as he became involved in the field of Integral Medicine. Following his graduation from Ohio State University and earning his degree in Engineering Physics, Dr. Turner continued onto graduate school. About three years into his graduate studies, Dr. Turner received a book on Edgar Cayce called The Sleeping Prophet. The book changed Dr. Turner’s life, and he became excited about the existence of a spiritual world. Dr. Turner then decided to attend Ohio State University College of Medicine where he earned his M.D. During his career as a surgeon, Dr. Turner's curiosity about the spiritual world prompted him to examine several nontraditional healing modalities that broadened the scope of his patients’ recovery; healing modalities that include the use of Johrei (a Japanese healing art), chanting, meditation, soul travel, astral projection, and precognition/remote viewing. Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations is a work that examines how metaphysical events like telepathy, remote viewing, and life after death are verifiable manifestations and are events that occur when the human brain interfaces with the universal consciousness.