ISIS Paranormal Radio with Guest Dr. John Lerma

ISIS Paranormal Radio show

Summary: John Lerma, MD, is the author of the best-seller Into the Light and Learning from the Light: Pre-Death Experiences, Prophecies, and Angelic Messages of Hope. Dr. Lerma is known for his caring and compassionate nature as he tends to those that are terminally-ill. Dr. Lerma serves as a consultant for several hospice and palliative units in Houston and San Antonio, Texas, and he is Board certified in Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Dr. John Lerma is creating a non-profit company called Hearts without Borders that will take the concept of hospice to under-served areas in South America. Lerma is a well-known physician who has spent much of his career documenting the pre-death and near-death experiences of his terminally ill patients. His second book examines real-life stories of angelic encounters, prophecies, miraculous healings, and visions. The book Learning from the Light also examines experiences related to both white and dark angelic beings, electronic voice phenomena, exorcisms, as well as how we can prepare ourselves for a peaceful transition from this world into the next. Lerma’s book was written to share the notion that there is a loving spiritual world that awaits us after death.