ISIS Paranormal Radio show

ISIS Paranormal Radio

Summary: ISIS Paranormal Radio is a show that delves into a variety of paranormal topics. Listen into discussions about ghosts, hauntings, the unexplained, Wicca, the occult,different aspects of the esoteric, and our previous cases! The hosts of the show, Dayna Winters and Patricia Gardner have co-authored Wicca: What's the Real Deal? Breaking Through the Misconceptions, along with Angela Kaufman.

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 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Rose Rosetree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Rose Rosetree is a healer, a teacher, and an author. She is a graduate of the United Nations International School and holds a B.A. from Brandeis University, where the motto is "Truth even unto its innermost parts." Rose Rosetree is the author of Read People Deeper, Cut the Cords of Attachment, Empowered by Empathy: 25 Ways to Fly in Spirit, Let Today Be a Holiday: 365 Ways to Co-Create with God, The Power of Face Reading, Aura Reading Through All Your Senses: Celestial Perception Made Practical, Wrinkle’s Are God’s Makeup: How You Can Find Meaning in Your Evolving Face, and The Roar of the Huntids. With more than 100,000 copies of her books in print, Rose Rosetree is well-known for the innovative mind-body-spirit systems she has developed. Rose has created trademarked systems and techniques for cutting the cords of attachment and aura readings; she pioneered the first system for training empaths to hone their skills. Rose is a member of the International Association for Regression Research & Therapies, Inc. (IARRT) as well as the National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc. (NGH); she is a certified Consulting Hypnotist and Regression Therapist, and since 1986, Rose Rosetree has conducted Regression Therapy sessions. Rose has had more than 800 interviews, her work has been highlighted and praised in a variety of publications including The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Los Angeles Times, and The Catholic Standard, and she has been on The Diane Rehm Show, The View, seven different segments of ABC News in Cincinnati, and The Colbert Report. Tonight, Rose will be joining us to talk about her brand new book!

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & George P. Hansen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

George P, Hansen was a professional parapsychologist for a period of eight years, three of which he was employed by the Rhine Research Center in Durham, North Carolina, and the remaining five years where he was employed by the Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey. Hansen’s experimentation included experiments with card guessing, remote viewing, ganzfeld, electronic random number generators, seance phenomena and ghosts. Hansen has been active in several UFO, psychic, and New Age organizations and he also help establish a skeptics group. Hansen has been published in a number of scientific journals and his papers focus on mathematical statistics, deception and fraud, the skeptics movement, exposes of hoaxes, and conjurers in parapsychology. Hansen is further a member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians, and the author of Ghost and Liminality as well as the book The Trickster and the Paranormal. The latter book examines why UFOs and parapsychology are shunned by conventional science; how literary criticism and anthropology apply to the paranormal; why mystical practices and psychic phenomena are associated with one another; and why tabloids choose to put paranormal issues as features on their front page.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Author Nicole Bray and Robert DuShane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Nicole Bray is the founder of the West Michigan Ghost Hunters Society, and she has maintained an interest in the paranormal since a very early age. Nicole grew up in a home where the former owner of the home committed suicide, and she began to research the phenomena that occurred around her on a daily basis. Eventually, her passion for the paranormal led her to start one of the most well-known paranormal investigations teams in the state of Michigan. She has co-authored Michigan’s Haunted Nightlife and Paranormal Lansing with Reverend Robert DuShane, published by Schiffer Books. Robert is the founder of WPARanromal Inc., a Michigan non profit, clergy led Paranormal Investigation team based in Southwest Michigan. Tonight we will also be joined by Robert DuShane. Robert is the founder of WPARanormal Incorporated, and he grew up in a Portage home where seeing Indians roaming about was a regular occurrence. Robert didn’t suspect at the time that the site of the home was once a site of an Indian massacre. Such instances cause Robert’s interests in the paranormal to flourish and he became a paranormal investigator as well as the host of WPARanormal Talk Radio which was founded in 2003. He is the co-author of such works as Michigan’s Haunted Nightlife, the Haunted History of Kalamazoo, and Paranormal Lansing, along with Nicole Bray.

 Angela Kaufman - Psychic, Tarot Reader, Paranormal Investigator | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

SPECIAL EPISODE - Angela Kaufman, a witch, psychic artist and profound tarot card reader, has maintained a lifelong belief in paranormal phenomena. As a child, she was interested in supernatural stories; anything from vampire legends to folktales about witchcraft, and then there was her family’s favorite, Unsolved Mysteries. At thirteen, Angela Kaufman found Doreen Valiente's ABC's of Witchcraft and became increasingly focused on Wiccan spirituality and magick as well as the power of dreams, divination, and energy work. Now, many years later, she is a priestess in the Dragon Warriors of Isis coven, and she has begun to put all her interests to work in learning how to recognize the natural and supernatural in all things. At the suggestion of Pat and Dayna, she is thrilled to be getting the opportunity to utilize her interests in the supernatural combined with a long held hobby of drawing to assist the ISIS Paranormal Investigation team as a psychic artist.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Giorgio A. Tsoukalos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos has been the Director of Erich von Däniken’s Center for Ancient Astronaut Research (A.A.S. R.A. - Archaeology, Astronautics, and SETI Research Association) for the past decade. Tsoukalos has often been described as a genuine Indiana Jones looking to alter the world’s perceptions about Ancient Astronaut Theory. Giorgio is also the well-known Publisher of the Legendary Times Magazine: a research journal totally dedicated to Ancient Astronaut Theory. Giorgio is considered a leading expert in the field and he has had appearances on The Travel Channel, The History Channel, the Sci-Fi Channel, the National Geographic Channel, as well as Coast to Coast AM. He has had a number of radio and television spots internationally as well as on programs like Ancient Aliens, and UFO Hunters where he has reported about the most recent discoveries in the field of Ancient Astronauts. Giorgio produced and starred in Ancient Aliens in 2009, a two hour long documentary that appeared on the History Channel; the film was produced by Prometheus Entertainment. In the film, Giorgio was joined by other professionals in the field including David H. Childress, Erich von Däniken, Jason Martell, Dr. Luis E. Navia, Michael A. Cremo, Barry Downing and others. A well traveled man; Giorgio has been to fifty four different countries and continues his world travels. As Erich von Däniken's official United States representative, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos will be joining ISIS Paranormal Radio to discuss his work and Erich von Däniken’s latest book History Is Wrong.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio, Justin Blair, and Matthew Vincent | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Documentary film directors Justin Blair and Matthew Vincent will be joining us tonight to discuss the creation of their independent film Across the Forest: Tales from Transylvania. The film is a documentary on the Romanian strigoi, ghosts, and forest spirits. Justin and Matthew are American film makers that traveled to Romania to create their latest production to interview the local people and to collect and compile the legends and lore of the people related to vampires and supernatural happenings. Matthew Vincent and Justin Blair traveled to the west of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania to find out about Romanian supernatural beliefs. While the team was aware of the eerie reputation of Transylvania attributed to Bram Stoker and Dracula, they found the lore of the region much more exciting. The film makers documented stories about the strigoi, a creature with similar characteristics to the vampire, but also having characteristics similar to ghosts. The film examines countless strigoi reports, reports of strange abductions, reports on pricolici (a weredog), and more. After returning from Transylvania where the film was shot, the team faced more than forty hours of footage that required translation.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Robert Bauval | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Robert Bauval was born in Alexandria Egypt and later traveled to England to pursue his education in Building Construction and Management at the University of the South Bank in London. In 1989, Bauval published a study which argued that the layout of the three Giza Pyramids and their relative position to the Nile was intended to replicate the layout of the three stars in Orion’s belt and their relative position to the Milky Way. The thesis is known as the Orion Correlation Theory and is the subject of Bauval’s first book: The Orion Mystery, which has been translated into more than twenty languages and has been highlighted on the BBC, ABC, the Discovery Channel, and others. Bauval later co-authored the Message of the Sphinx with Graham Hancock, and he then followed the latter publication with Secret Chamber, Tailsman (also with Graham Hancock), and The Egypt Code. Bauval is presently working on a new book entitled Sirius Rising, which will trace the influence of the Egyptian Star-Goddess Sopdet (Sirius) from prehistoric times to the early Christian Era and which will focus on Her role in the rebirth cult and temple rituals and alignments. Bauval resides in Spain and once resided near the Giza pyramids with his wife Michelle while working on The Egypt Code. Tonight, Robert Bauval will be joining us to discuss The Egypt Code: a book which examines the ground/sky correlation of Egyptian landmarks and examines the possibility of a grand plan spanning 3,000 years of pharaonic civilization involving pyramids and major temple sites along the Nile.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Michael Newton | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Michael Newton is the author of more than 215 books and has written reference books, true crime books, action adventure, and westerns. He has authored texts like The Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology, The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, The Encyclopedia of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories, The Encyclopedia of Crime Scene Investigation, and still many others including 173 works of fiction, six short stories, 66 nonfiction titles, 64 articles and more. Newton is a native of California who began his writing career in 1977; he began writing professionally as a “ghost” for author Don Pendleton on the best selling Executioner series and continues to do so today. Episode 104 has already been published which means that Newton has practically tripled the number of Mack Bolan novels completed by creator Pendleton himself. Newton published his first book under his own name in 1979 entitled Monsters, Mysteries, and Man: a survey of unexplained phenomena for younger readers; while Newton’s writing is diverse he is best known for his reference material and non-fiction works. Newton is an active member of the Centre for Fortean Zoology, the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, and Feral Cat Friends Inc. He presently has 24 upcoming books, all scheduled for release through 2011 including eight more novels and sixteen nonfiction works. He presently resides in Nashville, Indiana. Tonight Michael Newton will be joining us to discuss two of his recent releases Strange Indiana Monsters and Strange California Monsters published by Schiffer Books.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Anita Yasuda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Anita Yasuda is the author of a number of works including Coastal Ghosts of Southern California and Haunted Monterey Peninsula. When Anita was younger she lived in rural Ontario and spent her summers along Lake Muskoka. She was active with swimming, Girl Scouts, and camping. She recalls spending a lot of time reading and recalls reading “every travel book there was in the local library.” She later decided to see as much as she could and has since lived in Switzerland, Japn, and Vancouver before she returned to her home. She attended Victoria College at The University of Toronto, and studied the art and literature of East and South Asia. Her works include the following: Haunted Monterey Peninsula, Coastal Ghosts of Southern California, Traditional Kimono Silks, Snapshots of San Diego: Sun, Surf & Sand, Japanese Childrens Fabrics 1950s to 1970s, Greetings from Buffalo, New York, Japanese Anime Linens, 1970s To Present, Hello Kitty: Cute, Creative & Collectible, and Anita also authored Explore the Solar System!: 25 Great Projects, Activities, Experiments with illustrations by Bryan Stone.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Samhain Traditions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tonight we will be talking in depth about Samhain Traditions and how you can celebrate the Witches' New Year! Original Guest: Dave Galvan, has canceled due to illness. Please join us in hoping for his speedy recovery.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Peggy Schmidt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Peggy Schmidt is the author of Tails of the Afterlife: True Stories of Ghost Pets and a partnered owner of Ghost Tours of Phoenixville, a company that was born from the collaborative efforts between two lifelong friends that have maintained a serious interest in the unexplained. Peggy Schmidt works with Andrea Martnishn as they share their enthusiasm through their books, walking tours, special events, and paranormal investigations. Tails of the Afterlife: True Stories of Ghost Pets was recently released by Schiffer Books in 2009 and is a 160 page paperback that explores how departed pets communicate with their former owners with “Kisses” and “Postcards” from heaven and there are a number of heartwarming animal related stories shared in the text. The book highlights true stories about animal spirit visitations, and further examines how the love between a pet and pet owner can transcend the physical plane. Questions addressed in the text include whether or not animals communicate with the living after they have passed on, if animals can see spirits, and if animals can protect you at your bedside from spirits too.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio and Scott A. Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Scott A. Johnson is a paranormal studies editor for Dread Central where he writes Cold Spots: a twice monthly series on real haunted places. He presently teaches the Masters of Arts in Writing Popular Fiction program at Seton Hill University. In addition to investigating ghosts, Scott is also a fiction novelist. He has visited some of the most fascinating and frighteningly haunted locations in the United States. He is the author of fiction, non-fiction, folklore, short stories, and articles. Scott’s Paranormal publications books include like Cold Spots: The Ghosts of San Antoni and The Mayor's Guide: The Stately Ghosts of Augusta. Tonight, he will be joining us to discuss his book “Haunted Austin, Texas” published by Schiffer Books.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Stanton Friedman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Stanton Friedman is a nuclear physicist that began an extensive investigation into the 1947 Roswell crash in 1978. Friedman is the coauthor of Crash at Corona: The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident, the coauthor of Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience and the author of TOP SECRET/MAJIC: Operation Majestic-12 and the United States Government's UFO Cover-Up, and Flying Saucers and Science released in 2008. Friedman earned his degrees in physics at the University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956. He later worked as a nuclear physicist for GE, GM, TRW Systems, Aerojet General Nucleonics, McDonnell-Douglas, and Westinghouse. Since 1967, he has lectured on the subject of UFOs at more than 600 different colleges and more than 100 professional groups in 50 states, 9 provinces, and 16 other countries. Friedman has published over 800 papers on the subject of UFOs and has had appearances on numerous TV and radio programs. He is a civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident, and in 2002, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Leeds, England presented by UFO Magazine. Stanton has presented testimony to Congressional Hearings, has appeared at the UN, has spoken at the yearly Symposia of the Mutual UFO network, and is considered a pioneer in the field of ufology.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio & Justyn Staley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Justyn's interests in the paranormal began at a very early age. When he was as young as the age of 7, he began having paranormal and unexplainable experiences. Not quite understanding what was happening at the time, the events that he experienced led him to continued interests in the paranormal. At the age of 15, he began studying different haunted places, haunted cemeteries, and other paranormal subjects. Once he realized that paranormal activity is real and paranormal events do occur, his interests pertaining to the “other side” increased immensely. Now, he has dedicated himself to the continued study of the paranormal and to seeking out the answers that so many others seek. He is a member of the Dragon Warriors of Isis coven and he is working his way toward eldership, so that one day he can teach others what has been freely taught to him.

 ISIS Paranormal Radio, Angela Kaufman and Interfaith Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Angela Kaufman, a witch, psychic artist and profound tarot card reader, has maintained a lifelong belief in paranormal phenomena. As a child, she was interested in supernatural stories; anything from vampire legends to folktales about witchcraft, and then there was her family’s favorite, Unsolved Mysteries. At thirteen, Angela Kaufman found Doreen Valiente's ABC's of Witchcraft and became increasingly focused on Wiccan spirituality and magick as well as the power of dreams, divination, and energy work. Now, many years later, she is a priestess in the Dragon Warriors of Isis coven, and She has begun to put all her interests to work in learning how to recognize the natural and supernatural in all things. At the suggestion of Pat and Dayna, she is thrilled to be getting the opportunity to utilize my interests in the supernatural combined with a long held hobby of drawing to assist the ISIS Paranormal Investigation team as a psychic artist. Tonight, Angela will be joining co-hosts Dayna and Patricia to discuss Interfaith Relationships! Special Note: Originally scheduled: Author Lynda Lee Macken. The show has been canceled due to the author's illness. Join us in sending Lynda positive healing energies and in hoping for her swift recovery. We hope to reschedule Mrs. Macken for a future date.


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