ISIS Paranormal Radio & Peggy Schmidt

ISIS Paranormal Radio show

Summary: Peggy Schmidt is the author of Tails of the Afterlife: True Stories of Ghost Pets and a partnered owner of Ghost Tours of Phoenixville, a company that was born from the collaborative efforts between two lifelong friends that have maintained a serious interest in the unexplained. Peggy Schmidt works with Andrea Martnishn as they share their enthusiasm through their books, walking tours, special events, and paranormal investigations. Tails of the Afterlife: True Stories of Ghost Pets was recently released by Schiffer Books in 2009 and is a 160 page paperback that explores how departed pets communicate with their former owners with “Kisses” and “Postcards” from heaven and there are a number of heartwarming animal related stories shared in the text. The book highlights true stories about animal spirit visitations, and further examines how the love between a pet and pet owner can transcend the physical plane. Questions addressed in the text include whether or not animals communicate with the living after they have passed on, if animals can see spirits, and if animals can protect you at your bedside from spirits too.