Angela Kaufman - Psychic, Tarot Reader, Paranormal Investigator

ISIS Paranormal Radio show

Summary: SPECIAL EPISODE - Angela Kaufman, a witch, psychic artist and profound tarot card reader, has maintained a lifelong belief in paranormal phenomena. As a child, she was interested in supernatural stories; anything from vampire legends to folktales about witchcraft, and then there was her family’s favorite, Unsolved Mysteries. At thirteen, Angela Kaufman found Doreen Valiente's ABC's of Witchcraft and became increasingly focused on Wiccan spirituality and magick as well as the power of dreams, divination, and energy work. Now, many years later, she is a priestess in the Dragon Warriors of Isis coven, and she has begun to put all her interests to work in learning how to recognize the natural and supernatural in all things. At the suggestion of Pat and Dayna, she is thrilled to be getting the opportunity to utilize her interests in the supernatural combined with a long held hobby of drawing to assist the ISIS Paranormal Investigation team as a psychic artist.