Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! show

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

Summary: As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

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 E032: Do you use the little words “Yes” and “No” backwards? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:56

Two little words that were likely in the first 5 words we learned have so much power....but many of us use them backward and stay Yes to others instead of Yes to ourselves, and this can cause more stress in our lives, but when we learn to use these words properly we can lower our stress, and find time for self-care, and get into a positive cycle of looking after you FIRST!

 E031: She Knew There Was More.... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:09

Annabelle Merriman is a Life Expansion Expert, and so much more! She’s a homeopath, that helped people heal, but also knew there was more...she’s a breast cancer survivor and thriver but didn’t want to be just that, she knew there was more...and so she has gone on her own journey of discovery to evolve into the practitioner she is today, working with couples to help them get pregnant, and helping empty nester Moms find their purpose and passion for this third phase of their life. No matter who she works with, Annabelle teaches the importance of self-care, of being still, tapping into your own intuition, increasing your awareness as you connect with your deepest most authentic self and from there you can manifest a life that is truly joyful and fulfilled and transform yourself and your life into something more.

 E030: Self -care is a priority, not a luxury! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:36

It wasn’t until I went back to school that I learned the importance of self-care, and created a mantra around it for myself so that I could create the mindset shift needed, that it’s not selfish at all! In this episode, I share some ideas around self-care, that I hope will trigger a mindset shift in you, so that you make this a priority, and don’t think of it as a luxury! Self-care results in improved focus, improved productivity, lower stress, better sleep, and improved health....and don’t tell me you don’t have time. I share over 10 examples of self-care that you can do in less than 10 minutes, as well as tips on how you can create more time for self-care in your day. After all, you are worth it!

 E029: How Acupuncture improves digestion while you take a nap! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:19

Sharleen Lawrence’s journey into Health & Wellness is not the typical story of first healing herself, but when she found Acupuncture, she knew she had found her home! In this episode, Sharleen shares her story, why acupuncture is so effective at improving digestion, and how she was guided into creating a new modality altogether –hypnopuncture! Sharleen is located in Southern California, but she can work with you virtually and she explains how in this episode.

 E028: Understanding why you might have gas or bloating, cramps or discomfort or perhaps even uncooperative bowels.....after eating. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:57

In today’s stressed-out world, millions of people are struggling with digestive issues –which sucks as we have to eat, and yet having pain and discomfort, as a result, isn’t any fun. In this episode, I dive into how our digestive system is supposed to work, and what happens when things go wrong, and what you can do about it. You can’t just ignore the symptoms, or mask them with drugs, we must get to the root cause in order to help you truly heal and get back to enjoying food again. As an Integrative Health Practitioner, this is what I help my clients do, with the power of functional medicine lab tests and then a personalized wellness protocol, based on your results.

 E027: Listen When Your Body Whispers, So It Doesn’t Have To Yell At You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:26

Kathy White shares her story and her knowledge around how yoga can improve digestion in this episode. With so many people struggling with gut health issues and digestive issues, there are some great easy steps you can take that will lower the stress on your digestive system to help your body better digest your food so you get the benefit of it. Afterall, we aren’t really what we eat, but what we absorb, if we can’t absorb what we eat, we aren’t going to have the energy we want during our day!

 E026: You Are Not What You Eat, But Rather What You Absorb! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:30

We eat food for energy, but what happens if we aren’t absorbing what we eat? Then we don’t have the energy levels we want, and even in first-world countries, we can suffer from malnutrition. Understanding how to optimize our digestive system is key in ensuring we can actually properly absorb our food. In this episode, I teach you how to optimize your digestive system, as well as an at-home test to determine if you have good levels of stomach acid, which we need in order to break down our food. TIP: Antacids make things worse! Listen to this episode to learn more!

 E025: Understand mold today, so it doesn’t steal 7+ years of your life. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:40

July has 5 Saturdays and so this episode is an extra special episode standing alone on the important topic of mold. My guest expert Michael Rubino is a heart-centered contractor, who is passionate about helping remediate mold out of people’s homes and fixing the source of the problem so it doesn’t come back. You might not think you have mold, but in this episode, he shares 3 signs to look for in your home, that will indicate if you have a mold problem, that left unchecked will lead to health problems. Michael wants to see people healthy again and uses a chemical-free, holistic approach with his clients. He is also the author of the book “The Mold Medic”, which is a guide for people in hiring a remediator company that truly knows that they are doing, and will resolve your mold issues for you, as he realizes he can’t be everywhere and help everyone himself, but he can help you by showing you how to choose a company like his, that will properly remediate the mold.

 E024: Using Food + Supplements instead of medicine to heal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:40

In this episode, Kathy Ashton shares her story about discovering how the food she was eating was exacerbating her fibromyalgia. Then her husband was diagnosed with MS, and the drugs caused depression and made him feel like crap so he stopped taking them. He’d remembered Kathy’s success in healing herself by changing her diet, and he asked her to go back to school to learn about this, to help him heal! And she did, and now they have a family business creating supplements from whole foods at therapeutic doses to help the body heal. Her husband has since gone and done the same degree, and their son works the business with them, as it was his idea as a child to stop using supplements full of fillers, but make their own from food to help his Dad heal! So they did and now they sell these supplements to help others.

 E023: Little Known Vitamin Therapy That Are Highly Effective at Helping People with ADHD / Alzheimer’s / Cancer as well as Anxiety & Depression | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

In this episode, I bring you education on how Vitamin Therapy (Orthomolecular Medicine) can be used to improve the quality of life and relieve symptoms of those struggling with ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and Anxiety & Depression. This is for educational purposes only, my purpose is to guide you to the fact this research is available and has been available for years, you just need to know where to look for it, and then consult with your holistic health practitioner, doctor, or pharmacist to decide the next best steps for you or a loved one. If you’d like to reach out to me, you can click the link below to book a 30-minute complimentary consult.

 E022: He’s turning 70 next week, AND feels better than he did in his 40s! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:54

John Wilson is passionate about being proactive in your health and in his business he helps others take proactive action, with supplements that support the body’s health and a medical device that can measure the body's absorption of carotenoid antioxidants. He shares his story from what he thought was a healthy & active lifestyle to realizing how stress and long work hours had caused him to gain significant weight! That was his wake-up call! He set about getting his health back on track to the point where he is so healthy, he has just battled melanoma with glowing colors! John’s story shows the importance of taking small steps every day to start taking responsibility for your health.

 E021: Do We Really Need Supplements or Are They Just a Waste of Money? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:59

In this episode I discuss the state of our food system and soil systems today, leaving our food nutrient deplete and many people malnourished, as a result and therefore we need to supplement. I also discuss the top 4 supplements that I recommend, and why (this is purely for educational purposes only, not a medical recommendation for anyone).

 E020: Waking up with panic attacks, and a racing heart was just the beginning of her transformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:09

Jenny Ryce shares her story of waking up with panic attacks, a racing heart, leading to her finally listening to her body and realizing something was wrong. A doctor made her admit to her stress, which got her out of denial and finally taking action to create habits that allowed her to heal and shift into a place of true wellness and a life of joy. She isn’t perfect, she still has stress in her life, but she also has the awareness to recognize when it’s getting out of control and the tools to bring herself out of that stress state.

 E019: Why eating in a stressed state causes weight gain.... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:07

Today I discuss why eating in a stressed state causes weight gain, and provide a simple trick to turn on your digestive system, even when you are feeling stressed out. I also explain how high cortisol levels are negatively impacting our sleep and then when we don’t sleep well, we are less stress-resilient and again have high cortisol levels, as well as when we don’t sleep well, our brain looks for energy and so we reach for food, which further adds to the weight gain. This is a very common scenario that I see in my clients all the time and it shows up on their lab tests, even if they don’t feel stressed, BUT they don’t know why they have gained weight. So tune in to learn more about the relationship between stress and weight gain and what you can do about it.

 E018: 90-95% of Illnesses/Stress are lifestyle related which means they are preventable! Here is a tool to help you lower your stress levels. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:32

95% of all doctor's visits are related to stress! In this episode, Ken talks about his Stress indicator Assessment Tool, which gives you clear insight into 5 main areas of your life and where your stresses are coming from, so you can then choose to do something about it! When you understand what is triggering


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