Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! show

Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call!

Summary: As an Integrative Health Practitioner I have come to realize that we simply haven't been taught how to optimize our health, and that the average person has habits that are negatively impacting their health, due to this lack of knowledge, through no fault of their own. Public health and our school system simply don't teach us enough about nutrition, sleep, stress, gut health or how interconnected our bodies are! Modern life has us more sleep deprived, stressed out and the sickest ever, and I believe it is time to bring this education to you, so that you CAN be empowered in your health and you can then make the right choices for you and your family. The choices you make today impact your future 1 year, 5 years, 10 years + from now. It is never too early to start looking after your health, as Health is your TRUE wealth....without it what do you have?

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 HH06: Tricks To Increase Your Body's Production of Stomach Acid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:17

HH06: Tricks To Increase Your Body's Production of Stomach Acid

 HH05: At Home Test For Assessing Your Level of Stomach Acid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13

HH05: At Home Test For Assessing Your Level of Stomach Acid

 HH04: Antacids- Are They Hurting You or Helping You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16

HH04: Antacids- Are They Hurting You or Helping You

 E041: You’re The One Living In Your Body! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:05

Cheryl Prince was guided into nursing but retired in 2013 to focus on a holistic approach to wellness for her clients. We had a lively discussion around personalized health, the need to take responsibility for your health journey, listening to your body, being an investigator in what is going on when your body talks to you, and advocating for yourself and loved ones! If you are tired of the sick-care system offered to us today by mainstream medicine, you’ll enjoy this episode as we discuss an alternative point of view to optimizing health.

 HH03: Eat - Detox - Balance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00

HH03: Eat - Detox - Balance

 HH02: Detox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01

HH02: Detox

 HH01: Toxins | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01

HH01: Toxins

 E040: Be Happy With Cutting Edge Wearable Technology That Boosts Your Mood, Improves Your Sleep, Focus, Energy and More by Hapbee! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:38

Have you ever wished that you could push a button to get a better night's sleep, boost your energy, have more mental focus, or simply feel happier? Well, now you can! That’s right this cutting-edge technology is here now and Scott Donnell is the man behind bringing it to market at really affordable pricing. The sky is the limit with this as when you improve your sleep, you feel happier, are more stress-resilient and that improves your health too, and there are no side effects!! Many people use drugs, alcohol, food, medication to feel better, but ALL of these have side effects. This is a super fun episode teaching you about what is available to you today!

 E039: Is Big Pharma Hurting You Or Helping You? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:04

In this episode I dive into the problem with our sick care medical system today –appointment times that are too short for a doctor to truly diagnose you fully and a pharmaceutical industry hungry for profits, pushing drugs as the only option for healing –and yet they don’t heal in many cases, they simply mask one symptom, which drives another symptom, and they encourage another drug. I dive into the history as it wasn’t always this way, and when we started to this drive for billion-dollar sales and how this all came to be. If you are starting to question our current sick care system or have been questioning it for some time, you’ll want to listen to this episode to learn more about the issues and some book recommendations to continue your learning. I also round out the episode with suggestions as to changes that need to be made, as well as things you can do starting today to take responsibility for your health and invest in it as you would any other asset. After all, your health is your greatest asset!

 E038: Raise Your Energy And Bring More Joy Into Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:42

In this episode, Tania Zimmerman touches on the power of holistic healing modalities, as well as the power of our own thoughts to impact our life. Tania turned her own life around from being unhappy in where she was at, to realizing she had control, she could make the choices that would bring more joy and happiness into her life and this is exactly what she has done. Once she realized she had the power to do this, she couldn’t stop learning more and now practices multiple healing modalities to help women clear what is stuck and holding them back and then raise their vibration to attract what they do want in a partner and in life. Listen to the end for a special treat from Tania of her “Vibrational Morning Shower” sound alchemy recording which you can also buy here:

 E037: Sugar Portion / Distortion + Trick or Treating Tips! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:12

Karie Cassell, Registered Dietician, and Life Coach dive into emotional eating, and the fact it takes more than just knowing you shouldn’t do something to change habits. We discuss the diet industry and whether the diet is a good word or a bad word, and what Karie has come to discover it really means. We also discuss portion distortion, particularly in relation to sugar, as it’s in everything and it’s so easy for us to get too much sugar in our diet. Again, sugar is not bad, our body needs it, but it’s all about getting the right amount and not too much. We also dive into some tips for surviving trick or treating and all the sugar that goes with that! Karie also digs into types of sugars and sugar alcohols. So much helpful information is packed into this one session as well as the fact Karie has a brand-new book out, called “the Domino Diet”. You can click below to buy it on Amazon.

 E036: 7 Steps To Help You kick the Sugar Habit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:45

This is a continuation of episode #34. In that episode, I discussed the first 2 reasons why it can be so hard to kick the sugar habit and in this episode, I discuss the 3rd reason, as well as what happens when insulin is being produced to balance blood sugar and how when we have too much sugar in our blood for the insulin to store properly, it just stores it as fat, and at the same time, our fat-burning hormone is turned off when insulin is being produced. Is it any wonder our levels of obesity have been on the rise since the late 1980s when the food industry started putting sugar into everything? I finish up the episode with 7 simple steps you can take to help you kick the sugar habit.

 E035: Sugar is Her Cocaine –It’s So Addictive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:49

Jenni Currier has had a lifelong struggle with sugar, calling it her “cocaine” as it is very addictive to her, but in recent years she has learned how to Kick Sugar out of her life, and tools to help her do this. She’s also learned it’s a journey, and sometimes she falls off, but she catches herself much more quickly now and gets back on track. She is sharing this knowledge with others, because she knows how sugar drains her energy, causes brain fog, weight gain, and inflammation and she has a desire to educate on the “evils” of this product that is in almost everything, so they too can get control of their sugar habit. If you struggle with sugar, check out my Kick The Sugar Habit Self Guided program, to help you get started, just as it helped Jenni get started

 E034: How Can Something Sweet Be So Evil? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:42

Sugar is in everything! We know that, and yet it can be so hard to avoid it. In this episode, I discuss how sugar is sneaking into our diet as well as 2 reasons why our body is demanding sugar. When you understand this you can make better choices! You’ll also learn how eating sugar feeds your cancer cells, and why starting your day with a cup of fruit juice or bowl of Cheerios isn’t healthy, despite the marketing from the food industry that tells you otherwise. If you need help kicking the sugar habit, I have this online 28 Day Kick the Sugar Habit program you can take, which guides you through slowly lowering your sugar intake as you re-set your taste buds, so it doesn’t trigger cravings. Lots of great learning for you and all recipes are included, and they are delicious!

 E033: The Power of Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:04

Blair Kaplan Venables is a friend, client, colleague, social media marketer and the Founder of the I Am Resilient project. In this episode she bares her soul, as she talks about her life growing up with a father with an addiction problem, and how she came to learn the power of forgiveness and was then able to turn around her relationship with her father and now create a legacy project with him, as he battles with a terminal illness. It takes resilience to survive the losses that Blair has endured in the past year, and it takes a powerful self-care practice to strengthen your resilience muscles.


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