Coach Corey Wayne show

Coach Corey Wayne

Summary: Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. To Get My Audio Book, "How To Be A 3% Man," For Free @ Amazon w/Audible Trial, Click Here: Support this podcast:

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 Don't Become A Doormat! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:23

How to know if you are dating a person who is too toxic to have a healthy relationship with and how to avoid becoming a doormat where your lover starts to take advantage of you, walk all over you and take you for granted. How to take your power and self respect back and get your lover to respect and love you again. --- Support this podcast:

 She Pushed Me Away & Asked For Space | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:10

What to do when your girlfriend pushes you away and asks for space. How to know if a relationship has truly run its course and it's time to let your lover go and move on with your life, or if things can still be salvaged. What to do to give yourself the best possible chance to re-attract her. --- Support this podcast:

 12 Principles Of Successful Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:39

Twelve principles that psychological studies, psychologists and therapists say are common and essential in healthy, loving and sustainable long-term successful relationships. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who I have been coaching for over six years. He has been with his girlfriend and now fiancé for the past five years. She is the first woman he has been able to successfully date that he considers the ultimate dream woman. Recently he spent a weekend with some close friends on a bachelor party weekend. Two beautiful and obviously single women tagged along in their limo over the course of the evening. One of them was very attracted to him and made her interest known. The night before he was about to fly back home, the girls texted his friends. The one who liked him and whom he found very attractive came into his room and woke him up. He kissed her, but he would not have sex with her and did not tell her why. Now he can’t stop thinking about her and he is starting to wonder if getting married is the right decision for him. He asks my opinion. --- Support this podcast:

 How To Become Fearless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:34

Coach Corey Wayne discusses how you can conquer your fears & become fearless to achieve all of your grandest goals & dreams. --- Support this podcast:

 Always Be Positive, Playful & Charming | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:38

Why you should always be positive, playful, charming and expect to get what you want from your lover, instead of being fearful, angry, assuming the worst or looking for a confrontation. --- Support this podcast:

 Kissing, Touching & Sexual Advances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:44

How to know when a woman is ready to be kissed and when touching is appropriate so she starts wanting to be kissed and touched by you more often which eventually leads to sex. How to increase sexual attraction using kissing and touching at the right moments that lead to sex. --- Support this podcast:

 Never Put Others On A Pedastal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:39

Why putting other people on a pedestal whether it be lovers, friends, co-workers, guru's, etc., opens you up to manipulation and being taken advantage of. What to do instead so the right people and circumstances show up and stay unconditionally. --- Support this podcast:

 Making Her Choose You Over Her Ex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:27

Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to approach & handle situations where you are dating a woman who is still dating & talking to her ex boyfriend so she chooses you over him. --- Support this podcast:

 Weaknesses Are Revealed After Heartbreak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:19

How to discover the true gift of your breakups, failed relationships and setbacks so you can become better and more successful the next time around. The importance of learning from your mistakes and how your failures give you experience and build your confidence and wisdom. --- Support this podcast:

 How To Open Your Woman Emotionally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:45

Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to get your woman to open up to you emotionally so you can have an effortless & drama free relationship! --- Support this podcast:

 Don't Be Average, Be Amazingly Different | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:46

How to break the predictable cycle of mediocrity, sameness, conformity and stagnation, that the overwhelming majority of people have allowed themselves to become stuck in, by being average and boring, instead of inspired, unique, driven, focused and amazing. --- Support this podcast:

 Drama, Poor Communication & Stonewalling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:54

What you should do if you are dating or recently broke up with someone who creates unnecessary drama, is a poor communicator or who stonewalls you when you try to communicate and talk things out. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a female viewer who broke up with her boyfriend who obviously does not understand women and how to communicate with them. Prior to their breakup, she says they were constantly fighting. She wants to work things out with him, but so far he has been unwilling or unable to communicate and work things out. He contacts her and says he wants to work things out, but then he does not set a date or make plans to see her. He’s giving her mixed signals. This has caused her to second guess and question herself. She asks me to help decipher his true intentions and what is really going on. --- Support this podcast:

 Have Some Self Respect! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:10

How to know when it's really over and time to move on with your life when a relationship is going nowhere or your significant is already dating or involved with another person. --- Support this podcast:

 You're A Mystery & That's Very Sexy! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:53

What you can do and say to give yourself the best possible chance to get a woman to go from blowing you off and saying you have no chemistry, to chasing you, sleeping with you and saying things like, “I never do this kind of thing with anyone. You’re a mystery and that’s very sexy. There’s just something about you. Etc.” In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares a success story about a woman he recently got a second chance with after she blew him off and said that they had no chemistry. They met through an online dating site. The next day when she reached out and told him they had no chemistry, he deleted her number and was content to never speak to her again. He shares what he said to her when they last spoke and what he said that led to her hanging out, having fun and hooking up with him three weeks later when she reached out to ask if he was still single. He also talks about how his dating life is full and abundant since he started applying what my book teaches. He says he has read my book five times so far. --- Support this podcast:

 Maintaining Mystery & Interest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:35

The importance of maintaining mystery in your relationship long-term and how this helps to keep your woman interested in and curious about you, as well as sexually attracted to you. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who gives an update on all of his positive life and relationship changes since his wife left him. I discussed a previous email of his in my video newsletter titled, “Gaining Clarity & Closure.” He details how he has negotiated an amicable divorce and child custody arrangement with his ex-wife-to-be. He also describes his new girlfriend, what their relationship is like and how much in love he is. He says she totally knocks his socks off. He asks how he can keep the mystery alive and remain a challenge to his girlfriend long-term. They have been together for five months now. --- Support this podcast:


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