Coach Corey Wayne show

Coach Corey Wayne

Summary: Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. To Get My Audio Book, "How To Be A 3% Man," For Free @ Amazon w/Audible Trial, Click Here: Support this podcast:

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 The Laws Of Attraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:09

How the laws of emotional and spiritual attraction work and how they differ and are superior to mental and physical attraction, so you can use them effectively to influence the universe to send you the exact type of dream lover or life circumstances that you crave. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who shares a success story of how my work helped him to get over the breakup of his long-term girlfriend of five and a half years. He broke it off with her because he said that his needs were not getting fulfilled. That is when he came across my work. After reading my book just one time, he was able to meet, date and sleep with two different women. However, he really was not into either of them. Then he read my book for a second time to figure out what he was doing wrong, and he did the love letter exercise and also made a list of the ideal qualities he wanted in a woman. Even though he thought it was total bullshit, he did it anyway. He shares how he met the current woman he has been dating for the past four months and how she is everything that he had written down. He asks my opinion on contacting her and using the phone at this stage of their relationship to send good morning or good night texts as he feels the urge to do so from time to time. --- Support this podcast:

 Boring Beta Male | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:47

The effect a boring beta male who is too nice has on a woman’s attraction & his ability to keep her attracted and interested long-term, vs. a happy alpha male who attracts and keeps women effortlessly. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a female viewer who was married to her ex-husband for fifteen years. They had two kids together. She says that he was a really nice and sweet man. She describes how his constant need for validation and never feeling like he deserved her, led to her eventually agreeing with him. She says that she never quite understood why she felt like he was more of a brother than a lover to her. She finally decided to listen to her gut and left him. At the time, she could not explain to him why she no longer wanted to be married to him despite his demand for an explanation for the divorce. He was loyal, helpful, nice and a good father. He made the mistake of making her his mommy, therapist and nurse. After finding my work she was able to finally understand why she felt the way she did towards him, and viewed him as another kid to take care of instead of being a teammate, lover, friend and equal. Her email perfectly illustrates from a woman’s point of view the importance and necessity for a man to be a leader, centered, masculine & confident in his relationships to prevent rejection. --- Support this podcast:

 Reclaiming Your Masculinity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:24

How to reclaim your masculinity and inner alpha male if you have had a recent breakup due to putting yourself and your needs last, being a people pleaser, letting other people walk all over you and living your life according to other people’s expectations, instead of your own. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who left his unhappy, loveless and mostly sexless marriage of nine years after he discovered that his wife was lining up his replacement. He has read my book ten times over the past year and a half and become extremely successful with women. He is thirty-seven years old and is now in a relationship with a woman who he later discovered was only nineteen years old. He was dating three or four different women at the same time when he met his current girlfriend. He says that in his marriage he became a total beta male people pleaser and always put his wife’s needs and demands above his own. He shares the story of his successful journey to reclaiming his masculinity, self-respect, self-love and becoming centered in his inner alpha male. --- Support this podcast:

 Why Women Love Bad Boys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:15

Coach Corey Wayne discusses why younger women and women who have a low self-esteem, or low self-worth will chase and fall for bad boys who totally treat them like crap and break their hearts which can lead them to becoming jaded and cynical about men. --- Support this podcast:

 She Contacts Me But Won't Set Dates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:26

Coach Corey Wayne discusses what you should do when a woman contacts you first, but every time she does and you try to set dates, she gives you excuses instead of making dates. --- Support this podcast:

 I Won't Beg You To Stay | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:46

Why you should never beg anyone to keep you when they want to get rid of you, are confused about their feelings for you or are pushing you away, and what you should do instead to cause them to start valuing you and making a sincere effort to keep you. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who has been following my work for about two years. His original problem was that he literally chased women right out of his life that liked him. After he started applying what my book teaches he got focused on his purpose and mission like never before. He moved back to Canada after living in Hong Kong for nine years to pursue acting and stunt work in the TV and film industry. After six months he got a job as part of a stunt team for a popular Netflix show that shoots in Europe and Asia for seven months a year. One month after his career started taking off he met a really beautiful woman who knocked his socks off. She fell in love quickly and said that she would prove to him that she would be better than any other woman. Once he left for Europe to shoot the European located scenes of the TV show, things went south with his relationship. She was supposed to come visit him in Europe. Two weeks before she came to visit, she bailed and said that she felt emotionally distant from him. It was at this point that he did some email coaching with me to get his power back and start turning things around to get her to start wanting him instead of discarding him. I also discuss a recent email update he sent me that details some of the success he has had turning things around by standing up for himself strategically to amplify his value to her and demonstrate that his time is a precious and scarce commodity. --- Support this podcast:

 Pay Attention To What Women Do | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:06

Coach Corey Wayne discusses why looking at a woman's actions is the only real true measure of how she really feels about you despite what she says. --- Support this podcast:

 Hacking The Girl Code | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:57

How hacking the girl code and learning to understand what women really want vs. what they say they want will eliminate your competition, give you choice with women and make your life and relationships effortless. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a woman who shares a book review she posted on her Facebook account encouraging her female friends to buy my book. She describes the epiphanies she had while reading it and how it helped her to better understand herself and her relationship choices. The second email is an update from a viewer who I answered two previous emails of his in my video newsletters titled, “Fearing She’ll Forget You” and “Time Is On My Side.” He details how his career has taken off and how learning to value himself and his time has dramatically and positively impacted his income and success with the ladies. He details what his success with women is now like and how much better his attitude is towards dating and life in general. --- Support this podcast:

 Am I Wasting Time Holding On? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:23

Why being constantly focused on finding out where you stand, resolving your relationship status questions or if your love story will grow, will actually prevent getting your ex back, causing someone to fall in love with you or attracting the love of your life. --- Support this podcast:

 See Yourself As A High Value Person | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:55

Coach Corey Wayne discusses Why assuming and acting like you are a high value person who has a lot to offer to a member of the opposite sex will cause others to perceive you as having high value also. Why this creates attraction and makes not only potential lovers, but employers, business partners, friends, etc., feel like you are someone they should have in their life or on their team. --- Support this podcast:

 Trying To Force Things | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:41

Why you should not try to force things in your relationships and instead give the other person the time and space to choose you. How to learn to recognize when someone is sincerely mutually interested in you and when they are not by looking at their actions. --- Support this podcast:

 Men Who Are Pleasers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:24

How to make sure you act like a man to attract women instead of acting like a pleaser which will push them away. --- Support this podcast:

 Real Breakup Vs. Fake Breakup? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:42

How to know if your breakup is real & it’s really over or if it’s a fake breakup & you can still salvage your relationship. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer whose girlfriend of one year recently broke up with him. He admits the breakup was his fault due to his not reaching out enough, being too much of a cold fish, getting too complacent and not being in his masculine center. He’s still in regular contact with his ex-girlfriend and recently went to the movies with her. When he tried to kiss her later in the evening, she gave him the cheek and told him she wasn’t interested in him romantically anymore, but didn’t want to lose him. She also told him that she wants him to prove that he is serious about being in a relationship with her. He wants to know if this is a real breakup or a fake breakup and what he should do now. --- Support this podcast:

 Think, Walk, Talk & Act Like An Alpha | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:42

Why your life will radically change for the better when you think, walk, talk and act like an alpha. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email success story from a twenty-seven year old male from Ireland. He originally found my work after getting dumped by his girlfriend due to excessive drinking, weed smoking, drug taking and having no real direction in life. He shares how living this way made him fearful and eventually led to what he feared most to actually happen, losing his girlfriend. He describes what his life is like now only a few months later after implementing what I teach, how his confidence with women has skyrocketed, and awakened in him a desire to become the best version of himself. It’s another success story of how some subtle mindset changes and taking action can radically alter your life trajectory for the better. --- Support this podcast:

 She Blocked Me | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:35

How to ensure that you have good dates that result in women becoming more attracted to you, instead of dates that lead to rejection and being blocked. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who is obviously new to the dating game, as well as being new to my work. He prefaces his email by saying he did everything I said to do, but then proceeds to share every thing he did on his date that made him look weak, immature, insecure, overly emotional and sensitive. Which is the opposite of what I teach. He turned a good dating opportunity into an unnecessary train wreck that lead to his date blocking him on social media and blocking his phone number. After groveling, begging and pleading she has unblocked him and he is hopeful that he has another shot and asks my opinion. --- Support this podcast:


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