Coach Corey Wayne show

Coach Corey Wayne

Summary: Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. To Get My Audio Book, "How To Be A 3% Man," For Free @ Amazon w/Audible Trial, Click Here: Support this podcast:

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 Needy Insecure Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:30

Why needy insecure men turn women off and what you can do to avoid the common mistakes most men make that lead to rejection, ghosting and friend-zone. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who started off strong out of the gate with a woman he met through an online dating website. He says he is extremely attracted to her. After their first date turned into spending three days together, things started to go sideways. He started acting weak, needy and insecure and failing one test of his masculinity after another. After he was her chauffeur for a day and talked her out of liking him, she changed her mind and did not spend the night like they had planned. She even told him that she did not want to see him for a month and blew him off. A few days later she texted him, but he was unable to set a date. It’s driving him nuts and taking all the strength he can muster to not contact her and vomit his feelings all over her. He wants to know what he can do to turn things around and get another chance. --- Support this podcast:

 She Cares For Me But Is Confused | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:04

What you should do if a woman you are dating says that she cares for you, but is confused and not ready for a relationship. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a guy who is dating a woman who has been a platonic friend for the past fifteen years. About ten months ago they became romantically involved after her relationship of eight years ended. However, she is bouncing back and forth between saying she needs space, is confused and not ready for a relationship, but she contacts him when he backs off and they hangout, have fun and hook up. He desperately wants to have a relationship with her but he is fearful that if he backs off more, she will find another guy, or if he pursues her more, she will permanently banish him to friend-zone. He wants to know what he can do to help her get over her fears so they can be together and have a great relationship. --- Support this podcast:

 My Ex Has A New Boyfriend | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:39

What you should do if you recently found out that your ex has a new boyfriend, but you’re still hopeful that she will come back and you will get another chance with her. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a guy who got dumped by his girlfriend of a year and a half about a year ago. Recently he found out that she is dating someone new. They have known each other since sixth grade and she was his first real love and girlfriend. He says being away from each other while they are attending different colleges contributed to his becoming complacent and taking her for granted. He admits he agreed to being her friend, continuing to contact her and waiting around for her to come back. He un-followed her on all social media and is focusing on becoming a better version of himself. He wonders if they are done for good and asks if there is anything he can do to get another chance with her. --- Support this podcast:

 The Process Of Re-Attraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:19

How the process of re-attraction works so you can get your ex back or re-attract a woman you turned off or talked out of liking you. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email success story from a viewer who shares how my work helped him to move on and re-attract a total “10” after he found out that his wife was cheating on him. When he first started dating this new woman, he hadn’t come across my work yet, but once she started backing away only a few weeks after telling him how great, satisfying and passionate their sex life was, he came across my videos. He details how he changed his approach so he could re-attract her despite the fact he had a really hard time letting go, walking away and resisting the temptation to contact her to force an interaction. It perfectly illustrates the subtle power dynamic between masculine and feminine energy and how to take your power back so women feel attraction for you once again after they pushed you away. --- Support this podcast:

 Ghosted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:12

What you should do and what it means if you have been ghosted by a woman you were dating and really into, but she stopped replying to your messages or put you in friend-zone. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a guy who matched and re-connected with a woman via online dating who he knew really well from childhood. There was a strong romantic connection right away and they hooked up on their first date. Then on the third date, things were going so well he thought, that he asked her to become exclusive and she accepted. Interestingly enough, she mentioned it was the first time a man had ever asked her to become exclusive because normally it was always her that brought up the topic with past boyfriends. She started becoming distant and a few days later she told him how awesome he was and how she wanted to be a great girlfriend to him, but that she wanted to be friends only while throwing out the possibility of a future romance later. Then she simply ghosted him and he’s scratching his head wondering what the hell happened. He asks my opinion. --- Support this podcast:

 Why She Still Isn't Chasing You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:17

Why a woman who should be chasing you isn’t and what to do instead so she does. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who has been dating his girlfriend for about eight weeks. He says he has been following my work for a little over a year and has read my book, “How To Be 3% Man” 3-4 times so far. He insists that her feelings are growing for him every time they get together, and they have really great sex and he gives her lots of orgasms, but yet she still isn’t chasing him. He asks why she isn’t chasing him despite his opinion that she is falling in love with him. I give him a dose of reality and point out his flawed approach and what he needs to do differently so she chases him and actually falls head over heals in love with him. --- Support this podcast:

 Staying Motivated When Life Sucks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:52

How to overcome difficult times and continue to stay positive, motivated and taking action towards your dreams and goals, even with life totally sucks or it feels like it's hopeless that things will ever work out for you. --- Support this podcast:

 Why She Takes You For Granted | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:53

Coach Corey Wayne discusses what causes women to go from wanting to be with you and love you to them saying... I love you, BUT... I've got more important things to do. How to avoid turning her off so she instead loves you more & wants to be with you more. --- Support this podcast:

 How To Make Women Obsess Over You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 838

How to make women obsess over you so they chase you, pursue you and want to make you their boyfriend. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a woman who expresses frustration with a guy she met a few months back on the dating app Bumble. She says that when they first met she was busy dating and playing the field. They do not live in the same city. When they met in person for the first time, he was much more than she expected. She says her attraction level for him went from a seven out of ten to a twelve out of ten after they met in person. She says that he does not make his feelings too clear, but he does reciprocate when she expresses hers. He is unpredictable and sometimes disappears for 3-4 days at time. She says she is used to men blowing up her phone but he does the opposite. She says she is completely infatuated with him and asks me what she should do going forward.

 Soul Mates & 2nd Chances | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:34

How to know if a relationship that ended because of the other person’s personal problems and baggage, can be resurrected in the future so you can have a second chance if you believe that you are soul mates and destined to be together. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a female viewer who broke up with her boyfriend of one year recently. He dumped her. He says that he needed space and that he depended upon her too much for his happiness. She knows that she needs to move on from him and she says that she put a lot of her needs last in order to help him with his personal problems. She says that she feels like the way they met was destiny, that he was everything she could have ever asked for and that they changed each other’s lives. She wonders if it is possible that after they work on themselves and solve their own personal problems and have gotten over each other, if they could potentially get back together again in the future and fall in love a second time around. It’s obvious she is hoping for a second chance someday. I give her my opinion. --- Support this podcast:

 Tinder, Match & Online Dating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:18

Some simple principles you can use to improve your online dating success with dating apps such as Tinder,, etc. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different emails from two different viewers. The first email is from a guy who is struggling with his online dating attempts. He has modeled his online dating profile based upon what I teach in my article, “The Ultimate Online Dating Profile” that is getting a lot of attention and interest from women. However, when it comes to Tinder and making dates or contacting women first to set dates, he’s not getting any results. I tell him how to tweak his approach so women respond to him and go on dates instead of ignoring him. The second email is a success story from a guy who shares how applying the principles I teach in my book and videos have dramatically improved his success with women he really likes. He has done well with online dating in the past, but every time he started dating a woman he really liked, he would get rejected. He shares how he is currently succeeding with a woman he really likes who he met online, and what he has done and said differently that has made all the difference for him. --- Support this podcast:

 It Hurts When She Moves On | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:49

Coach Corey Wayne discusses why women seem to move on quicker than men do after a breakup and how you can use the same strategy women use to get over a breakup quickly so you can move on and find someone better. --- Support this podcast:

 Avoiding Rejection & Friends-Zone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:53

How to avoid rejection, getting friend-zoned and causing women to lose interest in you who started out with a high interest and attraction. --- Support this podcast:

 Why Women Prefer To Chase Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:17

Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to get women to chase & pursue you by understanding the love & relationship dynamic between little girls & their fathers. --- Support this podcast:

 You're Too Much Of A Nice Guy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:06

What a woman really means when she says that you are too much of a nice guy and what you can do to become more assertive, decisive, masculine and attractive to women without changing who you are. --- Support this podcast:


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