Coach Corey Wayne show

Coach Corey Wayne

Summary: Life & Peak Performance Coach. I Teach Self-Reliance. To Get My Audio Book, "How To Be A 3% Man," For Free @ Amazon w/Audible Trial, Click Here: Support this podcast:

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 Why Her Attraction For You Dropped | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:42

Why women will initially like you and want you, but then after a few dates go cold, seem distant, start canceling dates and ignoring your phone calls and texts. How to turn things around by regaining your power, acting masculine and being the leader so you can rebuild attraction and cause women to become interested in you again after making mistakes that turned them off. --- Support this podcast:

 Why She Stopped Texting You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:50

Coach Corey Wayne discusses some of the reasons why, and some common mistakes men make that cause women to stop initiating contact or back away from chasing them and how you can avoid them. --- Support this podcast:

 I'm Sure She's Seeing Another Dude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:45

What to do when your long term girlfriend suddenly becomes cold, distant and starts saying things like "I need time," "I need to figure this out," and you suspect she is seeing another dude. --- Support this podcast:

 Confused, Deceived & Jerked Around | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:12

How to make sense of your own conflicted emotions, feelings and purpose, dealing with deceptive women and getting jerked around by women who don't seem to appreciate or value you and what you have to offer them. How to gain some clarity so you can make good decisions in your personal life. --- Support this podcast:

 How To Deal With Your Girlfriend's Male Friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:26

Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to handle situations where your girlfriend has several male friends that she talks to so you don't get jealous and cause her to see you as being weak. --- Support this podcast:

 Their Shortcomings Aren't Your Fault | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:19:09

How to know when it’s time to dump a toxic person and why you should never feel or take responsibility for the shortcomings of others. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who has been following my work for the past several years. He says applying what he learned from me enabled him to double his income to just under $200,000 per year. He also used what he learned in my book, How To Be A 3% Man, to successfully attract and date the hottest woman he had ever dated. However, despite the numerous red flags she exhibited, he continued to date and become serious with an extremely toxic woman. Now that they have finally broken up, he is still blaming himself for her shortcomings, serial dishonesty and being delusional in his thinking that he can fix her if they get back together. --- Support this podcast:

 Own Your Purpose, Own Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:36

How focusing on your purpose as your primary objective enables you to own your time and live life on your terms. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who shares some success stories of how focusing on his purpose and mission in life, is bringing unexpected career advancement opportunities his way, and how being direct and decisive in his personal life is causing high quality women to appreciate and value his time and presence. Like all great email success stories I get, he says he has now read my first book, "How To Be A 3% Man," sixteen times so far. He does a good job of explaining how success in his career is spilling over into his personal life as well. Even his friends and peer group notice the radical changes for the better he has made in the past year. --- Support this podcast:

 Why High Quality Women Reject You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:32

Why some guys can easily get women who are 6's & 7's on a scale of one to ten of attractiveness, but are unable to land the 9's or 10's they really want. The subtle differences that make the difference between getting what you want in life, and coming up short. --- Support this podcast:

 The Fantasy Of Your Ex | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:01

Why it’s highly unlikely that you will stay together with your ex if you get them back because of the fact that once you are back together, their reality never matches the fantasy of who you thought they were or wanted them to be. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who gives us an update on his previous email which I discussed in my video coaching newsletter titled, “I Feel Numb All The Time.” In his first email he was really suffering emotionally because he was ignoring and suppressing his painful emotions and feelings. He has since realized that he was attached to the fantasy of who he thought his ex was and wanted her to be. His latest update details what happened after he walked away and she later started reaching out to him about two months later. They started dating and hooking up again for about three weeks before the same problems that led to their first breakup became a problem once again. He shares what he did and said to get her back, what he learned from getting her back and why he chose to not stay with her long-term once he finally got her back. --- Support this podcast:

 Making 2nd Dates Successfully | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:22

How to know when to call a woman for a second date after a successful first date or date that led to sex. How to balance between being a challenge vs. being a cold jerk with women after you've hooked up with them. --- Support this podcast:

 The Second Date | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:15

How to handle second dates, when to bring up a second date and what you should do if you are out on a first date and the woman asks you out for a second date. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who recently went out on two separate dates with two different women who were each twenty-four years old. He is twenty-five. One of the women he was out with asked him out for a second date while he was still on the first date with her. This left him confused and unsure of how to respond as he was a little too dogmatic about what my book teaches, and he obviously was not very familiar with its fundamentals. He asks me how he should respond to such advances in the future and shares that he told her “maybe” instead of actually making the second date. --- Support this podcast:

 How Being Mysterious Creates Attraction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:05

Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to be mysterious and charming to women which causes them to chase and want you more. Attraction is also about women feeling your strength to resist them which causes them to desire you more. --- Support this podcast:

 Becoming An Awesome Catch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:15

How focusing on becoming an awesome catch and the best version of yourself can dramatically change your personal and professional life for the better so you can experience the life and lifestyle the average person can only dream about. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss two different email success stories from two different viewers. The first email is from a viewer who moved to China three years ago for a better job and life without speaking the language or knowing anyone there. Last April he had a bad breakup with his girlfriend that left him sometimes having suicidal thoughts. He resolved to finally figure out what he was doing wrong in his intimate relationships. This led him to my work. He has read my book twelve times so far, and is now for the first time in his life dating his ideal woman. He details what he did and said to cause her to fall for him successfully. The second email is the latest update from a client I have been coaching for several years. His last email I discussed in a previous newsletter titled, “Being In A Peaceful Relaxed State.” He details several success stores he has had with women that before discovering my work, he would have thought impossible for him to experience. He is stunned by the quality of women who pursue him now and he can’t believe the life he is living. He also talks about how his standards have skyrocketed and that he has noticed that there really aren’t too many women who are 3% women. --- Support this podcast:

 Turning A Friend Into A Lover | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:36

How to turn a friend into a lover if you have been friends for a long time or even many years, and have realized that you have developed romantic feelings for them over time. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email from a viewer who is forty-three years old and the epitome of the “good” or too much of a “nice” guy. He has a lot of female friends, but no ladies to date. He is halfway through the third reading of my book. He says it goes against everything he thought was how things worked with women. Little by little it’s starting to change his confidence and behavior for the better. He has a twenty-eight year old female friend he has been “best friends” with for about eight years now. He says he has started to develop feelings for her recently and started applying what my book teaches to see if he could create some sexual attraction with her. She seems to be physically touching him more and doing most of the calling, texting and pursuing over the past few weeks. He asks my opinion on how to escalate things physically and get out of the friends-zone. --- Support this podcast:

 The Art Of Charming Banter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:36

Coach Corey Wayne discusses how to improve your banter & teasing skills to get what you want from women. You don't get what you want in life, only what you negotiate. A viewer writes asking me to critique some of the banter/teasing he used recently with a woman he is dating. Here's the proper mindset to have & some great lines & comebacks to use while texting. --- Support this podcast:


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