Nourishing Women Podcast show

Nourishing Women Podcast

Summary: The Nourishing Women Podcast is a women’s health podcast on all things intuitive eating, body image, holistic healing, wellness and so much more. The Nourishing Women Podcast is hosted by Victoria Myers, the dietitian, co-founder and owner of Nourishing Minds Nutrition, a virtual private practice and online education resource that specializes in empowering women to ditch the diets, heal their digestion, regulate their hormones and learn to practice wellness without obsession. This podcast is meant to help educate, inspire and empower you to live your life to the fullest.

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  • Artist: Victoria Myers
  • Copyright: Nourishing Minds Nutrition 2017


 Ep. 74: Intuitive Eating During the Holidays with Kelsey Pukala  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:13

Topics: In this episode, we continue to talk with and get to know Kelsey. She shares with us some of her hobbies outside of work and her progression and journey with intuitive movement. We also discuss tips for navigating the holidays and the food scene including: * Tips for intuitive eating during the holidays. * The value of positive mantras. * Resisting diet culture talk and conversations. * The value of visualization in recovery and maintaining peace throughout the holidays.

 Ep. 73: Pseudo Recovery, Intuitive Eating, and Health at Every Size with Kelsey Pukala, MS, RDN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:10

Topics: In today’s episode, you get to know Kelsey Pukala, our new dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition! We chat with her about her passion for intuitive eating, digestion, and women empowerment. We learn about her story and her journey through her own disordered relationship with food and how that allowed her to transform into the dietitian she is today. She elaborates on the Health at Every Size model of care and why she is such a huge proponent and believer in it.

 Ep. 72. Real Food Pregnancy & Prenatal Nutrition with Lily Nichols | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:25

Topics: * Lily and her personal and professional journeys to the work she does. * How a mother’s nutrition affect’s a babies health and disease risk. * How conventional guidelines differ from Lily’s research in prenatal nutrition. * Lily’s definition of a “traditional food’s diet” and the importance of food synergy. * Prenatal nutrition misconceptions: salt, fats, fish, eggs. * The importance of considering “nutritional tradeoffs”. * Pregnancy aversions, nausea and cravings.

 Ep. 71: Why Carbohydrates Are So Important For Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:57

Topics: * Why carbs are important for female hormones and fertility. * How carbs interact with the hypothalamus and contribute to our “ovarian set point”. * Potential symptoms that a woman is not eating enough carbohydrates. * Hypothalamic amenorrhea and carbohydrates. * The importance of recognizing and honoring individuality. * Steps to ensuring you are eating enough carbohydrates. 

 Ep. 70: A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT + Navigating Consumerisms & Supporting Small Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:15

Topics: In this episode, Victoria has a very special announcement! She talks about the wonder change that has brought to her life, future plans, and preparing for her new role. Meg and Victoria also chat about Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and the consumerism that society gets caught up in this time of year. They discuss sustainable ways to navigate this season and making choices that will be meaningful for you and others.

 Ep 69: Q&A on Cultivating a Healthy Body Image / Body Positivity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:52

Topics: * How develop contentment and “normalcy” in regards to body size, weight, and food. * How to separate your emotions and self worth from the thoughts and opinions of others * How to respond to others when they make negative comments about their own bodies. * The spectrum of body hatred to body love and how to move to the next phase. * Being an intuitive eater and making peace with potential weight gain. * Fostering body love and self compassion when your body is taking time to heal.

 Ep. 68: Understanding your Dosha and Applying Ayurvedic Principles to Live Your Most Radiant Life with Sahara Rose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:10

Topics: * Sahara’s story and how she become so passionate about Ayurveda. * Breaking down the the doshas- Vata, Pitta, Kapha. * What it means for our doshas to be out of balance and how to balance them. * Our “prakriti” and how our lifestyle can affect it. * Dharma and how we can support our life’s purpose by understanding our doshas. * Tongue scrapping, oil pulling, dry brushing, & the purpose behind Ayurvedic self care practices.

 Ep. 67: Himalayan Sea Salt, Crystals for Fertility, Bone Health, Composting & Sustainable Food Purchases  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:29

Topics: * Demystifying Himalayan sea salt * Crystals for fertility * Hormones, recovery, and bone health * Ovulation sensation and pain * Tips & options for composting in an apartment * Eating sustainability through the winder months * Things to consider for more sustainable food purchases

 Ep. 66: SIBO, IBS, and Digestive Healing with Kelsey Kinney, RD, MS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:11

Topics: * Kelsey’s story and the path she took to becoming an integrative dietitian. * The microbiome and it’s importance & influence on other health conditions. * Dysbiosis, IBS, SIBO and other digestive conditions.  * Why we should not take a diet first approach to healing SIBO.  * How restrictive diets can actually be harmful and counter productive to SIBO treatment. * Direct to consumer tests- their benefits and short comings.

 Ep. 65: Q&A-  Supplementation for Period Pain, Intuitive Eating with Food Restrictions, Daily Routines & Exercise Addiction | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:08

Topics: This episode is casual and fun! Nothing too heavy, nothing too “nerdy”… we just have fun answering some listener questions with some lighthearted conversation. * General supplementation for painful periods. * How to cut out foods & still eat intuitively. * Intuitive movement & overcoming exercising addiction. * Vegetable oils- why are they “inflammatory”? * Daily routines & products we use.

 Ep. 64: Probiotic 101- the what, the why & the how | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:55

Topics: * The microbiome - function & purpose. * Probiotics & research based benefits. * The importance of strain specify. * Single strain vs. Multi strain. * What to look for in a good probiotic.

 Ep. 63: Unpacking PCOS - shedding some light on this confusing and often misleading hormonal condition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:20

Topics:  * The definition & the various pathologies associated with this hormonal profile. * The misconceptions with follicles & cysts. * The symptoms & the reasoning behind them. * How the birth control pill can be involved. * How a woman can have hypothalamic amenorrhea & PCOS at the same time. * The importance of deciphering the “type” of PCOS that you have. * Treatment for all kinds for PCOS.

 Ep. 62: Fostering Intuition Through Movement: Movement as More than Exercise with Engrid Latina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:56

We discussed with Engrid: * What it means to embracing yourself fully by fostering your own inner wisdom. * What it means to “come home” to your own body.  * Recovery and the importance of doing the deeper healing work. * Engrid’s own story from eating disorder to body empowerment personal trainer.  * How to practice body positivity and health at every size with  movement. * How to use movement as a modality for internal healing. 

 Ep. 61: Q&A- Gluten, Dairy & Fertility, Karma & the Law of Attraction, the Holistic RD Career Path, Hormonal Dis-regulation, and SIBO Treatment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:33

Topics: * Should I be gluten, dairy, sugar, & trans-fat free for fertility? * Karma the law of attraction, and pursuing happiness. * Tips for becoming integrative dietitians. * Mental/emotional side effects of having a natural period again. * Can you heal SIBO with food alone?

 Ep. 60: Rachel Mansfield and Her Fertility Story - A Message of Hope  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:45

In this episode, we have a deep and heartfelt discussion with the one and only, Rachel Mansfield. Rachel shares with us her fertility story- the triumphs, the struggles, and everything in between. Her story is one of hope and compassion for all other women who are struggling with their fertility.


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