Nourishing Women Podcast show

Nourishing Women Podcast

Summary: The Nourishing Women Podcast is a women’s health podcast on all things intuitive eating, body image, holistic healing, wellness and so much more. The Nourishing Women Podcast is hosted by Victoria Myers, the dietitian, co-founder and owner of Nourishing Minds Nutrition, a virtual private practice and online education resource that specializes in empowering women to ditch the diets, heal their digestion, regulate their hormones and learn to practice wellness without obsession. This podcast is meant to help educate, inspire and empower you to live your life to the fullest.

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  • Artist: Victoria Myers
  • Copyright: Nourishing Minds Nutrition 2017


 118: 5 Misconceptions About Intuitive Eating (and the Truth Answered!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:44

Honestly, I came up with way more than 5 misconceptions about intuitive eating when I was outlining this episode, because there are so many! Intuitive eating is nuanced and complicated for sure, but what makes it even more messy is the misinformation and misconceptions surrounding it. In today’s episode we explore 5 misconceptions and the truths about what intuitive eating is actually all about.

 117: Adaptogens 101 and How to Use Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:43

Adaptogens are all the rage right now, and this is one of the few health trends that I’m here for! Adaptogens are naturally occurring, nontoxic plant substances. Today we are going to explore what constitutes a plant as an adaptogen, what they provide and do for the body, research surrounding them, why you may want to consider them for stress and hormone support and some of my favorite specific types of adaptogens.

 116: Let's Talk About Your Relationship with Social Media | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:20

While I love to use social media for connection to my community, networking with peers and getting daily inspiration, there was also a time in my life where it made me feel disconnected from my intuition and I also started to question my own eating and exercise habits, as I began to compare myself to popular influencers on the app. Today's episode gives you tips and strategies for how to utilize social media in a way that supports your relationship with yourself and your intuitive eating journey.

 115: The Pros and Cons of the Whole 30 Diet with Megan Perez RD/N | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:08

On the podcast today we have back on the show Megan Perez, one of the dietitians at Nourishing Minds Nutrition. In this episode, Megan shares her feedback and personal experience trying the whole 30 diet, and how this is not a non-diet approach. We review who the diet was created for, the pros, cons and major takeaways from her experience implementing it.

 114: From Fed Up with Diet Culture to Food Freedom with Dylan Murphy RD/N | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:01

Today on the podcast we have with us Dylan Murphy. Dylan Murphy is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist working in private practice in Nashville, TN. Living in a diet saturated world, she knows it can be overwhelming to determine what a healthy relationship with food looks like. Her passion is to help women ditch the nonsense of diets and create lives marked with food freedom and body confidence. 

 113: What Happens in the Body When You Lose Your Period with Kelsey Pukala RD/N | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:38

Dietitian at Nourishing Minds Nutrition, Kelsey Pukala, is back on the show, this time to help explain to you what happens in the body when you lose your period. Kelsey shares in detail: How the menstrual cycle works Long term health consequences of not having a period How the HPG axis works to create a period What affects the HPG axis How food, exercise, sleep and stress can shut off the HPG axis and cause hypothalamic amennorhea

 112: Food Freedom and Modern Mindful Eating with Lisa Hayim RD/N | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:17

In this episode we have back with us guest Lisa Hayim. Lisa is a registered dietitian and nutritionist who helps her community discover food freedom and learn modern mindful eating with her Instagram account, blog and online course Fork the Noise Fundamentals.

 111: Q&A Preparing for Pregnancy, Elimination Protocols for PCOS and How to Get Your Period Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Today on the show we answer three listener questions on preparing mentally and physically for pregnancy, how to know when its time to do an elimination diet for PCOS and how to get your period back besides eat more and exercise less.

 BONUS Episode: Announcing the Period Peace Workshop (Tickets Now Available!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 07:07

Sharing a super special bonus episode with you today to officially announce Period Peace Workshop tickets are now available. The workshop will be held live and virtual on Saturday, September 28th at 11am EST. 

 110: How the Menstrual Cycle Works and How to Track It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:05

Did you know your hormones are in constant shift throughout your monthly cycle? No wonder we feel different throughout different times of the month! Today’s episode goes over in detail how your menstrual cycle works, including what hormones and what body parts are involved with your period bleed monthly. Then, we go over how to track your menstrual cycle through the sympothermal method of Fertility Awareness Method.

 109: Exploring the low FODMAP diet and Who Benefits From It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:02

Today’s episode we come back to a popular conversation on the podcast, digestion. Have you ever heard of the low FODMAP diet? It’s an evidenced based diet plan that has been clinically shown to reduce symptoms in 3 out of 4 people with IBS. But there’s a lot of confusion and misconceptions around the diet, including how long to follow it. We explore all of this and more in today's show!

 108: Treating Health Conditions with Intuitive Eating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:49

This episode is a long time in the making! The most FAQ I receive about both intuitive eating and the health at every size framework is this: is intuitive eating actually healthy for you? And can you practice it with a health condition?

 107: Our Birth Story with Special Guest Nick Myers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:26

This episode is a special one! Victoria and Nick share their birth story of having their daughter in a hospital and what happened along the way. This story is a great example of blending holistic, natural methods with medical interventions when needed.

 106: Intuitive Eating Principles, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:40

We finish going over the Intuitive Eating Principles in this episode including: discover the satisfaction factor, cope with emotions using food, respect your body, exercise feel the difference and honor your health with gentle nutrition. Victoria provides personal and clinical experience and advice, as well as recommending different tools you can use as you work through the Intuitive Eating principles.

 105: Intuitive Eating Principles: Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:13

In today’s episode, we go over the first five principles of Intuitive Eating: reject diet mentality, honor your hunger, make peace with food, challenge the food police and feel your fullness. Come back next week for part 2 for an explanation of the last five Intuitive Eating principles and final thoughts on intuitive eating from Victoria.


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