Nourishing Women Podcast show

Nourishing Women Podcast

Summary: The Nourishing Women Podcast is a women’s health podcast on all things intuitive eating, body image, holistic healing, wellness and so much more. The Nourishing Women Podcast is hosted by Victoria Myers, the dietitian, co-founder and owner of Nourishing Minds Nutrition, a virtual private practice and online education resource that specializes in empowering women to ditch the diets, heal their digestion, regulate their hormones and learn to practice wellness without obsession. This podcast is meant to help educate, inspire and empower you to live your life to the fullest.

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  • Artist: Victoria Myers
  • Copyright: Nourishing Minds Nutrition 2017


 Ep. 43: Should Everyone Be Gluten Free? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:32

Topics: 1. What even is gluten? 2. How was gluten discovered? 3. How was gluten in relation to autoimmune disease discovered? 4. What is intestinal permeably and how does that related to gluten and zonulin? 5. How does gluten contribute to a permeable gut and who is more pre-disposed to this? 6. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity 7. The gut-brain axis and the importance of healing one’s relationship for gut healing 8. How Victoria does gluten free!

 Ep. 42- Releasing the Shame Around Menstruation, Honoring and Supporting Our Cycles with Food, and Cultivating Feminine Energy with Devon Loftus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:22

In today’s episode, we discuss the way women can collectively work to release the shame and stigma around our menstrual cycles, and how we can take something from being shameful to being sacred. Devon talks about how we can honor different times of our cycle despite our often fast paced lifestyle. We discuss having compassion with ourselves and allowing ourselves to practice self care and evolve without attaching judgment to it. Devon discusses nutrients and foods to support our hormonal cycle.

 Ep. 41- Eating Disorder Recovery, the Importance of Mental/Emotional Health, and Wellness without Obsession with Davida Kugelmass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:06

Davida opened up to talk about her story and history of disordered eating, the journey through recovery, and ultimately how she got to where she is today. Davida discussed how she personally pursues wellness without obsession and how she truly lives in the grey area today. She discussed why she believes emotional/mental health is by far the most important aspect of health and how she cultivates her own inner wellness.

 Ep. 40- Q&A: Tips to Optimize Digestion During Recovery, Alcohol with IBS, Introducing Intuitive Movement, Intuitive Eating and Food Cravings, Skin Care Routines and More | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:23

Topics: Tips for improving digestion during eating disorder recovery Alcoholic beverages typically best tolerated with IBS Re-introducing movement in an intuitive and gentle way Our skin care routines The misconceptions around cravings and recovery How to disassociate from diet culture talk around friends and family  Is there such a thing as too much collagen peptides? Local vs. organic at the farmers market Anxiety medication for IBS 

 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Introducing the Nourishing Women Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:09

The community we have all been looking for. The place for education, inspiration, and support. The place for unity among women and the community for empowerment. This community will include: Monthly videos An online support group Live Q&As …. and more!!

 Bonus Episode: Live Intuitive Eating Podcast Event with Georgie Morley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:33

Topics covered include: Why diet’s don’t work- and what the deeper issue is here (hint: why do we feel like we need to loose weight in the first place?!) The principles of intuitive eating and the caveats when you are recovering from disordered eating. How to begin the process of intuitive eating. Indicators of wellness that have nothing to do with our weight. How to being listening to our bodies and become more in-tune with their needs. and more!

 Episode 39: Intention vs Goal Setting, Limited Beliefs, Manifestation & the Law of Attraction with Georgie Morley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:29

Georgie Morley, Victoria, and Meg cover a lot of ground in this episode! They have a rich yet casual discussion on topics including intention vs goal setting, slow living, limited beliefs, the law of attraction and manifestation.

 Episode 38: Intermittent Fasting with a History of an Eating Disorder and/or Disordered Eating | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:20

Introduction (00:00) What is intermittent fasting? (8:40) What are the benefits of intermittent fasting? (13:00) What are the cons for women? (17:30) A conversation about intermittent fasting and history of disordered eating (23:00) Our personal experiences with intermittent fasting (32:55)

 Episode 37: Q&A: Essential Oils, Finding Quality Meats, Soy & Acne, Colon Cleanses, Re-introducing Exercise after Recovery, and Becoming Integrative RDs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:41

Topics: Essential oils: what they are, how to use them, the best ones to buy Finding/buying organic, grass fed meats Soy and acne Our Number 1 tip for improving gut motility and constipation Do colon cleanses detox your gut? Hypothalamic amenorrhea and introducing exercise again The benefits of becoming a dietitian Tips for living with people who are immersed in diet culture

 Episode 36: Optimism, Bringing Positive Light into Dark Spaces, and Fostering Environmentally Mindfully Actions with Megan Faletra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:35

We had our dear friend and global health dietitian, Meg Faletra on the show again today! We discussed the power of optimism in order to empower and motivate- especially in spaces like sustainability, body positivity, and intuitive eating. We discussed how to embrace and practice slow living in a world that praises “the hustle”.  Meg also empowers us by talking about the implications of mass plastic consumption and practical ways to reduce our need for convenience.

 Episode 35: FODMAPS - the low FODMAP diet, SIBO, and IBS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:03

 In this episode Meg and Victoria talk all things FODMAPS! This group of food has a lot of mystery and nuance about it. People have questions- they give answers. Meg and Victoria discuss: what the low FODMAP diet is, who can benefit from it, how it should be implemented, etc. They also discuss their stance on the low FODMAP diet and how they use it in their practice.    

 Episode 34: Recovery, Wellness Without Obsession & Slow Living with Georgie Morley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:57

In today’s episode Meg and Victoria chat with the amazing and inspiring, Georgie Morley. Georgie is someone that many people (rightfully!) admire and adore because she truly embodies and preaches wellness without obsession. More than that, she recognizes that true joy is founded in emotional wellbeing. Her wellness philosophy is founded in alignment, self love, and maintaining a curious mind.

 Episode 33: Hormonal Acne- What's the Deal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:14

Topics: 1. PSA: It’s okay to not have perfect skin!!! 2. Other factors at play- it’s not just hormones. 3. The hormones involved with hormonal acne: cortisol, androgens, estrogen, and progesterone. 4. How the birth control pill can indeed be a treatment for hormonal acne. 5. What to do about hormonal acne- hormone testing and topical treatments. 6. Using food as medicine & specific nutrients for optimal skin health. 

 Episode 32: Sustainability and Food Culture with Megan Faletra, MS, MPH, RDN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:05

How the current food system plays a role in chronic malnutrition and what we can do to make a positive impact.  How we can take ownership of our food choices and make decisions that honor and support the people who grow our food. The importance of consumer awareness when it comes to global trade. How diet culture robs us of our food culture. How local and seasonal correlates perfectly with intuitive and instinctual eating.  What we can do to take action today!

 Episode 31: Debunking Myths and Stereotypes Around Eating Disorders  | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:16

#1: The stigma on larger bodies and the stereotype that is attached to eating disorders #2  Bulimia & the various potential forms of “purging” #3: Eating disorders are not self imposed #4: Eating disorders are not rare and unusual #5: Orthorexia #6  You can’t always “see” an eating disorder #7 It’s not all about the food/weight #8 Binging is not a reflection of “will power” #9 Those with eating disorders often times love food and eating (46:40) #10 Diet is a “norm


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