Lunar Sea Spire show

Lunar Sea Spire

Summary: A weekly podcast discussing cartoons.


 Episode 316: Fuzzy Pink Time Babies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:19

GC13 and David discuss the mid-season pre-finale of Summer Camp Island: Fuzzy Pink Time Babies. The introduction of Ramona. What more could you ask for? A free trip to business camp? Sure, if retirement is what you dream about. Meanwhile, Oscar and Hedgehog invent their magnum opus in frozen time. Who said time freezing had to get weird? This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 315: Pencil Break Mania | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:35

GC13 and David discuss the final form of Craig of the Creek: Pencil Break Mania. Yes, it’s a wrestling episode. No, we don’t know how Matt and Ben were able to wait so long to put one into the show, we’re just glad it finally came. Will we ever see the WCPBF title defended by JP again? Are you looking forward to J.P. Philanthropist airing in three years? This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 314: Weapon of Choice | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:46

GC13 discusses Weapon of Choice from Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart. Mao Mao is a show full of morals. While there might be some deeper moral in the episode, I think the most important thing Weapon of Choice has to say is this: any time the Sky Pirates are kicking your butt, re-evaluate what you’re doing. At least Boss Hosstrich was finally able to put his Finger Lickin’ Butt Kickin’ to good use! This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 313: Mr. Softball | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:05

GC13 and David discuss Mr. Softball from Summer Camp Island. Is Mr. Softball Oscar’s Heisenberg? Just throwing that one out there. It’s unlikely that Summer Camp Island would be making a reference to Breaking Bad, but since we don’t know the deep lore of the Killer Whale yet, we have to make do with what we have. What we do know is that the kind of softball that Mr. Softball plays on Summer Camp Island isn’t quite the softball we’re used to—Hedgehog can attest to that. Tell us your secrets, Summer Camp Island. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 312: Youth With Dio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:22

GC13 and Isabelle return to Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure a little earlier than anticipated to discuss Youth With Dio. Melodrama aside, there’s some significant action to this episode. And significant Speedwagon. (Yes, he was a good addition.) Jojo, you’ve got a good heart. Even if you don’t have much else now. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 311: A Letter From the Past | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:14

GC13 and Isabelle continue their quest into Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, covering A Letter From the Past. The seven-year time skip has made Jojo and Dio look a bit more normal, but wow has Jojo become really strong. And such a nice boy! He’s exactly the son any father would want to have. And, while Speedwagon might call him naive, he’s only naive in certain situations. Take that, Dio! This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 310: Meet Tanya Keys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:04

GC13 and David discuss Meet Tanya Keys from Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart. Disappointingly, this is the only time we get to meet Tanya Keys. We’re sure glad we did though: she’s a very amusing character in her own right, and has such an interesting past with Mao Mao. She’s also a shapeshifter, so you never know when it will turn out that she was really with us the whole time… This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 309: Hedgehog Werewolf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:54

GC13 and David look at Hedgehog Werewolf, the episode of Summer Camp Island where, spoiler alert, Hedgehog becomes a werewolf. Well, that’s two Cartoon Network shows of this generation where a main character (or characters!) becomes a werewolf. Enjoy your curse, Hedgehog! Except, maybe it’s not a curse? It could be a metaphor. But for what…? Well, we’re not telling, anyway. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 308: Dio the Invader | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:19

GC13 and Isabelle open up the anime can with the first episode of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Dio the Invader. Well, Dio is not a likable boy, is he? If he wasn’t good at everything he did, he’d probably have a hard time in life. We’ll certainly be back to Jojo in the future. The floodgates have been opened, and there’s no holding back the tide now. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 307: The Ground is Lava | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:15

GC13 and David discuss The Ground is Lava from Craig of the Creek. No, these creek games aren’t getting any safer. Well this is a rarity, isn’t it? An episode that zooms out to show that the kids’ fantasy play is just that: fantasy play. Hopefully they don’t make a habit of it. J.P. gave The Ground is Lava a thumbs up, but we’re really hoping to see a Galactic Kids Next Door crossover happen next. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 306: Small | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:05

GC13 and David discuss Small from Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Hearts. Don’t let the title confuse you: Small is Shin Mao’s big debut. Shin may not be that impressed by the kingdom or its king, but, well… His son comes out of the episode looking pretty impressive. While we do get a lovely tour of the kingdom, it’s the monster fight that shines brightly in this episode (at least as brightly as Geraldine). This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 305: Pepper's Blanket Is Missing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:34

GC13 and David discuss Summer Camp Island’s mystery episode: Pepper’s Blanket Is Missing. Sailors get shore leave, so obviously thieves get sailor leave. Who put that rule into the new camp guide? Oscar was probably there—he’s everywhere. If Lucy were there in boss mode, we’d probably have a very different policy. Do you need nice attention? Make sure your friends know. All friends should be as nice as the bunch in Summer Camp Island. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 304: BMO | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:16

GC13 and David discuss the first episode of Adventure Time: Distant Lands, BMO. Well, surprises mount upon surprises when watching BMO. When going to distant lands, you don’t expect to see many familiar faces—or familiar feet, in this case. Still, it’s great to have a continuation of Adventure Time, and BMO managed to be an entertaining lead in the debut episode. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 303: Children of the Dog | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:31

GC13 and David discuss Children of the Dog from Craig of the Creek. We hope it’s not spoiling too much to mention that it’s the return of Brigid (it does have “dog” in the title…). Not to take anything away from how funny Craig of the Creek usually is, but Children of the Dog is especially hilarious. Oh the gags, and the rapid pacing keeping them flowing so, so well. Watch out though, We’ve Got Fleas from OK KO has some competition now. This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.

 Episode 302: He's the Sheriff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

GC13 and David discuss He’s the Sheriff from Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart. What kind of king is King Snugglemagne? Obviously a bad one, but is he one doomed to failure, or does he have a chance to redeem himself? Obviously not as a sheriff (that job is terrible), but perhaps in some other way. Then there’s also the question of who could replace him as king? Obviously King Pinkie would be horrific, but would you rather see King Badgerclops or Queen Adorabat. What I want to know is: where’s the caveman? This episode of the podcast is also available on YouTube.


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