Lunar Sea Spire show

Lunar Sea Spire

Summary: A weekly podcast discussing cartoons.


 Episode 481: The Legs (from Summer Camp Island) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:42

GC13 and David discuss The Legs from Summer Camp Island. Summer Camp Island, here we are! It’s time to discuss the sixth and final season, and we’re starting up on a story arc. This episode gets us started with the story slowly, but there’s a lot of friendship Oscar and Hedgehog have—enough to get them a nice croquet set! But while their friendship has been flourishing, Ramona and Susie’s has been struggling. Keep an eye on that, it’s going to be important later in the season.

 Episode 480: Cheers (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:18

GC13 and David discuss Cheers from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. And now we’ve seen the big showdown. Thank goodness Simon is on a first-name basis with a deity, or that could have got real ugly. Even as it was things didn’t so great and it was up to Prismo to send in the cavalry—just don’t think too hard about the worlds they left behind. And with that it’s over. Would you watch a dark medieval mystery drama cartoon from the team? Let us know!

 Episode 479: Casper and Nova (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:01

GC13 and David discuss Casper and Nova from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. It’s all coming together. Simon and Betty, Scarab and our heroes… Thankfully Ellis didn’t lose his spaghetti to his squirrel friends; that would be enough to turn a dream into a nightmare. While this episode was named after Casper and Nova, we won’t get to find out more about their story until the series finale—which is just one week away. Are you ready for the exciting conclusion to the miniseries?

 Episode 478: Jerry (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:49

GC13 and David discuss Jerry from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. The adventuring party comes to a new world somehow even more suited for Halloween than the episode we discussed in our Halloween episode, though of course it was perfect that we discussed it on Halloween. It’s BMO’s time to shine. With no one else around, it’s up to him to come up with a way for them to escape. It’s not like there’s some other dark, powerful entity who could allow them to flee…

 Episode 477: The Star (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:04

GC13 and David discuss The Star from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. Marceline is such a good girl. Bad actually, a punk. But she has a good heart. Now ask yourself how dangerous she’d be with absolutely no conscience whatsoever? Why, something strong enough to do that could probably turn Martin into a good person again… And don’t think it’s lost on us that our discussion of an episode as spooky as this gets released on Halloween. But just you wait until you hear about the episode we’re going to be recording about on Halloween.

 Episode 476: The Winter King (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:28

GC13 and David discuss The Winter King from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. It’s an easy pick for favorite episode of the series. Ice Scouts? Check. Fabulously perfect Simon? Check. Adorable, deranged Candy Queen? Check. Two, count them two songs? Check. What’s not to love? While we could have spent a lot more time exploring the Winter Kingdom, let’s just say we enjoyed our time here. Fionna and Cake have a mission, and there’s no way Cake is going to forget it.

 Episode 475: Destiny (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:33

GC13 and David discuss Destiny from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. Fionna has had her first taste of adventuring and she is loving it. She’s in her element, after all (that time spent playing those post-apocalyptic RPGs is really paying off). If only Farmworld Finn could be having as much fun as Fionna is—wearing the crown does things to a man, long after you take it off. It would be nice if he could understand Simon’s reasoning for putting the crown back on, but he probably already knows, deep down inside…

 Episode 474: Prismo the Wishmaster (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:39

GC13 and David discuss Prismo the Wishmaster from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. Ah, now we’re getting into the good stuff. Fionna and Cake find themselves in Ooo oh so briefly before being sent out to the multiverse. Not to explore though, oh no! They’re running for their lives, and thanks to the too-eager self-sacrifice of Simon they have a game plan. And Lemongrab is still hilarious, even with a brand new voice. And it’s always fun to see an idiom so humorously illustrated.

 Episode 473: Cake the Cat (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:05

GC13 and David discuss Cake the Cat from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. Cake isn’t just in Ooo now, she’s exploring it! And while she may initially get on quite well with the locals, following her instincts leads to some… Less than kind outcomes. Thankfully Fionna arrives in time to save her before anyone can get the bazooka. Our duo, reunited, disappears at the end of the episode. Oh, it’s going to be a long week, isn’t it?

 Episode 472: Simon Petrikov (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:12

GC13 and David discuss Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. Simon is no longer the Ice King, but that doesn’t mean things are good: he’s not better now that he’s not part of a madness. At least it’s always wonderful to hear a Rebecca Sugar song. And adventuring with Finn isn’t very fun  when you’re not a seasoned adventurer. With Cake in the land of Ooo though, hopefully Simon’s adventures will land him in a better place. Let’s be honest: his current job sucks.

 Episode 471: Fionna Campbell (from Fionna and Cake) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:41

GC13 and David discuss Fionna Campbell from Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. In this move to Max Adventure Time has taken some steps they couldn’t have taken on Cartoon Network while remaining fundamentally itself, if you can get over the sadness. Some people are not meant to give bus tours, and others need their own bakery as soon as possible. It’s not a pleasant first episode, but remember: Fionna and Cake were born from the fanfiction of the Ice King, and he’s not having such a great time right now. Let’s hope everyone finds the magic they need for their life.

 Episode 470: Nimona (Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:59

GC13, Soren, and David continue their discussion of the Netflix movie Nimona. This is a movie that couldn’t have been made just a decade ago, and even still it almost got lost to history. A theatrical release, once planned, wasn’t even in the cards after its rescue. It’s a complicated world we find ourselves living in. Fiction can be a mirror to that world, but it can also be an attempt to change it. Keep your eyes, and your mind, open.

 Episode 469: Nimona (Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:46

GC13, Soren, and David discuss the Netflix movie Nimona. Nimona took a long road to come to fruition, but now that it’s here it’s a wonderful adaptation of a graphic novel collected in 2015. Fantastic characters, beautiful art and transformations, with a kind message too. There was a lot to say about Nimona, so next week the discussion will continue where we left off!

 Episode 468: The End of the Beginning (from Unicorn: Warriors Eternal) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:17

GC13 and David discuss The End of the Beginning from Unicorn: Warriors Eternal. Tell me if you’ve heard this before: the heroes all join together into one body to confront evil. At least it goes better for them this time than it did the last… And Anubis is always in style. With no more episodes announced it’s certainly a cruel tease of an episode title, but it very much encapsulates how the episode end feels. We can only hope there’s more Unicorn: Warriors Eternal to come, otherwise the series barely got to begin before it ended.

 Episode 467: A Love's Last Light (from Unicorn: Warriors Eternal) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:39

GC13 and David discuss A Love’s Last Light from Unicorn: Warriors Eternal. Things are getting heavy. You thought Unicorn was just about stopping a little monster rampage every couple hundred years? Well, what Unicorn fights for is no less than the protection of time itself. What the evil lacks in personality it far makes up for in ambition. Maybe this episode actually should have been called “Darkness Before the Dawn”, because things sure do get dark…


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