The Last 10 Pounds Podcast show

The Last 10 Pounds Podcast

Summary: By Master Coach Brenda Lomeli | Women's Weight loss Expert | Holistic Nutritionist | Creator of The Last 10™ System Welcome you AMAZING WOMAN. You’ve come to the right place. On this podcast, I teach brilliant, creative, driven, inspiring, and hard-working women - how to STOP STRUGGLING with food, STOP STRUGGLING with weight loss to finally lose those last 10 stubborn pounds and get to their ideal weight. With the tools & strategies I teach you on my podcast- THIS TIME your weight loss will be PERMANENT. SIMPLE. & deprivation free. NO MORE rollercoaster dieting. If you struggle with managing your business, career or family while still prioritizing your personal weight-loss goals, health, and self-care ... SUBSCRIBE! I will give you the tools and strategies you need every week. TODAYS WOMEN'S WEIGHT-LOSS PROBLEM: You don’t have enough time. You have too much on your plate. Your business/career is doing AMAZING but at the expense of your personal weight-loss and health goals. You can’t seem to figure out how to get the results you want in both your business/career, family life AND your weight-loss at the same time. You promise yourself you will focus on weight-loss just as soon as something else in your life gets taken care of, but that time keeps getting pushed back because your responsibilities never end. You feel like you have to prioritize either your business/career, family OR your health, not both, in order to keep your sanity. You want to take better care of yourself, eat healthier and LOVE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS but there’s always another business/work or family thing that needs to be handled first. WHAT I TEACH WILL TEACH YOU | MY PHILOSOPHY It’s NOT TRUE that you have to sacrifice your personal self-care, health, and weight-loss goals to grow your business , advance in your career or meet your families needs. What IS TRUE is when you take the BEST care of yourself and feel AMAZING at your ideal weight, you will be able to truly GIVE your best, be your most creative, think with optimized clarity, and show up with true boss confidence in your business/career and family life. STOP HOLDING YOURSELF BACK. It’s all about mindset. Whatever is holding you back from reaching your goal weight is the same as what is holding you back from your reaching your dream business + life goals. WHAT I’VE LEARNED– Overcome your limitations in one area and you will overcome your limitations in the other. Getting to your goal weight & losing these last stubborn pounds where you feel like you've been stuck FOREVER is really just the beginning. It’s 100% possible to get to your dream goal weight. It's 100% possible to end your struggle with food and weight. It's 100% possible to live your life without your weight being a constant distraction, worry and problem. I will teach you how. I will coach you through implementing the necessary changes. YOU READY? JOIN ME. Let's do this! xoxo Brenda

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 EP. 101- Allowing the discomfort of change (for new weight loss results) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:23

One if the most common questions I get:  “ I know exactly what I should eat but I don’t do it” or “I make a plan of what I’m going to eat and then I eat all the stuff I’m not supposed to....” Why does following through feel so challenging? Especially when you already have all the food information?  In this episode I break it down, and also explain in detail what needs to happen for new breakthroughs. Listen now to learn more! Xoxo Brenda 

 EP. 100- HOW 100% CONVICTION of the possibility & your own capability will get YOU to your goal: 100th EPISODE- celebrating listener stories. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:11:16

In this 100th podcast episode, I'm sharing and celebrating podcast listeners and the transformations they have been able to create simply by applying what I teach on the podcast week after week. Along with their stories, I'm also teaching you the importance of being absolutely convicted that YOU can also end your own weight struggle and get all the way to your goal results.

 EP. 99- Weekend overeating- how to stop. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:38

Do you work really hard to make great choices during the weekdays and then constantly over-do it on the weekends?  You’re not alone-  most people do.  If you find yourself stepping on the scale on Monday morning having ruined your progress week after week- this episode is for you. 

 EP. 98- How to REBOOT YOUR FAILING NEW YEAR RESOLUTION & be consistent for the results you want! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:10

By February 80% of people have already given up on their New Years goals and/or are not being consistent in their commitment to their goal.  The other alarming statistic is that 92% of people will FAIL at their goals and New Years resolutions each year. 

 EP. 97- Success Stories for your brain #15 JANE: at 54 years old, Jane lost almost 30 pounds in 16 weeks- through the holidays PLUS 3 family vacations! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:18

LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE to hear yet another example of a listener that was able to change her results even though she felt completely frustrated and was feeling completely stuck for years.

 *IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT* | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:44

Schedule your personalized strategy call with me HERE Make 2019 the year you get to your goal weight & NEVER have to worry about your weight again! xo Brenda

 EP. 96- What about tracking Macros or counting calories? Keto, Paleo or whole 30? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:47

Yes, it's true that there are many strategies out there, but one of the worst things you can do is constantly hop around. There really is no need to feel confused or overwhelmed about which one is best for YOU. Listen to this podcast so that you can learn how simple it can be to pick the approach what approach you will use, and even more importantly- I teach you what will really determine your level of success for permanent weight loss results. xo Brenda

 Ep. 95- The #1 MISTAKE you’re making to perpetuate your weight struggle & stay stuck without results. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:36

Do you find yourself saying things like “I’ll start on Monday” or “I’ll do better tomorrow” week after week and you don’t know how to stop?  This week I make sure to teach you how to stop repeating the same sabotage week after week.  “I’ll start after this weekend ” ... “after this cheat meal I’ll really get back on track”... phrases will keep you stuck on the same hamster wheel for decades if you let them. Make sure to listen! 

 EP. 94- How to make this the LAST YEAR you ever need to lose weight- SUCCESS STORY for your brain #15. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:28

In this episode, I really make clear what will make this the last year you ever have weight loss as a goal on your list. Along with the inspiration and an example that YES INDEED is more than possible.  Make sure to listen! ...and more than anything make sure you take action. Changing your life & results doesn’t happen by accident ;) 

 Ep. 93- SETTING NEW YEAR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: my personal step-by- step goal setting process. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:57

Description- are you ready to make this the year that you finally hit your goal? Make sure to listen to this workshop style episode, where I take you step-by-step goal setting process that equals results. ... happy new year!

 EP. 92- The 5 strategies you NEED to actually stick to your New Year Weight loss goal. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:30

Have you set the same New Year weight loss goal time and time again? I completely understand I did the same thing for almost 20 years. I finally figured out how to set a goal and actually STICK to it until I have the results and achieve my desired outcome and I've even figured out how to teach this skill to others. If you have set a weight loss goal for 2019- this episode is a MUST LISTEN. Make sure to download the accompanying 'NEW YEAR' commitment workbook at

 Ep. 91- MAKE COMMITMENT A DAILY CHOICE for consistent weight loss results. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:59

The reason women don't get the level of results they want with their weight loss is NOT because they don't know what to eat or what to do- it's because of lack of consistency and lack of commitment. This is why people find themselves 'starting over' time and time again without following through which keeps them on an exhausting hamster-wheel of staggered effort but no results.

 EP. 90- Hunger Hormones, Appetite & Weight loss: The effects of sugar on Ghrelin, Leptin, Insulin. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:47

ON this episode I break down the science of our appetite and hunger hormones. I also talk in detail about the effects of sugar and refined carbohydrates on our level of insulin, ghrelin, and leptin. This is important because these three hormones combined are BOSS of our appetites and when they are out of balance can be a detriment to achieving your weight loss goals.

 EP. 89- Deconditioning Cravings- a simple approach. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:49

Do you have cravings for foods/drinks that you keep going back to? Do you ever feel like you don’t understand how to stop falling for your favorites over and over again? I get it. I’ve been there. It’s frustrating because you swear to yourself you won’t do it, and then before you know it- you’re eating it again.

 EP. 88- HABIT REVERSAL- How to change the eating habits that have kept you stuck for years or even decades. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:54

Are you at a loss for why you keep on doing the same 'ol things that have kept you stuck for years even though you KNOW it won't get you to your goal?  -That evening glass of wine or chocolate... -Overeating on the weekends... -Mindless snacking throughout the day or in front of the television... In this podcast, I will explain 'habits' and how to change even your oldest ones without feeling deprived. LISTEN NOW. 


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