The Last 10 Pounds Podcast show

The Last 10 Pounds Podcast

Summary: By Master Coach Brenda Lomeli | Women's Weight loss Expert | Holistic Nutritionist | Creator of The Last 10™ System Welcome you AMAZING WOMAN. You’ve come to the right place. On this podcast, I teach brilliant, creative, driven, inspiring, and hard-working women - how to STOP STRUGGLING with food, STOP STRUGGLING with weight loss to finally lose those last 10 stubborn pounds and get to their ideal weight. With the tools & strategies I teach you on my podcast- THIS TIME your weight loss will be PERMANENT. SIMPLE. & deprivation free. NO MORE rollercoaster dieting. If you struggle with managing your business, career or family while still prioritizing your personal weight-loss goals, health, and self-care ... SUBSCRIBE! I will give you the tools and strategies you need every week. TODAYS WOMEN'S WEIGHT-LOSS PROBLEM: You don’t have enough time. You have too much on your plate. Your business/career is doing AMAZING but at the expense of your personal weight-loss and health goals. You can’t seem to figure out how to get the results you want in both your business/career, family life AND your weight-loss at the same time. You promise yourself you will focus on weight-loss just as soon as something else in your life gets taken care of, but that time keeps getting pushed back because your responsibilities never end. You feel like you have to prioritize either your business/career, family OR your health, not both, in order to keep your sanity. You want to take better care of yourself, eat healthier and LOVE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS but there’s always another business/work or family thing that needs to be handled first. WHAT I TEACH WILL TEACH YOU | MY PHILOSOPHY It’s NOT TRUE that you have to sacrifice your personal self-care, health, and weight-loss goals to grow your business , advance in your career or meet your families needs. What IS TRUE is when you take the BEST care of yourself and feel AMAZING at your ideal weight, you will be able to truly GIVE your best, be your most creative, think with optimized clarity, and show up with true boss confidence in your business/career and family life. STOP HOLDING YOURSELF BACK. It’s all about mindset. Whatever is holding you back from reaching your goal weight is the same as what is holding you back from your reaching your dream business + life goals. WHAT I’VE LEARNED– Overcome your limitations in one area and you will overcome your limitations in the other. Getting to your goal weight & losing these last stubborn pounds where you feel like you've been stuck FOREVER is really just the beginning. It’s 100% possible to get to your dream goal weight. It's 100% possible to end your struggle with food and weight. It's 100% possible to live your life without your weight being a constant distraction, worry and problem. I will teach you how. I will coach you through implementing the necessary changes. YOU READY? JOIN ME. Let's do this! xoxo Brenda

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 EP. 56- Constipation & Gut health. The steps to optimized digestion for weight loss & clear skin! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:19

In this episode, you will become a gut expert and understand WHY it's important to have a healthy DAILY bowel movement. You'll get clear steps on how to achieve great digestion & gut health for continued successful weight loss ( & the best skin!)

 SUCCESS STORIES for your brain! #3- MONICA: THE KEY to making your life about SO MUCH MORE than struggling with your weight and worrying about food. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:35

When you end your weight struggle not only do you LOOK and FEEL amazing, but you open up your life to SO MUCH MORE. Life is about so much more than struggling with your weight and worrying about food. Listen in on this podcast to get an up-close and personal look at EXACTLY what it takes for even an expert in nutrition (and you!) to truly end your struggle with the extra weight and put an end to the constant worrying/thinking about food.

 SUCCESS STORIES for your brain! #2- GULZAT: It's possible to go from being STUCK & embarrassed about your weight to confident & successful. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:37

Do you sometimes feel like quitting or like ‘what’s the point? Nothing works.’... In this episode listen to me and one of my client success stories as we talk about how to go from being stuck and frustrated and embarrassed about your weight, to feeling amazing, confident and successful at your goal weight in ONLY 16 WEEKS. I will continue to bring more inspiration, evidence, and real life examples that losing the weight is possible for ANYONE NO MATTER HOW STUCK YOU FEEL.

 EP. 53- 5 keys to GUARANTEED RESULTS- HOW I DID IT. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:57

How did I do it? One of the questions I hear the most. How did you actually lose the weight and end your weight struggle, Brenda? Listen to this podcast to learn the 5 key principles that changed everything for me and really helped me go from struggling with my weight to it being a NON-ISSUE in my life. 5 simple principles that will completely change your weight loss process (and results!) if you apply them. LISTEN NOW.

 EP. 52- Stuck at the same weight: the 2 TYPES OF ‘STUCK’ & what to do. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:39

Do you feel like no matter what you do you’re always struggling and stuck at the same weight? In this episode, I break down exactly why women feel ‘stuck’ and why weight loss feels like such a never-ending struggle. I also breakdown the 2 categories of ‘stuck’ that I see women get trapped in the most, and how to stop feeling stuck and end the struggle.

 EP. 51- How to eat ‘on plan’ & lose weight even when you’ve had a bad day or going through stressful times. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:10

Do you find that when you're stressed, upset, anxious, nervous, pissed-off, disappointed and/or sad... the first that that pops into your mind is: ice cream, wine, chips, ordering pizza, and/or [insert your #1 favorite comforting food here]. If so, then this episode is for you. In this episode, I share with you the ONE SINGLE PHRASE that helped me stopped going to food in order to try to feel better if I was feeling upset or having a 'bad day'. LISTEN NOW.

 EP. 50- Breakfast ideas: The key to finding breakfast options that work for YOU no matter how little time you have. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:50

Never be stuck or confused about what to eat in the morning. With this simple approach & a whole bunch of great breakfast options/alternatives I share with you, ‘not knowing’ what to eat and/or ‘I don’t have time’ as a reason to stay stuck will become a thing of the past.

 EP. 49- Evening & night time eating- my simple [3-step] approach for breaking the habit. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:36

Do you do GREAT during the day, and then as soon as that evening time hits (or as one of my clients lovingly calls the witching hour :p) or as soon as your bum hits the couch to unwind- your eating starts to stray the path you intended, all of a sudden even though you’ve sworn off all carbs and wine, you start with one and then end up having 4 of them plus a bunch of other things in the pantry. WTF. Why do we do this to ourselves?

 EP. 48- Managing your strongest food cravings: my personal 3 step process. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:44

Is it a total mystery to you how food, especially certain foods, have so much power over you?! Are you truly at a loss for how to stop yourself from going 'off plan' over and over and over again (more times than you'd like to admit) to eat OR drink THAT ONE THING you love?!

 EP. 47- WHY you go 'OFF PLAN' & WHAT TO DO. The difference between a JOY EAT & Emotional Eating. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:50

Do you find that once you've gone 'off plan' instead of just getting right back on track it turns into a full-blown evening of nonstop eating? OR AN ENTIRE WEEKEND of eating all kinds of stuff! Or maybe even an entire WEEK?! or MONTHS of complete sabotage? You're not alone.

 SUCCESS STORIES for your brain! #1- RISA: .WHAT IT TAKES TO LOSE THE WEIGHT. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:13

This week on the podcast, I’m excited to share an amazing treat with all of you! A DOUBLE DOSE OF INSPIRATION. This weeks episode (& bonus episode!) is a set of stories from listeners & clients who have succeeded incredibly in losing weight they had struggled with their entire lives - using the tools I teach on the podcast and in my program.

 EP. 46- HOW TO REWIRE YOUR BRAIN FOR SUCCESS: WHAT IT TAKES to permanently END YOUR WEIGHT STRUGGLE (SUCCESS STORY!) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:40

This week on the podcast, I’m excited to share an amazing treat with all of you! A DOUBLE DOSE OF INSPIRATION. This weeks episode (& bonus episode!) is a set of stories from listeners & clients who have succeeded incredibly in losing weight they had struggled with their entire lives - using the tools I teach on the podcast and in my program.

 EP. 45- WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY using my tried & true process- to get to your goal. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:28

If you've been avoiding the scale, not weighing yourself because you learned somewhere you shouldn't, or simply HATE stepping on the scale and have sworn it off- LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE. LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST TO LEARN HOW EXACTLY TO WEIGHT YOURSELF DAILY & WHY IT IS AN ESSENTIAL DAILY PROCESS for successful & permanent weight loss. ps- send me an email to get my custom & pre-formatted 'WEIGHT TRACKER' template that will help you to collect this valuable data in an organized way.

 EP. 44- Past failed attempts & HOW TO keep believing to achieve success. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:11

Have you attempted many times before & failed? Are you close to giving up because you feel like you just keep getting disappointed? THIS PODCAST IS FOR YOU. I'll share with you how I managed my disappointments with failed weight loss attempts & how I was able to get past that, NEVER LOSING HOPE in order to get to my #dreamcometrue goal weight. THE ONE CHOICE I MADE- that made ALL the difference. LISTEN NOW.

 EP. 43- THIS MISTAKE will keep you from reaching your goal weight this year: learn my 'recipe' for continued weight loss success. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:51

IN this podcast I talk about the ONE MISTAKE YOU will make this year that will ONE HANDEDLY KEEP YOU from reaching your goal weight. Listen to this podcast to learn what it is, and how NOT to keep making it. Most women do this and it keeps them TOTALLY STUCK. I used to do this. As soon as I stopped- the weight struggle ended. Use this recipe that I share here. IT WORKS. xo Brenda


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