The Last 10 Pounds Podcast show

The Last 10 Pounds Podcast

Summary: By Master Coach Brenda Lomeli | Women's Weight loss Expert | Holistic Nutritionist | Creator of The Last 10™ System Welcome you AMAZING WOMAN. You’ve come to the right place. On this podcast, I teach brilliant, creative, driven, inspiring, and hard-working women - how to STOP STRUGGLING with food, STOP STRUGGLING with weight loss to finally lose those last 10 stubborn pounds and get to their ideal weight. With the tools & strategies I teach you on my podcast- THIS TIME your weight loss will be PERMANENT. SIMPLE. & deprivation free. NO MORE rollercoaster dieting. If you struggle with managing your business, career or family while still prioritizing your personal weight-loss goals, health, and self-care ... SUBSCRIBE! I will give you the tools and strategies you need every week. TODAYS WOMEN'S WEIGHT-LOSS PROBLEM: You don’t have enough time. You have too much on your plate. Your business/career is doing AMAZING but at the expense of your personal weight-loss and health goals. You can’t seem to figure out how to get the results you want in both your business/career, family life AND your weight-loss at the same time. You promise yourself you will focus on weight-loss just as soon as something else in your life gets taken care of, but that time keeps getting pushed back because your responsibilities never end. You feel like you have to prioritize either your business/career, family OR your health, not both, in order to keep your sanity. You want to take better care of yourself, eat healthier and LOVE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS but there’s always another business/work or family thing that needs to be handled first. WHAT I TEACH WILL TEACH YOU | MY PHILOSOPHY It’s NOT TRUE that you have to sacrifice your personal self-care, health, and weight-loss goals to grow your business , advance in your career or meet your families needs. What IS TRUE is when you take the BEST care of yourself and feel AMAZING at your ideal weight, you will be able to truly GIVE your best, be your most creative, think with optimized clarity, and show up with true boss confidence in your business/career and family life. STOP HOLDING YOURSELF BACK. It’s all about mindset. Whatever is holding you back from reaching your goal weight is the same as what is holding you back from your reaching your dream business + life goals. WHAT I’VE LEARNED– Overcome your limitations in one area and you will overcome your limitations in the other. Getting to your goal weight & losing these last stubborn pounds where you feel like you've been stuck FOREVER is really just the beginning. It’s 100% possible to get to your dream goal weight. It's 100% possible to end your struggle with food and weight. It's 100% possible to live your life without your weight being a constant distraction, worry and problem. I will teach you how. I will coach you through implementing the necessary changes. YOU READY? JOIN ME. Let's do this! xoxo Brenda

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 NO MORE SABOTAGING 2018. The ONE THING you must do. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:59

I break down WHY we sabotage (even though you KNOW exactly what to eat/NOT eat) & what to do to STOP SABOTAGING this year. I also give you a break down in WHAT TO LOOK FOR in a weight loss program/weight loss coach and things to make sure you AVOID & stay away from so you're not throwing away your money. Make 2018 the year you ENDED your weight struggle FOR GOOD & got exactly the results you've always wanted. Don't miss this episode- LISTEN NOW.

 EP. 42- MY personal strategy for NEW YEAR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS- that actually become real RESULTS & not just another wish list. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:08

OK, so you want 2018 to be the year you finally reach your dream goal and stay there. YES. 100% possible. & I got you covered! This podcast episode is a END OF YEAR 'WORKSHOP'- I'm taking you through my OWN PERSONAL New year goal setting process, which includes 3 MAIN STEPS. SUPER IMPORTANT for this episode- DON'T JUST LISTEN. DO. Action = RESULTS. xo Brenda

 EP. 41- HOW TO finally write a NEW ending to your weight loss story. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:29

I've shared my weight loss journey with you- but THE STORY THAT REALLY MATTERS HERE IS YOURS. (I'm simply a guide! YOU are the HERO ;) ) KNOW THIS: -You are the heroine and main character of your story & you get to write ANY ending you want. -It's never too late to create a NEW ending, the ending you ACTUALLY want. -ONE THING YOU SHOULD SPEND 30 MINS DOING to make sure you create a NEW ENDING to your weight loss story this upcoming new year.

 EP. 40- Thinking 'There's something wrong with me' is the SURE WAY to KEEP YOURSELF STUCK: a powerful lesson in WHY it's the worse thing to keep believing & HOW TO STOP. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:56

Listen in on this podcast episode to hear my brilliant new analogy. You will finally see clearly that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. It's time to throw that idea in the garbage- so you can actually lose this weight. Check it out! But don't stop there. Consuming more information ABOUT weight loss, won't help you lose the weight (that's like reading a book about ab workouts and wanting to see abs ;) )

 EP. 39- EMOTIONAL EATERS are the best people: How to USE your emotional eating TO STOP emotional eating. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:44

Sounds crazy right? Listen to this episode to hear my strategy on how to use your emotional eating TO STOP emotional eating. It worked for me. It works for my clients.

 EP. 38- #askBrenda: How do I lose weight but also- STOP THINKING ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME and WORRYING ABOUT IT SO MUCH? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:10

You got the Q's, I got the A's. You're feeling STUCK & FRUSTRATED. We'll get you feeling UNSTUCK, UN-FRUSTRATED, #bossCONFIDENT & getting KILLER RESULTS.

 Holiday bonus! GRATITUDE as a power tool for weight loss. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:18

Happy Thanksgiving! Feeling stressed? Annoyed? Overwhelmed? Worried? First off- if you are- don't be too hard on yourself, that's pretty damn normal... on a day/time of the year like this with so much going on: CHECK OUT THIS SPECIAL PODCAST EPISODE for an inspiring little analogy that could help you USE GRATITUDE AS ONE OF YOUR GO-TO WEIGHT-LOSS TOOLS TODAY. From my family (The Lomeli's!) to yours- happy day of GRATITUDE :) I am so very thankful for EACH OF YOU.

 EP. 37- #askBrenda: How do I decide whether I’ve lost enough weight or set another goal? Is weighing myself really necessary? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:31

You got the Q's, I got the A's. You're feeling STUCK & FRUSTRATED. We'll get you feeling UNSTUCK, UN-FRUSTRATED, #bossCONFIDENT & getting KILLER RESULTS.

 EP. 36- #AskBrenda: How do I stop feeling guilty about wanting to lose weight? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:44

You got the Q's, I got the A's. You're feeling STUCK & FRUSTRATED. We'll get you feeling UNSTUCK, UN-FRUSTRATED, #bossCONFIDENT & getting KILLER RESULTS.

 EP. 35- I'VE NEVER SHARED THIS BEFORE. Also: The #1 difference between me and someone who is still struggling. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:42

My story gives hope. Hope that it’s actually possible to COMPLETELY END the struggle with weight. END all the mental chatter... and it really is. I had a realization. I️ realized one of the biggest differences between me and someone that’s still struggling and stuck. I️ might even be as BOLD as to say- it’s THE BIGGEST difference between me and someone that’s still struggling, frustrated and stuck. I HAD TO SHARE IT IMMIDIATELY WITH YOU. Make sure you LISTEN. Then take action.

 EP. 34- This holiday season: lose weight vs gain weight- HOW TO. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:13

In this episode, I’m sharing PRO TIPS on how to actually LOSE WEIGHT VS GAIN WEIGHT this holiday season. & a few reasons for WHY it could actually be THE BEST time to truly do this for yourself- once and for all. GET THE GUIDE! My FREE Guide shows you the exact steps to lose your "Last 10 Pounds" and Start Losing that Weight as Early as 2-3 days from TODAY... DOWNLOAD FREE GUIDE NOW

 EP. 33- #AskBrenda: How do I know which weight loss approach is the right one for me? What about Fruit? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:15

You got the Q's, I got the A's. You're feeling STUCK & FRUSTRATED. We'll get you feeling UNSTUCK, UN-FRUSTRATED, #bossCONFIDENT & getting KILLER RESULTS.

 EP. 32- It's time to DOUBLE DOWN | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:33

Do you find that you keep losing the same 5 pounds over and over but never can lose the last 10?! Do you find that you start off completely motivated and committed, you know EXACTLY what to do to lose the weight, but then lose motivation and either plateau or gain the weight back.  LISTEN NOW.  GET THE GUIDE! My FREE Guide shows you  the exact steps to lose your  "Last 10 Pounds"  and Start Losing that Weight as Early as 2-3 days from TODAY... DOWNLOAD FREE GUIDE NOW

 EP. 31- What about ALCOHOL? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:14

Is your evening glass of wine keeping you from losing weight? Do you know you should drink less, but not quite sure how to go about it without feeling deprived? One of the biggest questions I get asked is "What about Alcohol.." ​"do I really need to give it up?" ... LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE for my answer to this question and to give you a 'strategic' and deprivation-free approach that will get you RESULTS.

 EP. 30- Being a Perfectionist will KEEP YOU STUCK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:42

In this episode NOT ONLY do I break down how being a perfectionist will keep you STUCK. I also read you a segment (one of my very favorites!) from my brand new book! Make sure to check this episode out to keep getting results and get to YOUR goal in a way that actually feels GOOD and is truly sustainable.


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