Receive Your Life show

Receive Your Life

Summary: Do you feel in your heart and soul that there is more to life than what you are experiencing? If so, you are probably dancing with divine discontent. We experience divine discontent when we are living as our compromised self rather than our authentic self. In each episode of this program, the focus will be on how and why you compromise yourself and how to get back into the flow of your life. You are perfectly designed to live a purposeful and prosperous life. Anything less is an indication that you misunderstand your value. Your relationship with yourself-where you are living from in consciousness-impacts all areas of your life, including your finances, career, relationship with your partner, kids, family, friends, colleagues, weight, health, and so on. Join us weekly on Receive Your Life as Janice shares practical tools to support you in living soul-satisfying success. The Receive Your Life online radio show is sponsored by The Receive Your Life Company. Become a fan of Receive Your Life on Facebook. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 Blocked on the Follow-Through | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

There is wisdom in our resistance. Can that really be true? And if it is, what is our procrastination trying to tell us? If you have ever felt stuck on a project or wondered why you resist moving forward on your goals, join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how you can follow-through with grace to the realization of your desires.

 Living Deliberately | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

What does it mean to live deliberately? One place to start is by owning your yes's and no's. Are there areas in your life that have been calling you to say yes and you've been ignoring them? And are there areas in your life that could use a no but you keep saying yes? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to separate out the wheat from the chaff in your life.

 Reuniting With Your Original Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Some of us have traveled very far from the life we came here to live. And yet, our life is always waiting for us to say yes to it. Right now we can choose to live from the joy and purity of who and what we truly are. Today we have a wonderful guest who is going to share her journey and how she found her way back to her true self. To quote her, "Since I was 5 years old I have never been happier than I am right now. No matter what, I am deep, deep, deep happy. I don't have to apologize for anything." Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss what is possible when you begin to say yes to life, your life.

 Can Spirituality Be Fun or Do I Always Have to Work It? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

At times being on a spiritual path can feel like work. It can be exhausting trying to remember everything we've learned and are suppose to do. How we approach something determines whether we flow with it or resist it. If we treat our spirituality as serious and heavy, it will be hard. Spirituality is fun. It allows us to grow and play in life. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss why spirituality is the best game in town.

 Tapping Into Joy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Why is it that some people seem to experience joy with ease and effortlessness? Were they born under a lucky star or blessed with extraordinary circumstances? Fortunately, we each have our own personal joy compass: an internal, portable, navigational guide activated through moment-to-moment awareness. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and Donald Altman, author of The Joy Compass: Eight Ways to Find Lasting Happiness, Gratitude, and Optimism in the Present Moment, as they discuss practical tools and techniques to gracefully choose a life of joy. To learn more about Donald Altman and his work on mindfulness, go to and

 Authentic vs. Should Spirituality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you ever have the feeling that you're meditating incorrectly or not working the spiritual principles properly? Or have you ever felt intimidated by people in your congregation or community who are more spiritual than you? It is amazing how quick we can be to give our power away, believing that other people have the answers for us and also how hard we can be on ourselves as it relates to our personal spiritual journey. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to lighten up on your path, enjoy the journey and why you can't get spirituality wrong.

 Choosing Faith Over Stress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

In this complex world we live in there are so many opportunities to experience stress and yet looking through the eyes of Source life looks good. The choice is ours; we get to choose what consciousness we are going to live from. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to get off the fence of half in-half out spirituality to live a life of faith.

 Untangling the Guilt to Reclaim Your Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

We all experience guilt at some point or another, yet what matters is what we do with the guilt. Is it a stage we move through or is it a trap that snares our energy and attention? We can't experience both guilt and a life we love-something has to give. If we are enmeshed in guilt, our giving and receiving flow is restricted. We may be going through the motions of our everyday life, but we're not being and expressing the blessing that we are. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to disentangle from guilt to claim the life you are here to live.

 My Life Is Great—Except for the Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Why do we struggle with the issue of money? How could everything else in our life be working and yet that money piece is still a thorn in our side? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they break down the money conversation and put it back together using spiritual principles.

 Self Love: The First Step to an Authentic Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Jesus says "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself," but that's assuming we love ourselves. We oftentimes treat our neighbors better than ourselves. Self-love is the first step on the path to living an authentic life. If we don't believe we deserve to be loved or to be the love that we are, we won't allow ourselves to receive our heart's desires. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest Anita Ross, author of Mean Time Love: A Woman's Journey From Self-Loathe to Self-Love, as they discuss the journey from self-loathing to self-love. To learn more about Anita Ross, go to

 The Inner Harmony of Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Before you are recognized as a success in the world, there is a peace and inner harmony you experience. You may describe it as a strong knowing, a deep faith or a clear vision. So often we're measuring for success backwards, believing that if we receive enough acknowledgements, accomplishments, clients or money, we are a success. And yet, it doesn't quite work that way. Soul satisfying success originates first in consciousness, and then we share our gifts with the world. Doing the inner work of success guarantees the outer results. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they explore the journey of success from the inside out. Visit for more on Andoni.

 I Want to Be in a Relationship, but Where Is My Other Half? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Spiritual principles are designed to work. If we have the seed of desire within us, doesn't that mean the results are guaranteed? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they explore the role of mixed messages in receiving the relationship of your dreams.

 Better Than Ever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

What are you telling yourself about aging? We're always making up stories about ourselves; sometimes we're the hero and sometimes not so much. We all have a past, a present and a future. Today we're going to talk about embracing your wisdom and your past to experience life now as better than ever.

 Who Are You, Really? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

If we weren't hiding and withholding ourselves, who would we be? Who is living behind the facade we present to the world? And why are we hiding? Is it really safe to be who we are? And if it is, why do we walk around so guarded? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they explore what is behind the masks we wear and what happens when we take them off.

 The Gold in Your Energy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Do you realize how much information your energy holds for you? Your energy is communicating to you moment by moment. There are two major things we do with our energy and it is important to know what track we are on. We either leak our energy and dissipate our power or we harness our energy and focus it on our creations. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to use the flow of your energy to guide you to your heart's desires.


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