Receive Your Life show

Receive Your Life

Summary: Do you feel in your heart and soul that there is more to life than what you are experiencing? If so, you are probably dancing with divine discontent. We experience divine discontent when we are living as our compromised self rather than our authentic self. In each episode of this program, the focus will be on how and why you compromise yourself and how to get back into the flow of your life. You are perfectly designed to live a purposeful and prosperous life. Anything less is an indication that you misunderstand your value. Your relationship with yourself-where you are living from in consciousness-impacts all areas of your life, including your finances, career, relationship with your partner, kids, family, friends, colleagues, weight, health, and so on. Join us weekly on Receive Your Life as Janice shares practical tools to support you in living soul-satisfying success. The Receive Your Life online radio show is sponsored by The Receive Your Life Company. Become a fan of Receive Your Life on Facebook. The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.

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 Healing at the Deepest Level | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

When we think of healing, we often think of healing the symptoms. I want to heal my relationship with money, with my child, or I want to be healthier, happier, or more successful. All of these are important and worthwhile endeavors, yet the deepest healing, and the one that ripples out and affects all of our symptoms, is the healing with ourselves. When we do the work at the level of cause, it washes away many of our symptoms. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss embracing the beauty, truth, and wholeness that we are.

 Can Life Really Be That Good? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Absolutely! You are designed to live a rich and satisfying life. On today's show we are going to discuss why we ride with the brakes on and how to release them. The goodness of life is always trying to get our attention, however, we may not always trust it. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to live in the flow as your authentic self and allow the goodness that is you to express both within you and all around you.

 The Willingness to See Things Differently | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Most of us see through habit. We see what we expect to see. We see what we have seen in the past. That may be fine when our life is in a smooth sailing mode. However, when we are experiencing change and transition, we can't afford the luxury of seeing by habit. It is a time to heighten our awareness and practice diligence with our thoughts and vision. When we are calling forth something new in our life, it is important that we see through the lens of faith rather than through the lens of circumstance. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss seeing from the inside out.

 Having an Authentic Relationship With Money | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Growing up many of us heard rules about how money works such as; money doesn't grow on trees, a penny saved is a penny earned, money is hard to come by, money is not spiritual, or money causes problems. If you haven't taken the time to explore your values and to make a decision on the relationship you want to have with money, chances are you are either obeying the rules you have been taught or you are rebelling against them. Either way keeps you dancing with the rules. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to live beyond the money rules you have inherited to create a satisfying and authentic relationship with money.

 A Process of Growth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Has it ever happened to you? You're in the flow, life feels great, you tell yourself you'll never go back to the struggle, it's clear sailing from here. And then it hits, your energy drops, you get in a funk, what was so wonderful now feels so hopeless. What just happened? That's an example of a limiting belief hijacking your energy. However, our life is not as dismal as our limiting beliefs are trying to convince us it is, with their "You'll never ..." or "You always ...." They try to convince us we're going back in consciousness yet that is not possible. Instead, it is an opportunity to recognize there is more life that wants to be expressed through us. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to climb back on the horse once you realize you've fallen off.

 Making Friends With Fear | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

New beginnings, new opportunities. We're finally getting what we say we've always wanted. It sounds good. It feels good. Or does it? Why is it that when we move forward with our dreams and desires fear is often lurking close by? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to understand and gracefully integrate the fear that comes knocking.

 Feeling Your Way to Freedom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

There are mysteries to life that we will never understand and yet at the same time there is so much that we can and do understand. Life is our feedback loop and responds to the vibration we are carrying within ourselves. We know this by noticing the recurring patterns that show up in life. If you want to more consciously create the world you live in, you will want to listen to this week's show. Our guest is Rev. Pat M. Palmer, the author of The Clearing Process ... for Conscious Living. Rev. Pat is going to share with us her clearing process, which supports us in unearthing and releasing old emotions and belief systems we unconsciously hold. Through the releasing of this stuck energy, you will be able to attract more of the life experiences you desire. For more information about Rev. Pat or The Clearing Process, go to

 What Do You Want to Bring Forth? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

So often we go through life defensively, trying to protect ourselves from making mistakes or getting hurt. We seem to be on a constant quest to improve our personality or performance. What if we knew that we lived in a fail-safe Universe? What if we knew our purpose was to bring forth the gift that we are? Would that change our perspective? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to live as if nothing is wrong.

 From Hoping to Knowing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

Have you ever thought about making changes (or maybe you have made changes) on the physical plane and then heard yourself saying, "I hope it works out." If so, you are sending out mixed messages that could hamper the flow of your good. If the changes you are in the process of making are the result of inspiration you have received, then your results are guaranteed and everything will work out. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to deepen your faith while making changes so you can relax and enjoy your journey.

 Measuring Success in Your Own Way | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

You want to be successful. You want to feel successful, yet what does success mean to you? Very often we haven't taken the time to reflect and define what a successful life is for us. As individualized expressions of Spirit, success is going to look different for each one of us. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they explore how to discover and embrace what success means to you.

 Having a Harmonious Relationship With Your Body, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

This week's show is a continuation of our May 2 show titled "Having a Harmonious Relationship With Your Body." In our prior segment, we began by discussing body shapes and sizes, but just like money, we know there is always something else going on. What gets reflected on the physical plane are just symptoms of what is swimming around in our consciousness. In this week's call, we are going to go beyond choosing between carrots and cake to find the authentic path to our ideal body.

 Making Inspired Choices, Choices That Work for You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

We make choices all day long. Some turn out to be good choices and others not so good. Why is that? Is it based on luck, randomness, or is something else going on? Absolutely, there is something else going on. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss the importance of aligning your choices with your authentic self. Making wise choices is one of the quickest ways to realize your wholeness and oneness with life.

 Living Above Fight or Flight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

The world we live in has the potential for immense stress. We may have gotten so used to the stress in our lives that we are not aware of the toll it is taking on us. Fortunately through the conscious control of our thoughts and our power of discernment, we can choose the world we want to live in. Even though initially we may feel at the effect of the stress in our lives, we have the power to regulate how much stress we are willing to take on. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss how to reduce stress while increasing the quality of life.

 I Know My Values. I Know My Limiting Beliefs. Now What Do I Do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

This week's show is a continuation of our program on April 4, 2013, titled "Trusting Yourself, Trusting Life." Through awareness, we gain clarity on our values, our true self, and on our limiting beliefs, our false self. Yet once we have this information, what do we do with it? Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and her guest as they discuss what's next once you know the truth of who you are.

 What Happens if I ... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:00

We often live in fear of the consequences of our choices, but what if there were another way to see into the situation? What if we knew that we live in a fail safe Universe. On today's show we are joined by author Betsy Otter Thompson. She will be discussing her book The WHAT HAPPENS IF I ... Book: How to Make Action/Reaction Work for You Instead of Against You. She will be sharing her wisdom and unique way of looking into life. Join Janice Campbell, LUT, and Betsy Thompson as they explore topics such as perfectionism, money, health, relationships, struggle, and more in a new light. To learn more about Betsy and her books, go to


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